Federal Signal SLM600 StreamLine® Modular Multifunctional High Output LED Combination Audible/Visual Signal Manuel utilisateur
SLM600 - SLM800 SETTING EXAMPLE SWITCH 2 Disconnect power before servicing ATTENTION ATENCIÓN Desconecte la corriente antes de abrir el producto ATTENTION Débranchez l’alimentation avant de toute intervention sur le produit ON=1 OFF=0 SWITCH 1 INSTALLATION AND APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCCIONES DE INSTALACIÓN Y EMPLEO - INSTRUCTIONS D’ INSTALLATION ET D’ UTILISATION 1 1 1 1 1 SW1 SW2 No. 1 2 3 TONE INTERMITTENT BI-TONE LINEAR TONE TYPE 4 5 6 7 8 9 LINEAR LINEAR SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP 500 970 500 – 1200 1400 – 1600 800 – 970 1200 – 500 10 11 12 13 INTERMITTENT INTERMITTENT INTERMITTENT INTERMITTENT 14 15 16 17 SWITCH B SOUNDS TIMES 0.5s ON/1s OFF 0.5s/0.5s – DESCRIPTION GENERAL PURPOSE – WARNING GENERAL PURPOSE – EVACUATION 1 GENERAL PURPOSE – EVACUATION 2 0 1 0 DIP SWITCH 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 – – CICLE 3.75s/0.25s OFF CICLE 1.5s CICLE 1.5s CICLE 1s GENERAL PURPOSE BS5839–1:2002 AS2220 NF 48-265 BS5839–1:2002 DIN 33 404 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 544 660 970 2850 0.625s ON/0.625s OFF 6.5s ON/13s OFF 1s ON/1s OFF 0.5s ON/0.5s OFF X 3 1.5s OFF GENERAL PURPOSE SWEDISH (PRE-MESS) APOLLO FIRE SYSTEM BS5839 ISO 8201 HIGHT TONE 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 BI-TONE BI-TONE BI-TONE BI-TONE 970 – 630 554 – 440 440 – 554 510 – 610 0.5s/0.5s 0.1s/0.4s 0.5s/0.5s 0.5s/0.5s APOLLO FIRE SYSTEM BS5839 FRANCE – AFNOR NF S 32 001 GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 18 19 20 21 BI-TONE BI-TONE BI-TONE BI-TONE 510 – 610 600 – 700 550 – 1000 550 – 1000 1s/1s 1s/1s 0.5s/0.5s 1s/1s GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 22 23 24 25 BI-TONE BI-TONE BI-TONE BI-TONE 800 – 1000 800 – 1000 1000 – 2000 2400 – 2850 0.5s/0.5s 1s/1s 0.5s/0.5s 0.265s/0.265s GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 26 27 28 29 BI-TONE BI-TONE BI-TONE CHIME 2 SINGLE 2400 – 2850 640 – 970 490 – 610 554 – 440 0.465s/0.465s 0.5s/0.5s 0.25s/0.25s 0.35s/0.7s GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE SINGLE SHOT DING DONG 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 31 32 CHIME 2 REP CHIME 3 SINGLE CHIME 3 REP 554 – 440 1300 – 944 1300 – 944 0.35s/0.7s/0.5s OFF 0.5s/1s 0.5s/1s/0.5s OFF REPEATING DING DONG SINGLE SHOT DING DONG REPEATING DING DONG 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TONE BI-TONE MULTI-TONE MODULATED BI-TONE LINEAR LINEAR LINEAR DESCRIPTION STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD STANDARD – EVACUATION GENERAL PURPOSE SWEDISH (ALL CLEAR) GENERAL PURPOSE 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 DIP SWITCH 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 LINEAR SWEEP SWEEP SWEEP INTERMITTENT INTERMITTENT INTERMITTENT INTERMITTENT 2850 500 – 1200 500 – 1200 800 – 970 420 660 660 660 3.5s ON/0.5s OFF 0.5s ON/0.5s OFF X 3 1.5s OFF 0.5s ON/0.5s OFF X 3 1.5s OFF 0.625s ON/0.625s OFF 0.15s ON/0.15s OFF 1.8s ON/1.8s OFF 0.5s ON/0.5s OFF GENERAL PURPOSE NETHERLANDS-NEN2575:2000 AUSTRALIA AS1670 ISO 8201 AUSTRALIA AS1670 ALERT TONE SWEDISH (AIR RAID) SWEDISH (LOCAL WARNING) SWEDISH GENERAL PURPOSE 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 INTERMITTENT INTERMITTENT INTERMITTENT INTERMITTENT INTERMITTENT INTERMITTENT INTERMITTENT 