Standard Horizon Wiring Garmin 700 Series Manuel utilisateur
WS Garmin 700 Series to MATRIX GX2100 Wire Color Wire Function Matrix AIS о Red Power (10-32 Vdc) Red =a Y ry or < 5) E breaker panel 77 Black (power and NMEA 0183) e Black Blue NMEA 0183 port 1 Tx (out) Blue STOW VILA | 5, LON | at (in) Gray Grey NMEA 0183 port 2 Tx (out) Green E à | y Ea Violet NMEA 0183 port 2 Rx (in) Brown (AIS HS) Green CANet L (if applicable) White CANet H (if applicable) Orange Accessory on Yellow Alarm low To transducer (if applicable) == E] Note: The MATRIX AIS outputs AIS data at 38400. For the Garmin to display AIS target, the baud rate for Port 2 must be changed to NMEA High Speed. STANDARD HORIZON 10900 Walker Street, Cypress CA 90630 (800)767-2450 ">

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