Kenwood Speaker KFC6965S Manuel utilisateur
Connections Raccordements II II ----- - TEMPLATE PLANTILLA / 0 19048 20514 / 8 / GABARIT Conexiones '- Liga<;6es GABARITO " "' / / / Installation / FLUSH MOUNT SPEAKER HAUT -PAR LEUR ENCASTRABLE / / / I / ~ KFC-69655 '- '" / (- ~) I I lnstala<;ao / " () \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Como utilizar o gabarito \ \ \ I I I I Cut out the holes Mark holes I Reperer les trous Decou per les trous Marque los orificios Taladre ofificios CAR AUDIO COMPONENTS \ \ ELEMENTS Hi-Fi POUR VOITURE I \ COMPONENTES DE AUDIO PARA AUTOMQVILES \ COMPONENTE DE AUDIO DO AUTOMOVEL I I I I Riscado Cinza/Preto . \ \ Forma de utilizar Ia plantilla I Gris/Raya negra Riscado Branco/Preto \ I I GrisiTrait noir Blanco/Raya negra \ \ Utilisation du gabarit I Blanc/Trait noir \ \ ~ I Dire ita \ " I I Derecho Esquerda \ How to use the template INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PROCEDURES D'INSTALLATION Izquierdo '- lnstalaci6n / Right Droite " '- Installation / I 4-05mm '- Left Gauche I I I I \ I I \ \ \ \ I I I I Parts included I Dimensions I I Dimensions I Example de montage Partes incluidas Pe<;as inclusas I I Exemplo de montagem I Dimens6es Pieces comprises Ejemplo de montaje I Dimensiones Example of mounting I I \ I I I \ I • . . . . . . x2 I I I \ ~ ........ x8 \ I \ ~04x30 mm ...... x8 ~(1 ft) ....... x2 I \ \ • Do not use the provided speaker cords for other purposes (such as a power cord). Otherwise malfunction or fire hazard could result. • Ne pas utiliser les cordons de liaison aux enceintes pour une destination autre que celle prevue (par exemple, pour alimenter un appareil). Faute de quoi, un defaut de fonctionnement ou un incendie pourraient en resulter. • No uti lice los cables de altavoces suministrados para otros prop6sitos (tales como los de un cable de alimentaci6n). Si no, podrfan producirse averfas o peligros de incendio. • Nao utilize os fios fornecidos para altifalantes para outros prop6sitos (p.ex. como cabo de alimentac;ao). Caso contrario, podera resultar em mau funcionamento ou risco de incendio. \ \ '") \__., \ " "" " I " I I " I / '" " '- I / / / / " '- I / / / " '- / / / " Unit:mm(inch) Unite:mm(pouces) (~) I \ \ 268(1 0-9/16) 222(8-3/4} I \ / -- - - - - " / / / / " JVC KENWOOD Corporation Yokohama 221-o022 Japan Designed and Engineered in Japan I Design et Conception au Japon Made in China I Fabrique en Chine VOLUME.O.Ol 47m 3 I 0.52 ft 3 WEIGHT I POIDS 2.30 kg I 5.07 lb KENWOOD 1 pair IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Lh CAUTION To avoid the risk of human ~njury or prop~rty damage, be sure to _ · _ read and observe 1 the followtng safety cauttons. Have a specialist install and connect the speaker. - Incorrect installation may lead to vehicle accident or malfunction. Avoid unstable installation. - Make sure that the speaker will not rattle or displace. Otherwise, a displaced speaker may cause injury. Do not modify the speaker. - Otherwise, smoke or fire may result. Do not touch the speaker. - The speaker becomes hot after extended operation. Touching it in such a condition may cause burns. Control listening volume at an optimum level. - If the sound outside the vehicle is inaudible, a traffic accident may result. In case of abnormality, stop the use and disconnect the speaker. If operation is continued, smoke or fire may result. Disconnect the speaker and ask servicing. I Andorra Usuario Eslimado Kenwood p10ductos los de Iceland Malta K1eri notand i Kenwood t<P.k)a Chaziz Klitent tai-Prodolti Kenwood, Til hamingju meO n·yja Kenwood t<ekiO piu. El einhverjir lramleiOslugaltar koma I ljOs Ylb Gracias por haOCr olcgido cstc Produc to Kenwood Yen;uleganotKunYinsamlegast hafllusamband YiO umbOOsmann Kenwood a is1nnd1. S• re:lulla defectuoso ba;o coodiciC•ocs normales cle fuflcionamiento. le rogarnos qu.., contacte con su distr.•buidor autorizado mas abajo indicado. para informaciOn acerca de la garaotia Heimili5tlle ki Sudurlandsbraut 26.Box5200,128Reykjavik Tei.354-56S·1500 AbyrgOOrtimi er citt ar fr<i kaupdcgi aO tolja Kaupandi skal flytja ta.kll 111og irA verkst<e6i a eigin kostnab Ab M ru leili skal vibgerb a framk!ibslug611um l ara lram kaupanda ab kostnaOarlausu Nanari uppl"ysingar um Abyrgbarskilma!a veitir umboOsmaOur. JVCKENWOOD IBERICA. S.A. Cenete.,.. cle Rubi, 88 008174 SantCu!J<i~tdet V.IIH.Barcelona Tet.+34-93-507·S2S2 ATENCI6N Kenwood Warranty Card Jekk q :;tt jinqalalu xi difen waqt 1-ozu normali jekk ioghogbok ghamel kuntatt mndAwtorizzat Ia' paijizek li qioghad imnizzel !"din il-lista ghall-iolormazzioni, dwar garan711a ~~~r!'I> H~~K&"II{-.:C,:~iHOCo ~:/ Seril!rnlLrllllei UbeiPr~cniJ Wrifier $o :e fli~O de sbi! ;,st in5tNIJ C?ntrohe il lll.r1l'.'I'O ~:itt\IJ CCill~~ si~ ni!mero dl.l~ec&a:::on~'l':es.:rillll C~Wi::ar·seQI.Il'o'l(n)rod8S1!rie'!S'Ii~"ox:rito cl!frt:aJ'Jerlle / Wr<t•r(llt ~ O~oaj>l.(IJ Coolllr:« hft SffH!ntmrrtr. oldezeoorresp"JIIdeef: ll'elhfltlle"S~./ Tjekum se~ie fllfllli(!JCJnolere:JiaoldslilellJ :j:~i~;.:c~~~~AJ~~~~=~~:!i~:~~-i ~rMJ~~-~~=~: ~:~~1lr~ifa Triql-;okkw;odott, Birkirb ra Tel.2144172tl ATTENZJONI 11-~arta tal-~ranzija llimkien mal-il(eYU!aliskali hl.IITia nec:essarji biel tixtrita<:calagdidaghas·settiegllek f kas ta' serqiewhsara. Esta lar,eta y unrecibo (o factura)sonne~ios para ATHYGLI aOQUimunacaratura nuel'a encaso deroboo d3no Thelta obyrl)darkort ogrcikllilliJUi e!U ti<IL'dsylileQ til ad kaupnyjan front ef honumer r.~oli!l eda tlann skelmlist. d! la misna Aara noKymu-11 Date d'achtaV Kautdatum/ Date d'achtat! K0bsdato/ Fecha de compra/ Ostopaiva/ H1..1E.POI..lf1v'Ml ayopaQ Data di acquisto/ Kj0pt dato/ Data de compral lnkOpsdatum/ Aankoopdatum/ SOiudagur/ ld-data Ia ' meta nxtara/ Purchase date Norge Schwe1z Svizzerra Kjrerekunlle. Sehr geehrter Bcootzcr von KENWOOD Produkren Gentile cliente, Ia ringraliamo per aver acquistato quasto prodotto KENWOOD Herzllchcn Dank. dass Sie sich f0r d1eses Kenwood-Produkt entschieden haben Se. in normali cond izionl d i funzionamento. questa dovesse risult8fe dilenoso. lapfeflhiarno di cootattare il l"oOS\ro distributore uUic_,ale al seguente indiri7.W Tal<k for at Do valgte pwaiJ<tet dena Kenwood- HYis det oppst! r feil under normal bruk. N-1483Skytta norrnalc11 untcr Defel(t oin Falls Betriebsbedingungoo eintrilten sotlte, wenden Sie sich bittc an thre offiZielle KenwOOd· Vortrctunf.l Eir.e Lisle al!er Kenwood-Fachhiinlll"'' sowie aile informationen zur GarantiefindenSie umer Tal.67-060757 KENWOOD ElECTliONICS DEUTSCHlAND GMBH V1;!n'11iyst ta kor1takt meaen avdc autor•scrtc fomandlerne som er oppfert nedenlor vedr0reflde reklamasjontgaranti 08\en's Eiektronikk Servlc. a/ s 81"1.1nllllveien4 OBSt 61118Blld Vilbel Dettekorl ag kvitteringer1"10dvendig lor ~k~penyttll'lfl!l Te!. 0848·50·5010 ~edeo.mtuell sbOB elleriJ'WI"i 61118 BadVilbel umim fallcdc:s Verlustesein nevesBedientetl lU ca;o d• furtoodanno Dear Customer, Baste Kem<ood kund 1 os-..aa ttm'l1 Ken~t«in tuo:twl (.~l~pana ai v.lilldat.W ilma!Stlo:Si tanan tuot~takJI.i<ortin ~'laier. 'llJ~Ii. Jols h.JQie oo osiCfb.J!OssalnfU:n j?.<.P.nm."l.!ssa jaSJill!r ce produit Jos n:io!ii l-erotaei ~)'SC,1.110irlln1trlaan •a1jcs tootena oo mi:en~ilan ootuajao~la. .lclstUOieo.10SieDu fU:n~lkl'flool~lta. l)ll lijytl)"k>irl~:taa sa Fbr Kenwood-produkter Ida i SYenne g.\iller Kof1sumentkOp RR91. OMEr Kenwood produk\ inte Jungerar korrekt eller ~r lelaktig, under normal! handM~tlndc . her yi Er kootakta l!telf6fsi:t.ljaren (ink6psstiioiG1). En CllS de panne so us cor1Uitiuns d"operations nor"Tlales. veuillez s.v p contac:er votre distriou:eur olfic iel mentionn6 ci-dessous II est il YOirediSf")OSitiorr pour toutos informauons da y aranhe KENWOOD ELECTRONICS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Konr,.d-Aden~u&r Allee 1-11 ASSIST WORKSHOP UNKOPING Roxviksg;ot;on9 58213 Link6plng 611t8B;odVitbet Tet.013·356252 O BS I Oetta kort oCl1 ink(ipsk~itto ~~ r OO.-i!ndiQI an ha ~or a'l JVC KENWOOD Customer Information Center 3-12, Moriyacho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 221-0022, Japan - La carte d~ ;)Jrant~e et 1.1 preuvt d"achat (ou Ia !<tclure) sorrt nt£essalres ll"acllal d'une noo~~eile laC3(le ~chab.eenca.sded()INfiOI)eSOUtle "IOI JVCKENWOOD BELGIUM N .V. Belg1que et Grand-duche de Luxembourg COO" lJ"j li'loJtaJrd!."PHA:uits Kr:r~"!lr:rl (a) '.IJus..::~s relllffi:i:;ns d"a.-air clllisi ce ~OOult~llflWOO:I ("tc \'nrr,irlenl ilietadre~corrp~' fcl Le do·rwr"*A.Jst ac PriXt~~ ri!sultarra"unefll!t)l qelCC d"ilfl ilr.cirlP.rlt. .J~ nc..trtililllllllS. d l'/le ino;tillaliG~ 00 ISJn (~i LeoHti'icat d"~nal oJ IC~<JIJtre OOmnrtftlbli~ fa d1e l"rc:klif"J. Si OOui d .camOOcvliditiuiiS dLiilis.r.ion JK"AJrnlts. d"<»::qLiSOii<:JiiJ P•a~it a~rf ;d"un :l21lillanl lhiJI.dars a eJTtalla;;ed...'IWLWl. ri"tll.e .JHiSillcr iocorrecte oode de"..a t s"3ver~ de~ il sm.itrepar~ ::oJ rerro~ ~r.r.u=rernent t:Jillort*rert.u co•l!liliO<lS:lc la presente CarteoeGal~rll.e. Si I"Liilis.rioo 00 pil:ce500 !eti"MWJ~ ir.~.prc.priees: (~) CE£ l.irlf:nlitf"' .adress.e coo>W:te oo r.e OOJai,'.Jlt (d) L!lnJm&o::lesCiiee! lerom du iTtl"li':l~ d;~Pit-dilit e "rCW~a er~act.ete dans un q~.e·co1M Etat Mn1Jt~ i: Ia CEE fl si ur pr~~s se p~!isent~. iiJVS vo.o p·i~ 6e bien ..Jillrlr le t~~esemer illlpr~ ~·un m'4Jn1ilteu~ K~I'WO:ld olfi:iej. d1111 O<SI;ibut;,u Agr&t.aiJnCI'rte J<tt·niQ•.Je A~r~. oo d"un ~aii<M"tde proO.nls Xenwoo<iela:l'i d.ll1sle CHen~ roi9nart le oert l(.ar c·~.atOI:IGU'.e awell(euwaDPrOClfiei)OCla tla~de sooacttutSitiOilSi ell!iliX\USGa:lSUIPillrJOel'l!flte situeho;soe la CEE.IIee<~a ~e id) Si~ inlornat o~s 11e peMnt !Ire toornie-s o~ $i le Produ~ a !!!~ n«Jilil' uudll~e de qoolqtoe m.·mi~le ~oo ce Sl.'il j,-pJr.; ~ ~ l!acxtuis•tiCn. Kenwooo se r!sel>'e 1e (Ito~ d8 reluse;.:lte rtpa-er le Produit aJlconOiliOOstlel<l ~~n:6 Garillll~ 11. t ~ l'r00.1it ~ e~e consi'u~ oe ma~~·e ase ilia etex,gencesoest!cutltenaliOJlaleserlccaiesJpplica:llesd.lfls !e Te.. 0297·519900 -.teflwoodeurop~t. corn sa:1y1 tJTr<l tuotetai;w wrtti, ~~~;a tln'W musrapaubiss.a s~~ kolvM vaa:i A. Mi~l.iin ta111.'in luolellllUill ::eruslee'la lffit~·ihi~ k()fY;JIJS\'ailt~iliin C T3m.l tJD'Etlkw e1k.ali! seJ.raa~ia ta.; (a) tuol\x,ICSIJOI"i:t.ituja rrt11<1nost~~~ ei:1~ tavaoorl!<r~la yllo'!piloa ib) (c) Tak:r.rlftrtoso.~lgatdellel'.eri.,.JOO.!·p"IJdJ);I I"p'OdJ~~·). Hvis 0C. opstar llf; dtlf\l~"e:l Ollll!lal ,J"M!Il/.kllioe. ·~ • f(r>.CII~'i!l h ·~ l~fllfa' (d) l'ff.-dl*lfts S'11"i!nllfr~B" :;.g mJdel~avn ~is l(il ;r,bbet~rlunaetsled. HviskoOet~dtsteouden tor B Pm00bel81 ~tlrihret. sl ~:rll!lleki)lffil!'l alle natir:lnlle OO r~tMl:1digeloo"il!prllOIJ~te!kanan\180desandteste-df!r. eo- i<!<P. lor-eho';edl!l. tal"lds:l!rge~ tere'emeruer, I;IE ,OPiaoet'ge ci!!kkel al ceo:Je~,II. Oilvi vet oser.'WenanMrfot I!!J:.11alil.r~e~.llern~II~•J!·e~!I!:J!l i :lt!n'l! lorbindelst ~ritll!fl Hvisjl'O:IoJUel l!.ll~ietw·ap;EISk laOO. hvor dete· OK·2600, Gtostrup Tei. 4Jt 68090 (jil:lli:endeidetli!;Olsaii!Oi te ·ste~19faXI Sier.J.>J •i ldlc irrlltlrlelld!il lv.-d.h\'Or !e:-ararioos!•l!estil t1d•Jt1Cd~,~~:dt.'l prodr.. t;m.ssul lemarc~parl"i~eur clliciel du ooysons OCQ~lSie i~OOIIiiCIP.IIlarlt€'1!~ atKenwood-:NocfoJttEr. ~iJ111ir-~ dDl<Jrrsa'ICI I1"IillcrialerSO'Il gillaotienor;tdc~igeleservedele ikkeertilr~hljiiMirl<n~ dEn illbejdsrtlii.'SS,geuclerelse u:1eft:)1"lmtnirl)f,l fOi kur'den. tanrl etlef garilllti-sem::ec~ •kkel:angr·lilSICCilelaodalanden '/l tort/~r osret tilat~prOOilk\et, hlis~ette ern:e•e lovlaarsao.~li:illu·rhshlltl}elllelolbtJn<.lflmedt~lsen (a) Lesalti ra11olSCUPro-l.lit. lc-s ar.laptotiorlS fl L'fj refi":ffs oommx.vWIKfS les cJntr~leS pl<n:.diQU<5 :elsqljll Jll"l1tion.10is dans le ManJ~\ joint l L. Pmd~t: (b) Lt. dOI!VTJ.lge~rseacProd!. l t€sult3flldP. •i\pil"<!f"ans CooditJilns ;.._ To.t:eri!d.Yrnlio~ lolllli.IOOt.'ii i'IJflude laGaroYlliedoii r'lre niicessaites 'l l';.:ilat 1'1JrerotJ\-ehetar,;aOO~ta:hable oocas dedl)fllmaqes ou de 1·~1 0i<OI100'iskefldetlrt'"..1f0JOII EI'TICI.SIH•fll.'\•·n h:·J•e· SI.Jru ;w ; 1ii<Jd . "Iii IJii..: rf:.are-el~ e; u-:l'lkrftl.'l udtn bEreJnlfg. O~se r~nig1!:1Er g1iter ilk~~ WJQefl r00:11!ifl.1i~tlerp;lilfll:e0rr.kep;\·•irk'li" Plllig'l'ilrne ·Nbrlll}e'en~ priXt\lktel u~r ~eg<tlder.delovlx:sl~rnrriCiser. OPMJERKSOMHED Oeltekonag~ittering(fak!ura) e! ned>.enoig hvisderskal lwbestosdeteellef 'ledlyveri allWOCIIKet ti C(jtfa lallOCt. hvo!tlci:JDrindElli~~~~rdt$1<d. C. De1ret;t.l·am~!tl~ke -:a) -Eodlingiil al ~(OOJ~:<!: ~ rlCinL.l 1"t!dli~d!tseo;; Bc\1~sef lb} A Enhve; ff>'drin~ ur.delcemeg.u..m sk.ll l!'dS.Jl~' a' cetle<lgtigcr<)J01.-:-cr>er J:ferta'enh·mf.lO:Isonelle. ~IM!rt lil@. derikt:eerat*lrisere!al p:orLccntentil at.Jtfire (1il11111!UCf.ilf.'llin"Jer p.~ dr!nro>:S 1"1:!9re (c) BesbfJ!lelselipriXtu\.tetcAgrundotlor; ut.!':d. psl<flr;;t. m~IIISi>~: xriodiskcctlcroyn llaivnti w. edrir~'. ilclll!lgcrriCdpm!(o.r~~· ~illantiocnsamt · Korlile1'stuloenavnooadresse. (a) n"e!an! PIJShabitilllepar Ker.woodaere::ut~de:ire,..illioos (b) Kl'i!leri[!Qe<1ellerela"ldl:t llokumemrleran1J•ver. kMiet liar fundet!liid lraenet)!llerel tlelaill•mdl~r r EU101Ja llest.<f1ir;els>. li" jlJaJIIt.ter.derskydes Jt·~rillK!C~:~ rt cr moolit.ol:.:lnllf ull!u:JeHuld ir.slallatiOJlel:er indp.llwing I!IISbrulS<tl'tbruglllorkc1e leservedele e!.d< Deutschland JVCKENWOOD BELGIUM N .V. Belg1e & Groothertogdom Luxemburg 01<11~11\ l)ll(:fstcll""gen<W<ijnreo.eringJil tei'Ol!rel l'<ir ~1ker"llhrer lurd!!1Kalt.dleSes~erro¥{100-Pii.JdCkts $olliedie:se'J PriXtl.ill Ur.Jer ~l)l"fi<I.ICII &.J.·~.tll;c(:;n~JI"I,)C1 tc) Del •oll~alv.tige'b"ne ll"l!: die A1schtitt <1<'s fllw.I"1.1MI?.r~ bei tternda:.P•:xf.l<.\ge>J.tll "'lt-:19 (d) Die Seue~nllllll1el .1M di~ llooeli~!lllrCh11.n~ (!es l'1~.t.ts Materlal· od!IVnbelln(ISm.lli!lfl alllf'.iSen."l.t '.1en ·.virdifst in Keillro:llldbehiiKSIChdasl\6;h; I'IK Garanli~b;s·.JflilEn Wlul~nen. itl'l"""eiCli$ zou (cJ [te voll~~'.l~ r.aamen h:=l ad1f':S vanr.~ delaihandelzar b11 1rie tet~!odukt M!rdaangelocht. g re bep~liog~¥31de.!e G:aJanti€~.aarl. lndicrl llCI Dt"~taar.;tekoc11 en U Oij !let IJ"hr~il< el"la~ prob!e:'ren ondervoc:t. l)eli~~ lll!t lia~aanteb;eden bl)een olti(;IC!e);e~·,yood Erkerl;l"fflde:er. [r~~~ serva Cffi!ei ot dflal\tur,IJelaar .-oorlltl.I'OO::f )lod,•k\etlln"t;ootb.-,r:> ole1~211der:;OCllmerl rtat oe 11111"ll"l:lna..lnk:JOpvanlletf'ro:tl~l bf"'1js.ltndie-m~ f'r00uklwtr0aanoJ<'.oc1\tuilendE £EG~ O<-.,iil•OO. bchOild!KenwoooCo:poratlcnzichtll!lrllChl\'90r l!: ..~igffflfli"lt'llot!sll!l!el"<!rstellflfiOJ'IIeldevoof"«3.l"nenv.nrte7t ona1ng~~~ ~~~~~~~ie. ll'otrmachr. ORM-.geroste Fal:s Sle 00:5 Prorltir.,eu-.e;r•EG-tA~~ ~~.