Yamaha CVP-202 spécification
Data List Daten-Liste Liste des données Lista de datos Table of Contents (English) Inhalt (Deutsch) Voice List .............................................................................. 3 Stimmenverzeichnis ............................................................. 3 Demo Songs ......................................................................... 7 Demo-Songs ........................................................................ 7 Drum/key Assignment List .................................................... 8 Verzeichnis der Schlagzeugklänge ...................................... 8 Style List ............................................................................. 10 Style-Verzeichnis ................................................................ 10 Parameter Chart ................................................................. 11 Parameterübersicht ............................................................ 11 Fingering Chart ................................................................... 12 Akkordliste .......................................................................... 12 MIDI Data Format ............................................................... 13 MIDI-Datenformat ............................................................... 13 Effect Type List ................................................................... 24 Liste der Effekttypen ........................................................... 24 Effect Parameter List .......................................................... 25 Liste der Effektparameter ................................................... 25 Effect Data Assign Table .................................................... 29 Effektdaten-Zuordnungstabelle .......................................... 29 MIDI Implementation Chart ................................................ 30 MIDI-Implementierungstabelle ............................................ 30 Assembly ............................................................................ 32 Zusammenbau .................................................................... 32 Specifications ..................................................................... 38 Technische Daten .............................................................. 38 Table des matières (Français) Índice (Español) Liste des voix ........................................................................ 3 Lista de voces ...................................................................... 3 Morceaux de démo ............................................................... 7 Canciones de demostración ................................................. 7 Liste d’assignation instrument de batterie/touche du clavier ........................................................................ 8 Lista de asignaciones de teclas/batería ............................... 8 Liste des styles ................................................................... 10 Gráfica de parámetros ........................................................ 11 Tableau des paramètres ..................................................... 11 Gráfica de digitado ............................................................. 12 Tablature ............................................................................ 12 Formato de datos MIDI ....................................................... 13 Format des données MIDI .................................................. 13 Lista de tipos de efecto ...................................................... 24 Liste des types d’effet ......................................................... 24 Lista de parámetros de efectos .......................................... 25 Liste des paramètres d’effets ............................................. 25 Tabla de asignación de datos para efectos ........................ 29 Tableau d’assignation des données d’effets ...................... 29 Gráfico de puesta en práctica de MIDI ............................... 30 Feuille d’implantation MIDI ................................................. 30 Montaje ............................................................................... 32 Montage ............................................................................. 32 Especificationes .................................................................. 38 Spécifications ..................................................................... 38 2 CVP-202 Lista de estilos .................................................................... 10 Voice List / Stimmenverzeichnis / Liste des voix / Lista de voces ○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Voice # Voice # Voice Group Voice Name Piano & Harpsi. GrandPiano 1 GrandPiano 2 BrightPiano1 Harpsichord1 GrandHarpsi1 Honky Tonk Rock Piano Midi Grand CP 80 Oct. Piano 1 Oct. Piano 2 GrandPiano 3 GrandPiano 4 BrightPiano2 BrightPiano3 Harpsichord2 GrandHarpsi2 E.Piano Galaxy EP Polaris EP Hyper Tines New Tines Funk EP DX Modern Modern EP Tremolo EP Super DX Clavi Suitcase EP Venus EP Wah Clavi Organ & Church Organ Accordion Pipe Organ ChapelOrgan1 ChapelOrgan2 ChapelOrgan3 Rock Organ 1 Dance Organ Gospel Organ Purple Organ Jazz Organ 1 Rock Organ 2 Elec. Organ DrawbarOrgan Click Organ Mellow Draw Jazz Organ 2 Bright Draw 60’s Organ Jazz Organ 3 Blues Organ 16'+1' Organ 16'+2' Organ 16'+4' Organ TheatreOrgn1 TheatreOrgn2 Musette Tutti Accord Accordion Tango Accord Bandoneon Soft Accord Blues Harp Harmonica Reed Organ Percussion Vibraphone Jazz Vibes MSB # LSB # Program Change # (0-127) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 122 112 112 122 123 112 114 112 113 113 114 116 115 116 115 112 113 114 115 113 116 112 112 115 113 117 112 118 114 113 123 112 113 114 115 112 113 119 114 112 113 118 115 112 115 113 116 116 120 117 121 122 123 114 114 112 113 115 112 113 114 114 112 112 112 113 0 0 1 6 6 3 2 2 2 3 3 0 0 1 1 6 6 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 7 4 5 7 19 19 19 19 19 18 17 16 18 16 18 17 16 17 17 16 16 17 16 17 16 16 16 16 17 21 21 21 23 23 21 22 22 20 11 11 Voice Group Guitar Bass Voice Name Marimba Xylophone Steel Drums Celesta Glocken Music Box Tubular Bell Kalimba Dulcimer Timpani StandardKit1 StandardKit2 Room Kit Rock Kit Electro Kit Analog Kit Dance Kit Jazz Kit Brush Kit Symphony Kit StyStd. Kit StyBrush Kit SFX Kit 1 SFX Kit 2 Spanish Gtr. Cool E.Gtr. 12Str.Guitar Solid Guitar Vintage Amp Pedal Steel FeedbackGtr. Funk Guitar 60’s Clean Vintage Open Vintage Mute Folk Guitar ChorusGuitar Vintage Trem OctaveGuitar Deep Chorus CampfireGtr. Smooth Nylon Tremolo Gtr. HawaiianGtr. Bright Clean Wah Guitar Classic Gtr. Distortion Elec. 12Str. Mandolin Clean Guitar Muted Guitar FolkGw_pick1 FolkGw_pick2 FolkGw_pick3 Jazz Guitar Overdrive Finger Bass UprightBass Pick Bass SuperFretles Slap Bass Analog Bass Hi Q Bass Funk Bass Aco. Bass MSB # LSB # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 126 126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 114 113 118 115 125 113 113 117 123 115 112 124 120 113 114 115 114 113 114 116 122 112 112 119 114 112 112 116 117 118 112 112 112 113 112 113 112 112 113 112 112 Program Change # (0-127) 12 13 114 8 9 10 14 108 15 47 0 1 8 16 24 25 27 32 40 48 80 82 0 1 24 28 25 27 29 27 29 28 27 27 28 25 27 27 26 27 25 24 27 26 27 27 24 30 27 25 27 28 25 25 25 26 29 33 32 34 35 36 39 38 37 32 CVP-202 3 Voice List / Stimmenverzeichnis /Liste des voix / Lista de voces ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Voice # Voice # Voice Group Brass WoodWind Strings 4 CVP-202 Voice Name Fretless Bass&Cymbal Fusion Bass Rave Bass Dance Bass Synth Bass SweetTrumpet Trombone MutedTrumpet Flugel Horn Soft Trumpet BrassSection Mellow Brass BigBandBrass Pop Brass Brass Combo Solo Trumpet Mellow Tromb Trb. Section French Horn Mellow Horns Bright Brass Full Horns High Brass Ballroom Brs Small Brass 80’s Brass Analog Brass Techno Brass Synth Brass Brass Hit Tuba Sweet Tenor Breathy Alto Soprano Sax Clarinet Sweet Flute Tenor Sax Pan Flute Oboe English Horn Baritone Sax Breath Tenor Alto Sax MelClarinet Bassoon ClassicFlute Piccolo Ethnic Flute Flute Shakuhachi Whistle Recorder Ocarina WoodwindEns. Sax Section Bagpipe Orch.Strings Symphon.Strs Strings Slow Strings Chamber Strs SynthStrings ConcertoStrs Orch. Brass Orch. Flute MSB # LSB # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 114 113 114 113 112 115 112 112 113 114 112 116 113 118 115 112 114 113 112 119 120 114 115 113 117 113 112 114 112 126 112 117 113 112 112 114 112 113 112 112 112 114 112 113 112 115 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 113 116 112 113 114 112 113 112 112 115 118 119 Program Change # (0-127) 35 32 36 38 39 38 56 57 59 56 56 61 61 61 61 66 56 57 57 60 61 61 61 61 59 61 62 63 62 62 61 58 66 65 64 71 73 66 73 68 69 67 66 65 71 70 73 72 75 73 77 78 74 79 66 66 109 48 48 48 49 49 50 48 49 49 Voice Group Choir & Pad Synth. Voice Name Orch. Oboe Solo Violin Soft Violin Fiddle Viola Cello Contrabass Str. Quartet Bow Strings Marcato Strs Tremolo Strs Pizz.Strings Analog Strs Tech Strings Harp Hackbrett Banjo Sitar Koto Shamisen Orch. Hit Gothic Vox Vocal Ens. Vox Humana Choir Air Choir Cyber Pad Fantasia Insomnia Wave 2001 Atmosphere Xenon Pad Equinox DX Pad Symbiont Stargate Area 51 Dark Moon Ionosphere Golden Age Solaris Millennium Transform Square Lead Saw. Lead Fire Wire Analogon Fargo Blaster Big Lead Warp Tiny Lead Stardust Aero Lead Mini Lead Sub Aqua Sun Bell Hi Bias Viny lead MSB # LSB # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121 112 113 112 112 112 112 114 116 115 112 112 112 113 112 113 112 112 112 112 112 113 113 112 112 112 113 112 113 112 112 112 112 112 113 114 112 113 115 115 114 117 113 112 112 116 115 119 114 113 117 118 112 112 114 118 113 116 115 Program Change # (0-127) 49 40 40 110 41 42 43 49 48 49 44 45 51 50 46 46 105 104 107 106 55 53 52 53 52 54 99 88 94 95 99 91 94 92 88 88 89 89 94 88 94 88 95 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 80 98 83 80 81 98 80 80 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Voice List / Stimmenverzeichnis /Liste des voix / Lista de voces XG Voice # Voice Name GrandPno GrndPnoK MelloGrP PianoStr Dream BritePno BritPnoK El.Grand ElGrPnoK Det.CP80 LayerCP1 LayerCP2 HnkyTonk HnkyTnkK E.Piano1 El.Pno1K MelloEP1 Chor.EP1 HardEl.P VX El.P1 60sEl.P1 E.Piano2 El.Pno2K Chor.EP2 DX Hard DXLegend DX Phase DX+Analg DXKotoEP VX El.P2 Harpsi. Harpsi.K Harpsi.2 Harpsi.3 Clavi Clavi K ClaviWah PulseClv PierceCl Celesta Glocken MusicBox Orgel Vibes Vibes K HardVibe Marimba MarimbaK SineMrmb Balimba Log Drum Xylophon TubulBel ChrchBel Carillon Dulcimer Dulcimr2 Cimbalom Santur DrawOrgn Voice # MSB # LSB # Program Change # (0-127) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 18 40 41 0 1 0 1 32 40 41 0 1 0 1 18 32 40 45 64 0 1 32 33 34 40 41 42 45 0 1 25 35 0 1 27 64 65 0 0 0 64 0 1 45 0 1 64 97 98 0 0 96 97 0 35 96 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 Voice Name DetDrwOr 60sDrOr1 60sDrOr2 70sDrOr1 DrawOrg2 60sDrOr3 EvenBar 16+2’2/3 Organ Ba 70sDrOr2 CheezOrg DrawOrg3 PercOrgn 70sPcOr1 DetPrcOr Lite Org PercOrg2 RockOrgn RotaryOr SloRotar FstRotar ChrchOrg ChurOrg3 ChurOrg2 NotreDam OrgFlute TrmOrgFl ReedOrgn Puff Org Acordion AccordIt Harmnica Harmo. 