Alpine SWR-12D2 Manuel du propriétaire
E SWR-12D2 с Е E E SWR-12D4 E mE < 60| о со =D S J o = 2275 mm [10-13/16"] 252 mm 162 mm $295 mm [11-5/8"] [1] [6-3/8] © ee = NS T = à SWR-10D2 5 Е © — E SWR-10D4 - E E , 215 N E S | $, ° 24.7 mm 149 mm 2247 mm [9-3/4"] [1°] [5-7/8"] //////I PINE. ALPINE ELECTRONICS MARKETING, INC. 1-7 Yukigaya-otsukamachi, Ota-ku, Tokyo 145-0067, Japan Tel: (03) 5499-4531 ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF AMERICA, INC. 19145 Gramercy Place, Torrance, California 90501, U.S.A. Tel: 1-800-ALPINE-1 (1-800-257-4631) ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF CANADA, INC. 777 Supertest Road, Toronto, Ontario M3J 2M9, Canada Tel: (416) 736-6211 ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. 161-165 Princes Highway, Hallam Victoria 3803, Australia Tel: (03) 8787-1200 ALPINE ELECTRONICS DE ESPANA, S.A. Portal de Gamarra 36, Pabellón 32 01013 Vitoria (Álava). APDO. 133, Spain Tel: (945) 283-588 ALPINE ELECTRONICS GmbH Wilhelm-Wagenfele-StraBe 1-3 80807 Múnchen, Germany Tel: (089) 324-2640 ALPINE ELECTRONICS (Benelux) GmbH Leuvensesteenweg 510-B6 1930 Zaventem, Belgium Tel: 02-7251315 ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF U.K., LTD. Alpine House Earlplace Business Park, Fletchamstead Highway, Coventry CV4, 9TW United Kingdom Tel: (2476) 719-500 ALPINE ELECTRONICS FRANCE S.A.R.L. 98,Rue de la Belle Etoile, Z.!. Paris Nord, B.P. 50016, 95945, Roissy Charles de Gaulle Cédex, France Tel: (01) 4863-8989 ALPINE ITALIA S.p.A. Viale C. Colombo 8, 20090 Trezzano Sul Naviglio (MI), Italy Tel: (02) 484-781 Printed in CHINA ИУ. TYPE-R SUBWOOFER HAUT-PARLEUR D'EXTREMES GRAVES TYPE-R APPLICATION GUIDE GUIDE D' APPLICATION SWR-12D4 12 Inch Dual Voice Coil Subwoofer (4)+(4%Q) Haut-parleur d'extrémes graves à double bobine 12 po (40)+(40) SWR-12D2 12 Inch Dual Voice Coil Subwoofer (20)+(20) Haut-parleur d'extrémes graves à double bobine 12 po (20)+(20) SWR-10D4 10 Inch Dual Voice Coil Subwoofer (4Q)+(4Q) Haut-parleur d'extrémes graves à double bobine 10 po (40)+(40) SWR-10D2 10 Inch Dual Voice Coil Subwoofer (20)+(2) Haut-parleur d'extrêmes graves à double bobine 10 po (20)+(20) Type-R APPLICATION SWR-10D2 SWR-10D4 SWR-12D2 SWR-12D4 UO 1 1 M.PINE Tn | 49 + 40 | Ggneral Specifications 20+20 40+40 20+20 40+40 , /4 Example 1 One Amplifier + One Subwoofer Sealed Taille 10" 12" JUMPER / CAVALIER JUMPER / CAVALIER Frequency Response | Response en Fréquence 26Hz-200Hz 24Hz-200Hz © © 20 80 ® ® Power Range Plage de Puissance 300W-1000W RMS (efficace) = ALPINE = AAPNE Power Handling Puisance Admissible 1000W RMS (efficace) / 3000W PEAK (de crête) , 940 Voice Coil Diameter | Diamètre de la bobine 65.5 mm (2.6") 940 * Thiel-Small Parameters a A Sensitivity Sensibilité (1W/1m) (1W/1m) SPL 82 dB 82.1 dB 84.7 dB 84.9 dB = DC Resistance Résistance CC Re 1.950+1.95Q 3.80+3.8Q 1.950+1.95Q 3.80+3.8Q Example 5 one Amplifier + Two Subwoofers JUMPER / CAVALIER JUMPER / CAVALIER Inductance Inductance Le 1.89 mH 3.04 mH 2.23 mH 3.33 mH Free Air Resonance Resonance a fair Fs 31 Hz 32 Hz 27 Hz 28 Hz 4 9© Of | Equivalent Stiffness | Raiduer équivalente | Vas 18 L 46 L Е ЛИАЧРЕ Mechanical Q Q Méchanique Qms 7.84 7.05 7.1 6.04 / Electrical Q Q Electrique Qes 0.54 0.59 0.47 0.52 /@ Example 7 one Amplifier + Three Subwoofers JUMPER / CAVALIER JUMPER / CAVALIER JUMPER / CAVALIER Total Q Q Total Qts 0.51 0.55 0.44 0.48 Cone Area Surface du Sd 2 2 2.60 diaphragme 333cm 479 cm . . Displacement Xmax | Linear Excursion Linéare (1-way) 20 mm E MENE Mechanical Travel Déplacement Xmech 70 mm 72 mm ` Mécanique (P-P) Note: Specifications subject to change without notice DIAGRANIS SWR-10D4 / SWR-12D4 SWR-10D2 / SWS-12D2 [29 + 20 | Na > 4 Example £2 One Amplifier + One Subwoofer JUMPER / CAVALIER JUMPER / CAVALIER © 40 5 ® = = 2PAPINIE Caution ! Consult amplifier owner's manual for 12 connection. Attention: lire le manuel de l'amplificateur pour la connexion à 10 . Example 2 Two Amplifiers + One Subwoofer 020 ©2090“ SWR-1xDx 40 40 El Example 6 One Amplifier and Two Subwoofers JUMPER / CAVALIER JUMPER / CAVALIER ® | FREE MENE / Nt Example 8 One Amplifier + Four Subwoofers JUMPER JUMPER JUMPER JUMPER CAVALIER CAVALIER CAVALIER CAVALIER RING WORKSHEET POUR TYPE-R N | nN = SWR-10D2/D4 SWR-12D2/D4 Sealed Box Range | Net Internal Volume 0.4-0.85 #3 0.55-1.0 #3 External Box Dimensions 12"x12"x10.5" 14"x14"x11" Recommened Gross Internal Volume 0.58 ft: 0.85 #3 Sealed Bo x Net Internal Volume 0.50 ft3 0.75 ft3 D2: 46 Hz, 0.74 D2: 45 Hz, 0.75 РЗ, Qte D4: 44 Hz, 0.79 D4: 45 Hz, 0.81 Net Internal Volume 0.75-1.3 #3 1.0-1.5 #8 Vented Box Range ; Tuning 35-39 Hz 32-37 Hz External Box Dimensions 23" х 12" х 11.5" 23" х 12.5" х 14" Gross Internal Volume 1.3 #3 1.71 ft3 Aire de I'évent (dimensions) 10 in2(10"x1") 12.5 in2(12.5"x1") Recommened Vented Box Gross Internal Volume 20" 19" Vent Displacement 0.2 #3 0.23 #3 Net Internal Volume (Vb) 1.0 ft: 1.38 #3 F3, ripple, Fb D2: 29Hz, 6.1dB, 36Hz | D2: 29Hz, 4.6dB, 35Hz ’ ’ D4: 28Hz, 5.8dB, 36Hz D4: 29Hz, 4.4dB, 35Hz Notes: 1) Recommended enclosure net Internal volume is based upon 3/4” (19mm) MDF enclosure construction. 2) Consult the table below for altemative enclosure net internal volume calculation. Front Mount Displacement® (magnet in) -0.08 ft’ -0.10 ft’ Reverse Mount Added Volume* (magnet out) +0.05 ft? +0.09 ft’ *Based upon 3/4" (19mm) baffle thickness, with opening cut approximately to gasket inner diameter Gamme Box Sealed Net volume interne SWR-10D2/D4 0.4-0.85 pi SWR-12D2/D4 0.55-1.0 pi? Dimensions de la boite extérieures 12 po x 12 po x 10.5 po 14 po x 14 po x 11 po recommened Volume intérieur brut 0.58 pi* 0.85 pis Boite Scellé Volume intérieur Net *** 0.50 pi? 0.75 pi? F3 Qt D2: 46 Hz, 0.74 D2: 45 Hz, 0.75 ie D4: 44 Hz, 0.79 D4: 45 Hz, 0.81 Gamme charge Volume net interne 0.75-1.3 pi? 1.0-1.5 pi3 bass-reflex mise au point 35-39Hz 32-37Hz Dimensions extérieures 23 po x 12 po x 11.5 po 23 po x 12.5 po x 14 po Volume intérieur brut 1.3 pi? 1.71 pi Aire de l’évent (dimensions) 10 in? (10 po x 1 po) 12.5 in? (12.5 po x 1 po) recommened Le charge bass-reflex Longueur de l’évent 20 po 19 po déplacement de l’évent 0.2 р 0.23 pid Volume intérieur Net (Vb)*** 1.0 pid 1.38 pi® F3, crête, Fo D2: 29Hz, 6.1dB, 36Hz D4: 28Hz, 5.8dB, 36Hz D2: 29Hz, 4.6dB, 35Hz D4: 29Hz, 4.4dB, 35Hz Notes: 1) Recommandé enceinte volume net inteme est basée sur 3/4 "(19mm) de construction boitier en MDF. 2) Consulter le tableau ci-dessous pour le calcul de filet d'enclos altemative volume interne. Avant le déplacement du Mont * (aimant) -0.08 ft’ -0.10 ff’ Inverser Volume mont Ajouté * (des aimants) +0.05 ff’ +0.09 ff’ * Sur la base de l'épaisseur du déflecteur 3/4" (19mm), avec une ouverture coupée à peu près à joint diamètre intérieur ~ High Amplitude Multi-Roll Reinforced Parabolic Cone Structure with Santoprene® Surround Poly-Mica Dust Cap 8 Pulp-Kevlar Cone Body Concealed Patent Pendi (Patent Pending) Mount Gasket (Integrated Grille System Ready, US Pat #7,760,900) Reinforced Cone Neck & Spider Joint Progressive Conex” Spider with Reinforced Layer Tinsel Leads (US Pat 6,810,988) Airflow Management & Heat Transfer System (US Pat #7,684,585; #6,678,387) Integrated AWG Push Terminals with VC Configuration Jumpers Compound Radius Curve Extended Pole Geometry (US Pat #6,639,993) High-Excursion Overhung Voice Coil Configuration Cast Aluminum Frame with Integral Shorting Sleeve & Radial Vented Heat Sink I (US Pat #7,634,101; #7,272,238; Airflow Optimized other patents pending) Dual Flare Pole Vent High-Grade Strontium Ferrite Segmented Magnet Assembly 65mm Voice Coil with High-Temp 4-Layer DVC Winding on Spiral Cut O Black Anodized Aluminum Former J ">

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