--dsslaat cr~uben ha!Jen ki\!IJI!iiiSredasPrllll.tdlmScnadenstalldC'JllotiziellenKenworxt Tei. J2f02)757·9060 ~11Jtli"ICUI. ~irlem aulllrisiert.."fl F.JdtJ.Jndler udffl eiue1aJ!Oiisielten S<lriio!-Wert.stattinde;£tizu~IDe1mildem Lit1trscl1ein.d€1 frlllr~li<k M:x!itik.atioren l\lm Betrieb desGer:tles in Uindem flecM~1;cdl>reinemafltler~·lliir1roYCi:; :.b K.luldalums lrbelgeben auRel"llatb:lesllestirri!"IJO"'qslandeslallen mctrumer rlie S.i ~irJema~Jfllifhatbder EG!)I'Xllflerlf'rooul.1ws1deo S•e si: hJitte vorgeramter.Gararii.Jre;IITrnu"ll£:fiAtJBerdEmct:ernE~rren audio-...2ssetres. ·;~~setcs..Cilll".pactdiXS. :Jiet<aro~~ an ~l'l11inrolliindk:r.blliO!<nSie:1asGir!il II'IJJII II<I'.:.~n 1rir ki!in~rll!i Hal!uro tO< Atbeilffi indlesern Zusammemang Jde· Ei<lSdiOOs,Tci'Y"I"l{),:.ei. Titd.eil::<ill~lilll>. lll1~al.llarlbi!re We1nd,-;P!OOIWi iMffllab d, ·M.JrdeLrlC Sie ctll lii"Sesi:llil:liglf!Qcr.dcsPrOO~tes.dlldlllchSO!che,\i tleilr!O Akl:lrs.l.&slurgs·lfldr~ren ll.; ... z:1;1•:x1r ile! yot1uik ~-p ee;1 ,11dere P'•lls ..,, ,IP., nie· ondo:r aere ¥OOI"NCIP:Jatqicl t.:tPror!utr ~• ls.eodi:::»Jeochld€ o::.-m•; Aru;:h!i~ tl'Silkbstef au1i.ll'li lllalF(II.;·,I\10:11no! vii!:lell l~~len ent~. G!rillltie,oo~ tabrikant is nk!t wrscllblii>. oul.a ll~·~ ·illltl.:lldi~ sowerde1Ses.~ct tllle<Yi. fiCodza.<.l!l•1kzijllruar aanle•diN;l "llfliH!)elrjktaan:J.JSSinger.ct ..-er bruik:;IJ'..'I:!jr,!rtrr ~11)!--:le"dRie~ ..·a;nvan Wfvant;linlj nOOig IStor g~"tOI!;I:l van stljlage bii rv.~rfllllill gellfuik I"JOt ,;!lade .WI~~~ P100!rkt dill daa·uil VO:lllo'C~~- met i1beg"•p·•ar(rmal niet~tlot) •-er ..issel:l.Jre KENWOOD ElECTRONICS 0£UTSCHLAND GMBH ((l/l!ip~tlf!d ~9esleiii<OOtd€n isl. dann~:tlen Garaii:JUJbellen Qlao~r-ot~·~l~rr·t:rw.'fl.~:.1nlrnohx.tlmaleen 3ilfl(lli~lil!llllll Konr,.d-Adensu erAIJee 1-11, 61118Bad V ilbel Tet. 0610 1·4938500 ~t.lltli!m il'.JSQd11irlv.U'l'ldicKos:cn tUr Umriistur.gde:;Geril".i!!i (I) OPdEf'II'J!DCil isaanstondaa!denenvoorsct•it!endot:VI!Isdlillero:t ~<es-enoonall"e;oppe.1,ra~•s. battenjen.ot~laal:f~re baUe!i!€11ell ~indOOI~ li.Ji~il'l~ne~ilJIIoepassinQ in he1 1itldWI!ceDIH"S{lronkr:lti<J: tg)heiProduk! "l.aa!van-:Jcscricni.J!llfe"sgt'heeloj~le!iik lltlienl1etPrOO!iktgc!lruk!M)Jm in ee;~ flrllflei'SLrn:l"113.1rhe\ weroen JZi!Jilo'~il~t f'fOOU<.t aan oe tce--...asselijl(~ rv.llrnof1 er \ocrschrillefl. l:l:ll!ll tel "rr.dlll<l von een versdlil end h"fl!" is~~n rlf'_>enir. :klr:fde wjlt rJet PrUI!ukl •-erkl!l\f~ll t.ebben K.l!JfdclUmlii.Jtlledwiu~rnterl'dJ!be!f\ldE:S ~onwoc.d-H!'.ro:tlers OeQlr.antie•-tor tEtPr-xuk:isi)C diy ;,e:toi~"ICe~lj.latva-1!11 !'lfi~iell in·loerdi:I OOde ;nark: woldFy3t!rJdi1il het land -..-n­ Qnceroe ~iNbcl'l!fll'ffll'.flioo "IOOI~-aa"deoZalhe!PrOO~~ratis ·~r1r bella~er uns dasftccNvor. dasP~OOJ~; llf"N<~. tallseiJJ: tetpnxt ul.1 Ter re para;if ~1!Wd€~G'l!.Yit•!WOHI:aang:todcn. lillt::len ~r;\31-:l ot ·~ IVillliJ~II Dil rc;;tlt -..iitiatoJQ(JmOO~e-ewijlli de n.IH" lt!":h\o)lt di€ :fe IJ"brilik~l ~ l'et P11XtulrlkaO pll'te~ ui\ "llilt:;ma'tlict.ehs'.a~:lset.>lrll: nictimehr rOOi)ic'l is! JnOCfe:Jepass.:lij<c<erv.~rmen. l!fli!ISideze W. 1ielaan Rislken In Zusanrnl)llharg r1ild!· ?;1oo ~~~~:1s!171111CJ sifld nichlirderC.alillllielersnn,oolhallclloo:l werden inRochnung en de noo;g~ "~> "Iiiii "L2tli!·lllo1.)()(ha1cer'lijn. r:1 Ge'fP¥a!! CI'1 '!e'la"tdere ri!dltmali!1f rt~nr'el>r.diltlard~.a1 ¥."OW~n ;i\g!.""I'OC'd. dal1,:al degroruilel da;;ff!!tr,.~IOOloslen n~"lll~ted!agervan rJetver-M var. ~rtrcnde1aatJ dt!~IQffiliikererstelllf"l. Z Jnniet int:regrepe1 1n OC he! Prodi.OI.T~ane'li'I!Jrhetland •:aAof.eOCI!\jl!Orlketi;tt~. ~ar¥ltll!l'I1 ZUI\en aal'g<reKeod worden C Oe<eCalarlll!st!~t z ch ~il rtll (a) w•viOmi)CI'IaanhetPrllll.kt e'l tletgewoneoncler"X'udl!fl .unpassinoen. n:erint>egrooennet perio:JICknazienlll!t"'l -.wzitflisindeGeDiu~·iJZIIlOQCfCVI:Jd rr.l~ t.fti<J:.t.a·1s.Jraakll0 de1!0aranliemot:lvtrgezeld zlj0Vi10c:lt."t Garar:t•~ter~di\;-f.I:Jaa;entolen le V~:rne:.:ter ~<;fiWOCIO Qe'41n all' clesesGerilt eu~t Galit"'l i~ wJO P.inem Ja'lr ab DicstGarillltieeiSIIecklsichauf Mlttlial- unLIV~1Jbe'cf"JS-'M'!gel OPGEl ET eo aan~OOPMI~ zijn vereisl omeen nieuw Dele~~~~ alneembaarlronl pal"leel teDeStetlen. inhelgeval ~an dtelstal of llesdladiging ~~ter itJJ YerpubinQ IIIdlnstat!alionSO\'fiiJ'Irl!ii Koti'~n IJll') ill.l! natiOilal gOhigeNomll!nurd~t:tletMitsvorsenriten.-cm 8enu:n.>J~¥'fl~lden f'rCWir.lllgalerr;on:renhabi:n tnObe.'l."ins:imrrt.KJQ~il O!n•o~Q('fkl1nlffiGarant~be!lifll)!f19!11wi·~ flt.pi!lalul~ie:;e:;P·or.J.of;lcs & l"lllfilgbai S!lill.l'lu6 Iter lle"lllll!r a.e Koslenllir Hin· u. ROC~transp:lrt c~<s Ge:ares in hfl!ir:-lrlctlli~ inkeiner Welsesonstu)ei!P.r.hl~~llenut7ersim Ranldelgli"~!Jl'llret:h'lichen Eies!IDnun;)efl dz; KiiJibnd~JL G:e.thesgilt"Ne•1nimbi:treffeo:Jen l.andmar00ell betcctni~cn lnstandset"l.rn~()(:ef lws13.tsch bewirken k~irE '/r.rt.'lri{ierlmgcer Griir'den keirt::Gar.wlletmlt.Jfl~arg.abolen<~er:lenWrnen. Giu~nlt:ll."il C. Au;;gmo'lmlDVO~deo Ga.~anlicic"stullQI!'sill(f (a) Wdfller"(.ll')I!I.".YI11'fO:lokt. SO".Viemtl'l31oJ W.Y; ng>tJld JUSLJIJ\-~'bciteo. 11nsch iell'cll der in de BedienJnijSilllle•lU1Qet"Nl\ln~rtQI!<r~B Qe~ KootrC'IIt'Jn St.'"~ll amPlcxkl~t.diediJictmar.gelh!leool!< no:nl lili::Ogl!rtdlteAiber.enell:slanlle!i slnd. <~ema~~ Artreh!rrvonOri~IVI.ll~ei1DJIWienwJiden. dier;dJ: lt ZuGo!tendmathungvoo Garani~Sp!liCIIoOOSirld ZU~II:Iicl",ru! llf i)JrcllfiihrullO YOtiGaranti~leiSIUOI}I!fl im Nan"(>Odtr,s VorlaQedleserGalanliekane~ge.'llfel\ng:ltenertorderhch ru narre lli! votlsMdi~.lrodNIH -..u ·dl!(n). lliest C">.llanlie kann ~o~ at~ PerS<:'ll'l!!l'l llf'a1!~1t:ht werderl. d~ ~ dasPIOdul.tWs:elllos lnsta1dgf!Sl:tzt00erurnge'.&~sdltDieseslt8;lit Beding~'lQMI ta) tb) Al e PrOO~I!. bc :li:1'CJ> ai< Seriennurrrr~rfr) gamceer UrierscheldelSitllauller<.iemt:asProouktvoncen dt.llchdcu (bl ~0'$\~ t fg) oflilM.'IIen lmportrurverlfiebeften Proriu~te~ u"ld sotUenllir die Herstellerserm:idl4iOtsi'llf (c) ScNdef!OO«:h N.lttttass~gkert. Untalte. .i.'lderurlgCJ"I Or!!Kasstnbeler;llllt<d•~~ft•"J eirl!!; in ~inemfG·SJaal u~Mo~. man(ll.'lhalleVerP<J.iunJ. ~I(JI"OOJiaa~laanhelPI:XU\door Ollll"VJeo.lSie!o;s~gelEinn:lharJ:.IIffs.:ws!bdasws;:ri"Joqlk.he ofl'el,ee•duitgevoerd€oers:elliflo}ef'cloorctncrr.lteH Kao1d:Jiumhl!rYorge\1t fefllbeditnul19oderVorlf'.00LnQ\a"!.r:herfrsatzteilebeJener Reo<uat:ur. ProoukT ~bl [te;eGaramie·,.orrlt ~aan alleper:;ont:n a:eopre:;ttmotl~ ~illenKJnOe'M.Iierls:C'SaLJS.Zci<~Jsch£:11;;rd.Ntel3 T<.w1!0ne•·me•systeme. Nodetn. Antrirbs·iifrN lor.kt(ll~. !eit..-ei~ Mffem·. l'll'ilrNlelt oo~ unkS!lnllith ~~~Jat~{ Wi:'ddasProot*t lr- omtrlaMbefi·Jttt, fli dae diu;..:~ m:t,r cat de ;ell'uik~ ue ~cr:ten draaqt .-r;JCr rt~a.Y~Ja5Sing van he: (bl He::aar1<.oof)OOw;js j e~ onrJ!I cro.Hnent waar:JPGeclal~n Scl3der.illl lilUIS~te:"llilfidctCh -:J~II [ldl lC.J30 ht.i'lere1 Lels/lingenals denangegebl!ne1SI".Md!>"·an 5-.Jial\pl.mef'. lonb.ln:Jcrn. ton und 'f~:okasset:en.CO· K~schll 'l p!a~n u~a .lrlder~~ Geg:nst."!nden. d!e n;cht lk."'Stl'llfiCil~e:; PtOOuktssir:d (t) VertnudlS- Mer Versc1t~iR~ile. ~ie imHlhmen des •-anclmll"J(!Oilsi'MinJQill"l.eP sd".adeaanplatoo.~ noo:llakelijt\i>c-ml!f,· aa~s~aken ""~&eGa'illlt•eteiltxrQCkren U...•"t-llf'lli;lenaa11enadres Sic~ils~i~e'l vera1!wllrtendi!U~ fCJ !.r:had€ aar :cidJpre;t.'ls tenge-tO.gev<Y~netaar¥."(JI(Ien U ~illltlleleG<\I'IJidiybiJ :CI"()U~~~e~Zi! Ve·p~.lurq;· n$1al;a!"c· o' a~derc k)St€n ot ri$ieo"so~rechtsutolks Prcdul.:t zlleim8e:s\i'llrtllllt,ISii!lldlj[lnigen 'lormen u u1Vu•~iehc1-:Jc B!-UIIJI~. 1!~~10 ~R. AA5tllh:R 'Ill lasclle Nellsjlanrung ooc· scrs! go"tOr· ~.e~oi'OCd ntft.n. skoomsterkreom wel~.cmlcnookotcll;eandereoorzaak tel verl<.oo~ door de tabnl<ant in £uropa. dlllnd het 'llll!~~~~e~ \llJI flJfsl.l:~eSonder deltGarillltieond€rwape1zr.n aa1dc l'll'.)l"••ll<Udc dec&m"o'<lr d~oorS(lr::d:eliJ<.E ;mkaoJ biJ Eer de:a•lt:linrlelai!r wn KerrfiOOC pnxt~tm W 'JOI~ 1liu! loa: IC~<el opde rutig~ -..issel511xfoln ~~~ :1:! ~r~Jr1fl. ~~· r1e hfrstellin;;~t~ r..l.en,rabs Qebeu m. Wit r~r'-"'.<<)'< ;m. '~~ rec~t h-~ P1ooul<.t lli "ltl\lllfUC<"I ind1en he: rl!rS"elle1 er;a" n>e! econorl"s;;h ~!loYliiiO)Id is llffi"ldieYOI>If'Aarlllen trtcrru-in."lO';.~ lehle1ode1 moose~ E1st>rwerb "-"ilnoenngco ;rn PrOOukt \OOfgenourrJen wur~"el! B.ZIIfllle~.:HJOI,1 m AIIsliefe'lngan d€nH.lndel eriiiiH d.eses ttfJ ~ dLfd1Feter. Wasse•&lladen. BiiL'Schl~ & waarO\'ei Kr;llviJOdgeentorocleheeR; oc~pronk!lilk '..etkoc/lt heen. 0eaaJllas;if9en< J VCKENWOOO BELGIUM N.V. Leuven. .lteenweg 248J, 1800 Vitvoorde, Belgium (dJ Gl rMllle 61 hrtP·O'j"kt ~~Md lw~rordi~i1CVErfffi>lemmirJ"Jne1.JIIe lro:t·enlie: lilui1Maaro;x:•CY)ll wer•J in deF.~GerU:Ieto61tin<lle, yelil:w dlP toni.Y,lop;er~,., ne· oesertger. tzw das GerM urKausd1eA ~oslenloo Oll!le~allfnl;elin1J in m:l!r. bltseminsiag. ilafd!XVI~Q.·t\Of'l"d ,WlttdCI~~ijndeErl<m Verdeler i 1de :EG ·~~CJ~sllr \'C·n~men. Ubt!~lnslf"nn"ow~ 11:1 ~. !II:'rkrl!1'fid-lll Goir~lltoeile:;iiiJHU1~EI"· s.:llade ...;ro<maal<taJOheti'T~Jaoorbra"ld. n2.1 crn~ e of loka.e ~or~n en'ltili~ f:h"Gil/Sdlr.ft~, d~ ~Ml 1ClP.:J<I>-<;in.; 1ijn ;~ l);l) [ uropiOlS l~rld~ ae !llho"iQrl hfl IJ.oti!<l'gebcilff, ~lf~JoYlde ·~ rlo;:oe<bijwene:P·o:ti<J ver,eerdgOCruif: ot gc()r·Jik ~anoraangcpaste~sseiSIJ~ktul. (d) Hel'>"..rie.1(1fmereuderwtt•llll'tl:', nl!lt):-l<anbe\P·or1<Jirl Setlrg~llt~ Ku1lle, PrOOJklopffiiljellei wl)lesindsde rntumwande.lalloopoerc ln:liende..."'l! info~"!liltie m!\ l:a~'Mlfller,rr~e!l:~. ;Ji ir-dil.'fl hcl KENWOOD ELECTRONICS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH (c) ld"iade ".-et001"2aalit a.~n hetP!odiJJ.doorcna:htzaarMe<l o1;;e,a·. ~iil'Qill:~tll. ,.ebrel;lir)einstat atle ol ve!pakkn9 ~· :-e-rscon die n et doorde~ti~ wade~.end orn vdlt a.ankoc~ bij Wl :ktai!~tJ:jaa1 pe-..esi>Jd 111 Eui!JII<I ~1:Jn!lll. llll t.etgrati~ .,._..lf<l11lllJ~t~t :J of \"t1"/ J!lgtn rr.~1eft'.komst {a) lf.l"ll!l. a~:i'eleerud>"isl:el lleiVIi! slltrtit r.\o:lil)l1eclcr emi'>¥.So.¥1 1W ofl'J-.#.:Ip•cdJtml p;l iJ"•hg ~1; ai10ICC5af trul)£'f~n Paknitllll· OO insratlatiwscmkosl~i~rs;Jrl1111dt! ooi<DStnlf111€r ! ller 11Sici. de• ~.illl \\Eie ndi!e4e fcltlindel rrr:d :):;rr il!J:llltli;;.: rcl) cf ktoeiro:t!tlo~:tt.igar<ll"li-:II O'j s ~a a'11Jkles at kutmll. iMPPJIJlHi6esOO i~(l<jquateselled\ksp;rloo1epersonne de<;Wanlie po~rli! corrple ~ octti: OOuitw aa:~net de lt1lle5E'nteC~neaeG.ll"a<l:leelcles1Normitlm f''<MIJkler. Ira lrlil!et rQ~;Ie til .nat c ~C,~rlu"l'fer!l"blev« U11BbsL>"'Jelse~e:"MJ d~,:krel >~brt te~s.tbie~<h:WetaQetlra !lll iiVIIklrrl wmllelsloe'l!ilhanj'er ATTENTION Lacartedegarantieet la preuvedathal(oo lafaclure)soot Wlt~i<.:IOI,lbilled10r (9) I'V'Jo;cnsomflelst bo!J;OOi~seal pnx.•J~:et.dt.'fm;\lleopSI:l sorn IDI{Il'afen s1iblre,xua:ioo Ploduk:elet1orS"tfltlmi!dl!th garill1llregrB trad6ndag. C tapr~t! GliMtie rJecouvi! Pa! U:Jsklne1ilt<)c'le,sllcbareO!!$t.aluas~itt~~lll') I denalmlrde~ll)t ~lioerol1else. inkt~~r..: (rrtn ilO<c begrzrlfll!ltitlpladcl<assctl(:r.(ll~up~.j[,Vtf'l"~. Laprt!sen:e Gara.1lie est conslilt.~:~ t."' fa"JOOr oe!oolepe~sorlrl!l ayanl e).J)lsCesci-t;cssus. Sil"ulilisalol.rti?SI If! noo·prolessi:«eiOI. un wrwrmJiem.ilt:ffil!fl".if' :lelagacM!ie \!-'_..ale ell cas tie 3!f!II;ISIll/ de ~l:t!SC<l:lits(.tl Pro:lJil. hillere <!ll:l.rvadlfereranoi".ttCHJb-~..J<odi~tse'lfpi¥.tel. bill"<i.~1eOOOO. videoll.lOO. ~c:scs ~ e· ent..e· Ill i d!llarO. no'()fsatoel 131$1btevloretayer. Modiliht101~1.lltler applicatlte-s. Enool'li.SiitPnxtuitesldllll l!~ditl<fett oes p!W'b~iiC<l• S:iOJl se·on- al.i ;ilai~ OCI"util~u· Hajttat~re.der er hesl.adi:Jel oE(: i!Olo'Kll~lo;e at str~fl"l'J!rl'.el 311CI!I1Vale. dc! uagcrscl•-eoiOO~:el K*aieslaooald'.II)(ISikl<erhel:fsb<? m~g<llfce garar{~OitliiJ!d~·~ uroHI:.Jsletdll!' tlru;~eren tlati$0«1al~ rel(:l.lldJ ~rcdJ1l >"Oll! ffp.Jalionca«.leJ.J!"Sd8 lo:cermjo:\lle. ikollekt 1fM'~~.r~ilg ..JJISot~l>age<~ eller p:Muk:Ci blevkOOI di!Q.l!ldendesllnd<!rlbcg betir-.,;•elsor. Encvidere. hV!spro:lJI.:et ulorslre'l'qt fla d~proouk'irl t~1 markedsfe,esat d€n ol'idelle dall!~'.llll"\lDCillwteillltrc·aiso1'i!(l~ill"e.ltski!isrelab~au 1'<311l. lyrr.00s';,g. crctska;h.lrt st·~hi~mrjlering tP-j ~U. S~l produttet Ojle.-eres lm dl.ln deta~ha!IUI~I. III.IS hl"elll irlb]ralerreni J€!;rr!.mociMc-u ell<l.::l' dans :e OO)"S. oo que tarep.lrat r.r de !llllai1ieA"e:<:l3aS ~ossible lll'<....k<I<JiQe statplod\iklit p.1 qnrrd'I' Jlrarro:lnP.GM...,ning e~hvera!'OOlmag. sc:f"lKerrNC-od :~ke er h11Cl-v'- ' a100\IB :rr:lko.itii "I~"CiriC ic.bull".icl r!Cd t lpasrilljl al ~1!idu•ll'l tit Les ~a ~ d e!I"OalliiQe. ~"int!L!IiM a 1~i QIJ! lClUI &-Jtr~s 1riiS :Ju (rf) ~rootltcllteo rnhl oc~aJIOI'.l~e>.!l ~ t~!ir<IUll; de rerrplacetle f'rodu l si ~ II~Jatato.:nflli l'a.trepupcssi:lle. imrone~l kooi"~stOiS'i [)eo:fuldermn(-Q adrcss:~OCia lraf"(jlereutloollmn lil biuQ(icn at Kerwoorfspcoi.Jk\11· esai!11JilloJS~IU"Ililil5f(>.JUOi;os,les~d€1edu!~fJ LePro:IIJi\ sel~ 'elllplid oo l~~ltCI"31UIIen"lentiJI.,Icont~io'IS «e~O inet111 [[Gliik\aai ~siaantuut:KTI3:t:tri:;tl lePrvr.lui!OOnt k: •t•rem.-:¥.s~ia <~ete~~iette~;l!;!11011 k>que! 1e PI):full ~ ~r!stn'~ pour ~~non au titreoetaoa·Mtie. {he"'P·:lll~k1 ). ;' ~!I Procu~i. bii nwrw.1 9ebrui~. tJ)Orcker ja ELEKTRONIK-SERVICE Danmark d"eweg·sl'o:mnt. !(:s rao'ls,les bal:e· ies~ildles tes :tilncrics CI QUCirl$ pie(:~(!C ttlCfia~;lll3~;11'1JlHiilo!S II~OOirt P.IS diS:l011ibles Geach:tgeorull:er >"l nKillli"<Codpt:OOKte1 Wii d¥1kell U-.<;OIIltll l< iM!!1 va.n ~~ · K.:nwood ~:cd-J~I TarM takr..11kJrrti ja k" iHi lai l~sku c~r esitel~aen'len -r.wasletun tai vahin(IOirt~n~1etupaneelin Mnkin:aa. ri~:imisl:l © 8 46-083 1-00/05 (W) 113/01) '-es bi!!ISXfiSOim).l~escul~ ~iOCCSd"USJ.Ire deo<i!.nl Le PnxliJII?SI~arillltiDOIIIIUiedu·llt! d"ll1 anaco~lerdi!ladalede kuutc\'icnL:i<.is.'L\OOs!e!'perlf.'lt'~JIIa;J-wii:IIHtihinob!u-snn. aiheuh.neitl taJrioitl. I~'"' on suo•ittarut o:ur.a :ahiirlsa on l· .tet\al1 1illl"<i\ooiCiai:tl~1ti SOOm~ lnch(flie. et 'eOilJJ"tll\lg! l)li!IJ"iae J":l!U'S'tionatJ:Y!sd"urd!lalllarlde proo.nts KerrMlOd t..a Gillartlllco.~·~ 1a11 I('S p eci!S oo rs.::hafl9e :;ue 1a na;~ d"oe~Me ~r Ll •tp¥abonsP.tileM:tllt!i! g·iituitement. Noes I"IC>IIS <tstr\'OOS e dro~ ~hiOtteefl HUOM. Je?ilftJe;xodiJletirdentor rarn:nerneli dennel}l~ll 1r.l:l011~11i>""r~ l~si\llrrents0<glflllplpne'lffp~~l:s. 11·hin) .los)'llin!in•o~;le~dllll!ylt)'Yi!t. lUote korJa!Mitail"<.lii"Mietwlihrl.!lse<.SI ~~lrttarkaslutsel Sllfi"IOXenter eller detailtlaOOief rEU SiliTrnof1 med tllstra:k"<.eligt (It~ 1em~ms m r~i>~m de le11 utilisatiw mrmale.ff -~,_.,lU ..a•~ Ji1 Sl.'ii.Inist:'l.rn.~ ll.i<ion :oottee1 ~ikirp:::san>Jil'itll h:llsl O~iCI~I Kerrwcod-irij:Oitlll.aJ!Oti.