2 TangoAcd TngoAcd2 NylonGtr NylonGt2 NylonGt3 VelGtHrm Ukulele SteelGtr SteelGt2 12StrGtr Nyln&Stl Stl&Body Mandolin Jazz Gtr MelloGtr Jazz Amp CleanGtr ChorusGt Mute Gtr FunkGtr1 MuteStlG FunkGtr2 Jazz Man Ovrdrive Gt.Pinch Dist.Gtr FeedbkGt Voice # MSB # LSB # Program Change # (0-127) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 64 65 66 67 0 24 32 33 37 0 64 65 66 0 32 35 40 64 65 0 40 0 32 0 32 0 64 0 16 25 43 96 0 16 35 40 41 96 0 18 32 0 32 0 40 41 43 45 0 43 0 40 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 Voice Name FeedbGt2 GtrHarmo GtFeedbk GtrHrmo2 Aco.Bass JazzRthm VXUprght FngrBass FingrDrk FlangeBa Ba&DstEG FngrSlap FngBass2 Mod.Bass PickBass MutePkBa Fretless Fretles2 Fretles3 Fretles4 SynFretl SmthFrt1 SlapBas1 ResoSlap PunchThm SlapBas2 VeloSlap SynBass1 SynBa1Dk FastResB AcidBass Clv Bass TechnoBa Orbiter Sqr.Bass RubberBa Hammer SynBass2 MelloSBa Seq Bass ClkSynBa SynBa2Dk SmthSynB ModulrBa DX Bass X WireBa Violin Slow Vln Viola Cello Contrabs Trem.Str SlwTrStr Susp.Str Pizz.Str Harp YangChin Timpani Strings1 S.Strngs MSB # LSB # Program Change # (0-127) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 65 66 0 40 45 0 18 27 40 43 45 65 0 28 0 32 33 34 96 97 0 27 32 0 43 0 18 20 24 35 40 64 65 66 96 0 6 12 18 19 32 40 41 64 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 40 0 0 40 0 0 3 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 37 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 41 42 43 44 44 44 45 46 46 47 48 48 CVP-202 5 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Voice List / Stimmenverzeichnis /Liste des voix / Lista de voces XG Voice # Voice Name Slow Str Arco Str 60sStrng Orchestr Orchstr2 TremOrch Velo.Str Strings2 S.SlwStr LegatoSt Warm Str Kingdom 70s Str Strings3 Syn Str1 Reso Str Syn Str4 Syn Str5 Syn Str2 ChoirAah S.Choir Ch.Aahs2 MelChoir ChoirStr VoiceOoh SynVoice SyVoice2 Choral AnaVoice Orch.Hit OrchHit2 Impact Trumpet Trumpet2 BriteTrp Warm Trp Trombone Trmbone2 Tuba Tuba 2 Mute Trp Fr.Horn FrHrSolo FrHorn 2 HornOrch BrssSect Tp&TbSec BrssSec2 HiBrass MelloBrs SynBrss1 Quack Br RezSynBr PolyBrss SynBrss3 JumpBrss AnVelBr1 AnVelBr2 SynBrss2 Soft Brs SynBrss4 6 CVP-202 Voice # MSB # LSB # Program Change # (0-127) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 24 35 40 41 42 45 0 3 8 40 41 64 65 0 27 64 65 0 0 3 16 32 40 0 0 40 41 64 0 35 64 0 16 17 32 0 18 0 16 0 0 6 32 37 0 35 40 41 42 0 12 20 24 27 32 45 64 0 18 40 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 51 52 52 52 52 52 53 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 63 63 63 Voice Name ChoirBrs VelBrss2 AnaBrss2 SprnoSax Alto Sax Sax Sect HyprAlto TenorSax BrthTnSx SoftTenr TnrSax 2 Bari.Sax Oboe Eng.Horn Bassoon Clarinet Piccolo Flute Recorder PanFlute Bottle Shakhchi Whistle Ocarina SquareLd SquarLd2 LMSquare Hollow Shroud Mellow SoloSine SineLead Saw Lead Saw Ld 2 ThickSaw Dyna Saw Digi Saw Big Lead HeavySyn WaspySyn PulseSaw Dr. Lead VeloLead Seq Ana. CaliopLd PureLead Chiff Ld Rubby CharanLd DistLead WireLead Voice Ld SynthAah Vox Lead Fifth Ld Big Five Bass&Ld Big&Low Fat&Prky Soft Wrl NewAgePd Voice # MSB # LSB # Program Change # (0-127) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 45 64 0 0 40 43 0 40 41 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 8 18 19 64 65 66 0 6 8 18 19 20 24 25 40 41 45 96 0 65 0 64 0 64 65 0 24 64 0 35 0 16 64 65 0 63 63 63 64 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 82 82 83 83 84 84 84 85 85 85 86 86 87 87 87 87 88 Voice Name Fantasy Warm Pad ThickPad Soft Pad Sine Pad Horn Pad RotarStr PolySyPd PolyPd80 ClickPad Ana. Pad SquarPad ChoirPad Heaven Itopia CC Pad BowedPad Glacier GlassPad MetalPad Tine Pad Pan Pad Halo Pad SweepPad Shwimmer Converge PolarPad Celstial Rain ClaviPad HrmoRain AfrcnWnd Carib SoundTrk Prologue Ancestrl Crystal SynDrCmp Popcorn TinyBell RndGlock GlockChi ClearBel ChorBell SynMalet SftCryst LoudGlok ChrstBel VibeBell DigiBell AirBells BellHarp Gamelmba Atmosphr WarmAtms HollwRls Nylon EP NylnHarp Harp Vox AtmosPad Planet MSB # LSB # Program Change # (0-127) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 0 16 17 18 64 65 0 64 65 66 67 0 64 66 67 0 64 65 0 64 65 0 0 20 27 64 66 0 45 64 65 66 0 27 64 0 12 14 18 35 40 41 42 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 0 18 19 40 64 65 66 67 88 89 89 89 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 93 93 93 94 95 95 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ XG Voice # Voice Name Bright FantaBel Smokey Goblins GobSynth Creeper Ring Pad Ritual ToHeaven Night Glisten BelChoir Echoes Echoes 2 Echo Pan EchoBell Big Pan SynPiano Creation StarDust Reso&Pan Sci-Fi Starz Sitar DetSitar Sitar 2 Tambra Tamboura Banjo MuteBnjo Rabab Gopichnt Oud Shamisen Koto Taisho-k Kanoon Kalimba Bagpipe Voice # Voice # MSB # LSB # Program Change # (0-127) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 96 0 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 96 0 8 14 64 65 66 67 68 69 0 64 0 32 35 96 97 0 28 96 97 98 0 0 96 97 0 0 100 100 100 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 103 103 104 104 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 105 106 107 107 107 108 109 Voice Name Fiddle Shanai Shanai 2 Pungi Hichriki TnklBell Bonang Altair Gamelan S.Gamlan Rama Cym AsianBel Agogo SteelDrm GlasPerc ThaiBell WoodBlok Castanet TaikoDrm Gr.Cassa MelodTom Mel Tom2 Real Tom Rock Tom Syn Drum Ana Tom ElecPerc RevCymbl FretNoiz BrthNoiz Seashore Tweet Telphone Helicptr Applause Gunshot CuttngNz CttngNz2 Str Slap MSB # LSB # Program Change # (0-127) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 64 64 0 0 64 96 97 0 96 97 98 99 100 101 0 0 97 98 0 96 0 96 0 64 65 66 0 64 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 111 111 111 111 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 113 114 114 114 115 115 116 116 117 117 117 117 118 118 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 0 1 3 Voice Name Fl.KClik Shower Thunder Wind Stream Bubble Feed Dog Horse Tweet 2 Ghost Maou Tel.Dial DoorSqek DoorSlam ScratchC ScratchS WindChim Telphon2 CarEIgnt CarTSqel Car Pass CarCrash Siren Train JetPlane Starship Burst Coaster Submarin Laugh Scream Punch Heart Footstep MchinGun LaserGun Xplosion Firework MSB # LSB # Program Change # (0-127) 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 32 33 34 35 36 37 48 49 50 54 55 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 96 97 98 99 100 112 113 114 115 Demo Songs / Demo-Songs / Morceaux de démo / Canciones de demostración SONG DEMO Song 1 Song 3 Song 4 VOICE DEMO Title Andante Spianato and Grand Polonaise Brillante Op.22 Beautiful Dreamer Annie Laurie Composer Voice Group F. Chopin Piano&Harpsi. Title Consolation No.3 Gavotte Composer F. Chopin J.S. Bach S.C. Foster Traditional • Some of the demonstration pieces listed above are specially-arranged excerpts from the original compositions listed above. All other songs are original (© 2003 Yamaha Corporation). • Bei manchen der oben aufgelisteten Demostücke handelt es sich um Auszüge aus den Originalkompositionen mit speziellem Arrangement. Alle anderen Stücke sind eigene Kompositionen (© 2003 Yamaha Corporation). • Certains des morceaux de démonstration énumérés ci-dessus sont de courts extraits des compositions originales. Tous les autres morceaux sont des créations originales (© 2003 Yamaha Corporation). • Alguna de las piezas de demostración arriba listadas son exceptos especialmente preparados de las composiciones originales de arriba. Todas las otras canciones son originales (© 2003 Yamaha Corporation.) CVP-202 7 Drum/key Assignment List / Verzeichnis der Liste d’assignation instrument de batterie/ Lista de asignaciones de teclas/batería Bank Select MSB Bank Select LSB Program Change (0-127) Keyboard MIDI Note Note # Note C# 1 13 C# D 1 14 D D# 1 15 D# E 1 16 E F 1 17 F F# 1 18 F# G 1 19 G G# 1 20 G# A 1 21 A A# 1 22 A# B 1 23 B C 2 24 C C# 2 25 C# D 2 26 D D# 2 27 D# E 2 28 E F 2 29 F F# 2 30 F# G 2 31 G G# 2 32 G# A 2 33 A A# 2 34 A# B 2 35 B C 3 36 C C# 3 37 C# D 3 38 D D# 3 39 D# E 3 40 E F 3 41 F F# 3 42 F# G 3 43 G G# 3 44 G# A 3 45 A A# 3 46 A# B 3 47 B C 4 48 C C# 4 49 C# D 4 50 D D# 4 51 D# E 4 52 E F 4 53 F F# 4 54 F# G 4 55 G G# 4 56 G# A 4 57 A A# 4 58 A# B 4 59 B C 5 60 C C# 5 61 C# D 5 62 D D# 5 63 D# E 5 64 E F 5 65 F F# 5 66 F# G 5 67 G G# 5 68 G# A 5 69 A A# 5 70 A# B 5 71 B C 6 72 C C# 6 73 C# D 6 74 D D# 6 75 D# E 6 76 E F 6 77 F F# 6 78 F# G 6 79 G G# 6 80 G# A 6 81 A A# 6 82 A# B 6 83 B C 7 84 C – 85 C# – 86 D – 87 D# – 88 E – 89 F – 90 F# – 91 G Key off -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Alternate assign 3 3 4 4 O O O 1 1 1 O O O 2 2 127 0 0 Standard Kit 1 127 0 1 Standard Kit 2 Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap BrushTapSwrl Snare Roll Castanet Snare Soft Sticks Kick Soft OpenRimShot Kick Tight Kick Side Stick Snare Hand Clap Snare Tight Floor Tom L Hi-HatClosed Floor Tom H Hi-Hat Pedal Low Tom Hi-Hat Open Mid Tom L Mid Tom H CrashCymbal1 High Tom RideCymbal 1 Chinese Cym Ride Cym Cup Tambourine SplashCymbal Cowbell CrashCymbal2 Vibraslap RideCymbal 2 Bongo H Bongo L Conga H Mute Conga H Open Conga L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves Wood Block H Wood Block L Cuica Mute Cuica Open TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap BrushTapSwrl Snare Roll 2 Castanet Snare Soft 2 Sticks Kick Soft RimShotHShrt KickTghtShrt Kick Short Side Stick Snare Short Hand Clap SnareTight H Floor Tom L Hi-HatClosed Floor Tom H Hi-Hat Pedal Low Tom Hi-Hat Open Mid Tom L Mid Tom H CrashCymbal1 High Tom RideCymbal 1 Chinese Cym Ride Cym Cup Tambourine SplashCymbal Cowbell CrashCymbal2 Vibraslap RideCymbal 2 Bongo H Bongo L Conga H Mute Conga H Open Conga L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves Wood Block H Wood Block L Cuica Mute Cuica Open TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree • Key Off: Keys marked “ O” stop sounding the instant they are released. • Alternate Assign: Playing any instrument within a numbered group will immediately stop the sound of any other instrument in the same group of the same number. 