720 750 800 970 – 800 970 970 2850 0.7s ON/0.3s OFF 0.33s ON/0.5s OFF 0.25s ON/1s OFF 0.35s/0.35s/0,35s OFF X 3 1.5s OFF 0.5s ON/0.5s OFF X 3 1.5s OFF 0.25s ON/0.25s OFF 1s ON/1s OFF GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE ISO 8201 ISO 8201 LOW TONE GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 INTERMITTENT BI-TONE BI-TONE BI-TONE BI-TONE CHIME 1 SINGLE CHIME 1 REPEATING CHIME 1 REPEATING 2850 600 – 700 800 – 970 800 – 970 1000 – 2000 700 – 600 700 – 600 700 – 600 0.25s ON/0.25s OFF 0.5s/0.5s 0.25s/0.25s 0.8s/0.8s 1s/1s 0.4s/0.7s 0.4s/0.7s OFF 0.25s/0.4s OFF GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE BS5839–1:2002 GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE SINGLE SHOT DING DONG REPEATING DING DONG REPEATING DING DONG 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 31 32 HOOTER REPEATING SIMULATED BELL – 1850 3s ON/2s OFF 0,1s (modulated 0,03s) GENERAL PURPOSE GENERAL PURPOSE 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TONE TYPE F(Hz) 490 480 – 610 610 SLM600 SLM800 SWITCH 2: SIMULATED BELL SWITCH 1: CHIME 3 REP SLM600 SLM800 F(Hz) 600 – 700 1000 – 1700 1000 – 1700 440 – 560 300 660 750 SWITCH A SOUNDS TIMES 0.5s/0.5s CICLE 0.25s CICLE 0.8s 565s/565s IP 65 E162485 AUD. AND VIS. APPLIANCE ENCLOSURE TYPE 3R FOR INDOOR/OUTDOOR SLMBS-012-024 SLMBD-012-024 SLMBD-PNP-012-024 SLMBD-120-240 SLMBP-012-024 SLMBP-PNP-012-024 SLMBP-120-240 SLMBW-012-024 SLMBW-PNP-012-024 SLMBW-120-240 SLMBT-012-024 SLMBT-PNP-012-024 SLMBT-120-240 V V 120-240 12-24 V A (*) 0,08 0,05 0,18 0,1 A (*) 1 0,5 A (**) A (**) 3 1 dB(A)1m dB(A)1m 99 - 111 103 - 115 * = Minimum current absorption associated with tone (No. 31 SW2) Absorción de corriente mínima asociada al sonido (nro 31 SW2) Consommation de courant minimale associée au son (n° 31 SW2) SLM600 + SLMBS SLM800 + SLMBS SLM600 + SLMBD SLM800 + SLMBD ** = Maximum current absorption associated with tone (No. 32 SW1) Absorción de corriente máxima asociada al sonido (nro 32 SW1) Consommation de courant maximale associée au son (n° 32 SW1) SLM600 + SLMBW SLM800 + SLMBW FUSE WIRE PROTECTION On the power supply line the rating of the supply fuse must be according to the voltage FUSIBLE DE PROTECCIÓN En la línea de alimentación emplear fusibles de seguridad adecuados al voltaje FUSIBLE DE PROTECTION Sur la ligne d’alimentation utiliser des fusibles retardés dimensionnés selon la tension All dims in mm unless otherwise noted Todas las dimensiones son en mm, salvo que sea indicado de otra manera Toutes les dimensions sont en mm, sauf indication contraire SLM600 + SLMBP SLM800 + SLMBP SLM600 + SLMBT SLM800 + SLMBT TO BE INSTALLED BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ONLY LA INSTALACIÓN SÓLO DEBE SER REALIZADA POR PERSONAL CUALIFICADO - L’INSTALLATION DOIT ÊTRE EFFECTUÉE PAR PERSONNEL QUALIFIÉ NOT TO BE DISPOSED OF AS COMMON WASTE - NO ELIMINAR COMO DESECHO URBANO - NE PAS ELIMINER COMME DECHET URBAIN 2645 Federal Signal Drive Phone: 708-534-4756 University Park, IL 60484 Fax: 708-534-4852 www.fedsig.com United States signalsupport@fedsig.com 08/2019 - Ref. 25500290 REV A1 ATTENTION The possibility exists that rapid flashing lights, under certain circumstances, might induce photosensitive epilepsy ATENCIÓN Existe la posibilidad que luces de intermitencia rápida, en determinadas circunstancias, podrían inducir epilepsia fotosensible ATTENTION Il est possible que des feux clignotants