>tfrl krrii~IR". .!llln'llelf!l ~lon effecii.IEel(.!ltte '" ou :ootC~'.aiSI:;mPmdtil valtt<illl~H:il ~ao~.Aieteiv.!tnilffikl.lripciSLJtai l\likctatu~ll<ayttiiialiizoia.lfl nill.l&p.i;l!e. U1CJStlilflllll!nlilietn.I.N"eutilisaton.po16 ch3t!IC ~IIaisd"ildapti!lioo du Prcd~itilll~ lllllllll5 d exigt<ltts ;pra"lbe etre-art; a d\Tg: d~ 1"·.111isateu· ,.._ soorihaak)~.\"f!SSlimaassabstain mu;sta hyvaksytt;l••a:.tiis)'YS:!I quelqi!!! ca'J5e que ceSOil. .r•!t ure lerlSiootlectnque d"alimen:iJII:)Jl incorri:'t1~oo loulc ill;llt ta\.st hoi~ 00 cCIIl!r(lle de Kenwooo. <lr<hllla1J ~ lflifs r•rest~Tions se<aSOOillisea lacl}l11 1ioo q.rt llrtilisa~()JP;o:I<J1 ~reme a 5a IISQltslnchteclu!l'"l li.~l la re.-aration r.e s.ont ~roU>C·:; par.a lllissa tiJOIIoitltuol.r•aiOOepoikke31!k" loiml\"illl tn.i:&.·at aan.~<.asetn.··aslan nBulat. ~a\·~0111Mat aanl~lri!IIC!ll. twiVilt)illis:ot la.Jatta<lllcaristl1.ia pMt~utke: (g) IIJOI!ej\a, 10ista nn polsJo>nu. mwteltli IIi 111mettu osa sarjilllUmeroistotaikaik<i sarjarumerot 3.Tamatltllelai<uukMkeekaikkiaoSiajia.lotkao-.m lailliScs\1hill""lii11.'t'1 varaos~olesaalavill.!tass.lmaas5alaiJO$niJOnoloimefiP'll!i:.ttiwm 2. 5op>rru;ei"OOI: koot.~e'l811enst11enc:et01n<e'll1ll«!io"•'<lf1Tiilti01 (g) kOI!ll::r<~e~t t vi•a!lisentl'.aatwlt~mariJ:.IIlOimlstaluo:teislael~a>ionmA<ais~ il11i11Seksi. PMi3~1f1Teitsi!llarJwneoiketJdcrlvorhta;~ III011een wtooo.tos 1-!•isfll.dll.lel e· M~iEU.o~[te er.skerat vid~. h<or1Wd8n lor Dcm fliCJmcma~)IISel<lde krrl"la~dle' OCiil~'l:l s•y. lx«"S ill? Sii€ P!odid cs:utilistcili"IS ur, :ays EIJ"o~e1dii.1SieqUJiiles! nnnallia h"oiiO.l K)"seiSet~:sis.!ltMialnakmseoJraavll ~<avm~ootis»:sioetl?linenrroksarla:lnkaiklr.ikllljtlll&l.starro-.<;et alkuperiliS!ellllStOr.liliJhautaSiei~ W".lisln sellaiSissatarmkslssa. tan! (liJCtel, et ce tt=JOI~:p.iefi&Jilllil:lfase: >Gum<s a 00s ncrmes et e~ige-u:s diffet~nti.'S :krettes£:11 •"i!IIJ';liJr :llust:fl<l"r; ru ro;ioen d€prwnere miS~J sullalr.lldi~~w le llhrlqumt. tc«e ~restahoo ,.-, exOOJiondc Iii presr;fli.~G¥anrie 11} IJJIU'ialili i(oJIIJieita :.~lro 1 U"oi<!. jot~.a :YI •-aih!IP.HaY.l osa~ sc..eliC~a<~"~eri •r.-rmejaja ~aatill"u<sia ku1n bCYIP"£<.illoimillil'l TUOietam.ooovoWnassa)1"defl vt.IXt1!11 11fanalkuperlusesra cS!op.livastl •il llist;J tuor.fltaei ~ti ~orj."llnana;m ~1rkEvin kus.'l!1JJ.Jksi~ Palckau!>-. ase'lfll:>- ja rrtJ~ kc(alrrtil1hin ~lliJii!Sii liitt~ kL>Starn, ks(J ~ 1111uterQsooratri~i\ ei·/ r. koulu lu:l!E-IakJUO ~iir iir, t<iwlsa tl')'~•si.l! vwrioita. JOita o~ oihl:ll~fl.JI DIIICY~lli?. mtlemu•l~·latclelllocet'Seffikr.:ulltlil 1\llmiSUt~n kotHtWSSa. tuotetak; lfl tarioarria hoolt011all'e!Jra ~~ VO: II~ dtciostara:mllal;nsta·nnuk!oe~Llarmo:> liOituo!~ ~fi\Ur tO\ImilaS.wn SC•tllettujil oormeja 1'1 ~~m:uo.s.a. l.lh!iCII. josti.I'Jieonosteltu KenwtiOIJ·IooUcidcn ·•~ill.lismyyialt.l TuO:f.lakliJkatt:taseUmaletWii- em,-atmiS!usvillleP.l. j:lrekorjalaarl cau!E aw, diS~~WS.biwt~sCil:i&.~ICSalldio.~I'Q!o. (!J t.n«t.niUe la,nede~te<niste~eriuelytenohti>lf'iOIVIiltl.v.sta. dllflil~i:lia l"eau. taloil:lre. unlremblernentOI!~IIe.IJieveriilation ~~~~ puls.-o;ancesupb"i!-ure .J r;et'e (e) Jos •uOI:lllak.ljlt:llln;l':l.asessa eur:qpalaos.essama;,ssa j<l;sa Hl'isdenre infllflratior ifl(c~.illlt:lloeje!Hirgesel ~ lwis ~11Jiil.d 1:1 b~::w:t mvditiccfd etler <Eik1re! ~en /lv.t•ffi >Cm ~1\t ~F. sidell ~IH~. I:!rOOh~lder Ket111'00d NS sig r~ til at ru:vt~ it (eJleshi!uts·parle-Jrs CJ!Co~suittilfrJT ~iliS-:lliona m.rll.lta-stSt! tall3nSa vallriiSilt liianv:llral<.kaistaa.ll~asoisla~.hc"Jiuvi.l v.llnillilatai ml~ t~t 6iscs. ou KM~ flllreble1 QUi n·esroaslrl Produ :c~ li!lei/Klf<'l'lhilit~ re K!'fMOO:f 1tt .-c>w~j;bf eil9l\f6eiJO'Jr'aule pzikallio;et rwn11 j;l \:.lvallisiiUSI"a<llimukset. joita 50\'ellelililll tllo:r uc:J:i~~l Jden berC~~niog i O\"O)rei"S>io'Jrm~llll ~~j :~tii"J~Isettlli ootlefJillilltiOO..Is. ttlis prOWUlli:e'Mb! ietW-IaOOQ.)d€" Ot)SW et prOOIIm, bfGes [te 100lever~ p~odJ~\~ Iii Cll 1"1ilkcn S:<l' Le du11ma-:~ ~s6i1Uf'r1Xtu~~a~ leu.l'irwrersion da'l'l ·laj)ah;~-rnisra. \"3UHI!I<i Mnn~JilC<tle. <as ettillillll..,il e. ,;(f\>LfiliJOOite Cll-le>-tilletai KENWOOD ELECTRONICS EUROPE B.V. Ams1erdamHWeg 37, 1422 AC Uithoorn le$rrtJCI'icationsrlllcessairesa l util·s;~hon dLP11lduda llfl Cooservezprl!oeusemeolttr:eG3rledeGarMltif ca, erltV01155ela <"ICispens.ablepoo!toc.tcr!:ci.Jfr.ation ~lttoooky!Kemlsestajamis.I~ITULSt.lta"lii:!Silr.eJMOodin hirOIIPJSSllcir"livanwlmrstajankot•maassa. jossatiiO\ecos~scn :la)S IIe r.l!!rn~e m,se sur tell"a·chta1 Euroce parle labOC<If.t Tet. l2(021757·906CI ma;we kerranll'"ff.iin. fiJ:nulkqiJolisen i:JI'I6n l-aatnmt rrulrilksefeiV<11 luukit.llnllllUot€ti!klliJO!l' r<i!l cika Kenwocd•astaamistaant~lli!iS!:IIil mnutosktlr.~jiltw\uisla ! ika ni1d€~ ~hiE'ydes!.J il.hl':l.lUooslo €00101t au:·e nesoo: P2SCJ1uertes ~ar ap!!sefi.eCaranue ~ 1800Vilvoorde, Bt lgium mN!Oj3f~a. liin~uarrcma;:.a ilmasiOiMista. lon:e on CMkeus klelli)ty.lkllljaal1'laS\a tJoretta ~mantootela~u~efltojen yh'eynil~ll! ol~va:~n :?~rripi~oomme DlstlibJietJ· ~~ Ie o:~ :roche. noJS .OUS lr~ons:t: b.en voJtcir voos rersei, a~11!SOO JVCKENWOOD BELGIUM N .V. Leuvensesteenweg 248J. n•uJ..,Ii!Uutainllldiliolit~~~oajoo~otcb"lj.!llk:een. Ke,.,...-:«t ·fhl~Gol.a rru"Qisest: Unnldenm EUcn sisaua t:Jio"ivan~tieoerrmyyj.'in ,.tlleysl~ot. voitonaa Si 1e Pr:lduil ~ el~ ~· s ila'IS 1.! CEE e• QIJ~Vil\1$ Otl-5~e.z t01raltrc 1C ~toeooin;de ·"-1'1~ lli~as!a.vM.rii"IU)1<1Stl\~Qjri~"lliSII!fl¥araosierl (d) IIJOttel!lletulipalosta. ve~n upottarnisesu. sal;rnariskusta. •·aJwtos~min u'ko;lliOiellaolevasta!ap.llltn~~ailleitJ"l!!ila iil.1nr,~a ·lt!tDitetaan eriksel!1. kJnnaki:ipaennyt·ontl'id event~~ell ska!l3eltersrOid ATTENTION :YirMcmu~><Sista. mwrMksfsta. vaardnlalsesta iiSellal.i:s':lsta tal-1i~n!ooltefll'myy"leelledhtll.aiSII"II'YJillle Thank you for purchasing this kenwood product. As mentioned in the pages of this booklet, our warranty is only valid in the countries listed. If your country is not listed please contact your retailer for information on warranty procedure. or write to: ll.l.ndk:ilireitlnlilll'"il.liutl.ict'.aiohll.r~llootin~(I'IW:fesla. ..... B l~M\Illl"llistetusrte.l. ettitse t.JyttMk.l"kkireka,sal~se!:ai Tack tOr att Ni vall denn.a Kenwood-prooukt de (c) OSIO~.ll osol!lava!Siakirja (() ~ll¥3h-!Wsm-l'lil1 ~orini jaoooi~. f01ta tooe or-)St~ ld) lur..fleoln w;an.rmero jamalli 1Whanluoi<JI.Iulfllsletunjttleero1)')"ioo. llyv:llcS"fl)11 hJOitokasku~r t.JifU,'MJ\Id-tw~ila rrrf\1<1 1·atlittaismyfi:!r oucleen. f!.itis.a~:aOOJoqnntai m"r hiniivlrodiste.joS!a k~ i·ll"i Josluo!leesionosteru EU:na::.eet:a jahalual S<I<!~ >Ilivilie l<llumrnlrl r.hoisi tuoreu~uU.orj.).JslilKlen SIIOf~joksi (bjEU:n al~lla lni11..1311 'illltt!i·smyyj3nlaatmarlSto~uitti tli mm 1u(l!t")Jostuo:ecsoturuu-,allisetsinor~!!.l k;\~1100ill$U111lo<;sa. Sf; ~or~Aan ilmaat1IW >"·ka. WIIOy k<fle~ lallan~ i<l!nw:x>O-!I!Otleider ' itall W erll'l!!bel'l Cher ulitiseur d e KENWOOD ~ii'M ~ii!1 er.1 pol~~!~ se·lamen tleniiiOtai ~~leis(! jot.J KenMJ.Jrl ti d e hyv;tksyrrlf (a) ~"t~n ..:okanimilaOSIJite ~enMXld·t.loneKJen ~jalle ;ono necessari per !'ac~islo tli ~n l'l.IO'Io lronlalino in Sverige KENWOOD ELECTRONICS EUROPE B.V. Suom1 www.kanw OieseGorontie~arte und OOr Ka!fbc~wc:dl..1' bcn!itigt SUISSe Name und Anschrift des Kllufers/ Nom & adresse du client! K0bers navn og adresse/ Nombre y direcci6n del cliente/ Asiakkaan nimi & osoite/ Ovo11a KOI 6uoiJ9uvaf1 oyopaoti}/ Nome e indirizzo del cliente/ Kundens navn og adresse/ Nome e morada do comprador/ Kundens namn & adress/ Naam & adres van de klant!Nafn og heimilisfang kaupanda/ L-tsem u 1-tndtrtzz tax-xerreJ/ Name & address of customer KENWOOD ELECTRONICS DEUTSCHlAND GMBH Konrad-Aderwu&r AI..e 1-11 ATTENZIONE Ouestodocumento e la rirevulad'acquiSto(olanura) ZUR BEACHTUNG 1"·--·--··- ·-..--·- Talc nostro Uistributore sara a sua d isposiziooc per qualunque if1formazione Konrad·A<hn,....- Altee 1·11 Mer:;i d"avnir KENWOOD Ha11MeH08aHI'Ie MOAenl'l H cep111i!Hblio1 HOMep/ Identification du produiV Ger~te-Typ und Seriennummer/ Identification du produit! Produkt navn og serie nummer/ Modeto y NUmero de serie/ Malli ja sarjanumero/ MovTt Ao ~<;m a p1eJ,i:Jc oopilcl Modello e numero di matricola/ Modell og serienummer/ Modelo e numero de serie/ Apparat typ & serienummer/ ldentificatie van het produkt/ M6del heiti og raOnUmer/11-Mudell us-serial number/ Model number & serial number Ha3BaHVIe, a,(lpec 1<1 wraMn AV~nepa/Revendeur & cacheV Stempel und Unterschrift des HAndlers/ Revendeur & cachet! Forhandler/ Distribuidor y sella/ Jalleenmyyjii & lei mal r~pavi6o ETmpiat;/ Timbro del rivenditore/ Forhandlerens navn og stempeV Agente e carimbo/ Aterl6rsaljare & stamper/ Dealer & stempeV Undirritun og stimpill sOiuaOilal Timbru tal-bejjlegh/ Dealer & stamp il-prodott dan ghaz1lt Grazz1 talli "KENW"OOD" Weill!riJ€'ho'flileAI151lru::t"le!i OO!IJSI)e~hi~$1K"lin~~>r.Mere ;ot:he atl i'i<rl::lelung. Mnderun~odcr &~:ti#s.Jil ZUR BEACHTUNG DieseGarantiekarte undder Kaull;.eleg~rll!nben& imfatledesVerlustesein neues 8edienteiiZI!erwerllen Nederland KENWOOD ELECTRONICS EUROPE B.V. Geachtegellru i ~rvanKerriiOOdprooukten. vermet~ i~ Wi j d.lrd<er11Jvoori'tlkoezenvan~ i t~ef'JWOOdpwrMt {herProdukl') IOO·ent:eiProd~kt.birnormilillgebroik,gebrel<.en rou ~&rlonen, 1al toe! gr<ltrsworoen hersteld al ver~a~gftll overf!l!nkomsllg de heoo lingen van dele Gara~lid:.aart. l nd.en he! produklaar1gekodlt werd ineen EEGhdslaa!eniJbrjhelgebruik ervanproblerren (c) De-olled i!Jenaamen!Jel3dres.andedelailhaodelaarbiJwie hetPlorJukiNCtdaangekocht (d) Helserreou:nmereode naamvaohetroode l ~anh!!IPIO!lr.. kt lndien dere inlormat ie niel kan lo'o~deo meeqedee!d. o1 ind ien hel Pror:IUklotlenroer ~w.tzesrrds deaa:um~anOOaan!;OOj)NCtd oodervinat.gelieveheld.loaan lebi€derlbijeenollicil'i e~~ pjli~,tehoudi~NOOdCorporalioozich!Jel recht•oorle importoor.Erke!ldVerde ler.ErkeodServiceCert~eroldetaiiha'ldelaar werr;rerenhel loestel teherste:lenonderdevoorv.<laHlffivanrere Garantie. B. HetPro~uktwerdvervaardig:lrn overl!ellsterrtr.ingmetalle • na:rorraleoflokalenormen en...eilg~eids'/oorschr rftendie ~an loeoossrr.Jzijo in !lei Ewooees tar.ll " aar oe tabrikar1t hel oarspronkelijkverlmchlll«eit. Deaanpassrogendrenoo:lzakeiijk l iJilliOOihelgebruikopecnaotll'replairlsvallenmetonderdeze Garantie.endelabr ilo:antrsnietaansptakelijkvoorherstell roijendie noodzake li rkzijo naar aanlerding van aergelij~eaaop.:rssingeo ot ~oor sctlade aan het PtOOukt die rlaaruit VOO<tvl oe~ ~oor Kenwooo prOOukren rnoe EEG, tesil'llen mer r.etaankoo:lbewljs olelkallderdxumemdat dedalumvanaankoop.-anheiPrOOukt bewrtstlndierlheiProduld ·M:rdaan~krx:hltl'JiteooeEEGrcoet hetaanoooaoen ·oYOrdenaandeverl:ojlerbrtwiehetProdJkt gekochl""'rd lndien llet p•oduklaan~ekochl werd rn de £EGen IJ de ooordinalen vandedichiSibr~itndeErkenoeveroeler rodeEEGwerrslte•-eroemen. geliewdanconlactoptel'ernenlllEi KENWOOD ELECTRONICS EUROf>e S.V. Am s!erdamseweg 37, 1422 AC U lthoorn Tei.0297-S19900 lndien hetProouklgeilruiktwor<ir ioeenEurooees tarxlwaarhet IJnderworperrisail'lslandaardeneovoorscluifteodieverschiltenrJ IJdientdeleGa•anlielo.aarttorQ<Uidigbijtehrudenaail(letienzij prestal ies Ollder deleGar.J~Iie onderv.llrpeo tijoaao de >OOI<oa<Yde ;ij nvan degene~<~nloepassing inhellaodvandeoorspronlielrllie ~~tr koopdoordelaDrilralllnEurOj'la. danlalhetverlenen van noodzakelijk i somUwaa-'IS~ra~nopdezeGara"lt.etedaerlgelrlell. Degarant;eYIIOI!Jet Produ"r;getdrggedurendel)en jaarvanai oeaatum·•andeoarspronkelrjlieaaokoopbireenae:ai'hanaeraar Villi Kenoii'OOd prr:xJukren. De ~araotie slaalrowel op o.!e nrxl ir;re l'.'isselstul<lo:ena'sdewerkuren.enceherslellrngenZIJIIen gratrs gelleiKen_ WIJ teser•erenonshetrecntheiProoukllevervangen rod ienhettersle llenervanmeleoooom;schveran~IIOOr d is Verook<i'IQS-. iost.J ilatie- o1 andere ~ o:steo ot nsrco·s on~echiSIIeel<s vtrborrdenaandee iQenl!j~r.ers~ ' i r:lJ . !rtnnidinbe\lfepen inr:le garantieenzullenaal'gerelo:end v.u•den. clat de~bru ikerdekostenoraagt~oordeaanpassingvanhet PrOOuldaanoe loepasSilliJkeoormenenvoorschrillerl. lodien heiProdulllvaneeoverschillerrdrypeisdandezediedoorde olficit'e iovoefaerOj'l~emarklwordeo~bradltiohella'ldwaar hetprc•.Ull!'rreparatieoo:lerdezeGararrliewardlil3tll,ll:lboden eoderrodige w,:;seiS:ukkenoietindatlanrJvoo rhandenzij1,0l oe reparatie omeen andere rochtma~ige redeo n'elrn dat land L'lll worden uitgevoerd. dan ul de f,1Cbru i kell1aar~nbovct't 00 kosten dienen tedrageo van hel .er~aer van t-.etProduktvanennaarhet laOOvandeoorspronkelijio;eaaokoop C. De<e Garanlie s~e~t zich niel u:t lol: (a) ~jziai ~genaaohetProaukt,enhet~neondemouden Garanl re'(()()rwao:deo A El~.e aanspraak op oeze !)< m:ret ver',leleld zijll llil'1 dm aanp.a~ i flgen.hi~r nbegrepeor.!lpe rio1reknazichl~k (a) Uwl'lllledrgenaa:nenadres Het aan~oopbclii j s ol el~ a11der documentl'l'ili!rotl de d.ll..rm vanaankoopbiJeendelarlharxletaariJ'ei'I!Sii;til •nEurooa waarove~K~oodgeencontroleheell (e) schadeaaohJ id>JJrekersleoij€.Uir;revaohetaao·.oendeo vaoQ:~aangepastvermogen . enschadeaanplaten.OanrJen. a~d iocasscttes. •illc'OCaSsettes,com;JaCidiscs.olelka:lller •IO(l(Werpdal oiethetProduklzelfis,endil oogeachtde oorzaak: (f) verb!uiksgeledereo of onderdeien waarvanver~angiog norJ iQistenl)lrlolgevanslijl<lgebijoorfTS.laiQebruik. met irhegripvan(maa r nietheperidlol)verwisselbate grarnmoloonelemerlten,gril'llmofoonnaaldeo, aandri jkiemen lees-enopoamekoppeo, racks. balll'lr)l'!n.optaacb.lre traUerijelleneiOObuiren: (g)hei PrOOuklwaarvan deserienultJiletsg<'heel of g• !te lijk weo:lenverwij!lerd. [!eWijzigd oluilr;re-""rst. DezeG.arantrewordlgeijeveflaaoallepersanendieoprecrumarrge wijzehE'IPlodoklverlrreganhebbeo OodelaehPerbrlven verme'devoorwaaroenml hetPrOO!OOgrar i~ wordeohers:eldolvervaogeo_ D it r~t v.i jzigi0Jll)e€nenlielewijze dea:ldereredrtendiedegeb!uiker vanhe!Produktl:anputten urt andere toepa~seHjk~ wene' rtke normen. en tasl dere ook nrer aan ofpersoOildrenieldoordetabri~tNCtde<kenoom Obrig~oporll)lescol h i :toesrcp rcdJtoKenwood(abarxo (c) simples.mentedesrQnaoopor"Pro:k;to").5e,em condiCOts rrorma is r:lellmcio~roenw.severif~alg~maa·l ariaOQapa~elho. 'o'Oitagem rocorrectaou qual~routracausaloradoconrrolo eleser.lre-parado ClUSU b stiluiOOgra~uila~enteemton formrcMe Seesta rnlot~~OjliJOOrserlor~ecrdaouseoP rodlllo~\1lr COillos termosdesteCa~ilode GarartiaUoClSOdeo Produta srdomOO;ficadocudealg JITimodoallelildodei)Orsdad.llade aQ\Jr;ir;.!o, a Ke<lwood Corporal ion reser~ao direito oe recusar a rersrd~adquiridoemouatq .