8 CVP-202 127 0 8 Room Kit Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap BrushTapSwrl Snare Roll Castanet Snare Soft Sticks Kick Soft OpenRimShot Kick Tight Kick Side Stick Snare Snappy Hand Clap SnrTightSnpy Tom Room 1 Hi-HatClosed Tom Room 2 Hi-Hat Pedal Tom Room 3 Hi-Hat Open Tom Room 4 Tom Room 5 CrashCymbal1 Tom Room 6 RideCymbal 1 Chinese Cym Ride Cym Cup Tambourine SplashCymbal Cowbell CrashCymbal2 Vibraslap RideCymbal 2 Bongo H Bongo L Conga H Mute Conga H Open Conga L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves Wood Block H Wood Block L Cuica Mute Cuica Open TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree 127 0 16 Rock Kit Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap BrushTapSwrl Snare Roll Castanet Snare Noisy Sticks Kick Tight 2 OpenRimShot Kick 2 Kick Gate Side Stick Snare Rock Hand Clap SnareRockRim Tom Rock 1 Hi-HatClosed Tom Rock 2 Hi-Hat Pedal Tom Rock 3 Hi-Hat Open Tom Rock 4 Tom Rock 5 CrashCymbal1 Tom Rock 6 RideCymbal 1 Chinese Cym Ride Cym Cup Tambourine SplashCymbal Cowbell CrashCymbal2 Vibraslap RideCymbal 2 Bongo H Bongo L Conga H Mute Conga H Open Conga L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves Wood Block H Wood Block L Cuica Mute Cuica Open TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree 127 0 24 Electro Kit Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap ReversCymbal Snare Roll Hi Q 2 SnrSnpyElctr Sticks Kick 3 OpenRimShot Kick Gate KckGateHeavy Side Stick SnareNoisy 2 Hand Clap SnareNoisy 3 TomElectro 1 Hi-HatClosed TomElectro 2 Hi-Hat Pedal TomElectro 3 Hi-Hat Open TomElectro 4 TomElectro 5 CrashCymbal1 TomElectro 6 RideCymbal 1 Chinese Cym Ride Cym Cup Tambourine SplashCymbal Cowbell CrashCymbal2 Vibraslap RideCymbal 2 Bongo H Bongo L Conga H Mute Conga H Open Conga L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves Wood Block H Wood Block L Scratch H 2 Scratch L 2 TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree 127 0 25 Analog Kit Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap ReversCymbal Snare Roll Hi Q 2 SnareNoisy 4 Sticks Kick Tight 2 OpenRimShot KickAnlgShrt Kick Analog SideStickAn SnareAnalog Hand Clap SnareAnalog2 Tom Analog 1 HatCloseAnlg Tom Analog 2 HatCloseAn 2 Tom Analog 3 HatOpen Anlg Tom Analog 4 Tom Analog 5 Crash Analog Tom Analog 6 RideCymbal 1 Chinese Cym Ride Cym Cup Tambourine SplashCymbal Cowbell Anlg CrashCymbal2 Vibraslap RideCymbal 2 Bongo H Bongo L Conga Anlg H Conga Anlg M Conga Anlg L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas 2 SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves 2 Wood Block H Wood Block L Scratch H 2 Scratch L 3 TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree 127 0 27 Dance Kit Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap ReversCymbal Snare Roll Hi Q 2 SnareTechno3 Sticks KickTechno Q Rim Gate KickTechno L KickTechno 2 SideStickAn Snare Clap Hand Clap Snare Dry 2 Tom Analog 1 HiHatClose 3 Tom Analog 2 HatCloseAn 2 Tom Analog 3 HiHat Open 3 Tom Analog 4 Tom Analog 5 Crash Analog Tom Analog 6 RideCymbal 1 Chinese Cym Ride Cym Cup Tambourine SplashCymbal Cowbell Anlg CrashCymbal2 Vibraslap RideCymbal 2 Bongo H Bongo L Conga Anlg H Conga Anlg M Conga Anlg L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas 2 SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves 2 Wood Block H Wood Block L Scratch H 2 Scratch L 3 TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree • Key Off: Durch “ O” gekennzeichnete Klänge verstummen beim Loslassen der Taste. • Alternate Assign: Mit derselben Nummer gekennzeichnete Klänge werden von demselben Instrument erzeugt und können daher nicht gleichzeitig produziert werden. Spielt einer dieser Klänge gerade, wird er beim Anschlagen einer anderen Taste mit derselben “Alternate Assign”-Nummer stummgeschaltet. Schlagzeugklänge / touche du clavier / ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Bank Select MSB Bank Select LSB Program Change (0-127) Keyboard MIDI Note Note # Note C# 1 13 C# D 1 14 D D# 1 15 D# E 1 16 E F 1 17 F F# 1 18 F# G 1 19 G G# 1 20 G# A 1 21 A A# 1 22 A# B 1 23 B C 2 24 C C# 2 25 C# D 2 26 D D# 2 27 D# E 2 28 E F 2 29 F F# 2 30 F# G 2 31 G G# 2 32 G# A 2 33 A A# 2 34 A# B 2 35 B C 3 36 C C# 3 37 C# D 3 38 D D# 3 39 D# E 3 40 E F 3 41 F F# 3 42 F# G 3 43 G G# 3 44 G# A 3 45 A A# 3 46 A# B 3 47 B C 4 48 C C# 4 49 C# D 4 50 D D# 4 51 D# E 4 52 E F 4 53 F F# 4 54 F# G 4 55 G G# 4 56 G# A 4 57 A A# 4 58 A# B 4 59 B C 5 60 C C# 5 61 C# D 5 62 D D# 5 63 D# E 5 64 E F 5 65 F F# 5 66 F# G 5 67 G G# 5 68 G# A 5 69 A A# 5 70 A# B 5 71 B C 6 72 C C# 6 73 C# D 6 74 D D# 6 75 D# E 6 76 E F 6 77 F F# 6 78 F# G 6 79 G G# 6 80 G# A 6 81 A A# 6 82 A# B 6 83 B C 7 84 C – 85 C# – 86 D – 87 D# – 88 E – 89 F – 90 F# – 91 G Key off -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Alternate assign 3 3 4 4 O O O 1 1 1 O O O 2 2 127 0 32 Jazz Kit Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap BrushTapSwrl Snare Roll Castanet Snare Soft Sticks Kick Soft OpenRimShot Kick Tight Kick Jazz Side Stick Snare Hand Clap Snare Tight Tom Jazz 1 Hi-HatClosed Tom Jazz 2 Hi-Hat Pedal Tom Jazz 3 Hi-Hat Open Tom Jazz 4 Tom Jazz 5 CrashCymbal1 Tom Jazz 6 RideCymbal 1 Chinese Cym Ride Cym Cup Tambourine SplashCymbal Cowbell CrashCymbal2 Vibraslap RideCymbal 2 Bongo H Bongo L Conga H Mute Conga H Open Conga L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves Wood Block H Wood Block L Cuica Mute Cuica Open TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree 127 0 40 Brush Kit Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap BrushTapSwrl Snare Roll Castanet Brush Slap 2 Sticks Kick Soft OpenRimShot Kick Tight Kick Small Side Stick Brush Slap 3 Hand Clap Brush Tap 2 Tom Brush 1 Hi-HatClosed Tom Brush 2 Hi-Hat Pedal Tom Brush 3 Hi-Hat Open Tom Brush 4 Tom Brush 5 CrashCymbal1 Tom Brush 6 RideCymbal 1 Chinese Cym Ride Cym Cup Tambourine SplashCymbal Cowbell CrashCymbal2 Vibraslap RideCymbal 2 Bongo H Bongo L Conga H Mute Conga H Open Conga L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves Wood Block H Wood Block L Cuica Mute Cuica Open TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree • Key off : Le son produit par les touches marquées “ O” cesse à l’instant où la touche est relâchée. • Alternate Assign : Le fait de jouer un instrument appartenant à un groupe ayant un numéro arrête immédiatement le son de tout autre instrument appartenant à un groupe ayant le même numéro. 127 0 48 Symphony Kit Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap BrushTapSwrl Snare Roll Castanet Brush Slap 2 Sticks Kick Soft 2 OpenRimShot Gran Cassa GranCassa Mu Side Stick Band Snare Hand Clap Band Snare 2 Tom Jazz 1 Hi-HatClosed Tom Jazz 2 Hi-Hat Pedal Tom Jazz 3 Hi-Hat Open Tom Jazz 4 Tom Jazz 5 Hand Cymbal Tom Jazz 6 HandCymShort Chinese Cym Ride Cym Cup Tambourine SplashCymbal Cowbell HandCymbal 2 Vibraslap HandCym2Shrt Bongo H Bongo L Conga H Mute Conga H Open Conga L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves Wood Block H Wood Block L Cuica Mute Cuica Open TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree 127 0 80 Sty Std.Kit Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H BrshTpStyStd BrshSwStyStd BrshSlStyStd BrshTSStyStd Snare Roll Castanet SnrSftStyStd Sticks KckSftStyStd RimShtStyStd KickT StyStd Kick StyStd S StckStyStd Snare StyStd Hand Clap Snr T StyStd FlrTmLStyStd HHCls StyStd FlrTmHStyStd HHPdl StyStd LoTmStyStd HHOpn StyStd MidTmLStyStd MidTmHStyStd Crash1StyStd HiTom StyStd Ride1 StyStd ChiCymStyStd R Cup StyStd Tambourine SplashStyStd Cowbell Crash2StyStd Vibraslap Ride 2StyStd Bongo H Bongo L Conga H Mute Conga H Open Conga L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves Wood Block H Wood Block L Cuica Mute Cuica Open TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree 127 0 82 Sty BrushKit Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H BrshTpStBrsh BrshSwStBrsh BrshSlStBrsh BrshTSStBrsh Snare Roll Castanet SnrSftStBrsh Sticks KckSftStBrsh RimShtStBrsh KickT StBrsh Kick StBrsh S StckStBrsh Snare StBrsh Hand Clap Snr T StBrsh FlrTmLStBrsh HHCls StBrsh FlrTmHStBrsh HHPdl StBrsh LoTmStBrsh HHOpn StBrsh MidTmLStBrsh MidTmHStBrsh Crash1StBrsh HiTom StBrsh Ride1 StBrsh ChiCymStBrsh R Cup StBrsh Tambourine SplashStBrsh Cowbell Crash2StBrsh Vibraslap Ride 2StBrsh Bongo H Bongo L Conga H Mute Conga H Open Conga L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves Wood Block H Wood Block L Cuica Mute Cuica Open TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree 126 0 0 SFX Kit 1 126 0 1 SFX Kit 2 CuttingNoiz CuttingNoiz2 Phone Call Door Squeak Door Slam Scratch Cut Scratch H 3 Wind Chime Telephone 2 String Slap Fl.Key Click Ignition Squeal Exhaust Crash Siren Train Jet Plane Starship Burst Coaster Submarine Shower Thunder Wind Stream Bubble Feed Laugh Scream Punch Heartbeat Footsteps Dog Horse Bird Tweet 2 Machine Gun Laser Gun Explosion Firework Ghost Maou • Key Off: Las teclas marcadas con “ O” dejan de sonar en el momento en que se sueltan. • Alternate Assign: Al tocar algún instrumento con un grupo numerado detendrá inmediatamente el sonido de cualquier otro instrumento del mismo grupo con el mismo número. CVP-202 9 Style List / Style-Verzeichnis / Liste des styles / Lista de estilos Style Group Style Name POP&ROCK 60’sGtrPop 60’s8Beat 8Beat1 OffBeat 60’sRock RockShuffle 8BeatRock PopShuffle1 PopShuffle2 GuitarPop 16BtUptempo KoolShuffle JazzRock 8BeatModern MovieBallad SecretServce OrganBallad Unplugged 8BeatAdria PianoBallad RomanticBld LoveSong 6/8ModernEP 6/8SlowRock1 6/8SlowRock2 16Beat PopBallad 16BeatBalad1 16BeatBalad2 RockBallad EuroTrance Ibiza HouseMusik SwingHouse Clubdance ClubLatin Garage TechnoParty UKPop HipHopGroove HipHopLight HipHopPop 70’sDisco1 70’sDisco2 LatinDisco SaturdyNight DiscoHands POPBALLADS DANCE 10 CVP-202 Style Group SWING& JAZZ R&B COUNTRY Style Name BigBandFast1 BigBandMed1 40’sBigBand BigBandFast2 BigBandMed2 BigBandBalad BigBandShufl JazzClub Swing1 Swing2 Five/Four JazzPiano Bebop JazzBallad1 GypsySwing ElectricJazz Charleston Dixieland Ragtime Soul DetroitPop 60’sRock&Rol SwingBoogie Gospel Bros 6/8Soul CrocoTwist Rock&Roll SoulBeat SoulShuffle 6/8Blues BluesPiano Amaz.Gospel ComboBoogie Country8Beat CountryPop CountryRock CountrySwing CountryWaltz CntryBallad Country2/4 CowboyBoogie CntryShuffle Hoedown Style Group LATIN MARCH& WORLD WALTZ BALLROOM Style Name Brazil Samba BossaNova PopBossa BigBandMambo BigBandSalsa Tijuana DiscoLatin RockChaCha Beguine Mambo Salsa GypsyRumba HappyReggae USMarch 6/8March GermanMarch Showtune PolkaPop OberPolka ScottishReel Hawaiian Tarantella HullyGully Enka PopEnka X’masWaltz X’masSwing Gtr Serenade SwingWaltz JazzWaltz1 JazzWaltz2 OberWalzer Musette VienneseWltz EnglishWaltz Slowfox Foxtrot Quickstep Tango Pasodoble Samba ChaChaCha Rumba Jive ○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Style Group PIANIST Style Name Stride1 Stride2 PianoSwing1 PianoSwing2 PianoSwing3 PianoRag1 PianoRag2 Arpeggio1 Arpeggio2 Arpeggio3 PianoOrchBld Musical Traditional1 Traditional2 Traditional3 PianoBoogie PnoRock&Roll SlowRock 2BeatSwing JazzBallad2 8Beat2 8BeatBallad1 8BeatBallad2 4Stroke Nocturne PianoMarch1 PianoMarch2 6/8PnoMarch Waltz JazzWaltz3 PianoBossa PianoSamba PianoChaCha PianoBeguine PianoRumba SlowWaltz Parameter Chart / Parameterübersicht / Tableau des paramètres / Gráfica de parámetros Group VOICE DUAL SPLIT REVERB EFFECT CHORUS REGISTRATION MIXER ACCOMPANIMENT METRONOME SONG HELP FUNCTION Contents RIGHT1 VOICE RIGHT1 OCTAVE SHIFT RIGHT1 PAN RIGHT1 VOLUME Selected voice in each VOICE SELECT page HARMONY ON/OFF HARMONY TYPE HARMONY VOLUME HARMONY SPEED DUAL ON/OFF RIGHT2 VOICE RIGHT2 OCTAVE SHIFT DUAL DETUNE DEPTH RIGHT2 PAN RIGHT2 VOLUME SPLIT ON/OFF LEFT VOICE LEFT OCTA VE SHIFT SPLIT POINT LEFT PAN LEFT VOLUME PEDAL RANGE REVERB ON/OFF REVERB TYPE REVERB TOTAL DEPTH REVERB PART DEPTH (RHYTHM, ACMP) REVERB PART DEPTH (LEFT, RIGHT1, RIGHT2) EFFECT ON/OFF EFFECT TYPE (RIGHT1, RIGHT2, LEFT) EFFECT DEPTH EFFECT VARIATION CHORUS TYPE CHORUS DEPTH (RIGHT1, RIGHT2, LEFT) REGISTRATION FREEZE ON/OFF FREEZE CATEGORY ON/OFF (VOICE SETTING), REVERB/EFFECT, TUNE, PEDAL, ACMP.SETTING ALL REGIST RATION Memory Data (20) MIXER PART VOLUME (RHYTHM, BASS, CHORD, PAD, PHRASE) KEYBOARD VOLUME STYLE Selected style in each STYLE SELECT page MAIN A/B/C/D ACMP. ON/OFF ACCOMPANIMENT MODE TEMPO 1 INTRO/FILL IN/ENDING METRONOME TYPE METRONOME VOLUME GUIDE MODE SOUND REPEAT PIANO ROLL DISPLAY GUIDE LAMP ON/OFF LYRICS ON/OFF SONG VOLUME LANGUAGE TUNE TRANSPOSE (ALL) TRANSPOSE (SONG) VOICE SETTING KEY TOUCH FIXED VELOCITY LEFT PEDAL FUNCTION LEFT PART MIDI SEND Ch. RIGHT 1 PART MIDI SEND Ch. RIGHT 2 PART MIDI SEND Ch. LOCAL CONTROL ON/OFF SYNC. CLOCK PROGRAM CHANGE SEND/RECEIVE ON/OFF CONTROL CHANGE SEND/RECEIVE ON/OFF SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE SEND/RECEIVE ON/OFF START/STOP SEND/RECEIVE ON/OFF MIDI FILTER ON/OFF (all channels) MIDI TRANSPOSE RECEIVE ON/OFF ACMP & RHY SEND ON/OFF HARMONY SEND ON/OFF SEQUENCER SEND ON/OFF REMOTE KEYBOARD MICRO TUNING ON/OFF MICRO TUNE. SETTING SCALE TUNING SELECT PRESET SCALE SELECT PRESET SCALE KEY USER SCALE SETTING BACKUP ON/OFF Default Grand Piano 1 0 Center 127 Top voice OFF Depends on voice selection. Depends on voice selection. Depends on voice selection. OFF SlowStrs. 0 5 Center 127 OFF Aco.Bass +1 F#2 Center 127 RIGHT Depends on voice selection. Depends on style (voice) selection. 64 64 Depends on voice selection. Depends on voice selection. Depends on voice selection. Depends on voice selection. Depends on voice selection. Depends on style selection. Depends on voice selection. OFF ACMP. SETTING: ON Others: OFF Factory preset data 110 One Touch Setting O O O O — O O O O O O O O O O — — — — — — — O — Music Database O O O O — O O O O O O O O O O O O O — O O — O O Set Up Memory O O O O — O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Registration Freeze Group VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING — VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING PEDAL REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF All Set Up Backup Group Recall Group O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING PEDAL REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING PEDAL REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF — — O O O O O — O — — O O O O O O O O O — — O O O O O O O O O — — REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF — — O O O O O O O O O — — REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REGISTRATION REGISTRATION REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REV/CHO/EFF REGISTRATION REGISTRATION — — — O — — — ACMP. SETTING O O REGISTRATION ACMP SETTING REGISTRATION ACMP SETTING — — — — ON — — — — — — — — — — — O O — O ON — O — — — — — — — — — O — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — VOICE SETTING ACMP. SETTING — ACMP. SETTING ACMP. SETTING ACMP. SETTING ACMP. SETTING ACMP. SETTING — — — — — — — — O O O O O O O O O O — O O O O — VOICE ACMP ACMP ACMP ACMP ACMP ACMP VOICE ACMP ACMP ACMP ACMP ACMP ACMP — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — O — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — O — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — VOICE SETTING — — VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING PEDAL — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — TUNE TUNE TUNE TUNE O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Always backed up. TUNE VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING PEDAL MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING TUNE TUNE TUNE TUNE TUNE TUNE Always backed up. 127 60’sGtrPop Top style MAIN C OFF MULTI FINGER Depends on style selection. OFF NORMAL 64 NORMAL AUTO AUTO ON ON [ACMP/SONG VOLUME] slider value ENGLISH 440.0Hz (A3) 0 0 AUTO NORMAL 76 SOFT 3 1 2 ON INT. TX&RX (ON) TX&RX (ON) TX&RX (ON) OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 0 PRESET EQUAL C 0 Set separately for each group.2 SETTING SETTING SETTING SETTING SETTING SETTING SETTING — ACMP SETTING ACMP SETTING — SONG SETTING SONG SETTING SONG SETTING SONG SETTING SONG SETTING ACMP ACMP SONG SONG SONG SONG SETTING SETTING SETTING SETTING SETTING SETTING SETTING — SETTING SETTING — SETTING SETTING SETTING SETTING — — TUNE VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING VOICE SETTING PEDAL MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING MIDI SETTING TUNE TUNE TUNE TUNE TUNE TUNE 1 When a Music Database setup or registration is recalled during Auto Accompaniment playback, the style thereby selected will begin playing immediately if it is the same as the style that is currently playing, or from the top of the next measure if it is a different style. 2 REGISTRATION: ON; Others: OFF 1 Si une configuration de Music Database ou une registration est rappelée au cours de l’accompagnement automatique, le style ainsi sélectionné sera joué immédiatement s’il est identique au style en cours de lecture, ou au début de la mesure suivante s’il s’agit d’un style différent. 2 REGISTRATION : ON ; Autres : OFF 1 Bei Wiederaufruf eines Musikdatenbank-Setup oder einer Registrierung während des Auto Accompaniment-Backup (Backup von Autom. Begleitung) wird der dabei gewählte Style sofort abgespielt, sofern dieser derselbe ist wie der aktuell abgespielte Style, oder ab der obersten Stelle des nächsten Taktes, falls es sich um einen anderen Style handelt. 2 REGISTRATION: ON; Andere: OFF 1 Cuando un registro o los ajustes Music Database están llamados durante una reproducción Auto Accompaniment, el estilo seleccionado reproducirá inmediatamente si es el mismo que el estilo que se está reproduciendo o desde el principio del compás siguiente si es un estilo diferente. 2 REGISTRATION: ON; Otros: OFF CVP-202 11 Fingering Chart / Akkordliste / Tablature / Gráfica de digitado ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ * All fingerings shown are simple root-position types. * Die hier gezeigten Akkorde sind jeweils die Grundakkorde. * Tous les doigtés indiqués sont du type à position fondamentale simple. * Todos los digitados se muestran como tipos de posición de raíz sencilla. Example for “C” chords Beispiele für “C”-Akkorde Exemples d’accords en “C” Ejemplo de acordes “C” CM 7 (b5) CM 7 (#11) C(b5) Caug Cm Cm 6 Cm 7 Cmadd 9 Cm 7 (9) Cm 7 (11) CmM 7 (b5) CmM 7 (9) Cm (b5) Cdim 7 C7 C 7 (#11) C 7 (13) C 7(b5) C C6 Cadd 9 CM 7 (9) C 7(#5) CM 7 (#5) Cm 7 (b5) CmM 7 ) ) ) 12 ) ) ( ( ) CVP-202 ) ( ) ( ) ( C 7(#9) ) C 7 (b13) ( C 7(b9) C 7 (9) ( ( ) C7 sus 4 ( ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ) ( ( ) C 6 (9) ( ( ( ) CM 7 Csus 4 MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des données MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Many MIDI messages listed in the MIDI Data Format are expressed in decimal numbers, binary numbers and hexadecimal numbers. Hexadecimal numbers may include the letter “H” as a suffix. Also, “n” can freely be defined as any whole number. To enter data/values, refer to the table below. Decimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Hexadecimal 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F Binary 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0010 0000 0011 0000 0100 0000 0101 0000 0110 0000 0111 0000 1000 0000 1001 0000 1010 0000 1011 0000 1100 0000 1101 0000 1110 0000 1111 0001 0000 0001 0001 0001 0010 0001 0011 0001 0100 0001 0101 0001 0110 0001 0111 0001 1000 0001 1001 0001 1010 0001 1011 0001 1100 0001 1101 0001 1110 0001 1111 0010 0000 0010 0001 0010 0010 0010 0011 0010 0100 0010 0101 0010 0110 0010 0111 0010 1000 0010 1001 0010 1010 0010 1011 0010 1100 0010 1101 0010 1110 0010 1111 0011 0000 0011 0001 0011 0010 0011 0011 0011 0100 0011 0101 0011 0110 0011 0111 0011 1000 0011 1001 0011 1010 0011 1011 0011 1100 0011 1101 0011 1110 0011 1111 Decimal 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 Hexadecimal 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F Binary 0100 0000 0100 0001 0100 0010 0100 0011 0100 0100 0100 0101 0100 0110 0100 0111 0100 1000 0100 1001 0100 1010 0100 1011 0100 1100 0100 1101 0100 1110 0100 1111 0101 0000 0101 0001 0101 0010 0101 0011 0101 0100 0101 0101 0101 0110 0101 0111 0101 1000 0101 1001 0101 1010 0101 1011 0101 1100 0101 1101 0101 1110 0101 1111 0110 0000 0110 0001 0110 0010 0110 0011 0110 0100 0110 0101 0110 0110 0110 0111 0110 1000 0110 1001 0110 1010 0110 1011 0110 1100 0110 1101 0110 1110 0110 1111 0111 0000 0111 0001 0111 0010 0111 0011 0111 0100 0111 0101 0111 0110 0111 0111 0111 1000 0111 1001 0111 1010 0111 1011 0111 1100 0111 1101 0111 1110 0111 1111 • Except the table above, for example 144-159(decimal)/9nH/1001 0000-1001 1111(binary) displays the Note On Message for each channel (1-16). 176-191/ BnH/1011 0000-1011 1111 displays the Control Change Message for each channel (1-16). 192-207/CnH/1100 0000-1100 1111 displays the Program Change Message for each channel (1-16). 240/F0H/1111 0000 denotes the start of a System Exclusive Message. 