rapides, dans certaines circonstances, peuvent induire épilepsie photosensible C ÷ 2 has priority over C ÷ 1 C ÷ 2 tiene prioridad en C ÷ 1 C ÷ 2 est prioritaire sur C ÷ 1 C ÷ 3 has priority over C ÷ 2 and C ÷ 1 C ÷ 3 tiene prioridad en C ÷ 2 y C ÷ 1 C ÷ 3 est prioritaire sur C ÷ 2 et C ÷ 1 C ÷ 5 has priority over C ÷ 4 C ÷ 5 tiene prioridad en C ÷ 4 C ÷ 5 est prioritaire sur C ÷ 4 SLMBT-PNP-012-024 12-24V DC SLMBT-120-240 1 120-240V AC 2 C ÷ 6 has priority over C ÷ 5 and C ÷ 4 C ÷ 6 tiene prioridad en C ÷ 5 y C ÷ 4 C ÷ 6 est prioritaire sur C ÷ 5 et C ÷ 4 4 3 UPPER POSITION LOWER POSITION WIRING/CABLEADO/CÂBLAGE BASES LT (12-24V DC/AC) SLMBS-012-024 / SLMBD-012-024 / SLMBW-012-024 / SLMBT-012-024 / SLMBP-012-024 1 UPPER POS. SLM600/SLM800 12-24V DC/AC 2 3 C ÷ 1 (only SLM600 version): LED flashing light C ÷ 1 (únicamente para la versión SLM600): Luz intermitente de LED C ÷ 1 (seulement pour version SLM600): Lumière à LED clignotante LOWER POS. SLM600/SLM800 C ÷ 2: LED flashing light (SLM600 version) + SWITCH 2 sound C ÷ 2: Luz intermitente de LED (versión SLM600) + Sonido SWITCH 2 C ÷ 2: Lumière à LED clignotante (version SLM600) + son SWITCH 2 – + 5 LT PNP: UPPER POS. C ÷ 3: LED steady light (SLM600 version) + SWITCH 1 sound C ÷ 3: Luz fija de LED (versión SLM600) + Sonido SWITCH 1 C ÷ 3: Lumière à LED fixe (version SLM600) + son SWITCH 1 C÷1 (only SLM600 version): LED flashing light (únicamente para la versión SLM600): Luz intermitente de LED (seulement pour version SLM600): Lumière à LED clignotante + WIRING/CABLEADO/CÂBLAGE BASES LT PNP (12-24V DC) and BASES HT (120-240V AC) – SLMBD-PNP-012-024 / SLMBW-PNP-012-024 / SLMBP-PNP-012-024 12-24V DC SLMBD-120-240 / SLMBW-120-240 / SLMBP-120-240 1 2 5 HT: UPPER POS. 5 LT PNP: LOWER POS. C÷4 + C÷2 LED flashing light (SLM600 version) + SWITCH 2 sound Luz intermitente de LED (versión SLM600) + Sonido SWITCH 2 Lumière à LED clignotante (version SLM600) + son SWITCH 2 6 (only SLM600 version): LED flashing light (únicamente para la versión SLM600): Luz intermitente de LED (seulement pour version SLM600): Lumière à LED clignotante C÷5 flashing light (SLM600 version) + SWITCH 2 sound – LED Luz intermitente de LED (versión SLM600) + Sonido SWITCH 2 Lumière à LED clignotante (version SLM600) + son SWITCH 2 5 HT: LOWER POS. 120-240V AC 2 C÷3 2 L C÷6 LED steady light (SLM600 version) + SWITCH 1 sound Luz fija de LED (versión SLM600) + Sonido SWITCH 1 Lumière à LED fixe (version SLM600) + son SWITCH 1 L LED steady light (SLM600 version) + SWITCH 1 sound Luz fija de LED (versión SLM600) + Sonido SWITCH 1 Lumière à LED fixe (version SLM600) + son SWITCH 1 N N DOME TIGHTENING/APRIETE DE LA CÚPULA/SERRAGE DU DÔME 1 3 4 1 3 2 4 C÷1 4 LT PNP 3 3 2 (only SLM600 version): LED flashing light (únicamente para la versión SLM600): Luz intermitente de LED (seulement pour version SLM600): Lumière à LED clignotante 3 + – 4 HT LED flashing light (SLM600 version) + SWITCH A sound Luz intermitente de LED (versión SLM600) + Sonido SWITCH A Lumière à LED clignotante (version SLM600) + son SWITCH A (SLM600/SLM800) + SLMBD (SLM600/SLM800) + SLMBS C÷2 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2 4 C÷3 L LED steady light (SLM600 version) + SWITCH B sound Luz fija de LED (versión SLM600) + Sonido SWITCH B Lumière à LED fixe (version SLM600) + son SWITCH B N 5 5 5 (SLM600/SLM800) + SLMBP (SLM600/SLM800) + SLMBW 1 2 3 (SLM600/SLM800) + SLMBT 4 5 ">