~er EstadoMenbrocla CEEeae,.ra teralgom prohlernade tU(';(ronatnenll.por tavorleveoProdr.rto a um I'llpollador Olrc ial Kenwood . Vendedcr Otic ral. Ceo~ ro de 5ervio;osllulorila1ooulfV€11dedoroeprOOUiosKenwoodoaCEE ~arhadodorecib~ deCOiflj: raoudeo;ruap~o~<~a:lequadad.J d.lll Ca sua ~qu,sro;ao 5€ live~ si1oadQu irrdo lora ria CEE. o PrOOlllo deveserle•'adaao rewn:.Jr;dDiondeto i compr•:Jo S€oProdoto foradqu ir idJnaCEEesedes€jarsaberoolepode errcor.trar oVen:le:I:JIAutorrzadomaisprOxrrro,porta·lar corracte trO"<ooclas , lremoresdeleua. ventil~rnadeQ~aaa. ad~urr r do (d) trumerode se r i ~e flll(lle domo:lelo do Plodu1o deKerrNOOd (e) alta-tatantes dan;ticadosporapticacaodeni'lfisde inleosraade sonora ~uperrores a especi1ic:m para carla madelo. assimcomoclanoscausadosporqwlquerrallo repara~o doProdliiOsegundoostermosdesl<lgaramra B. OProduto for rnaoulacturadoconlorrrelodosost:radriie:ioacionars oulocarse tcdasasregrasdesegurartaaplid'lfisnopaisda Eurcpaondeloior igirnlmeoleve00idopelopr00ut()f Modrticao;tlesnecess.lriaspa rausonumoaisdclerentedos e~drscos, fitasmagMticas,casseresaudioouv;rleo , discos COI!lliiCtOSOIJOU!rOsbeoS Quen;loconsli!w1lOPf6prio PrOOJtO; (1) ~ssujeitasadesl}lsteregularecu)aSOOstilt. i\<llllal par!edeumservir;onarmal ii(:IUrndo(masnaolirr itadoa) caber;as de gra~ar;:to. agulhas. C()freras, pilhas secas. pilhas reca•re!,jJ.,.ise ..avutas relerrdOsraJs.loco~rtiiSi)Or eslagar.mtiaenaJsera~ile nenhuma r esponsabi 1 odadepelare-pa•~odedanosprwocados ooPrOCutoemconseque~ra detarsmodi lrca!;iles (g ) oProdlrloOOqualalgumootodososnO~rosdestrre tenham srao relirar:tos. mod ilicados ou desli~u rados. H. F. GONCALVES, LOA. TeH. +3S1-9 16160808 +3SI ·2 12898U 7 www. kenw email; OOPrOOutote'llpara1riadeumarroa contartiadatadasuaaquisM;iro orr g r nal n~mq:ii! l 1uer revendedorde prOOUiosKenwood Agaranlilcobreaer;:aserrilrrde·OC.a. earepar<ro;i!Osen\e'OCIUada g rat~rtarrente Reseroa110sad .rerrooesu~ston.~oProdclocasoeste ~ilo possa ser reparado de modo econom•co Custosdeet'lbalagem. deinstalay!oequarSqr.JeroolroserrcaHJOS our iscos r rxt i roctamentere lacioDdoscom ae~"ertual reoara.:)on,h estao r'lC iu:dos ros set•II';OS de gar antra~. como tal rer!o 111Je ser 5eoProdulolorusadoour,paiseu rllj)lluordeestejasubmeliOO a oo~os padrilese regras ~·1€rertes dos ap'~eados oo pais onde toiorigrna !men~~endidooaEuropapeloprodutor, emllo todosos SUi)OrtetooososcustosdeaOOpt~doProoutoaosw<J r l)es do PrOO~topararepara<;OOoeeparao(laisdeaaois~oriQi nal rJeverasersuoortado~ lo ulil iladQr_ C ESlil!).l'aOiian:iocobre (a) al:erar;IJesdoProduiJe lraba:hosdemanutcn~oo ajuslamentosnormars i1Ciundoasre-.r;nsperr6dicas rrerteio<ladasno Marrual queacr:rrwanllaoProdulo: ThePrOOI.d isguaranteedloroneye.lrlromlhedaleolorig inal oorchase lrOillaoyretaiierofKerlwoodPtodutls.Tr.!gwrantee coversbo!hll'lillefialsandworkmanstrip, andthe repairshall he carriedoutkeeofchar!JO) We reservelher igtrllorep~celhePrrxtiiCI il ttcanr.olberepairedl:lOOilOI!Iically. Pa~giog, i oslal lat iollcostsanrJany othercoslsor risks rndirec Uy A. Anyclarmunderlhrs wanantymustlle accoo>paniedbythis WanaotyCJrd.atldinaddrlion (a) Your lull llaflteandaddress (b) The receiptorOIIIer docurrenlshowilliJ ihedaleofp:JfChase lrom arelilerestabl rshed tnEurope (c) Tte fu lloameandaddressollheretailerlromwtMJmthe PrOOuclwaspurcnased andenEi111€1 hlnjler. beinemSiedasGe~tgekaullhaheo WeondasProdu>l innerhalbder EGge~auH wurdeuOO S.edie Anscll@desnllchsrenaultKis' ertenF3ct.hllndtersw.sseomochten. so>.vendenS:esichb;ttean (c) acornpallha(l.lporesreCart :ioaeG.aramrae~rnd.lpoc Biret:rewahrenSiedieseGarantiekartesorgffi 'ligaut KauldatlllllauiRechnu~goderl\zJfbelegdesKenw~ar:Hiandlers OieseGitra:llreerstredl sic~ <JJIMaterial· ur.d !li!rartleitungs-Mlinr;rel cornprar ump~i n elnovoemcasoderou tloo u danodo W:rtJeha.renunsdas Rechtvor.das Prod:JktUIItltJtau<£hen. falls eine wirtschatthchelnslandsetrungritmmehr mOg l:chist Kosten tiir Vcrpac~UOJ und hst< llatrOil sow:e8ndere Kosten ond mesmo. Ris i lenimZu~nhargmitderergentl ichen l nstan:;lsetzungsind nichl i n derGarantreleislungentto al~undwerdeni n Rech~ung gest~llt Bedir;JW!jen AZurGelterdmachuog~onGarantieansprOC!JeosiOOruslr!Zirchzur ga rilf'ha OOnos no Produto causados por neglig~ar;ja, ac irlo::11les VorlagedieserGaranl:ekartelolgeodeAAgabener!()fder lich {al lhr Namemorvottst:rllCigerA'JSChrift (b) De~ Kassenllelegooer d ieRect.rru1ge:nesi~ eirremfG · Siaat aosiiss igen EirueiMndlers,aus derdasurspriingli;;he modificacoes,insta l~oouembatagem rmoerleita rn.'lulilizacJooupOI'usode~swtoressetertes (b) illo ClU outr o documeoro r~dica1do a d.lla ooacui si<;.ao des<(lrOjlriadas' France r.E.4HMHTPIOY A.E.E. {a:r lOOVOI)Oittl.MJIIO KCILTI)Y~XLAlrJvat]oor; fu:;tu:«.:J;.OmW,rr:noormcorV.W:roototonpo!CJYKEN\'1000 (~) Tn~WIOO!:~ntV<Jrllr.l.oiyyj)Oil)o.anotoanoor4JO"Umtrn Cher iJit li~eurdePrOOilitsKenv.uoo r~vd;ooa:oOOntotiiO'J..oraO'ItUOOlli\IIJtmAtOOIJIIYtO E(]'lano&:tX(l!:i~ii(Jll!>:fiDIO.OPnOoroo:ov<J,;o•.r.o9rv<er;XP'l<rrr: ~utJ)Orln..tooyopCtc:onorwtaropo).lal'l< nr;flW)J)oW;:noo !lo~~ r ~!loaro<arooralkiloo.>pr;avCIJIIl.)O)'o'(lpr;rw;~ tXtL TIJYd.j)oTOU(IIt'j'IE~ M ('ll"h;(lloflpouW no~orpti).OVT aror:o!!!'l fOO\IOII(>YIII!Il KCIL11l&.trJ3worltou q.ootJOU tal'l..rt<; TIWAI'!otWO::an6to~ 010ia ayopiloln<r: tor.p:o:ov. Tovop.a(IO otrp(t<:;..or rovapo.B>LO>LOvti:lloo rooflpar6vtoo:: {~J Wt<;(ll()llpor(wnouorpci~OVTaror:n:,Jjll\aytO.jlOO.otl Nous •mrs remercioosd'avo ir cl'coisi ce produil ~ enwood ("le Produit")Si rolui-<:i,dansdecond ilionsd utllisalionnormales, ceva~ s'a>flrer deleciLreu~. il serait rr!parl! orr remplace gratr..itemeot. conforrr.crrentauxciJndiijorrsdelapre>enteCartedeGaranlie. Si le Pwdu itaeti! act.e:edansunquelcOIIQueEiaiMembredelaCEE elsi Ull prctlffr.ese preseote.nousvoosprionsdebien\'OUioor ~ crrovtj:Q , Kt~. otiCj)(l, ovtnaOr\llt~atooOIJ(l,ipOO'Jit(: pr~n:erar;pr~s d'uourportareurKen..oodoflrciel.d'onDrstribr.JIIlUI OIJlo\rtoot.cATiooE'fY'$111111:- !&rutm(JQI'j~O'iTIPCI\Ur.w:£1( ly) ~JWnmamn;ro.wll:llJa\'OI'>]OOttor:(lf't);OO.,ootcKplita<;~cl.oc: Ttlt::EOK.m;roK'W:ta9tva~6xtrtonpc!OYCt0!101001)110tt 1~1 ~tl(ltpaoW:,ti.artflll,llllll;~ C\"((loota(lni1 OLJ(lKI;OOOia, OJli<J'j ll£TOXtlprotji<OIINI!oJANV.a Ma.Vr.aKl:roi! EPWf'UI'JUOOVitl'{toKEUW000,t!Ouo:o001tl,W.OOJYW.()<)runo I:~OOorcloTIJ~ 1\tVTjXI LIIU1P001:>:; ~ irmqlo !.10\ll~fl'> JWljOC;,or; Ecrvaorrop::nlvwnl.~&·~t;t>p()[J,vor:apr:!OX(Qoo.r.·qwv tloiV ll>'O:ovtwv KENWOOD(1111V EOK ~~ Til" r:rno6ti!:~ QlWOO: ~a.Vr.ncll(lj)<~a~ntnr;njll.:po..,w.x;~. EovnovOrJI.i TOfl,xr£\'tXtLlPOII(lf';O.rt6t'L(tQ,\I.ctwe£ iutC!IOIOO]rlolttp6r>Oar.O tt'j\'njltpOj.l"j'o'iotlj'IOVOj'l<ic;,nEto.pia KENW000tnL¢t!haLlll£10LtoU !lj)(fV~T01(qili1<COOIXE0K.i'¢1:;r'o'Q.nopr:liJ(ll(\JCttlOnP010\1(110V OO.a~oo::wai:M)8I;i TIJ~tma<WtjtaullpoiimiX~uttorJC; t~AWJVII'J"(<:flU)rn atuc; ooilrovooo:otoayoi)JOau 61);l.K;rrtC;E~ To~.6V tXCI•(IIOOI<CCIO(II(I \'I(tvaOvtW.OO<Ot>ttaLOt6Aa1Qell\11<0 j"'WI'l!(mnoo~or<ttao onl.r)OitOt tpoo::o:(oooro001'11'Evo<:ll>'O<ttlPQ<: KQ(tOt:lroitnp6turtJ..cJIKOIM:VOOt<:lJO¢Q,\r:Klt:nOOE~OV101 Ol1I•EOK. MlXI•<:r9tvcmJ<OOIW'I'I)(IItyr~n,\~utTIJ• Ol1l~_riJp:ttt)l;n~T:IIll.!'JCIII(;ano roYr.araOO\tii:Hmt(llfiYEup:i,nn ~nne~ O.uttOi j)(lt'b;t:OOOila.lWVIO<'(IO:(p!)IJI'jw.Ao\r¢t'••Q,\\rtrrovtel ~oyvrjTQIOIN.t(,MIOOttt<;.CD!ioMaOvtiKtVt'o'O.ttOOi\tv OOOTtl.OO> jltpoo:: IO~i3.ou f1por6vtoo; {(II) <t'6oPlonrp6aof,ltvoOvt,.tiii&V<lnoo&v aV1IItiiJIIpi\'lmal !1MOVOIOVIlOXJr:0(1K(l110«0T(l(ll<t</tC:lOOI;KO.rrptntl VO or.OltlvEyyJiOijOJt~<lli\tvy:vnar.&r:•Tri •o~cr.&vr,yralllV OVIWllC(IIafloLIV, (IIOOiloiallti)I.\Cijlila~OvtCI(~t~UriUtoHj cn:OUL.() ptta lt)V CD'fO~:O IIOIJ CXCL tKti:Arae.:J ~ (~~lit C110 llporov roJ;..,..W<:;m{ltMvt~. r jKtVlt~.~IJO'(VfllOOiilvuw.j)Oil);a noun~~xttao(JflO tt'j'l~vA¢>'tut>"tOM , ~po. (IIOIXtio. etJ:l\'OIOOI)ttr;OIItvt~ lf10TO,w; ~ <Q1wXico 10 llpot6vta TW\' 010.WVortiO\Itval ~ flMLO'.Cii;ovtt~Cill&rroi THf\:t30 210 5311MOO A~rMd'I/I'IC'.erllteTectrniQueArj!Je, oodurrdet.J illaotdeproduils Kenwood etabli dans te CEEe~ y ioiQoartlle cert ifrcal d'achal oo route autrepreuveappropril!edeladatedesooacqur;irion. Srle Produ ta ete acqu isdans on point de ve'!Ce silurl hors de Ia CEE. it de•ra ~rre tOVt/r.&'fl':Oll'ji;KEUWOOD ~'ll>itAOrtPfl CJtt011L; OOYOV:o:ljlM~ np;p&oy~ ~ ~t~ r:ounpoo:aA\rvraryral.li1\>.00ilnr»tMyooci5iol<oor;. EIJ'• a yOj)OOO;(tO TOOrO\Ir:rtlj\'t~t i011)1;EOI\~LtrQE1.rt.rtllt i'O r. UHMHTPlOYA.E. E. A.KH$l toY6, 122•2 AlrAf\EO r.atOOti)JOe<:.c..atiliJ.')},rarrx;yro(lii(T(o&\rJOtt onia. ~ nau ~e>::c'll'till1ol0v ono mo oino noo ~cotl)yoo!; or.O {t)('lrato:;r.oo~(IIO!)'.(t:Oa1¢t\1oorjTOoi1XOO (Q Ecrvlo~vXJl!P.~ort:o:rirar otur:tt\II)'Jlro:"'lXWtXJfnlvr.mol<tl'101 pr~sen~acepoi1tde·Rnte Silol Prodularlli!acq uis darrs laCEEe!Qli€1'00Sd%r reJconnaitr ele DrSiniXlfeurAI) rel!lep'usproct.e, oousvaLsprronsdebien-oulorr llapa,cW:to8tvaouM#teaurotoolr:).noEY)'UI'rCI'JI;\'((Itrmar x~ t¥>Wtnr;ll:iiAI)Ol"));anOtovr<atliOI<toootn(lln~EUJlli:nl , tottao H EY"{{JT)IJI'j out~ btatiEI!:TOIG& •001: nj)O(lu:IO ooutxtrCIIO!<tL'JOCr to ~'tl~Wltll'.t<t~unOI<tivtao.(lloY6porinoXPf):m)<:;t~na: nPOtovpr; \IO~IIIIJ jjioa ro tl;oliof\;:oooq::IJOyi'Jr;toul\>ao6vtor;oraraxliol'lllnp6tunrJKO. Mt TIJI'tOI<Wo\af.:nttJVOV'.r!fpYl. ntnrCP<f\li1~1M1K01'00:001l Conservel pn!cieusementcelleCarte deGara'ltieca!ellevoJSsera irxtispensablepourtoulerrlclamalion a~6bl 1 if.110jXOAIOI'Ir<l)l; nw.'.f(Ot<..: ''""' flj/Mvto;v KEN'NOOD H IIOJ Otn:CIJ.O.O:::CIOOyt.,LVtiXOio~:tttrito(l111•(1'(0fJ'lli)I: Xt.>C«i)noJ t~on.:aAumtrtoootauJ.Lr;ooooKOiltlVtpyo:rr:r..cJ~~cnrCI<tur'j r.poo:xptpr:tCJyr:tma•tAJll{lilor:l11)1;tyn1JOnr;<mmKctrllr.l.fll,a nopr:i.f>a;YOllolro. &vtn~ow~~&r.avtcrvt!l6nora5o<ll:li:l,lctaroo premifreacquisili011311 Pti:sd'ondl!lllil lantdeprOO~ilsKerrloQO~ ~OOO!r:ICIL~ OVIOrl)•mrKa&f:Vti'o'OI&altO,IJOOlljX~OUT!jn~vpnopr:i va XPilCltli10UCL'IOj)ptOUV00011L;:CXoooor:;M!r#K: Garantiecoo\'lelan t tesp ikesderecha~geque lamaio d'oeu;reC! Ia 100f1ooli)V10( lltltKtti.tit:IIOOltlOOV. lCbl'<ll:tiJt.latacLIIO.&~ rnpooxt9tinl.woopy:a Tf)(;tY'r"Jft'Jll'Oln XWpotl;Citrrl<:;0MOO ~li',rr;IOLJM'fOO , TOttOXP'1(111)1;&:lCTtrljlii;tlOLln~OOor:Mi(lt1()01~ t oo llpor6vta<;)'IO tiiiOIJ:~r.pcx;11lxwpatt)I;OjlXIi(IKayOj'l<ic;KQ( tlllO"fl)<l<ll!jCJI10Ill.lln11lX(o)CKI 6oOO~ XpcuS:'xN ta t~OOo L100!<1:UOOirx;. tVKCJtoo iO"'l~ l«llriAA~ tl;oOO tlEY'r'JflC'IlOOt~&~.:aAlrnto Uvormtlloov~CPIXTW'' LIIqp<OLUNTI)I;t'r"(EErprj~ (OI ""' I~! Le Pro~ut est I)Otarll pour ur.edor!Je dun an acomp:er de Ia oole de La rr!j)Mali:Ml sera eHectuee Qratuitemenl. Nous OOIJS r eser~oos 1e droit deremplac.erle Produit sisarr!j)arationres'a.trepaspossible. Les t ra ;s~ ·em!l.l l lape , ~·ios l~llalioo ainsi que rou~autres trais oo risques iod irer.:tementliesilloi!paralionnesoolpasr;oowrtsparla garanlieerseronl llachargedel'ulilisateur_ o.V.ool.>OI:K:tooflpo:Ovtoc:.rncr.r.tfjllrjoovtl'prprJr<aroAJ« Con :lniaos A Tooten!r::lamati011 lormuteeen'-e~ude laGara~tredo~rll re accompagnlledela presen:eCartede Garant•eeiOOs iolrxmations pu!ill:au;~po.).atljlaVO\Iti'I:IVttoHntpeobrKr.JYtUyxwvoou t.I.Ll~.tOOI'j(I!'jl;tfl'."'JJ'l(:autnr;np:rn:r~aOINI:&uttar tm6toll!:ATioEyy.ortc"W..altTtlrWov: nPOIOXH Aur~ n ~(!pre r<ar ~ anOOot~ (~ u~o).OyroiiMlr anapoitqrc vrc ll)l' oyopri Ytoo n~~O.GE III.plmwaq KMl:tt1<~UJIOOiporf~(. O~ipovtOl (IIOCMOO!:Oll.OtyXtli).Wtoullpor6vrt>:; ~~~Lt~ 010 f\X>IO'< r.oo OlilE~\oii'IOi ot ovtnapo<tr<'; ~ Espana Allulilizzatarediprodo"i Keowood l a ling r~ o diaversr::elto q .~esloprodolfo Kenwood(il "Prodo~o")Se. rnnormalicond iziooi dr tunzronarrenro. esso par cua l ~u•er razOO adiscos. cintas, crntas deviCeo. co;npad risuttassediteltoso,venar iparatoososlitu·to gr<ltuitomente, secondo i le•mirri della presente Cartoiim di GariYlira Oualora ~ Prodolto che presenta uo a~ euo sia slaloacQ~istato in uno qualunquederp!!esl rrrerrbr idellaComur ;t\ discsorualq ui'Orokoobjelo~nosea ei Producloensi Econorr~Europea(C EE), Iapre!lll'aroo d i porlar lodaqualsiasi pore~ccder lasespecitrcacr~rnGicadas , VdailoScai!Sados rmpo.rt<ltore ulfir: raltKe1wood . Rrven~nore Autorimlo, Centro Assisltrua II.IJ i oriuatoaven d~ored i prOOotli Ken'N()(j(j deltaCEE u oolame11ea ll a ricewrad'acqursrooall ro documen~cornprova~rela d.llad·acquisto seestatoacqu i sta~aldi tuorirlel'aCEf.i l Pro~or.o dovr~ essere porlllo at oegoziante d.l cu i e slalo ar;q~ i stato 5e r1Prodottor!staloacquista:o inunpaeseilj)tartenentea: ta Comunita Ec~omita Europeaeleides ideracOI'JOS(;erel'in1rriuodel Est.Jgara miaseotrecerinic.n~en:ea laspersooasqUtJ hayan Ertorderi;Chet.Aod ilikatronenrumBelrrebdesGer~es in Lande~o Verbr~l'l:l·OOerVerschteifilei te. dieimRahmeodes oorma lenKoodendienstesauswtausdlen siod ,.,rezB · Tonabnehmersysterne. Nadeln,Arltnebsnemen, TonkOOfe Einsc!IUhe,ToO!Tiilbel.fror:ienbane~ .en. wiederaul lactJ;ue Akkus,leislun;rs·Enr:uotrren u.s.w (g) Al leProdukte. heideocndoeSer.ennummer(nlganzaoer le.IWiliseentf€rnl.~~tr3ndertodef uoke~nllidtgemachl autrrahJnal gull ir;reNorn'OJiluodSich€rhei t~vorschriHenvom Benut.::ergctraQ'.'Il ·.oe rden UorerscneJdelSichauBeroemdasProduklvoodenducndeo o(tlziellenlrrr,)Orteur.,.rtriebenenProrJJkteounds.o' llen!lirdie ReparaturdresesProdoktes Ersatzte· ten rcnt'll.'flijgtlafsein, ltll.l ~ rlerBellllllera ieKoslen!Ur Hrn· u.Riicktr.ltlsportdes Ger:itesrn das KaiJIIilfldtragen Gle.cfles gilt, wenn im betretfende!llandaus ar~e~en !lerechliQ'en Grliror11 keirre Ga ra~tiele•stu'IQilll 3r\Oebolerl W!'lden k0nllll!1 CAusgenomtner~vortdenGawrtre:eislu;r~Jensrnd (a) Veraooer~ogenamPro~uki,So"Nie normateW311Uf!IJS urxt .Justage. artreilen . eioschl ie8~ich der in de r Bed ie1tlogsanteituOQerlll1lhnlenregetm.'lllrl}erlKontrotten. Scha:JenamPrOOukl.diedurchmangelhalteodernitht tachgerechteArhenenentstandensrM.wennalese ArteitenvonDrittl.'ll-orgeoornmen\MJrden,dieoichl zurD\Jrchllil'rungvonGaranrielers!ungen imNamendes tlers!ellerserm1lch1igtsiod (c) Sch:ldendurch N:r.:tt•assigkeit. Untalle, AA:terungen, lNtlrde(n) D:ese Garan~e ka~n von a:ten Perso~en beaospruchiWL'llden. dre das F'IOOtrklllll)aierw~benhaben In Obereinstrrrruro~ mrl den '10rgena1nten GatanlrebedingLngeo w;rd dasProdilkt kosteokls instandgeselll nderurDCJelauscht.OiesesRecnt beero·trOChlrgt inkeinerWe iseso~tQ€ Rec~ledesBenutzers lm Rolt\mendergllltroenrecnllichenBeslim~o~o lnstaodsetzung oder Ausrausdlbewir!(en kerneVerl&!g!'fungder Garanlie!e~ Weilergehende ArlsprOchesindausgesch loSS€o. IIISbesondere solche autWandel ~n9. MiiY.INun9oder Schaderrersar1 ZUR BEACHTUNG DieseGarantiekarteundder! imFalle desVerlusteseinneuesBedientei l werwerben u'IS.1CI1geru<i0eMonloge, mangelhalleVerpa:tku~g Feh l bed i e<IIJ~g oder !