247/F7H/1111 0111 denotes the end of a System Exclusive Message. • aaH (hexidecimal)/0aaaaaaa (binary) denotes the data address. The address contains High, Mid, and Low. • bbH/0bbbbbbb denotes the byte count. • ccH/0ccccccc denotes the check sum. • ddH/0ddddddd denotes the data/value. (1) TRANSMIT FLOW MIDI← OUT KEY OFF KEY ON/OFF 8nH 9nH CONTROL CHANGE BANK SELECT MSB BANK SELECT LSB DATA ENTRY MSB DATA ENTRY LSB MAIN VOLUME PANPOT EXPRESSION SUSTAIN SOSTENUTE SOFT PEDAL PORTAMENTO CONTROL REVERB SEND LEVEL CHORUS SEND LEVEL VARIATION SEND LEVEL RPN LSB RPN MSB PITCH BEND SENS. BnH BnH,00H BnH,20H BnH,06H BnH,26H BnH,07H BnH,0AH BnH,0BH BnH,40H BnH,42H BnH,43H BnH,54H BnH,5BH BnH,5DH BnH,5EH BnH,64H BnH,65H BnH,65H,00H,64H,00H,06H,mmH PROGRAM CHANGE CnH SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE <YAMAHA MIDI FORMAT> <UNIVERSAL> UNIVERSAL NON-REALTIME <XG STANDARD> XG PARAMETER CHANGE F0H 7EH.....F7H F0H 43H 1nH 4CH aaH aaH aaH ddH .....ddH F7H F0H 43H 0nH 4CH bbH bbH aaH aaH XG BULK DUMP aaH ddH.....ddH ccH F7H <CLAVINOVA MIDI COMPLIANCE> <SPECIAL OPERATORS> SYSTEM REALTIME MESSAGE MIDI CLOCK START STOP ACTIVE SENSING F8H FAH FCH FEH (2) RECEIVE FLOW MIDI IN → KEY OFF KEY ON/OFF CONTROL CHANGE BANK SELECT MSB BANK SELECT LSB MODULATION PORTAMENTO TIME DATA ENTRY MSB DATA ENTRY LSB MAIN VOLUME PANPOT EXPRESSION SUSTAIN PORTAMENTO SOSTENUTO SOFT PEDAL HARMONIC CONTENT RELEASE TIME ATTACK TIME BRIGHTNESS PORTAMENTO CONTROL REVERB SEND LEVEL CHORUS SEND LEVEL VARIATION SEND LEVEL DATA INCREMENT DATA DECREMENT NRPN LSB NRPN MSB VIBRATO RATE VIBRATO DEPTH VIBRATO DELAY FILTER CUTOFF FREQ. FILTER RESONANCE EG ATTACK TIME EG DECAY TIME EG RELEASE DRUM INST CUTOFF FREQ. FILTER RESONANCE EG ATTACK RATE EG DECAY RATE PITCH COARSE 8nH 9nH BnH,00H BnH,20H BnH,01H BnH,05H BnH,06H BnH,26H BnH,07H BnH,0AH BnH,0BH BnH,40H BnH,41H BnH,42H BnH,43H BnH,47H BnH,48H BnH,49H BnH,4AH BnH,54H BnH,5BH BnH,5DH BnH,5EH BnH,60H BnH,61H BnH,62H BnH,63H BnH,63H,01H,62H,08H,06H,mmH BnH,63H,01H,62H,09H,06H,mmH BnH,63H,01H,62H,0AH,06H,mmH BnH,63H,01H,62H,20H,06H,mmH BnH,63H,01H,62H,21H,06H,mmH BnH,63H,01H,62H,63H,06H,mmH BnH,63H,01H,62H,64H,06H,mmH BnH,63H,01H,62H,66H,06H,mmH *1 BnH,63H,14H,62H,rrH,06H,mmH BnH,63H,15H,62H,rrH,06H,mmH BnH,63H,16H,62H,rrH,06H,mmH BnH,63H,17H,62H,rrH,06H,mmH BnH,63H,18H,62H,rrH,06H,mmH CVP-202 13 MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des données MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI PITCH FINE LEVEL PANPOT REVERB SEND CHORUS SEND VARIATION SEND RPN LSB RPN MSB PITCH BEND SENS. FINE TUNING COARSE TUNING NULL ALL SOUND OFF RESET ALL CONTROLLERS LOCAL CONTROL ALL NOTES OFF OMNI OFF OMNI ON MONO POLY BnH,63H,19H,62H,rrH,06H,mmH BnH,63H,1AH,62H,rrH,06H,mmH BnH,63H,1CH,62H,rrH,06H,mmH BnH,63H,1DH,62H,rrH,06H,mmH BnH,63H,1EH,62H,rrH,06H,mmH BnH,63H,1FH,62H,rrH,06H,mmH BnH,64H BnH,65H BnH,65H,00H,64H,00H,06H,mmH BnH,65H,00H,64H,01H,06H,mmH, 26H,llH BnH,65H,00H,64H,02H,06H,mmH BnH,65H,7FH,64H,7FH BnH,78H,00H BnH,79H,00H BnH,7AH BnH,7BH,00H BnH,7CH,00H BnH,7DH,00H BnH,7EH BnH,7FH PROGRAM CHANGE CnH CHANNEL AFTER TOUCH DnH PITCH BEND CHANGE EnH SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE <YAMAHA MIDI FORMAT> <UNIVERSAL> UNIVERSAL REALTIME UNIVERSAL NON-REALTIME <XG STANDARD> XG PARAMETER CHANGE F0H 7FH.....F7H F0H 7EH.....F7H F0H 43H 1nH 4CH aaH aaH aaH ddH .....ddH F7H XG BULK DUMP F0H 43H 0nH 4CH bbH bbH aaH aaH aaH ddH.....ddH ccH F7H PARAMETER REQUEST F0H 43H 3nH 4CH aaH aaH aaH F7H DUMP REQUEST F0H 43H 2nH 4CH aaH aaH aaH F7H <CLAVINOVA MIDI COMPLIANCE> <SPETIAL OPERATORS> <Others> SYSTEM REALTIME MESSAGE MIDI CLOCK START STOP ACTIVE SENSING F8H FAH FCH FEH (3) TRANSMIT/RECEIVE DATA (3-1) CHANNEL VOICE MESSAGES (3-1-1) KEY OFF STATUS NOTE NUMBER VELOCITY 1000nnnn(8nH) n = 0 - 15 VOICE CHANNEL NUMBER 0kkkkkkk k = 0 (C-2) - 127 (G8) 0vvvvvvv v: ignored (3-1-2) KEY ON/OFF STATUS NOTE NUMBER VELOCITY 1001nnnn(9nH) 0kkkkkkk 0vvvvvvv 00000000 n = 0 - 15 VOICE CHANNEL NUMBER k = 0 (C-2) - 127 (G8) (v ≠ 0) NOTE ON (v = 0) NOTE OFF (3-1-3) PROGRAM CHANGE STATUS PROGRAM NUMBER 1100nnnn(CnH) n = 0 - 15 VOICE CHANNEL NUMBER 0ppppppp p = 0 - 127 * PROGRAM NUMBER: XG DRUM VOICE number correspondence P = 0 Standard Kit P = 1 Standard2 Kit P = 8 Room Kit P = 16 Rock Kit P = 24 Electro Kit P = 25 Analog Kit P = 27 Dance Kit P = 32 Jazz Kit P = 40 Brush Kit P = 48 Classic Kit * PROGRAM NUMBER: XG SFX KIT number correspondence P = 0 SFX1 Kit P = 1 SFX2 Kit 14 CVP-202 When DRUM VOICE is selected and program change data for a different DRUM VOICE is received, the currently selected Drum Setup data will be replaced with the new DRUM VOICE DATA. (3-1-4) CHANNEL AFTER TOUCH (Receive only) STATUS VALUE 1101nnnn(DnH) n = 0 - 15 VOICE CHANNEL NUMBER 0vvvvvvv v = 0 - 127 AFTER TOUCH VALUE (3-1-5) PITCH BEND CHANGE STATUS LSB MSB 1110nnnn(EnH) n = 0 - 15 VOICE CHANNEL NUMBER 0vvvvvvv PITCH BEND CHANGE LSB 0vvvvvvv PITCH BEND CHANGE MSB (3-1-6) CONTROL CHANGE STATUS CONTROL NUMBER CONTROL VALUE 1011nnnn(BnH) n = 0 - 15 VOICE CHANNEL NUMBER 0ccccccc 0vvvvvvv * Transmit CONTROL NUMBER. c = 0 BANK SELECT MSB c c c c c c c c c c c c c = = = = = = = = = = = = = 32 6 38 7 10 11 64 66 67 84 91 93 94 c = 100 c = 101 BANK SELECT LSB DATA ENTRY MSB DATA ENTRY LSB MAIN VOLUME PANPOT ; v = 0 - 127 EXPRESSION SUSTAIN SOSTENUTO SOFT PEDAL PORTAMENTO CONTROL REVERB SEND LEVEL CHORUS SEND LEVEL VARIATION SEND LEVEL RPN LSB RPN MSB * Receive CONTROL NUMBER. c = 0 BANK SELECT MSB c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 32 1 5 6 38 7 10 11 64 65 66 67 71 72 73 74 84 91 93 94 c = 96 c = 97 BANK SELECT LSB MODULATION PORTAMENTO TIME DATA ENTRY MSB DATA ENTRY LSB MAIN VOLUME PANPOT ; v = 0 - 127 EXPRESSION SUSTAIN PORTAMENTO SOSTENUTO SOFT PEDAL HARMONIC CONTENT RELEASE TIME ATTACK TIME BRIGHTNESS PORTAMENT CONTROL REVERB SEND LEVEL CHORUS SEND LEVEL VARIATION SEND LEVEL ; v = 0:XG NORMAL, 64:SFX NORMAL, 126:XG SFX KIT, 127:XG DRUM ; v = 0 - 127 ; v = 0 - 127 ; v = 0 - 127 ; v = 0 - 127 *1 *1 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; v = 0 - 127 v = 0-63:OFF , 64-127:ON *2 v = 0-63:OFF , 64-127:ON *2 v = 0-63:OFF , 64-127:ON *2 v = 0 - 127 v = 0 - 127 v = 0 - 127 v = 0 - 127 (When only Connection = 1[System]) ; v = 0 - 127 ; v = 0 - 127 ; v = 0:XG NORMAL, 64:SFX NORMAL, 126:XG SFX KIT, 127:XG DRUM ; v = 0 - 127 ; v = 0 - 127 ; v = 0 - 127 ; v = 0 - 127 ; v = 0 - 127 ; v = 0 - 127 *2 *2 *1 *1 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; v = 0 - 127 v = 0-63:OFF , 64-127:ON *2 v = 0-63:OFF , 64-127:ON *2 v = 0-63:OFF , 64-127:ON *2 v = 0-63:OFF , 64-127:ON *2 v = 0:-64 - 64:0 - 127:+63 *2 v = 0:-64 - 64:0 - 127:+63 *2 v = 0:-64 - 64:0 - 127:+63 *2 v = 0:-64 - 64:0 - 127:+63 *2 v = 0 - 127 *2 v = 0 - 127 v = 0 - 127 v = 0 - 127 (When only Connection = 1[System]) DATA INCREMENT ; v = 0 - 127 *1 DATA DECREMENT ; v = 0 - 127 *1 RPN MSB/LSB, NRPN MSB/LSB *1 Only when setting the appointed parameter with RPN, NRPN. *2 Does not effect Rhythm Voice. • Until a PROGRAM CHANGE message is received, the BANK SELECT operation will be suspended. When a Voice, including VOICE BANK, is changed, set the BANK SELECT and Program Change Message, and transmit in the following order, BANK SELECT MSB, LSB, PROGRAM CHANGE. • MODULATION controls the Vibrato Depth. • PORTAMENTO TIME controls the Pitch Change Speed when the Portamento Switch = ON. 0 being the shortest time, and 127 being the longest. • PANPOT changes the value for the melody voice and rhythm voice in relation to the preset value. ○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ • Portamento time is fixed to 0 when the PORTAMENTO CONTROL is used. • HARMONIC CONTENT applies adjustment to the resonance value that is set by the voice. This parameter specifies relative change with the value of 64 producing 0 adjustment. As values get higher the sound becomes increasingly eccentric. Note that for some voices the effective parameter range is narrower than the legal parameter range. • RELEASE TIME applies adjustment to the envelope release time set by the voice. This parameter specifies relative change with the value of 64 producing 0 adjustment. • ATTACK TIME applies adjustment to the envelope attack time set by the voice. This parameter specifies relative change with the value of 64 producing 0 adjustment. • BRIGHTNESS applies adjustment to the cut-off frequency set by the voice. This parameter specifies relative change with the value of 64 producing 0 adjustment. Lower voices produce a softer sound. For some voices the effective parameter range is narrower than the legal parameter range. (3-2) CHANNEL MODE MESSAGES STATUS CONTROL NUMBER CONTROL VALUE 1011nnnn(BnH) n = 0 - 15 VOICE CHANNEL NUMBER 0ccccccc c = CONTROL NUMBER 0vvvvvvv v = DATA VALUE (3-2-1) ALL SOUND OFF (Receive only) (CONTROL NUMBER = 78H , DATA VALUE = 0) Switches off all sound from the channel. Reset Note On and Hold On conditions established by Channel Messages. (3-2-2) RESET ALL CONTROLLERS (Receive only) (CONTROL NUMBER = 79H , DATA VALUE = 0) Resets controllers as follows. PITCH BEND CHANGE AFTER TOUCH MODULATION EXPRESSION SUSTAIN SOSTENUTO SOFT PEDAL NRPN RPN PORTAMENT CONTROL PORTAMENTO 0 (Center) 0 (min.) 0 (min.) 127 (max.) 0 (off) 0 (off) 0 (off) Sets number to null. (Internal data remains unchanged) Sets number to null. (Internal data remains unchanged) Resets portamento source note number 0 (off) (3-2-3) LOCAL CONTROL (Receive only) (CONTROL NUMBER = 7AH , DATA VALUE = 0/7FH) When the DATA VALUE = 7FH, LOCAL ON is activated where playing the keys on the keyboard will produce sound. When the DATA VALUE = 0, LOCAL OFF is activated where playing the keys on the keyboard will not produce any sound. (3-2-4) ALL NOTES OFF (Receive only) (CONTROL NUMBER = 7BH , DATA VALUE = 0) Switches off all of the channel’s “on” notes. However, any notes being held by SUSTAIN or SOSTENUTO continue to sound until SUSTAIN/SOSTENUTO goes off. (3-2-5) OMNI OFF (Receive only) (CONTROL NUMBER = 7CH , DATA VALUE = 0) Same processing as for All Notes Off. (3-2-6) OMNI ON (Receive only) (CONTROL NUMBER = 7DH , DATA VALUE = 0) (3-3) REGISTERED PARAMETER NUMBER(RPN) STATUS RPN LSB RPN LSB NUMBER RPN MSB RPN MSB NUMBER DATA ENTRY MSB DATA VALUE DATA ENTRY LSB DATA VALUE 1011nnnn(BnH) 01100100(64H) 0ppppppp 01100101(65H) 0qqqqqqq 00000110(06H) 0mmmmmmm 00100110(26H) 0lllllll n = 0 - 15 VOICE CHANNEL NUMBER p = RPN LSB (refer to the list below) q = RPN MSB (refer to the list below) m = Data Value l = Data Value First appoints the parameter for RPN MSB/LSB, then sets the parameter value for data entry MSB/LSB. RPN LSB MSB 00H 00H 01H 00H 02H 00H 7FH 7FH D.ENTRY MSB LSB PARAMETER NAME DATA RANGE mmH — PITCH BEND SENSITIVITY 00H-18H (0 - 24 semitones) mmH llH FINE TUNE {mmH,llH} = {00H,00H}-{40H,00H}-{7FH,7FH} (-8192*100/8192) - 0 - (+8192*100/8192) mmH — COARSE TUNE 28H - 40H - 58H (-24 - 0 - +24 semitones) — — NULL Clears the current RPN number setting. Does not change the internal parameter settings. (3-4) NON-REGISTERED PARAMETER NUMBER(NRPN) (Receive only) STATUS NRPN LSB NRPN LSB NUMBER NRPN MSB NRPN MSB NUMBER DATA ENTRY MSB DATA VALUE 1011nnnn(BnH) 01100010(62H) 0ppppppp 01100011(63H) 0qqqqqqq 00000110(06H) 0mmmmmmm n = 0 - 15 VOICE CHANNEL NUMBER p = NRPN LSB (refer to the list below) q = NRPN MSB (refer to the list below) m = Data Value First appoints the parameter for NRPN MSB/LSB, then sets the parameter value for data entry MSB/LSB. NRPN MSB LSB 01H 08H 01H 09H 01H 0AH 01H 20H 01H 21H 01H 63H 01H 64H 01H 66H 14H rrH 15H rrH 16H rrH 17H rrH 18H rrH 19H rrH 1AH rrH 1CH rrH D.ENTRY MSB LSB mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — mmH — 1DH rrH 1EH rrH 1FH rrH mmH — mmH — mmH — PARAMETER NAME DATA RANGE VIBRATO RATE 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) VIBRATO DEPTH 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) VIBRATO DELAY 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) FILTER CUTOFF FREQUENCY 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) FILTER RESONANCE 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) EG ATTACK TIME 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) EG DECAY TIME 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) EG RELEASE 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) DRUM FILTER CUTOFF FREQ. 