/erwendung talscroer [rsat1teile bei eroer Aeparalur erdocumenrssuivants: (a) W.rlre i:lent.teet adressecomplele (b) Lecertdicatd'achatoutoot autredcrcr.rne1tr!tabl iss~t la date a ·a.."qu r;dionduProduilau~r~ d 'un d r!tll ' llantl!labl r dansla CEE (c) lident i!Liet fadl€ssecomot~OOceootai t :aot (dl LenL<meroMs€rreettenom~umodel eduProdrril Sicesrnlormatioosnepei!Yentelrelour mesoosile PrOO uit atHr! rroditie au a lter~ de quelqt~e mao:!!re q~ece ';(l it clep~r s Ia rlale d'aC~.Juisition. Kerw.wrJ se re>er~"ele dro~ de reluser de rCoorer le Produdam cOOdrlionsdelaprr!senleGarant:e B LeProdu it aetCcooskuiiOOma nil'reilsewolcrmerau~normes e1 e.:ge~ces de sb:orire oationa les et tocalesapp :icatrtesdans le n'etanlpashabil iteepa!Kei1'MXldilextclllerdesrtparations degarant repoor lecorr:pteoocer:ederniere: Le rlommage caus~ au Produit resutlllnt d'u'le rreQ I ~gerce d'unaox rdenl,rierror:i ficatioos d'uneinst.J'Ia:lonood'oo enlballagedi!lectLreux. d'u:'le l!lilisalionirrcorrecteoude l'utilisa1io1depikesde rechange inappr0Jlrl{les (d) Le dommage cau;~a u PrOOuil dl ~u !e J, l'ill"'l't\efSion dans 1' foudre. on trerrblemert de te~re, une 'lfrtilalion iMdeq:Jate.uncasde lcrcemateure. urreutilisation, pou querquecause quecesait.avec uneteosi ontlec~rque d'al l'tlenlar ion rr:correcte oo toure aurre cause hors d ~ C1llll'rjled€Ke'M'IJ00 le) Leshauts-p:llleurse'ldommag.!ssute a leurut rlisal iOil a (c) paysdoaprem il!lemisesurlemarch\enEur~par lelabr:cant charr;re les trars d'adaptllioo du Frodu rt au~ oo:mes et e) igen::es appl icables En or.. tre, si 1€ PrOO uit est d'uo type dirrl ~enl des prOOU its tciS sur le marche p31 l rmpona:eur oflrcreJ d~ pays dans leQuelleProduit estprfsenlepor.. r rr)para!iOil aulrlredelagarant'e, elque lespltcesde rechan;Jeappropriliesoesonlpasdisp011:t les danscepays,ClUque lar! pl ration OOgaramien'est paspossible dai'!Scepii)'Spourloulea.Jtre raiSOilll!g:lime, les traisrelatils au tran$!:Crta'lerre:ourduProdultpourr!paratrOildans lepays de prem iere acquismoo seront a Ia c~a~ge de l'utilisateur C.Lapresen:eGara11tienecoovrepas {a) lesa'teratronsrtu Prodirrl,lesailplali01Sel~nl r~ ie~s fiOfiOilJ~. Vcompr is leswnlrfiies rJer rod iqt.res le!sQUe mentronOOSdanste MaoueljoinrauProduit (b) le dornmagecaliSr!il'J Prnd~i l resutl<lnt de reparalions rnalpraprieesooina:tequaleselfectui'espar toulepersoone pressoun riwodiOreresideme in Eu rOjla N0111e. cogoorreed rndirim del rr.el'd~oreda cu i il Proocno ~ stato acqurstalo ldl Numerodirtli!lrir:olaeroodellodei Prodolto (c) DrJaloia noos•ai)OssiMetorn i req~;esteintoomazioo i ,o sei l Prado:taestatomod il'ocato oalter<ltoinqoarsiasi modocopo l'acqu isto. Ker.woodC orpOI'<ItlonsiriSilrvailarrrodi ritiltcarel a riparazioredei PlodoHosewndo iterminidiqoeslaGaranzia B.II Prodonoestatarealimloinmodoclasoddistaretutti gli stand.lldoaziooal i o loca! rea ireqol~rti di siwrem~iger.tirrella naz;onedovee ven~oto. E'lerltuali modiliche rrecessarie per l utrlrno rn altri paesi ooosono(;()pe~edaquesta GarafiZta Seit Prooono. veodulo inltatia,vieooutilin<ltoinunonazione europea, do·•eessol!sogge"oastanrurderequisiti diversrru quell i ivr -.g~li,QI.i<l lsiasiservizioreso rngaranzia.potrJawenire awndiziooeche l'utilizzatoresl llCC1llllll costodiadanarB il pror:tonoag'i $!anclard ed ai f!IQU i~iti 'o'ijJeoli_ Uguafrmnte pe1 orodoHi acquistati io al!ri paesi CEE ove ~:gono standard e requislti dr'lfrS1daqoelli italiani, rlserl'izrodi g.a r<ll'ziasaril resorolt< liaa Deacuerdoaiomeoc i onadon i ba.el ~roductoser.lreparadoo Vi iG. S inori 7/9,20129 Mitano carnbiadJsincargoalguoo Estos derechos se ofreu n sln Tel.+3910212(1.t821 cl)ll(t iJ i~chel'~til imlOtesi aoxo l li iloostodiadMtarei l prodolto aglr standard ed ai reQu isiti i ~i vigenli.lnoltre. quatora il Proooho sia di lipo ~ iverso cia quelli cOITllllerciaHmn d.l ll 'i TrPOrtalrxe periuicl o de losdere,bos delusualio del produ,to bajo ATENCI6N (f) auBerhalbdesB€st;mrr..~ogs•ru:deslallcnnichtu.nlerdie voroenanntenGarantret:restimmuOQen . Aullerdemtit:reroehme1 wrr ke:ner leiliattungUrArtre:te nrn ciesemZusammerllaOQoder fu r Besctr:idiguogendesProdukleSd iedurchsolcNlArtreilen eolstehen Ri•-erxtilo~Au:orrm:odellaCEEalei piUYiculQ,Io preghiam~di KENWOOO ELECTRONICS ITAU A S.pA Estatarjetayun recrbo(olactura)so n nec:es.ariospara adqu rrir uoacaratulanuevaencasoderoboodai'iode lamisrna Schal lplaneo. Tonbandern. TOil- llodVideokassetten.CD· Korrpai®:MIIp!aaenuOOanderen Gegensll!rtden,dienitru BestandteildesPr oduktssiod Si~herheitsi'Orsch r olten rivotr;rersial seguente rodi•ino obenrdole;,rJimenteelprodiiCio las et11 pulaclonas te~a l 1111 natlonalas o toca tesapltcables en cadamomenlo MherenLeistU~9enalsdenMgegebenen.Schlldenan Erster..-erbVe r.!nderu~enam P rOOul\tvorll(!nOITJI'lenwurden unepu,ssances~perieure!!celle iMiq~. etle ~omma~ cauSI\aux d i sQues, ba'ldes~tesaudiO, cassr!.lesv.drlo compactdrscs, au IOU! autre bren qui n'esl pas le Prod~~ en lilrJ:Querel. etce Quel lequ'ensoillacause. 11) Lesbil.'llSCOilSOitltl'lilblesoo tesp~d'usure devant !lrerempla~en raisondeteuruti ' rsotionrrowale, ct nola'llllle~tlesi!l~ments rJegra.llOpOOI'rerempl~ables lesaiguillesp hono.lescourroies, les~esdelectureet d'enreg.stemenl, les racks,lesb<l~eriessOCoes . les ba:teries rechargeab'es,etlesltlbest;oaux IU) LeProdu it dont le n~odesetiea,;:epa~iellemeolw i rrjgralemenlretrr~ . mOOrlil!oueftaai la presenre Gara~tieestconsr ituee en taveur de tou!e petSOilneayant acquis 1e Proouit de mani~re lega le. Le Prod~~ sera remplactoo repategraluilemenl aw: wn1itions e xposl!esci · ~us . Si f uti l, sareurestun noo·pro~esStOOoe l aJ uO bt\OOiicieraentwtMatdecausedei;Jgarantie re:~ateeocasdedr!lautsouae iicescach'is duProouit ATIENTION La ca~e de garantieef lapreu\1€ d'achat(ou iafacture)sonl necessa ires3 1'achatd 'u nenoovelle facadectelachab leencas dedommagesour1e~ol. KENWOOD ELECTRONICS ITALIA S.p.A. ltalia el tuego. inmersrQnenelagua,rayo,seismo.ventllac rOn inadear:lfla. ap lir:::acir'rn ii'(;OHectadet -oltlljeprirrcrpal/sub'da delensiOOcomoseaqueocorra.o cwlqoierotracaJsal.rera del c()lltroideKeoiiOCd (e) AllavocesdaMIOOSp()f laaplicacicinrltnwelesdepolencia (d) Sch:loeodurchFeuer.WasserschOOen.Biitzsc!llag,Erdret:reo. unzureicheor:leBelutlung,hOhereGer<o·aii.Anschlu6an lalsche Uetzspanouogodersonstrgevon Kenwoodnrcn:zu verantwortendeUrsact>en (e) SchiidenanlalllsprecherndurchrleoBetriebao B.ZumZeilponktderAuslieteronga'lden HardelertJIItdieses ProduklallelltlBestrmmungslandgOIIigeoNoomen iJ sr:fascu m iseillac~ditroo q ueruri lisate(lrduPrrxlu it K0'\16\rt~. En.!!MO>ot('lll TOrr,:<l:OVt<'o'OI ~n <OO l ~r.oo ar.o OIJ16 n<i\li\INOLnou CIIJ\IIJtOI'l'lllti!IJ(at.J<::j.ltlt)>tO.OMIJiiLliJTil••ao. IC) Dervollstli1digeNameunddreArtschrift aesEi~h~ndlers. beiOOmdasProOOktgckauii\\T. tde ld) OitSerienourrrmerund die Mode llbezeichouogdesProdukls. Kerr..oodbehiilt srchdasRechtvorGaranl:eleislurrr;renabzulehr.eo wenod ievor[ten.annten lnlorrnatronenletllenoder wennseit Tel. +33101825800 109 Ht~I)Otl\'IO TOnp:wovrcxutLy>atVlltliX\'Ir.OlllV~~oocryoprx; ETtL$11'.oOCIQI.I:t(lltlOUboMrwpOTO(>'O()Vlll\010011j001.'1.rtTO~;O>o , ioco~reclapplicatioriolmain -oll i!iiellowsO!Mi r ar~n~. rx anyolhercat.Jsebeyono lheconkot of Kenwood, www.kenwood ·ele..tronics.ft L'Etoih! Pillris Nord 2 50,all6e dtn lmpresalonn lsl es 8Pss-16VILLEPINTE 95944 ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX t),w;Cff(ltptllti,l'&rofl.\rl6ti ~nopo~i ar.c(l(IL11110otfl<i)JTIIoKJ!jnOOtYtlO>tlt~.IJOil tav n EtnOr<tl.l\ 10:.0 ilt• ~:tOP£1 \Ill,.at0111llrj6ei Gt xa~I)AO.ootoo; modltications,de1acti"..einsta ' la:raoorp3C~iog. misuse Les modrfical ;ons or'lcessaires.i. fuli l rsalio~ du Produil aun eodroltauttenesootpascou•-etlespartJprl!senreG.aran:ieel ta responsabt:rl\ deKerrHOOd nepou rraer.r eerKJ<II)r!!epou r roure prestatron efte<;~L»e .l o;ene hn outouldomrnage c.aos€aJ PrOOJ~ elrtsu llartdeleliesp•es-alions Si le PrOOuit est uti l•s€ dans un pa~s Eurcp.len dans \eqt;el il est soumisa des oormes et etigerrces o.~terentes cer::elles en ~iguew danslepa\S Euoplolndepremi!!re mise sur lamarchL! par le ta~riqua11 . loulepreslal ion 9fle)kut. onde laptesenreGar.Jn:re 'o'OUSrense rg oeraup~de ot¢MOr.porunor<arOJ;I'o'(lve<:()l;(louroo.K:ooutrropr.rO((IV101(1111 ATTENTION Thiscardaod receipt(or invoice)are necessaryl opurchase arrewpanel in caseof theftordamage KENWOOD ELECTRONICS FRANCE S.A. AilVfloo~EVt<:;EfTIOMcll:~crr011¢o'.oooli~o;r.ooUvti):,crv ),oyop_aoiJOTOolnl.XO~OXtliKtl;~ttlj'lt'f'\'(oljO'j Sllbrect asmeolionedatrove.t!JeProducllo'ill he repairedorrepJaced treeolctrarge.Theser ightsinnoWl{mterterewimoratherwrse a~ecr I!Je rights ottne user ol the Producl unoerthe ap pl rcahle legal t~~ooi~ions anduseot iMppropriatespareparts ~.aulclalum hervo rgre h t rra too~~'''""tl;lO'ovtwvKENI'/000 TltisWar rantyr;a.-ai!abletllanypersonwbohasler)allyobrainerl thePrOOLd. ld) rlamagelotheProduct r:auseooytrre. tig htn ing . ea~h q,rake . rfl30eqJa:e •entit'llroo, Acts of GOO (b) impro:)pr•aste.-adasaca!:ro porqualquerpessooouentl!lade Nomewmpretoee<lder~ proyiderJinthiscoonlrylorano11erlegitirTlil'.e reason.ttrenlhe costofsh ippi"g tl1e ProrJli:I IOI'reparrroaodnom!hecoontryot Oliglrnl porchaseshall tre!)OirretJy theuser. CThisWarrantJ'doesnotcover· 1a1 allelalionsotlhePrOOUCI, aodnormal mainteoancealld adjustmenrs. iro::lur:lirgperiodiccheck·uoomentionedinme t.Aanu31usedwiththe ProdJct, {b) clamar;relolheProdocl causedby inadeqlla!eor rmproper reo.J, irs carried oo1 by any person tK ~ntirywh;th r; 1101 authoriledlr)' lhemanLfactureflopetformv;arranty services onitsbella ll (c) rlamagelotheProdoctcausedbynegl'genr;e, acc i:lents nwd.lnoausgretlihrt ·~-enn dr e KOSh!ll!Cr fl.loa~:orrzad.lspeto tabritanreoarareatizarosser'<i~de (a) tromthosemarkeledby meofticialimporler il lhecouolly~ere are uoa·•ai!ablernmrscouo:r yor thev.llf~ty servi~ecaollOfbe Wirddas Pr 00Uktrn elnem laodberwlll,liirda6d iesesncl1t kO!Il•Pr&r11)1()!Jerl)eslellt wordeorst.dann ·,.,erdenGaraolrearherlen KerriiOOdr;rew~Ma~ldresesGerateroeGar.Jnli ev:Jn ei nemJahratl Estecartloe um recibo loufactura)S.X.r.eces>arrospara wa rraotyserV1teS will hesullrect lolhecordilionlhffilheuser beartl1ecost olildaot rngtheProduct lolheappticablestandards and rf(Juirements In addition, ~~~Pr00UC1isditf€re~t i ntype Kanrilld·Ad• n• u• r AIIee 1-11,611 188illdVilbel quesJo regidr;n;p• las delenninlf6n legliS'I'Iiejve i$. ATEN(f.i.O lolllspea~rs dl~Tli~Qedbyacplicalioootpo...,rlevelsbe)'Oild theralerlspeciticat ioo ,anddamagescauserllorwnarever reasontorecrxds. taoes.cassetielapes. l'idoolapes, r:ornpOCt drsks. or any other i)OOdswhich~re OO!Ihe PrOOIIC! itself; (I) conr.umatlleoo wear iogilems requ~ log repl acemen t aspart oloormatservicE. ioclodil'<tl(bul na! limrtedlo)phonoCol!tridr}es,stylus,drivebeJis.lapeheadS.fll':kS.df'J'cells rechargeabletraller resaod lioal lubes (QI lheProdoctlromwhichanyoralloltheserral nofltlershas De~n rl!lllll'led. mOdit!ed()f defaced. Wlh ePrOOLdtsusedmaEu ropeaocoomry ·~thereilissWject KENWOOD ELECTRONICS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Tei. 0810-10·2520 Tal wmo fo i acima re~erid o. o Produlo seri! reparado ou subst1tl!i:lo gratu!lamente Eslndlreltosnlo i•ltrlerem .. m dt modo ~ lgum afeetam rn oulros dlreflos de Pllflza~lo do Produto i nlhecoontryol tirstsalebyi!Jemao~u ·er i nEurOJ)e It) KENWOOD ELECTRONICS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH SelrrgrehrterKrxlrJe wiraankeo lhnenfllrdenKaufdiesesKerrlrlloa.ProduOrs So lltediesesProdulclunte<llOimalenBelr iebshe:liogungen Malerial· oderVera rtreitungsmangel aut.veisert ,werdenv.·irdicse in IJbereinslimrmog mitdeonacltfolgendenGaran~ellesli 1ln:unge~ koslenlo:sbeseiligen. br,.,._dasGerillumtausdren FallsSiedasProdutttmernemEG·MitQ:iedsstaaterwortleohabeo krtnnenSiedasProdukl imSchadensfalldemottiziellenKer!wood· Impo~lecr. eioem autor isierten Fach 'r;i 00 ler oder er ner aul orisrerten S€rlice-Werks:aH rn derEG. wsammettmrloenllielerschem.rler RechnungodereinemaoderenNachweisdesKaltdatumsuberQ€ben B€ieinemaullerha!b der EG aJk.1 JIIenPro:!Ukt'lo{''ldenSiesidt bir.e (b)clanosrroProoutocausaoosporrepara~ inaoequa:lasoo Cond;Q'Jes EAAac; Estagaranija rlctcrooda aqualqoerpessoaqueteohaadqurrido ler;almenteoProoulo rnHornl orlocalstarKlardsandsaletyrequirenrenrsapplic~le MoorlrUI!ions necessaryloruseeiSEN:lereare nolrol'eledbythrs Wanaoly. aodn o l;abilitylor repair,.;nt:reaccepledillrespecrol anywork dooe in J!tisconnectton.orany damagelo thePtodl.d arisiog fromsuchwork ~ isot:ererJforwarramyreparr,andlheapprOJ)rratespareparts Pleasekeepth isWarr.JntyCardasyouwi llroeed il shouldaclaim ser·•i~sdagaraol.aes"<llr:io r.ujei tosaco,ld ir;aodequeoutil izac:tor e rtljlrasai ap l ic:r·•eis. A!~md i sso. seoProdutolordemodelo diterer1!€daqueles i'OO!lidosprximportad01esa'iciaisnopals onde elefar apresenta1o para repara.;)o ~o !mb:to t1a gar.Jrrtia e seasoo;assooresselectesa~ropriOOas o:!oestive:em dispoot..ers nesrepaisouseoservir;ode(lalantiaMoplJderser realiladonesle paispor urraoiltlarazaoteg rtrma.enraoocustadotranspMe ~spe!outrlrzador A.Ou~tqocrrectaTLar;aoabra~idaoorestaga rantiaoe~"eraser . _,., Osterreich (d) danos ~o PrOOutocausados por togo. imers.lo em Agua (d) TheSeriai NumtJerandModelnameoltheProdi.d. lflhis inlormationcanoolheproviderl.orif lheProdoclhasbeen mod~ied or altered in any Wl(S ince lhe date oii)Jrchase, K9!111100d Colpola!iOil reserves therigllt to rel~se 10 repa ;r t11e PrrxtJCI UOOer lhe lerms ollhisWarranty S.ThePtOOocthasbeeomanutaclured solhatit rompliesw.thall thecount ry ot lirslsalelr)' themanutaclurl)l i nEurope. t~nany Kenwood House, Dwight Ro•d, W attord,. Hettt , WD189E8 Tei. 01923.S1&44.ot www. Cond~ioos ol..e,krerduil~~tVoerde!Jers!ell rngendooreenenlileil KENWOOD ELECTRONICS UK LTD. to Oiherstandardsanr:rrequiremettlslhlnthoseapptrcabtein ielated tolhe~alrepai r, arenot irrcluded i nlhewananlyserl'ices (b) scharle'!fuxxzaakl.lil'lhetProduktdooronaangepaste rumnwended:)festabelecodonaEuropa NorriecOillp:etoeellOOrco;odorerfflndedor ondeo?rodliiOioi tt.rlotlowrng t:~r i nlormati Oil aod wl llllechar\)ed H. F. GONCALVES, LOA. Portugal lf ilbi>cor'nesd~live~n:Jerr.ormat operari ~gronditions. nwittbe repa;redot replacedlreeolcharll(!incorrtornLitywilhlhetermsol thrsWarrantyCard. lnlhee.entltlatlheProductwasporchased in aoyEECt.AemberS!<lleaod)'(JUexperierrr::eaproblem.pleaSillake tt-.ePloductloanyoffrciaiKeowoodrmporter, AulhmiredDealer, Aumor ireoServrct cenrreor retailerotKeowood prOOuct5 1ntlleEEC. IO!Jelherwilhrhejl!Jichase receiplorotheradequaleproololltreda.'& ot purchase. II ~ \I<ISpiJichaserloursidelheEEC, lheProductmUSitre ta!centathe retailer tromwhom rtwasoorcr.ased ~!hePror:tiJCi was purchased iothefECandyou ·Nislltokno"" lhe locatiorlolyouroeatestAuthoriledt:lr'mler inlheEEC, please(;()((act Dezekaartenaanl::oopnotazijn meistomeennieuw alneemDaar lront panrelte bestellen. in het gcval ~an diefstal olbeschadiging Pro~ukt, Caro tJil imdordosprOOlllosKenwood UK & Ireland DearlJser rj KenwoodProducts lh<rl~yoolorhal'logchosenlhisl<erMwd Drodur:t(:he" ProdiiCI') OPGElET voorzienJsrndeGebru iksaaflWijl illiJgeleverdmet!Jel Garaolrekaa~endrentdaa"entoventevermelaeo: (bl garanliehefSieltingeni'OOilljorekenioguiltevoeret1; schadeveroorzaaklaanhe1Proouktdoor0111J:htlaamheid. oogeval. wijziq•ogen,gebrekkige insla'latteol'lfrp.alling, wrteerd gelll u:kotgelm.J ikvanormogep.astewisselsluklcen (d) schadeveroor<aaklaanhetPlOOoktdoorbland. onderdcmpeli111J iOwat€r.blll<sem ii'!Slag.aardbeving onaarrge-pasteventilalie.ove rmacnLorl.lallg.::paste stroomsler kte 0111 wel~ e reden ook ol e!~e andere oomak (c) la pregh iamJ di conservareq~est.t Ca~olioo di Garan1la. da:oche 1e utt ic•a~dell8 rwio~ dove~ieneportatoper la riparazr onern ve~ rarichrestarncasodrrecramo. I)Otalllia,ed intp.JellarwiooeMOSiili!Od;SjXIILibili i pezzi di ricambioapproorroliooonpossarroessereresi, perallrovaliOO molil'l:.l, sermiingararu:ia.allora rl oosto retoliiO al!aspedrzrone I 1 Pro:bttotg1Wartlito perun1Wlnodallad.lladiacqoislot~~esso qJalsiasiveodnoreCEEdrprooottiKenwood. l agaranziacapre sia i mater rallctre lamanod'ooerae lariparazlaneverraesegu·ta g raluil1lfller'llel<e<'ro1lod sirise~va i ldir ihodi sosl ituirei i Pr odolfo conu'IOident.coo. rrell'iPJtesrquesto nOilfosseLJtil prodotto,wo unodi ideotichecaralterist.cheqwlora.asuoinsi:l'k:abilegiJdizro il costo dellariparaziotre fossemolto eleYato Kenwoodnut l'a'Kogarant;sce, ropartcolare nonsono ioclusi oe lla garanzia i oosti rel3riviali'imllalloedal lad isioslallaziorre/inS1al'azione delp!o~tto. l coslidiua:: porto saran10acaritxldel clieme Corcim~i A.Ouran teiloeriododellagaranliaqwlsiasi reclarno dll'leessere OO::O'fiP.1~torlallaCartolinadi Garanzioediooltrerla (a) ll sUOflll(lle, cognomelld indiriuo (b) A;ce'llllaoallrodocumentooomproo-a11e laCa:ad'OCIJu isto deiPro d oltartlr ipar&eall arwir.onedove~s!aloacqu,stalo. e rilorOQ. I'I!IIilsosrenutodall uhlrzza:ore C Questa Gararo:ia ncn co~re {a) ahera~i on i deiProdolloe le norma li operillio nidi ma~u :enz i orre e rararura. compresJ i com•otl i periOOici menziomti rreiMaoualelornitoron il ProdO!Io lb) d.loni ai ProdJttorJovlllia riparazioniioadegualeoimpropr re etteuuateda quats:asipersoca o entencnaul()fizzato dal costruUoteadelleiUa reseiViziingaranziaaswoorre lc) dannraiPro:tJtodovJtrar.egl:genza,rrrc•denti,modilic!Je installazione o imb.l l laggiostro~l iati,utrlizzoerroo!!Oed uso drpenidi ricaTrbio nonOOa:ti: (d) claoniaiP,o d ottoOOvu~ia luocai~rsJO!\eroar,r; lra , IJimioi, tecremoli. venl il aziooeioadegual<l, caused i lom ma\jgitKe,appiLCaLi(lfl(!dilensrCfledialillentalrooe errat> ccm~OQueorrginalll.o Qualsiasr altra= indipendenle datta vatonta ~i Ken.voort tel a'toparla11i danoeggiat idall applicaziooedi lrw llrd•po:enza eoceae11i ~cara:rerisllcl'e tec~rchenomroa l i~darni p roc~ ratr per qwlsiasrmotr..oadischi, oastr i .casseneau~io . .idoo:;assctte,corlt;l.lCi discoallriacxessori cheoonsiaoor l Prc«mostesso: II) componeolisoggeltiaconsumoodusuracherichierlaoo ~sostilulioneQUl !eprassr dimanu:errtione.compr elltleoli (manOil limitali a) testinetooogratrcne, ~~~;thredi uazione.!eslirredi reoistrazione. mcbi~ni. etemeoti aserxo. tllbifioa li, (g) ii Prodatto acu i parleotun i i oomeri dimatricola siaoostat i rimossi, modificali oresr il leggibili OuestaGaranziaeadisoosiliooedi chiunquesiaentralo legalmente inoossessoOOI Prodotto Fattosalvoqoanlocilata al p-Jil:o (C)i iProdonoverrarrparaloo sostitwlogratuitamente: Qll<lnta sopraooninterterisr:2en01l inlluisce in alcunmodos.uidirinidell'utiliualoreoei ProY.ltto!normadel le iigentrdisoos,zionrd i legge ATIENZIONE QueslodOOJmeoloelaricevuta d'acquisto(ola11ura)sono necessariper l'acquislodiunnuovo fronfa lino in casodi lurloodaono KENWOOD USA CORPORATION This warranty will be ho nored only in t he U.S.A. KENWOOD LIMITED WARRANTY FOR CAR STEREO COMPONENTS MILITARY HOW LONG IS THE WARRANTY Except as specified below, thi s warranty covers al\ defect s in m aterial and w o rkmanship in Kenwood car stereo com ponents. The lollowing are not covered by the wa rranty: 1. 2. 3. Any product which is not distributed in the U .S.A. by Kenwood or w hich is not p urchased in the U.S.A. from an authorized Kenwood car st ereo dealer or an automobile dealer, unless t he product is purchased throu gh the U.S.A M ilitary Exchange Service. Any product on which the serial number has been defaced, modified or rem oved. Damage, deterioration or m alfu nction result ing from: a. Any shipment of the product (claims must be present ed to the carrier). b. Installation or removal of t he product. c. Accident, acts of nature, misuse, abuse, neglect, unauthorized product m odification or fai lure to follow inst ructions supplied with the product d. Repair or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by Kenw ood. e. A ny other cause which does not relate to a product defect. This unilhas been pmperlt desig~d.testedand if\Spectedbeloreit wasshipped to WARRANTY PERIOD This product is warranted lor a period of (1) year from the tlale ol lhr. original purchase LIMITATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES ALL IM PUEO WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRA NTIES OF MERCHA NTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE LENGTH OF THIS WARRA NTY. This warranty gives you specif ic legal rig hts, and yo u may also have ot her rights which vary f rom state to state. If a problem develops during or after the Limited Warranty Period, or if you have any questions regarding the operation of the product, you should contact your KENWOOD Authorized Dealer or Authorized Service Center. If the problem or your question is not handled to your satisfaction, please contact our Customer Relations Department at the address l isted below: KENWOOD USA CORPORATION P.O Box 22745, 22G1 East Dominguez Street, Lo ng Beach, CA 90801-5745 Tel : (310) 639-5300 Atsugi Kenwooti Rep,; C/o Atsugi NEX No. 260-020 FPO Seattle 98767 lwakuni Kenwood Rep,; c/o Marine Corps Exchange, Marine Corps Air Station, FPOSeattle98764 Sasebo SaseboNEX; NavyExchangc260-040 FA Box 115 FPO Seattle 98766 Okinawa Kenwood ReiJ,; c/o OWAX, AAFES-PAC, APO San Francisco 96230 9. lhiswar·ant~willnmcoverany lail ure that isduetoanyolthelollowiuycurrllitionsin accordance with the visual inspoction ot lh€ authorized Kenwood Service ~ll~r ' Improper marntenancc or mparr. im:luding tile iflStallation of parts or accessories ttrat KOREA: Kenwood Rep,; c/o KOAX Repair Shop, AAFES-PAC DO-Camp Market, APO San Francisco 96488 do nolconlorm to thequalityand specificationsoftheofi~inalparts ·Misuse, atx.rse. reglect, unauthorized product modilicalion or !arlure to lollow inslructionscontarned inlheOwnersManual · Accideotalor intcntioAal damages ·RefltlirsorallerrtJIOOrcpairsbyanunaulhorizedagency. (Allrepairsmustbeperfor;ned at anaulhorized Kenwood S.~r~ir.e Cr.nter.) • [}drrlag(!S or deteriorations r;Jusr:d d11ring shipment {Claims must toe presented tolhecarr:er) • Damages or delerioralions resulting from removal and/or replacllf03nt. EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES KENWOOD'S LIABILITY FOR A NY DEFECTIVE PRODUCT IS LIMITED TO THE REPAIR OR REPLACEM ENT OF THE PRODUCT ATOUR OPTION. KENWOOD SHAll NOT BE LIABLE FOR: 1. INSTALLATION OR REMOVAL CHARGES, DAMAGE TO OTHER PROPERTY CAUSED BY ANY DEFECTS IN KENWOOD CAR STEREO COMPONENTS, DAMAGES BASED UPON INCONVENIENCE, LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCT; OR 2. ANY OTHER DAMAGES, W HETHER INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHERWISE SOME STATES DO NOT All OW LIM ITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS AND/OR DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT A PPLY TO YOU. Yokosuka Kenwood Rep.; c/o A·33, Yokosuka NEX No. 260-010 FPO Seattle 98760 Duringthel'.'<lrrantyperiod,any authOrized Kenwood Ser~iceCenler ·nIhe mili:arymar~ct lis!cd inthe baek ot thiswarr.ontycardwill pro~ideyoulree-ol-thargebothpartsand labor required to corred any lleled in materials or workmanship ThetollowiAgarenotCO'Ieredbytliis w~rranly If your KENWOOD prod uct ever needs service: 1. Take or ship it to any KENWOOD Autho rized Service Center in the U.S.A . along w ith & complete description of the problem. (if you are uncertain as t o whether a Service Center is authorized, please calll-800-KENWOOO for the nearest Service Center. 1-800-536-9663). 2. Although you must pay any shippi ng charges if it is necessary t o ship the product for warranty service, we w ill pay the return shipping charges if t he repairs are covered by t he warranty withi n the United States. 3. Whenever your units are taken or sent for w arranty service, you must include a copy of the o riginal dated sales receipt as proof of warranty coverage. Misawa Kenwood Rep,; c/o Misawa BX, JAAX AAFES-PAC, APOSanFrancisco96519 SCOPE OF WARRANTY Except as speciliedbelow,thiswarranty ~over~ all detects rn malcrialsand IVOI"kmanshrp of theKoowood brandproducts. t . Vottageconversions 2. Periodiccheck-upswhichdonotdiscloseanydefectcoveredby \he warranly 3.Cabinets.gfilles. other exterror lrnishes, tJelts. tapeheads. ardoltrc!non durable parts<VJdaccessories. 4.Unils onwhichtheseria1Aumber hasbeenettaced.modr1iedorrcmovcd 5. Installation and/01 remo~al ~11aryes 6. [)amaged mag~~elic lapes 7. Housecallchargeslorar.y repairs 6. Ship[)ingordeliverychargeslo ortromanauthorized KeRWoodServit:t! C;;!nt~r HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE Zama Kenwood Rep,; cio Zama PX, JAAX AAFES-PAC. APO San Francisco 96343 you.ll properly illS!alledandoperated in ac.cordanccwith instructious funrished. il shouldgiveyou anoptimum reliableperlormancc. This warranty is enforceable only by the original purchaser. We w ill pay for all labor and material expenses f or covered items. Paym ent of shipping charges is discussed in the next section of this warranty. Yo kota Kenwood Rep,; cto Yokota BX, JAAX AAFES-PAC, APO San Francisco 96328 Kenwood corooratioAis proud of the quality and workmanship of its audio equipment WHO IS PROTECTED WHAT WE WILL PAY FOR JAPAN: WARRANTY FOR MILITARY MARKET Kenwood U.S.A. Corporation (N Kenwood ~l w arrants thi s product for a period of one (1) year from t he date o f o riginal purchase. WHAT IS COVERED AND WHAT IS NOT COVERED KENWOOD AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTERS IN MILITARY MARKET UnitspurchasedthroughtheU.SA.militaryP.xchaogeserviceoverseasrrnybeservicec underwarranty in theconlinenlai US.A.,subjeclto thelollowingcoAchlions. 1)The originalwarrantyis ineflect 2)Proofolpurcllaseis provrded 1o theservicer GUAM: Kenwood Rep,; c/o Guam NEX No. 230-010, FPO San Francisco 96630 Kenwood Rep,;cJo GUAX, AAFES-PAC, APO San Francisco 96334 U.S.A .: Haw aii Kenwood Factory Service 99·994 lwaena St.. Aiea. Hawaii 96701 PURCHASER'S RESPONSIBILITIES As th~ purchased of au~wKenwood bral"ld product. you arc requested to 00 the !olto..ving in urderloobtainKenwoodwarrantyscrvice 1.Aetaiuyoursatesslip orulhmcvidcnceol purchaserorprovmgyour erigibility lor Alaska Vista Radio TV,; 861 East Loop Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Anchorage Commercial Electronics, Inc., 1450East9thAve.,Anchorage, Alaska99501 relluestingKenwoodwarr~nly sr.rvice 2. Make your unit av-dilabli! IO~n ~ulhnri1cd Kenwood Service Center m the military rrr<lrket lor inspection andappro~cd warr?.nty service, orship youruAil in rtsorigitlill cartonboxorequivalent.tullyir<sureOandshippingchargesprepaid.totheauthorizeO Kenwood Service Cooter. In The Continental U.S.A. For Nearest Authorized Service Center; Tel: 1-800-536-9663 LIM ITATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES Anyandall rmpbed warranties.includinowarranliesolrrl€rchantabililyanf\ litnesstora particularpurpose,shallbelimitedirrduratiurr \o thelengtholthiswarranty Kenwood Ser11ice U.S.A. Kenwood Factory Service: P.O. Box 22745, 2201 East Domingue! Street, l ong Beach, California90801 ·5745 Tel: !310)639-5300 EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN DAMAGES KENWOOD's liability tor anydelectrve product is limited to the repair or repracemenl of sairlproducl.alourpoliOn.andshallnotincludedamagesofanykind..,.tleiherrocideotal, COf\SCQuenlialor Oiherwise.cxpr.r:t rotheextenl prohibitedbyapplicab!e taw. EUROPE: Please inquire at the military resale outlets where you bought your Kenwood products. or KENWOOD ELECTRONICS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH: AembrUcker-Str. 15. 63150 Hcusenstamm, Germany Tel.: 49-06104-69010 ATIENTION ATIENTION Th;s care and rece pt (or invoice) are necessary to purchase a ~ew panel ir case of theft or d;;m;;ge This ca·c and receipt (or invoice} are necessary to purchase a no?··t : pane~ ir case of theft or damage KENWOOD ELECTRONICS CANADA INC. CANADA KENWOOD WARRANTY GARANTIE KENWOOD KENWOOD ELECTRONICS CANADA INC. {hereinafter called "KENWOOD" ), gives the following written w arranty to the original customer of each new Kenwood product dist ributed in Canada by KENWOOD and p urchased from a dealer authorized by KENWOOD. KENWOOD ELECTRONICS CANADA INC. {ci·apres appelee "KENWOOD"), donne par ecrit Ia g arantie suivant e ll l'acheteur orig inal de chaque nouveau produit Kenwood distribue au Canada par KENWOOD et achete un concessionnaire autorise par KENWOOD. KENWOOD warrants that each new Kenwood product, under normal use, is f ree f rom any defect s, subject to t he terms and conditions set fonh below. If a defect should occur within the warranty period, repairs will be made f ree of charge for parts and labour when such defects are determined by KENWOOD or its' authofi1ed service centres to be attributable to faulty materials o r workmanship at time of manufacture. Please contact KENWOOD to confirm if a dealer or service centre is autho rized by KENWOOD. a KENWOOD garantit, sous reserve des termes et des conditions enonces ci-dessous, que chaque nouveau produit Kenwood, dans des conditions d'emploi normales, est exempt de taus dCfauts. Si l'un defaut se produit pendant Ia pCriode de garantie, KENWOOD s'engage assumer le coUt des pieces detectueuses et de Ia main-d'oeuvre necessaires pour effect uer les reparations pourvu que de tels defauts sont attribuables des pieces detectueuses employees Ia rs d e Ia fabrication du produit Kenwood ou Ia main-d'oeuvre tel qu'lltabli par KENWOOD ou par l'un de ses centres de service autori ses. Appelez KENWOOD pour verif ier si u n concessionnaire ou un centre de serv ice est auto rise par KENWOOD. a a a PERIODE DE GARANTIE WARRANTY PERIOD This Kenwood product is warranted for parts and labour for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase, lease or rental. except for products which are used in a professional or commercial applicat ion, whi ch are warranted for a period o f ninety (90) days for pans and labour and are subject to the terms and conditions of t he warranty. l es pieces et Ia main-d'oeuvre necessai res pour Ia reparatio n des produits Kenwood sont garanties pend ant Ia pliriode d'un (1) an compter de Ia date d'achat, de bait ou de location o riginate, saul dans les cas o U les produits Kenwood sont employes dans un but professionnel ou commercial, o U Ia garantie des pieces et de Ia main-d'oeuvre demeure en v igueur pendant une periode de q uat re-vingt-dix {90) jours so us reserve des termes et des condit ions de Ia garantie. WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS EXCLUSIONS DE GARANTIE This warranty excludes: (a) Products purchased in a foreign count ry or purchased in Canada and taken to a foreign country fb) Products purchased from a dealer not authorized by KENWOOD (c) Products with the serial number defaced. altered or m issing. (dt Periodic check.