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) DRUM FILTER RESONANCE 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) DRUM AEG ATTACK RATE 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) DRUM AEG DECAY RATE 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) DRUM PITCH COARSE 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) DRUM PITCH FINE 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) DRUM LEVEL 00H - 7FH (0 - max.) DRUM PANPOT 00H ,01H - 40H - 7FH (random,left - center - right) DRUM REVERB SEND LEVEL 00H - 7FH (0 - max.) DRUM CHORUS SEND LEVEL 00H - 7FH (0 - max.) DRUM VARIATION SEND LEVEL 00H - 7FH (0 - max.) The MSB 14H-1FH (for drums) message is received when multi-part parameters PART MODE = DRUMS1...2. rrH : drum instrument note number (3-5) SYSTEM REALTIME MESSAGES (3-5-1) MIDI CLOCK STATUS 11111000 (F8H) Transmission: 96 clocks per measure are transmitted. Reception: If the instrument’s clock is set to external, after FAH is received from the external device the instrument’s clock will sync with the 96 beats per measure received from the external device. Decides whether the internal clock, or Timing Clocks received via the MIDI IN will be used. Same processing as for All Notes Off. Omni On is not executed. (3-5-2) START (3-2-7) MONO (Receive only) (CONTROL NUMBER = 7EH , DATA VALUE = 0) Same processing as for All Notes Off. If the 3rd byte is in a range of 0-16 the corresponding channel will be changed to Mode 4 (m=1). (3-2-8) POLY (Receive only) (CONTROL NUMBER = 7FH , DATA VALUE = 0) Same processing as for All Sounds Off and the corresponding channel will be changed to Mode 3. STATUS 11111010 (FAH) Transmission: Transmitted when instrument’s Rhythm or Song playback is started. Reception: Depending upon the condition, Rhythm, Song Playback, or Song Rec will start. (3-5-3) STOP STATUS 11111100 (FCH) Transmission: Transmitted when instrument’s Rhythm or Song playback is stopped. Reception: Depending upon the condition, Rhythm, Song Playback, or Song Rec will stop. CVP-202 15 MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des données MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI (3-5-4) ACTIVE SENSING STATUS (3-6-1-3) CHORD CONTROL type1 11111110 (FEH) Transmission: Transmitted approximately once every 200msec. Reception: Sensing is started once this Code is received. If Status or Data is not received within 400ms, the MIDI Receive Buffer will be cleared, and all notes, including those being sustained, will be cut OFF. Also, all control values will be reset to their factory defaults. (3-6) SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE (3-6-1) YAMAHA MIDI FORMAT (3-6-1-1) SECTION CONTROL binary 11110000 01000011 01111110 00000000 0sssssss 0ddddddd 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 7E 00 SS DD F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Style Switch No. 00H : INTRO A 01H : INTRO B 02H : INTRO C/D 03H~07H : INTRO C/D 08H : MAIN A 09H : MAIN B 0AH : MAIN C 0BH~0FH : MAIN D 10H : FILL IN A 11H : FILL IN B 12H : FILL IN C 13H~17H : FILL IN D 18H : BREAK FILL 19H : BREAK FILL 1AH : BREAK FILL 1BH~1FH : BREAK FILL 20H : ENDING A 21H : ENDING B 22H : ENDING C/D 23H~27H : ENDING C/D Switch On/Off: 00H(Off),7FH(On) End of Exclusive When an ON code is received, the appointed section will be changed. binary hexadecimal 11110000 F0 Exclusive status 01000011 43 YAMAHA ID 01111110 7E Style 00000010 02 type 1 0ddddddd dd chord root(cr) 0ddddddd dd chord type(ct) 0ddddddd dd bass note(bn) 0ddddddd dd bass type(bt) 11111110 F7 End of Exclusive Chord transmit: Transmitted using type 1 format. cr Chord Root 0kkknnnn (kkk:Change symbol, nnnn:Note) Binary Hex Change symbol Binary Hex Note 0000nnnn 0n bbb(3 flats) 0kkk0000 k0 reserved 0001nnnn 1n bb (2 flats) 0kkk0001 k1 C 0010nnnn 2n b (1 flat) 0kkk0010 k2 D 0011nnnn 3n natural 0kkk0011 k3 E 0100nnnn 4n # (1 sharp) 0kkk0100 k4 F 0101nnnn 5n ## (2 sharps) 0kkk0101 k5 G 0110nnnn 6n ###(3 sharps) 0kkk0110 k6 A 0kkk0111 k7 B ct Chord Type Binary Hex Dec 00000000 00 0 00000001 01 1 00000010 02 2 00000011 03 3 00000100 04 4 00000101 05 5 00000110 06 6 00000111 07 7 00001000 08 8 00001001 09 9 00001010 0A 10 00001011 0B 11 00001100 0C 12 00001101 0D 13 00001110 0E 14 00001111 0F 15 00010000 10 16 00010001 11 17 0 - 34,127 Chord type Binary Maj 00010010 Maj6 00010011 Maj7 00010100 Maj7(#11) 00010101 Maj(9) 00010110 Maj7(9) 00010111 Maj6(9) 00011000 aug 00011001 min 00011010 min6 00011011 min7 00011100 min7b5 00011101 min(9) 00011110 min7(9) 00011111 min7(11) 00100000 minMaj7 00100001 minMaj7(9) 00100010 dim bn On Bass Note Same as Chord root, 127:No bass chord bt Bass Chord Same as Chord type 127:No bass chord (3-6-1-2) TEMPO CONTROL binary 11110000 01000011 01111110 00000000 0ttttttt 0ttttttt 0ttttttt 0ttttttt 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 7E 01 TT TT TT TT F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Style Tempo4 Tempo3 Tempo2 Tempo1 End of Exclusive The internal clock will be set to the received Tempo value. Tempo Meta Event is a large data block (24-bit), it is divided into 4 groups with 7-bits going into each of the Tempos 1-4 (4 receives the remaining 3 bits). Hex 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 Dec 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Chord type dim7 7th 7sus4 7b5 7(9) 7(#11) 7(13) 7(b9) 7(b13) 7(#9) Maj7aug 7aug 1+8 1+5 sus4 1+2+5 cc (3-6-2) UNIVERSAL SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE (3-6-2-1) UNIVERSAL REALTIME MESSAGE (3-6-2-1-1) MIDI MASTER VOLUME (Receive only) binary 11110000 01111110 01111111 00001001 00000001 0sssssss 0ttttttt 11110111 or 11110000 01111110 0xxxnnnn hexadecimal F0 7F 7F 04 01 SS TT F7 00001001 00000001 0sssssss 0ttttttt 11110111 04 01 SS TT F7 F0 7F XN Exclusive status Universal Realtime ID of target Device Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message Sub-ID #2=Master Volume Volume LSB Volume MSB End of Exclusive Exclusive status Universal Realtime When N is received N=0-F, whichever is received. When N is transmitted N always=0. X = don’t care Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message Sub-ID #2=Master Volume Volume LSB Volume MSB End of Exclusive The volume for all channels will be changed simultaneously. The TT value is used as the MIDI Master Volume value. (the SS value is ignored.) 16 CVP-202 ○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ (3-6-2-2) UNIVERSAL NON REALTIME MESSAGE (3-6-2-2-1) GENERAL MIDI SYSTEM ON binary 11110000 01111110 01111111 00001001 00000001 11110111 or 11110000 01111110 0xxxnnnn hexadecimal F0 7E 7F 09 01 F7 F0 7E XN 00001001 00000001 11110111 09 01 F7 Exclusive status Universal Non-Realtime ID of target Device Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On End of Exclusive Exclusive status Universal Non-Realtime When N is received N=0-F, whichever is received. When N is transmitted N always=0. X = don’t care Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On End of Exclusive Depending upon the received ON message, the System Mode will be changed to XG. Except MIDI Master Tuning, all control data be reset to default values. This message requires approximately 50ms to execute, so sufficient time should be allowed before the next message is sent. After the GM System ON message is received, message reception of the following will be limited. • Bank Select MSB-LSB in channel 10 will be ignored and the drum voice will be fixed. • Bank Select MSB-LSB except in channel 10 will be ignored except 127/0. • NRPN is not received. When XG SYSTEM ON is received, these restrictions will be cancelled. (3-6-3) XG STANDARD (3-6-3-1) XG PARAMETER CHANGE (3-6-3-1-1) XG SYSTEM ON binary 11110000 01000011 0001nnnn 01001100 00000000 00000000 01111110 00000000 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 1N 4C 00 00 7E 00 F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low Data End of Exclusive Depending upon the received ON message, the SYSTEM MODE will be changed to XG.Controllers will be reset, all values of Multi Part and Effect, and All System values denoted by “XG” data within All System will be reset to default values in the table. This message requires approximately 50ms to execute, so sufficient time should be allowed before the next message is sent. (3-6-3-1-2) XG PARMETER CHANGE binary 11110000 01000011 0001nnnn 01001100 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0ddddddd | 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 1N 4C AA AA AA DD | F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low Data End of Exclusive For parameters with data size of 2 or 4, transmit the appropriate number of data bytes. For more information on Address and Parameters, refer to < Table 1-2 > (page 20) and < Table 1-4 > ~ < Table 1-6 > (pages 20-23). The following Parameter Changes are handled. XG System Data Multi Effect 1 Data Multi Part Data Drums Setup Data (3-6-3-2) XG BULK DUMP binary 11110000 01000011 0000nnnn 01001100 0bbbbbbb 0bbbbbbb 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0ddddddd | 0ccccccc 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 0N 4C BB BB AA AA AA DD | CC F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Device Number Model ID ByteCount ByteCount Address High Address Mid Address Low Data Check sum End of Exclusive For more information on Address and Byte Count, refer to < Table 1-2 > ~ < Table 1-6 > (pages 20-23). The Check Sum value is set such that the sum of Byte Count, Address, Data, and Check Sum has value zero in its seven least significant bits. If the top of the block is appointed to the Address the XG Bulk Dump, Bulk Request will be received. The Block is a unit that consists of the data, arranged in the list, as