-ups which do not disclo se any defects covered by this w arranty. (e) Defects resulting from disaster, accident, abuse, misuse, lightning. power surges, neglect or lack of periodic maintenance, unaut ho rized modification o r failure to follow instructions in the owner's manual (fl Defects or damage as a resu lt of repairs perlormed by a person or party not aut horized by KENWOOD. (gl Defects resulting from the use of parts or devices that do not conform to KENWOOD specification s. (hl Damage or deterioration occurring to any exterior finishes, cosmetic pal1s, tape heads, adaptors, ant ennas, cables, tapes, discs or faults or damage caused by defective or leaking batteries. {i) Defects or damage occurring during shipping !claims should be presented to the shipping company). (j) Product volt age and /or line frequency conversions. (kl Product i nstallation or removal charges. TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE Should your Kenwood prod uct require warrantY service, deliver it to any authorized KENWOOD service centre and present the original copy of your bill of sale and t his warranty card as proof of warranty, o r send your product fully insured and freight prepaid to the nearest authorized KENWOOD service centre. To avoid possible shipping damage, mak.e sure t he p roduct is pro perly packed. Include a copy of your original bill of sale and t his warranty card as proof of warranty along w ith your name, home and /or work telephone number(s). a complete return address and a detailed descriptio n of the fault{s). Products repaired within warranty will be returned freight prepaid to destinations w ithin Canada. The custo mer is responsible for all freight and related costs for the return of product (s) to destinations outside Canada. ENTIRE WARRANTY This warranty constitutes the entire w ritten warranty given by KENWOOD. No person, party, dealer or service cent re or t heir agents or employees are authorized to extend or enlarge this warranty on behalf of KENWOOD by any written o r verbal statement o r advertisement o r promotion, inc luding any extended w arranty program or plan that may be offered by t he dealer o r service centre, unless approved in w riting by KENWOOD. DISCLAIMER KENWOOD disclaims any responsibility for loss of time or use of the product or any other indirect, incidental or consequent ial damage to other products o r goods, inconvenience o r commercial loss. NOTICE TO CONSUMER a Cette garantie ne couvre pas: (a) lcs p roduits achetes a l'et ranger ou achetes au Canada et transportes I'Ctranger; (bl les produits achetes un concessionnaire non autoris8 par KENWOOD; lei les produits dont te numero de sE!rie manque, a ete efface ou modi fiE!; (dl les services d'entretien p9riodiques qui n'indiquent aucun detaut couvert par cette garantie; (e) tes dCfauts causes par les dCsastres, les accidents, les a bus, les emplois incorrects. les eclairs, les surtensions d e courant. las manq ues de soins ou d'entretiens periodiques, les modif ications non autorisees ou les manques de respect du mode d'emplo i; (f) les dCiauts o u les dommages causes Iars de reparations effectuees par une personne ou par une partie non aut orisE!e par KENWOOD; (g) les dCfauts causes par l'emploi de pieces ou de disposit ifs q ui ne se conferment pas aux exigences de KENWOOD; {h) les finit ions exterieures, les pieces cosmE!tiques, les tetes de bandes, les adaptateurs, les antennas, les ciibles, les bandes, les disques endommages ou depCris, niles defa uts ou dommages causes par des piles detectueuses o u qui fui ent ; (i) les detauts ou dommages qui se produisent pendant I'expedit ion des produits Kenwood {On devrait deposer de telles reclamations au pres des compagnies de t ransport); (j) les conversions de t ension et/ou de frequence du produit ; {k) les f rais d' installati on ou d'eniCvement du produit a a COMMENT OBTENIR DU SERVICE SOUS GARANTIE Au cas o U un service so us garanti e de votre produit Kenwood s'avi!re necessaire, veui11ez livrer le produit B n'im porte quel centre de service KENWOOD et presenter Ia copie o riginale du contrat de vente et con e carte de garantie en tant q ue preuve de garantie ou veuillez fa ire parvenir vot re produit assure et port paye au centre de service KENWOOD autorise le plus proche. Pour eviter toutes possibilites de dommages pendant le transport, veuillez bien em bailer le produit. Veuillez inclure une copie d u contrat de vente original et cette carte de garant ie en tant que preuve de garantie aussi bien que votre nom, num Cros de t BIE!phone au poste de t ravail et/ou au dom icile, votre adresse et une d escription di!taiiiCe des defauts. l es produits sous garantie repares seront retoumes port payB aux destinatio ns l'interieur du Canada. le consommat eur sera responsable de taus trais de transport et d'autres frais qui s'y rapportent pour fa ire expCdier les produits a destinations a l'extlirieur du Canada. a t:ENTIERE GARANTIE Cette garantie reprE!sente l'enti8re garantie do nnee par i!crit par KENWOOD. KENWOOD ne se tient aucunement responsable de to utes extensions ni de t outes augmentations de cette garantle faites ou entreprises par toutes pcrsonnes, parties, concessionnaires ou centres de service ou par leurs agents ou employes au nom de KENWOOD au m oy en d'affirmations verbales o u ecrites, d'annonces ou de promot ions, y inclus to us programmes ou p lans de gar antie etendue que puissent otfrir les concessionnaires ou les centres de service, ma ins que KENWOOD n'y ait con senti par ecr it d 'av ance. a RENONCIATION a a KENWOOD reno nce toutes responsabi lites de perte de temps, d'emploi du produit de ta us domm ages ind irects o u accessoires causes d'autres produits o u biens, de taus inconvenient s ou de toutes pertes commerciates. AVIS AUX CONSOMMATEURS The provisions contained in this written w arranty are not intended to limit, modify, take away, disclaim or exclude any warranties or rig hts you may hav e which are set fol1h in any applicable p rovincial or federal law s or legislation. l es stipulat ions conten ues dans Ia presente garantie ecrit e n'ont pas pour but de limiter, de m odifie r, de diminuer, de rejeter ni d'exclure d'autres garanties ni droits Bnonces dans n' importe q ue lies lo is o u IE!gislations provinciales ou federates. IMPORTANT IMPORTANT This warranty card by itself is not considered by KENWOOD as a v alid proof of pu rchase. When applyi ng for warranty repairs, you m ust present t he original copy o f your bill of sale and this warranty card as proof of w arranty, so w e recommend t hat t hey be kept in a saf e place, should they be req uired in the fut ure. KENWOOD ne co nsidere pas cette garantie toute seu le com me Stant une preuve d'achat valide. lorsqu'on demande d u service so us garantie. it faudra presenter Ia copie origi nate du contra! de vente aussi bien que cette carte de garantie en tant q ue preuve de garantie. On recommande de les conserver dans un lieu s(lr au cas oU elles s'avereraient necesaires i:r l'av enir. KENWOOD ELECTRONICS CANADA INC. 6070 Kestrel Road, M ississauga, Ontario, Canada L5T 1S8 Telephone: (905) 670·7211 Telk opleur: !905) 670·7248 KENWOOD ELECTRONICS CANA DA INC. 6070 Kestrel Road, Misslssauga, Ont ario, Canada LST 158 Tel.: (905) 670-7211 Fax: 1905) 670-7248 ATIENTION This card .JPd H'<.c 1pt (or Invoice) arc ncccss<Jry to purchase a new panel :n LJ~c of theft or damage. ATIENTION a I a cane de garantie et la rreuvc d'<JChat (ou Ia facture) sont necessaires l'achat d'une nouvd!c f<l!,:<Jdl' J01<JLir<>ble en cas de dommages ou devol MALAYSIA JVCKENWOOD MALAYSIA SON. BHD. The warranty will only be honoured in the country in which th e unit was origina lly purchased. EXPRESS WARRANTY STATEMENT FOR CAR STEREO AND PERSONAL AUDIO COMPONENTS JVCKENWOOD MALAYSIA SON. BHD. is proud of the quality and workmans hip of its audio equipment . This unit has been properly designed, tested and inspected before it was shipped to you. If properly installed and operated in accordance with instructions furnished, it should give optimum reliable performance. SCOPE OF EXPRESS WARRANTY Each of the KENWOOD brand products is expressly warranted under normal installation and use against defects in material and workmanship. During the express warranty period, JVCKENWOOD MALAYSIA SON. BHO. w ill provide t o any KENWOOD Au t horised Service Centre in Malaysia f ree of charge both parts and labour necessary to correct any defect in materi al or workm anship. However, th e el<clusions noted under t he heading " CONDITIONS OF THE EXPRESS WAR RANTY ~ are not cov ered by this e~<press warranty. EXPRESS WARRANTY PERIOD The KENWOOD brand ca r stereo and personal au dio components are expressly wa rranted for a period of ONE YEAR from th e date o f th e original purchase. CONDITIONS OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTY When requesting service under KENWOOD express warranty record, together w ith a valid purchase docket must be presented to an authorised KEN WOOD Service Centre with your equipment. The following are not covere d by this express wa rranty: 1. Voltageconversions. 2. Cabinets, grilles, other exteri or finishes, belts, tape heads, and ot her non-durable parts and accessories. 3. Any fault caused by faulty installation, water damage, the vehicle (including its electrical system) or connection to an incorrect power supply. 4. Periodic check-ups wh ich do not disclose any defects covered by the warranty. 5. Units on wh ich the serial number has been defaced, modified or removed . 6. Damage or deterioration: a. Resulting from installat ion and/or remova l o f the product . b Resulting from accident, misuse, abuse, neglect. unauthorised product modification or failure to follow instructions contained in the Owner's Manual. c. Resulting from repa ir by anyone not authorised by KENWOOD. d. Resulting from installation of parts or accessories that do not conform to the quality or specifications of the original parts or accessories. e. Occurring during shipment (claims must be presented to shipper). 7. Damaged magnetic tapes. 8. Installation and remova l charges are n ot covered. 9. This express warranty excludes shipping or delivery charges to or from an authorised KENWOOD Service Centre. 10. The benefits conferred by th is express warranty are in addition to all other rights and remedies in respect of the product which the consumer has under Sales of Goods Act 1957 (Revised 19891. EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN DAMAGES KENWOOD's liab ility for any defective product is limited to the repair or replacement of said product at our option, and shall not include damages of any kind, whether incidenta l, consequential or otherwise. PROCEDURE WHEN REQUESTING SERVICE UNDER THE WARRANTY 1. ·Make your equipment available, with this warranty record and purchase docket attached, to the dealer from whom you made the purchase, or the nearest authorised KENWOOD Service Centre, or ship your equipment in its original packaging, or equivalent, fully insured and sh ipping charges pre-paid, to the authorised KENWOOD Service Centre. 2. Attach detailed description of the problem encountered, including details of any interconnections made to associated equipment. 3. Make sure you recover this card, your pu rchase docket and repair docket when accepting the equipment back after repair. IMPORTANT NOTICE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Proper maintenance and use are important to the performance level of all KENWOOD brand products. Th erefore, you should read you r instruction man ual. Retain your purchase docket together wi th this warranty record in a sa fe place, and present t hem both to prove your eligibil ity for warra nty work. We recommend that you keep all the original packaging as it provides the best protection you can have for transporta tion of your equipment in the future. location of nearest KENWOOD Service Centre will be sent upon request. This warranty is in addi tion to and not in place of such rights at the owner may have at law. JVCKENWOOD MALAYSIA SON. BHO. lot 1 Pers iaran Jubli Perak, Jalan 22/1, Seksyen 22, 40300 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan., Malaysia TEL (03) 5548-3330 FAX. (031 5548-3339 ATTENTION Th1s card and receipt (or 1nvo1ce} are necessa ry to purchase a new panel in case of the ft or damage. PYCCK"'~ 000 <<AHteMBMCM KEHBY.Q PYC)) YBa;t;aeMbiLil nOKynaTellb! 6naroAap11M Bac la noKynKy :noro 11lAerml! MapKI1 Kenwood 11 tto.QeeMOI, 'lTO otto BaM nottpaei.1TC.II B cny'lae, BC/111 Batue 113,QBI11-1B 6y,QeT HY>KA3Tt>CA 8 rapa ttr l1i1HOM o6cnyiKI1Battl111, nOJI(allylilcra, o6p<U.J.1aWreCt> B AsrOpi130BaHHI:>le (epei1CHble UettTpbl Kenwood (Aanee ACU) 111111 B Maral11tt, r,Qe B~:>~ np11o6pe1111 113,Qenl1e Kenwood. (1111COK cepB11CHI:>lX UeHTPOB MOII\HO nony411Tt> y npO,QiiBU<l1111111iilC3i-1Te AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND JVC KENWOOD AUSTRALIA PTY. lTD. The warranty wi ll only be honored in the country in which the unit was originally purchased. EXPRESS WARRANTY STATEMENT FOR CAR STEREO AND PERSONAL AUDIO COMPONENTS JVC KENWOOD A USTRALIA PTY. LTD. ("JVC KENWOOD~) is proud of t he quality and workmanship of its audio equi pment. This unit has b een properly d esigned, tested and i nspected before it was shipped to you. lf properly installed and operated in accordance with instru ctions f urnished, it should g ive optim um reliab le performance. For Australian Customers Our goods comes w ith guarantees that cannot be exclu ded under th e Australian Consumer law. U nder Australian Consumer l aw, you are entitled to a replacement or refund fo r a major fa ilure and for compensation fo r any other reasonably fo reseeable loss or damage. You are also entitl ed to have the goods repaired or replaced if th e goods fai l to be of acceptable quality and t he fail ure does not amount to a major fa ilure. Th e benefits of thi s warranty are in addition to any righ ts and remed ies imposed by Austra lia n State and Federal legislation that cannot be excluded. Nothing in th is warranty is to be interpreted as exclud ing, restricting or mod ifying any Stat e or Federal legislation applicable to t he supply of goods and services which cannot be excluded, restricted o r modified. For New Zealand Customers The benefits of the express warranty descri bed below are in add ition to your statutory rights and remedies under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 that cannot be excluded. If you are acquiring Pro duct for the p urposes of a business, to t he extent permined by law, th e Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 does not apply. Otherwise nothing in this warranty is to be interpreted as excluding, or restricting, the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993. To the exten t permitted by law, all o th er wa rranties, guarantees or representations (wheth er implied by statute, common law or custom o f the tra de or otherwise) in respect of the Product, not exp ressly included in this wa rranty, are excluded. 4. Periodic check-ups which do not disclose any defects covered by th is warra nty; Products on which the serial number has been defected, modified or removed; 6. Products that have been subject to abnormal conditions, including environment, temperature, water, fire, humidity, pressu re, stressor similar; 7. Atlegeddefectsthatare w ithinacceptableindustryvariances; B. Damageor deterioration: a. Resulting from installation and/or removal of the product. b. Resulting from accident. misuse, abuse. neglect. unauthorized product modification or failure to follow instructions contained in the Owner's Manual. c. Resulting f rom installat ion of parts or accessories that do not conform to the quality or specifications of the original parts or accessories. d . Occurring during sh ipment !clai ms must be present to shipped; and 9. Damagedmagnetictapes. 5. The warranty does not exten d to: 1. Installation and removal charges; or 2. Shipping charges to or from an aut horised JVC KENWOOD Service Centre. PROCEDURE WHEN REQUESTING SERVICE UNDER THE WARRANTY 1. 2. 3. SCOPE OF EXPRESS WARRANTY Subject to th e " EXCLUSIONS", "PROCEDURE WHEN REQUESTI NG SERVICE UNDER T HE EXPRESS WARRANTY" an d NUM I TATIONS ~ below, each of the KENWOOD b rand products ("Products") is expressly wa rranted under normal installation and use against defects in material and workmanship during the Warranty Period. This warranty is not transferable to a subsequent custo mer if the Product is sold by the original purchaser during the Warra nty Period . During th e Warranty Period, J VC KENWOOD wil l cause the Product or the defective part of the Product to be repai red by providing to any JVC KENWOOD Authorized Service Centre in Australia or New Zealand {as applicable to country o f purchase) free of charge parts necessa ry to correct any defect in materia l or workma nsh ip. JVC KEN WOOD reserves th e rig ht to rep lace defective parts of t he Product with parts and components of simila r quality, grade and composition where an ident ical part or component is not available. Products presen ted fo r re pai r may be replaced by refu rbished products o f the same type rather than being repa ired. Refurbished parts may be used to repair the goods. When requesting service under JVC KENWOOD warranty, preferably make your Product available fo r inspection and testing to the dealer from whom you made the purchase, or to the nearest Authorised JVC KENWOOD Service Centre for KENWOOD prod ucts, or ship your Produc t in its orig inal packaging, orequivalent, with shipping charge s and insurance prepaid, to theAuthorisedJVC KENWOOD Service Centre for KENWOOD products. Otherw ise, contact JVC KENWOOD at th econtactadd resslisted below. ·Attach the following to the Product: ·the warranty record in the back of this page together; ·a valid purchase docket attached; and · deta iled description of the problem encountered, including details o f any problems which re late to associated equipment. If such inspection and testing find no defect in the Product, the purchaser, at JVC KENWOOD's discretion must pay JVC KENWOOD's cost of service work, evaluation and testing. Make sure you re cover this card, your'purchase docket and repair docket when accepting the equipment back after repair orafteryourclaim is rejected. IMPORTANT NOTICE 1. 2. 3. 4. Proper maintenance and use are important to the performance level of all KEN WOOD brand products. Therefore, you shou ld read your instruction manual. Ret ain your purchase docket together with this warran ty record in a safe place, and present them both to prove your eligibil ityforwarrantyservice. We recommend that you keep all the original packaging as it provide the best protection you can have for transportation of your equipment in the future. location of nearest JVC KENWOOD Service Centre can be obtained from the dealer. liMITATIONS To the extent permitted by law, JVC KENWOOD makes no express warranties or re presentations other than set out in this warra nty. The repair or replacement of the unit or part of the unit is the absolute lim its of JVC KENWOOD's liability under this express warranty. JVC KENWOOD AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. 4 TALAVERA ROAD, NORTH RYDE N.S.W . 2113, AUSTRALIA WARRANTY PERIOD TEL (021 8879-2211 FAX. (021 8879-2255 Th e KENWOOD brand car stereo is expressly w arranted for a period of ONE YEAR from th e date of the original purchase. CONDITIONS OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTY The foll owing are not covered by this expres s wa rranty: 1. Voltage conversions; 2. Cabinets, gri lles. other exterior finishes, belts. tape heads, and other nondurable parts and accessories; 3. Any fault caused by faulty installation, water damage, the vehicle {including its electronically system) or conn ection to an incorrect power supply; BRASil ATTENTION Thi s card and rece1pt (or 1nvoicel are necessa ry to purch ase a new panel in ca se of theft or damage JVC KENWOOD DO BRASil COMERCIO DE ElETRONICOS lTD A 0 fab ricant e garante o produto identificado n a Not a Fiscal de venda ao consumidor contra qua)quer defeito d e fabricavao o u de matE\ ria-prima durante o periodo de garantia. Esta garant ia e vt. li da no t errit 6rio brasileiro desde que o produto te n ha si do adquirid o n o Brasil e distribuido p ela JVC KENWOOD do Brasil Comercio de EletrOnicos ltda. ,lliiHHblfl rapaHTI'IfiHblfl TallOH AefiC TBI'ITBileH TOilbKO 8 TO Iii CTpatte, rAe MlHa'-1811bHO 61:>111 MynneH annapaT. HaCTOl'll.l\aR rapaHWIR 6y,QeT npeAOCTaeneHa B ,QOnontteHI1e K npaeaM norpe611TBTIR 111-iB Yl.l\BMTIRBT HI1MaK11BApyrl1e npaea, I<OTOpl:>le MoryT61:>lTb npe,QOCTaB/lCHI:>l nOKynareniO JaKOiiOM 0 3ill.l\11TB npae norpe6111enei111 .Qpyri'IMI'I COOTBeTCTByiOilli'IMI'I 3ai<OHaMI1. 6e3 npe.Ql>Renettl1.11 Hactol'lwero rapoHTI11-ittororanoHa Mbl He cMo.>KeM o6ecne411Tt> rapaHTI1i1Hoeo6cny>KI1BaHI'Ie. npoci1M Bac coxpaHHTb Baw cepnu)>11Kar eMecre c 'leKoM noKynKI1 Ha eecbnepi'IOA rapaHTIIIi1ttoro o6cnyiKI1BaHIIIfl. Ha OCttOBaHl/1 11 :~TOI1 110rpe61tTBnbCKOiil rapaH TIIIltl KenwOOd rapaHn-lp)'BTOTCyTCTBIIIe 81113ABTIIIIIIIAB$BKTOB B M<nepllli!Tl3X 11 pa6orecpOKOM Ha 1 (OAI-1H) ron.tta411HaR CllaTI:>l nepBOtta4a/lt>HO,_:, nOKynKI1. ECnlll 8 TB'lettl18 :nOrO rapaHTIIIIiiHorO CpOKil B IIIJ,Qenllllll 06Hapy>KaTCR ,Qe¢leKTbl e Marep11anax 11n11 pa6ore, ACU Kenwood 6ecnnarHo orpeMOHIP)'IOT ~To 11JAB1!11e 11 JaMeHRr ero ,Qe¢'eKTHble 4acr11 Ha np11ee.QBttttbiX HI1>KB ycnOBI1RX. TaKJI(e Mbl OCTaB/lReM Ja co6ol1 npaao 3aMeHI:>li13,QeJ111R, ecn11 ero peMOHT 3KOHOMI14CCKI1 HeueneC006p<HCtt. rapaHTMii1Hble ycnOBMA A. PeMOHT Ae¢'eKTHoro 113,qeni1R ocywecranReTCR no npe.Ql>RBneHI1~>~ norpe6~t~reneM 4eTKO, npae11nt>HO 11 nonHOCTbiO JanonHeH ttoro rapaHTI'IVfHoro Ta/lOHa, C BHeCeHHbiMI1 B Hero C/le,QyiOI.l\11MI1 AaHHblM\ol: (a)<DiiMI11111 1111i1ApecanoKynarenR; (6) nonttoro l-'laJsatt~>~R 11 3Apeca .QI1nepa y mro 6bln np1>1o6pereH annapar; (B) Ha11MeHOBaHI'IH MOAen1111 cep11i1Horo HOMepa annapara; (r) AraK>Ke Kilccoeoro 11 TOeapttoro YeKa11nl1 mo6oronpyroro.QoKyMeHTd, no,QTeep1K,QaiOU111M no~<ynKy 113,QBm1R. 6e3 npeA"t>R6/lett11H .QaHHoro TiiJ!Otta, 6CII)''liiBOTCYTCT611R B ttCM nonHO!ii11tt¢lopMiiU11I'IItlnl1 npl1ttilnl141o\11 KaKI1X -111'160 113MCHCttl'li-1 B Tii/IOHe, npeTeH31111 K KiiYeCTB)' 1'13Ae/111H He npltiHio\MaiOTCR 11 rapaHTI1,;;HI:>li1 peMOHT He np0113BOA11TCR. PERiODO DE GARANTIA e Este produto garanti do pelo p razo de 01 (um) ano, incl uindo o perfodo esta belecido por lei, a partir da data de aquisiyao, comprovada mediante a apresentayao da respect iva Nota Fiscal de venda ao consumidor f i nal. Even tuais reparos realizados no produto du rante o perfodo de garantia niio implicam n a dilatayiio do seu prazo. EXCLUSAO DA GARANTIA (a) Produtos como nUmero d e sE\rie ou certificado de garantia rasura dos, adulterados ou ilegive is; (b) Defeitos resul tant es de acidentes (quedas, b atidas e etc), uso em desacordo como manua l de instru ~6es, ma util izayao, ligayt10 a fonte de tensiio diferente da especificada no Manual de lnstruy6es, modificat;6es niio autorizadas; (c) Danos causados por agentes da natureza (Ex: ch uvas, raios, maresia, enchentes e etc); (d) Defeitos ou da nos em decorr9ncia de consertos realizados por pessoas niio autorizadas; (e) Defeitos ou danos resultantes do uso de pevas ou dispositivos nilo conformes as especificav6es da JVC KEN WOOD; (f) Danos ou deterioray6es aos acabamentos externos, partes cosmeticas, ca bos, chicotes, parafusos de fixacao, luvas, alt;as, balsas, estojos, adaptadores, antenas, fitas, cabe~as gravadoras, COs ou danos causados por pilhas defeituosas ou com vazamento; a (g) Defeitos ou danos devido ao transporte ( r eclama~6es devem ser feitas junto empresa t ransportadora ); (h ) Oualquer o utra causa que nao esteja re lacionada a defeitos de mate\ria -prima e de fabricaciio; (i) Danos causados por tentativa de roubo ou furta; (j) Danos ca usados por uso de COs de mil qualidade; 6. IDMpMa Kenwood y,QB/!Her 60JlbWOB 6H11 Matti1B Ka'leCTay BblnYCI<aBMOi-1 npOAYI<iU1111. np~o~ 11CnO/Ib3083H"'I'I ee ,QnH ni1YH!>IX (61:>lT08biX) HY*A c co6n!O.QeHI1eM npae11n ll<cnnyarau~o~~o~ cpo11 ee cnyiK6bl MOII<Br3tta411TBnt>ttO npesb1C~>~ r bo$11U 11an t-Hblii cpo,.;cny>K6bl, ycra!-loanettHbli1 a COOHICTCTBI111 CABiiiCTBYIOW11M laKOHOA<JTe/lbCTBOM 0 npaaax norpe611reneH. AA811Til4lt!H 11113MeHeHI111 C06bi4HOii c¢'epl:>l npi1MeHe!-111R 113,Qeni1H, Yl<i13iiHHO!ii a 11HCTpyt<U1111 no ;II<CnllyaTaU1111 HaCTORillelil ra paHTI1Biil He noKpbiBaiOTCl'l. (k ) Danos decorrentes do desgaste natural do produto; (. HaCTORWiiR rapaHTI1R He pacnpocrpaHReTCR Ha ClleAYKllllee· (a) peMOHT npe,QyCMOTpeH Lo1HCTPYKU11e,;; nO ~ KCnnyaraUI'I1111n l1 RenReTCH YiiCTbiO 06bi4HOrOTeXtti1YeCKOrO o6cny.>KI1BaHI1H, BI<Tl!0'-13H nep110A11'-IecKI'Ie npoeepKI1, YI1CTKY ay.Q110/B11.Qeo ronoao~<; (6) peMOHT, npOV13BBAeHHbli1 HeynO/IHOMO'leHHbiMI1 Ha TOCepei1CHbiM!ol UCHTp3MI111nl1 .Qpyri1MI'I 1111U<IMI111nl1 opraHI13aU11HMI1 He MMeiOW11X E indispensilve l a apresentayiio deste Certificado de Garantia dev idam ente preenc hido, acompan h ado da respect iva HeKeani1¢11-1411POBilliHOiil )'CTaHOBKOi1111111 Henpa811/lbttOrO 11CnOnb30BaHI1fl; (r) noepe>K,QCHI1e 113,QCJ111R Bt>I3BattHOe HeC'l3ClttbiM Clly'liiBM, MBXiiHI'!'-IeCK11M 110Bpe)K,ACIII1CM, YAiiPOM MO/IHI111, 33TOnneHI1eM, nOJt\ilpOM, HenpaBI11lbHOiil BCHTI111RUH11, KOJTe63H11Iil HanpRl!IBtti1111111Ht>IX np11411tt, ttaXOARU111XCR Btte KOHTpOnR Kenwood; (A) rpOMKOT0BOpi1Tenl1 noepe>KAeHHble KOJle6aHltleM Hanpll>KeHI'IH He COOTBeTCTBYIOI.l\11M cne 411 4l111<i141111, 11 noepeJt\AeH\oiR Mnl1 nor epR nporpaMMHOrO o6ecneYeHI1R 1111H Cl>eMHbiX HOCI1TBflelil, tte RBI1RIOlJ.II1XCR '-laCTbiO 11l,QBI11111 KenwOOd; (e) paCXO,QHble Marepl1anbl Hy>K.QaiOil111eCR B 3aMeHe, TiiKI1e l'ial< (HO He orpaHI1YI1BaCTCR): ayA110/B11AeOrOJIOBK11, BCB 81>1Ab16arape,;;, WHypOB, pi131>eM08 Mnp0411X llBTanelil, 06113A310Uli1X Or piiHI1'-leHHbiM CpOKOM 11CnOnb3063HI1R; (!!<) ecn1o1 cep111i1Hbli1 HOMep 111111 HOMep MOllC1111 Ha 113ABJIVII1113MBHCH, YAaneH, crepT 111111 Hepa360p4lo1Bblii. (I) Danos causados por mau uso. (derramamcnto de liqu idos e/ou alimentos, corrosilo, oxidayao, exposiyilo situacOes climiiticas extremas, riscos ou quedas). CONSERTO EM GARANTIA Nota Fiscal de compra do produto, desde que n iio apresente rasura s ou modificav6es. 0 consumidor somente tera direito a estes ben eficios, quando o produto for e ntreg u e diretamente n o ba lciio de um Servi!VO Autorizado da JVC KENWOOD. 0 QUE NAO E COBERTO PELA GARANTIA lnstalat;iio e remociio do produto, despesas de frete, seguro e embalagem sao de responsabil idade do propriet;!Jrio. Este p roduto destinado exclusivamente ao uso dome\stico. e IMPORTANTE: Para qualquer informaciio sabre seu equ ipamento J VC KENWOOD, ou para obter o endereco do Serviyo Autorizado mais prOximo, acesse o site , ou ligue para a Central de Atendimento JVC KENWOOD- TeL: +55 (1 1)3777-677 1 com oss dados abaixo preench idos. JVC KENWOOD DO BRASIL COMERCIO DE ELETRONICOS lTDA Tel: 11113777-6771 HacrORilliiR rapaHT11l'!AelilcTBI1Tent>HaR TOilt>KO A11l'I113Aen~o~i111cnont>JyeMI:>lXAJIR JTI1'1HbiX 6blrOablx HY>Kll, 11tte pacnpocrp<mRercR tta 113AB1111R, I<OlOpt>le 11CI1011t>3yiOTCR AflR KOMMCp4eC K11 X, np OMb!WnBHHbiX 11111'1 np04JBCCI10HaTlbHbiX uene!ii. Nome do consumidor: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ npoM3BOAMTenb: .QmeMBMCM KeHBYA KopnopeMwH VIMnopTip M npeACTaBMTenb npoM3BOAMTenA 8 PocCMM : 000 «.Q*eMBMCM KEHBY.Q PYC» Endere co: - -- - -- - - - - - - - - Cidade: - - -- - - - - 127018, MocKaa, yn. Cyu.teBCKMli! Ban, AOM 31, CTpoeHMe 1 Telefone: - -- -- .QnA nony-.eHMA noAp06HoM MH~OpMai.!,MM no npOAYKTaM Kenwood, noJKanyMCTa, - -- - Data da compra: _ _ / _ _ / _ _ N ota Fi scal ATEN~AO f a pa tH V1 11Hbli-1 Tii/IOH 1'1 YeK (TO BilpHb1 11 V!Jll-1 KdCCOBbl !ii } H€06XO,QV1Mb1 ,Q/lR Em caso de dano ou perda do painel frontal. este Certl fi cad o de Garant ia e a n p ~>~o6pe T €' H~>~ R HOBO,:;, n a ,.. en ~>~ e cny'lae ee noTep!o1/Kpii>K!II ,.,n,., noepe~K,qeH I'I R . No ta Fiscal d e compra serao requ isita d os para a aquis1<;iio d e urn novo painel _ CEP: _ _ _ __ Estado; _ _ _ __ ---- iloceTMTe caMT www.kenwood· BH"'MAH"'E a umidade ou ">

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