the Total Size. The following Bulk Dumps are handled. XG System Data Multi Effect 1 Data(Individual effect unit) Multi Part Data(Individual part unit) Drums Setup Data(Individual note unit) System Information(Transmit only) (3-6-3-3) XG PARAMETER REQUEST (Receive only) binary 11110000 01000011 0011nnnn 01001100 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 3n 4C AA AA AA F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low End of Exclusive For more information on Address and Byte Count refer to < Table 1-2 > (page 20) and < Table 1-4 > ~ < Table 1-6 > (pages 20-23). The following Parameter Requests are handled. XG System Data Multi Effect 1 Data Multi Part Data Drums Setup Data (3-6-3-4) XG DUMP REQUEST (Receive only) binary 11110000 01000011 0010nnnn 01001100 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 2n 4C AA AA AA F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low End of Exclusive For more information on Address and Byte Count refer to < Table 1-2 > ~ < Table 1-6 > (pages 20-23). The following Dump Requests are handled. XG System Data Multi Effect 1 Data(Individual module unit) Multi Part Data(Individual part unit) Drums Setup Data(Individual note unit) System Information (3-6-4) CLAVINOVA MIDI COMPLIANCE (3-6-4-1) INTERNAL CLOCK / EXTERNAL CLOCK (Receive only) binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 00000001 0000001n 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 0N F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova common ID N: 2(Internal Clock),3(External Clock) End of Exclusive CVP-202 17 MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des données MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI (3-6-4-2) DOC MULTI TIMBRE ON / OFF (Receive only) binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 00000001 00000110 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 1N F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova commmon ID N:3(DOC Multi Timbre Off),4(DOC Multi Timbre On) End of Exclusive (3-6-4-3) PANEL LED ON / OFF (Receive only) binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 00000001 00011010 0mmmmmmm hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 1A MM 00000000 0nnnnnnn 11110111 00 NN F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova commmon ID PANEL LED On/Off MM:00H(LED Off),01H(LED On),02H(The LED flashes) 03H (LED All off), 04H (Panel LED returns to normal operation) LED No. End of Exclusive Remotely switches the Panel LED On/Off. (3-6-4-4) PANEL VOICE SETTING (Receive only) binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 01000101 00100010 00000000 0000nnnn hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 22 00 0n 0mmmmmmm 0lllllll 0ppppppp 11110111 mm ll pp F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova common ID Piano Live Exclusive Substatus Panel Voice Setting Substatus Panel Part No. 00H (RIGHT 1) 01H (RIGHT 2) 02H (LEFT) Bank Select MSB Bank Select LSB Program Change End of Exclusive (3-6-4-5) PANEL VOICE VOLUME SETTING (Receive only) binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 01000101 00100010 00000001 0000nnnn hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 22 01 0n 0vvvvvvv 11110111 vv F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova common ID Piano Live Exclusive Substatus Panel Voice Volume Setting Substatus Panel Part No. 00H (RIGHT 1) 01H (RIGHT 2) 02H (LEFT) Value (0 - 7FH) End of Exclusive (3-6-4-6) PANEL VOICE REVERB DEPTH SETTING (Receive only) binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 01000101 00100010 00000010 0000nnnn 0vvvvvvv 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 22 02 0n vv F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova common ID Piano Live Exclusive Substatus Panel Voice Reverb Depth Setting Substatus Panel Part No. 00H (RIGHT 1) 01H (RIGHT 2) 02H (LEFT) Value (0 - 7FH) End of Exclusive (3-6-4-7) PANEL VOICE EFFECT DEPTH SETTING (Receive only) 18 binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 01000101 00100010 00000011 0000nnnn hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 22 03 0n 0vvvvvvv 11110111 vv F7 CVP-202 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova common ID Piano Live Exclusive Substatus Panel Voice Effect Depth Setting Substatus Panel Part No. 00H (RIGHT 1) 01H (RIGHT 2) 02H (LEFT) Value (0 - 7FH) End of Exclusive (3-6-4-8) MIDI FA CANCEL (Receive only) binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 01000101 01100001 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 61 F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova common ID MIDI FA Cancel End of Exclusive If this message is received, even if FAH is received the Rhythm will not start. (3-6-5) SPECIAL OPERATORS (3-6-5-1) SPLIT POINT binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 01000101 00010001 00000000 00010100 0ddddddd 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 11 00 14 DD F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova common ID Sub ID Split Point Split Key No. End of Exclusive (3-6-5-2) STYLE NUMBER binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 01011010 00010001 00000000 00010110 0mmmmmmm 0lllllll 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 73 35 11 00 16 mm ll F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID CVP-202 ID Sub ID Channel No. (always 00) Style No. Control No. Style No. MSB Style No. LSB End of Exclusive (3-6-5-3) FINGERING binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 01000101 00010001 00000000 01000000 0000dddd hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 11 00 40 0D 11110111 F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova common ID Sub ID Fingering 0D: 00H(Off),01H(Single Finger), 02H(Fingered 1),03H(Fingered 2), 04H(Full Keyboard),07H(Multi Finger) End of Exclusive (3-6-5-4) ACCOMP VOLUME binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 01000101 00010001 0000nnnn hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 11 0N 01000000 0ddddddd 11110111 42 DD F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova common ID Sub ID Part: 00H(All Part),05H(Rhythm),0AH(Bass), 06H(Chord),0DH(Pad),07H(Phrase) Accomp Volume Volume Data: 00H~7FH End of Exclusive (3-6-5-5) CHANNEL DETUNE binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 01000101 00010001 0000nnnn 01000011 0vvvvvvv 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 11 0N 43 VV F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova common ID Sub ID N = MIDI Channel Dual Detune Value VV: 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64 - 0 - +63) End of Exclusive The Channel Detune message only affects the specified channel. ○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ (3-6-5-6) VOLUME ,EXPRESSION AND PAN REALTIME CONTROL OFF binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 01000101 00010001 0000nnnn 01001001 0vvvvvvv 11110111 hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 11 0N 45 VV F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova common ID Sub ID N = MIDI Channel Volume and Expression Realtime Control Off Value VV: off=7FH, on=00H End of Exclusive When “On” is received, subsequent volume, expression, and PAN changes are only valid after the reception of the next key on. Normal operation resumes when “Off” is received. (3-6-5-7) MIDI KEY LED MODE ON / OFF (Receive only) binary 11110000 01000011 01110011 01000101 00010001 0000nnnn 01000111 0ddddddd hexadecimal F0 43 73 01 11 0N 47 DD 11110111 F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID Clavinova ID Clavinova common ID Sub ID N = MIDI Channel MIDI Key LED Mode On DD: 00H(Key LED Mode 01H(Key LED Mode 02H(Key LED Mode End of Exclusive / Off Off), On + no tone), On + tone) (3-6-6) Others (3-6-6-1) MIDI MASTER TUNING (Receive only) binary 11110000 01000011 0001nnnn hexadecimal F0 43 1N 00100111 00110000 00000000 00000000 0mmmmmmm 0lllllll 0ccccccc 11110111 27 30 00 00 MM LL CC F7 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID When N is received N=0-F, whichever is received. Model ID Sub ID Master Tune MSB Master Tune LSB don’t care End of Exclusive Changes tuning of all channels. MM, LL values are used to define the MIDI Master Tuning value. T = M – 128 T: Tuning value (-99 cents to +99 cents) M: A single byte value (28–228) that consists of bits 0–3 of MM as MSB, bits 0–3 of LL as LSB. This setting is not reset when the GM System or XG System is turned on. CVP-202 19 MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des données MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI < Table 1-1> Parameter Basic Address SYSTEM Parameter Change Address (H)(M) (L) Description 00 00 00 System 00 00 7D Drum Setup Reset 00 00 7E XG System On 00 00 7F All Parameter Reset INFORMATION 01 00 00 System Information EFFECT 1 02 01 00 Effect1(Reverb,Chorus,Variation ) MULTI PART 08 00 Multi Part 1 08 0F 00 : 00 30 0D 31 0D 00 00 Drum Setup 1 → Address Drum Setup 2 3n 0D 00 3n 0E 00 : : 3n 5B 00 DRUM Multi Part 16 Parameter note number 13 note number 14 note number 91 < Table 1-2 > MIDI Parameter Change table ( SYSTEM ) Address Size Data Parameter Name (H) (H) (H) 00 00 00 4 0000 Master Tune 01 ..07FF 02 03 04 05 06 7D 7E 7F TOTAL SIZE 1 1 1 00..7F 28..58 n 00 00 Master Volume Not Used Transpose Drum Setup Reset XG System On All Parameter Reset Description -102.4..+102.3[cent] 1st bit3-0 -> bit15-12 2nd bit3-0 -> bit11-8 3rd bit3-0 -> bit7-4 4th bit3-0 -> bit3-0 0..127 -24..+24[semitones] n=Drum Setup Number 00=XG Sytem on 00=on (receive only) Default Value(H) 00 04 00 (0400) 00 7F 40 6 < Table 1-3 > MIDI Parameter table ( System information ) Address Size Data Parameter Name (H) (H) (H) 01 00 00 E 20..7F Model Name : 0D 0E 1 00 0F 1 01 TOTAL SIZE 10 (Transmitted by Dump Request. Not received. Bulk Dump Only) Description 32..127(ASCII) < Table 1-4 > MIDI Parameter Change table ( EFFECT 1) Address Size Data Parameter Name (H) (H) (H) 02 01 00 2 00..7F Reverb Type MSB 00..7F Reverb Type LSB 02 1 00..7F Reverb Parameter 1 03 1 00..7F Reverb Parameter 2 04 1 00..7F Reverb Parameter 3 05 1 00..7F Reverb Parameter 4 06 1 00..7F Reverb Parameter 5 07 1 00..7F Reverb Parameter 6 08 1 00..7F Reverb Parameter 7 09 1 00..7F Reverb Parameter 8 0A 1 00..7F Reverb Parameter 9 0B 1 00..7F Reverb Parameter 10 0C 1 00..7F Reverb Return 0D 1 01..7F Reverb Pan TOTAL SIZE 0E 20 CVP-202 Description Refer to the Effect Type List 00 : basic type Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List -∞..0..+6dB(0..96..127) L63..C..R63(1..64..127) Default Value(H) 01(=HALL1) 00 Depend on Reverb type Depend on Reverb type Depend on Reverb type Depend on Reverb type Depend on Reverb type Depend on Reverb type Depend on Reverb type Depend on Reverb type Depend on Reverb type Depend on Reverb type 40 40 ○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 02 01 10 11 12 13 14 15 TOTAL SIZE 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F Reverb Reverb Reverb Reverb Reverb Reverb 02 01 2 Chorus Type MSB Chorus Type LSB Chorus Parameter 1 Chorus Parameter 2 Chorus Parameter 3 Chorus Parameter 4 Chorus Parameter 5 Chorus Parameter 6 Chorus Parameter 7 Chorus Parameter 8 Chorus Parameter 9 Chorus Parameter 10 Chorus Return Chorus Pan Send Chorus To Reverb Refer to the Effect Type List 00 : basic type Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List -∞..0..+6dB(0..96..127) L63..C..R63(1..64..127) -∞..0..+6dB(0..96..127) 41(=Chorus1) 00 Depend on Chorus Depend on Chorus Depend on Chorus Depend on Chorus Depend on Chorus Depend on Chorus Depend on Chorus Depend on Chorus Depend on Chorus Depend on Chorus 40 40 00 Refer Refer Refer Refer Refer Refer Depend Depend Depend Depend Depend Depend 20 Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter 11 12 13 14 15 16 Refer Refer Refer Refer Refer Refer to to to to to to the the the the the the Ef. Ef. Ef. Ef. Ef. Ef. Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter List List List List List List Depend Depend Depend Depend Depend Depend on on on on on on Reverb Reverb Reverb Reverb Reverb Reverb type type type type type type 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E TOTAL SIZE 0F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 01..7F 00..7F 02 01 30 31 32 33 34 35 TOTAL SIZE 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F Chorus Chorus Chorus Chorus Chorus Chorus 02 01 40 2 42 2 44 2 46 2 48 2 4A 2 4C 2 4E 2 50 2 52 2 54 2 Variation Type MSB Variation Type LSB Vari. Param. 1 MSB Vari. Param. 1 LSB Vari. Param. 2 MSB Vari. Param. 2 LSB Vari. Param. 3 MSB Vari. Param. 3 LSB Vari. Param. 4 MSB Vari. Param. 4 LSB Vari. Param. 5 MSB Vari. Param. 5 LSB Vari. Param. 6 MSB Vari. Param. 6 LSB Vari. Param. 7 MSB Vari. Param. 7 LSB Vari. Param. 8 MSB Vari. Param. 8 LSB Vari. Param. 9 MSB Vari. Param. 9 LSB Vari. Param. 10 MSB Vari. Param. 10 LSB Variation Return Variation Pan Send Vari. To Reverb Send Vari. To Chorus Variation Connection Variation Part MW Vari. Ctrl Depth PB Vari. Ctrl Depth CAT Vari. Ctrl Depth Not Used Not Used Refer to the Effect Type List 00 : basic type Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Refer to the Ef. Parameter List -∞..0..+6dB(0..96..127) L63..C..R63(1..64..127) -∞..0..+6dB(0..96..127) -∞..0..+6dB(0..96..127) 0:insertion,1:system part1..32(0..31),off(127) -63..+63 -63..+63 -63..+63 “05(=DELAY L,C,R)” 00 Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type Depend on Vari. Type 40 40 00 00 00 7F 40 40 40 Variation Variation Variation Variation Variation Variation option option option option option option Depend Depend Depend Depend Depend Depend 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 TOTAL SIZE 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 01..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..01 00..1F 01..7F 01..7F 01..7F 01..7F 01..7F 02 1 1 1 1 1 1 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 01 70 71 72 73 74 75 TOTAL SIZE 6 Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parameter 11 Parameter 12 Parameter 13 Parameter 14 Parameter 15 Parameter 16 to to to to to to the the the the the the Ef. Ef. Ef. Ef. Ef. Ef. Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter List List List List List List on on on on on on Chorus Chorus Chorus Chorus Chorus Chorus Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type Type on Variation Type on Variation Type on Variation Type on Variation Type on Variation Type on Variation Type CVP-202 21 MIDI Data Format / MIDI-Datenformat / Format des données MIDI / Formato de datos MIDI < Table 1-5 > MIDI Parameter Change table ( MULTI PART ) Address Size Data Parameter Name (H) (H) (H) 08 nn 00 1 00..20 Element Reserve nn 01 1 00..7F Bank Select MSB nn 02 1 00..7F Bank Select LSB nn 03 1 00..7F Program Number nn 04 1 00..0F, Rcv Channel 7F nn 05 1 00..01 Mono/Poly Mode nn 06 1 00..02 Same Note Number Key On Assign 22 Description 0..32 0..127 0..127 1..128 0..16;1..16,127;off 0:mono,1:poly 0:single 1:multi 2:inst (for DRUM) 0:normal 1..3:drum thru,drum1..2 -24..+24[semitones] -12.8..+12.7[Hz] 1st bit3..0 -> bit7..4 2nd bit3..0 -> bit3..0 0..127 0..127 0..127 0:random L63..C..R63(1..64..127) Default Value(H) 0(Part10),2(Others) 7F(Part10),00(Others) 00 00 Part No. 01 01 nn 07 1 00..02 Part Mode nn nn nn 08 09 0A 1 2 28..58 00..FF Note Shift Detune nn nn nn nn 0B 0C 0D 0E 1 1 1 1 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F Volume Velocity Sense Depth Velocity Sense Offset Pan nn nn nn nn nn nn 0F 10 11 12 13 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F Note Limit Low Note Limit High Dry Level Chorus Send Reverb Send Variation Send C-2..G8 C-2..G8 0..127 0..127 0..127 0..127 00 7F 7F 00 28 00 nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F Vibrato Rate Vibrato Depth Vibrato Delay Filter Cutoff Freq. Filter Resonance EG Attack Time EG Decay Time EG Release Time -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 -64..+63 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 nn nn nn nn nn nn 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 1 1 1 1 1 1 28..58 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F MW MW MW MW MW MW -24..+24[semitones] -9600..+9450[cent] -100..+100[%] 0..127 0..127 0..127 40 40 40 0A 00 00 nn 23 nn 24 nn 25 nn 26 nn 27 nn 28 TOTAL SIZE 1 1 1 1 1 1 29 28..58 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F Bend Bend Bend Bend Bend Bend -24..+24[semitones] -9600..+9450[cent] -100..+100[%] 0..127 0..127 0..127 42 40 40 00 00 00 nn nn 30 : 40 1 : 1 nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nn 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale -64..+63[cent] -64..+63[cent] -64..+63[cent] -64..+63[cent] -64..+63[cent] -64..+63[cent] -64..+63[cent] -64..+63[cent] -64..+63[cent] -64..+63[cent] -64..+63[cent] -64..+63[cent] 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 nn nn nn nn 4D 4E 4F 50 1 1 1 1 28..58 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F CAT CAT CAT CAT -24..+24[semitones] -9600..+9450[cent] -100..+100[%] 0..127 40 40 40 00 CVP-202 Pitch Control Filter Control Amp. Control LFO PMod Depth LFO FMod Depth LFO AMod Depth Pitch Control Filter Control Amp. Control LFO PMod Depth LFO FMod Depth LFO AMod Depth 00 (Except Part10) 02 (Part10) 40 08 00 (80) 64 40 40 40 Not Used : Not Used Tuning C Tuning C# Tuning D Tuning D# Tuning E Tuning F Tuning F# Tuning G Tuning G# Tuning A Tuning A# Tuning B Pitch Control Filter Control Amplitude Control LFO PMod Depth ○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ nn nn 51 52 nn 53 : 66 nn nn 67 68 69 : 6E TOTAL SIZE 1 1 00..7F 00..7F 0..127 0..127 1 1 00..01 00..7F Portamento Switch Portamento Time off/on 0..127 3F 1 1 1 1 04 Not Not Not Not Used Used Used Used Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t care care care care 08 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t Don’t care care care care care care care care care care care care SIZE 0C TOTAL 00 00 Not Used : Not Used nn 70 nn 71 nn 72 nn 73 TOTAL SIZE nn 00 00 Not Used : Not Used nn 08 CAT LFO FMod Depth CAT LFO AMod Depth nn = PartNumber If there is a Drum Voice assigned to the Part, the following parameters are ineffective. • Bank Select LSB • Pitch EG • Portamento • Soft Pedal • Mono/Poly • Scale Tuning <Table 1-6 > MIDI Parameter Change table ( DRUM SETUP ) Address Size Data Parameter Name (H) (H) (H) 3n rr 00 1 00..7F Pitch Coarse 3n rr 01 1 00..7F Pitch Fine 3n rr 02 1 00..7F Level 3n rr 03 1 00..7F Alternate Group 3n rr 04 1 00..7F Pan 3n rr 05 3n rr 06 3n rr 07 3n rr 08 3n rr 09 3n rr 0A 3n rr 0B 3n rr 0C 3n rr 0D 3n rr 0E 3n rr 0F TOTAL SIZE 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..01 00..01 00..01 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F Reverb Send Level Chorus Send Level Variation Send Level Key Assign Rcv Note Off Rcv Note On Filter Cutoff Freq. Filter Resonance EG Attack Rate EG Decay1 Rate EG Decay2 Rate Description -64..+63 -64..+63[cent] 0..127 0:off,1..127 0:random L63..C..R63(1..64..127) 0..127 0..127 0..127 0:single,1:multi off/on off/on -64..63 -64..63 -64..63 -64..63 -64..63 Default Value(H) 40 40 Depend on the Note Depend on the Note Depend on the Note Depend on the Note Depend on the Note 7F 00 Depend on the Note 01 40 40 40 40 40 n:Drum Setup Number(0 - 1) rr:note number(0DH - 5BH) If XG SYSTEM ON and/or GM SYSTEM ON message is received, all Drum Setup Parameter will be reset to default values. According to the Drum Setup Reset message, individual Drum Setup Parameters can be reset to default values. CVP-202 23 Effect Type List / Liste der Effekttypen / ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Liste des types d’effet / Lista de tipos de efecto Reverb Type List Type HALL1 HALL2 HALL3 HALL4 HALL5 ROOM1 ROOM2 ROOM3 ROOM4 ROOM5 ROOM6 ROOM7 STAGE1 STAGE2 STAGE3 STAGE4 PLATE1 PLATE2 PLATE3 WHITE ROOM TUNNEL CANYON BASEMENT Effect Type List MSB # LSB # 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 16 17 18 19 0 16 17 18 1 16 17 18 19 0 1 2 16 17 0 1 16 17 0 0 0 0 0 MSB # LSB # 66 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 17 8 16 1 2 0 1 8 0 2 8 16 17 1 0 Chorus Type List Type CHORUS1 CHORUS2 CHORUS3 CHORUS4 CHORUS5 CHORUS6 CHORUS7 CHORUS8 CELESTE1 CELESTE2 FLANGER1 FLANGER2 FLANGER3 FLANGER4 FLANGER5 24 CVP-202 Type HALL1 HALL2 HALL3 HALL4 HALL5 ROOM1 ROOM2 ROOM3 ROOM4 ROOM5 ROOM6 ROOM7 STAGE1 STAGE2 STAGE3 STAGE4 PLATE1 PLATE2 PLATE3 ER1 ER2 GATE REVERB REVERS GATE KARAOKE1 KARAOKE2 KARAOKE3 CHORUS1 CHORUS2 CHORUS3 CHORUS4 CHORUS5 CHORUS6 CHORUS7 CHORUS8 CELESTE1 CELESTE2 FLANGER1 FLANGER2 FLANGER3 FLANGER4 FLANGER5 SYMPHONIC1 SYMPHONIC2 PHASER1 PHASER2 EP PHASER1 EP PHASER2 MSB # LSB # 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 9 9 10 11 20 20 20 66 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 68 68 72 72 72 72 0 16 17 18 1 16 17 18 19 0 1 2 16 17 0 1 16 17 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 17 8 16 1 2 0 1 8 0 2 8 16 17 1 0 16 0 0 8 17 16 Type ROTARY SP1 ROTARY SP2 ROTARY SP3 ROTARY SP4 ROTARY SP5 ROTARY SP6 ROTARY SP7 ROTARY SP8 ROTARY SP9 ROTARY SP10 TREMOLO1 TREMOLO2 TREMOLO3 TREMOLO4 GT TREMOLO1 EP TREMOLO EP TREMOLO2 AUTO PAN1 AUTO PAN2 AUTO PAN3 EP AUTOPAN EP AUTOPAN2 AUTO WAH1 AUTO WAH2 AUTO WAH3 AUTO WAH4 DELAY LCR1 DELAY LCR2 DELAY LR ECHO CROSS DELAY DIST HARD (DISTORTION HARD) DIST HARD2 DIST HARD3 DIST SOFT (DISTORTION SOFT) DIST SOFT2 DIST HEAVY OVERDRIVE AMP SIM (AMP SIMULATOR) ST AMP2 ST AMP3 EQ DISCO EQ TEL 2BAND EQ 3BAND EQ MSB # LSB # 69 71 71 70 66 69 71 69 66 71 70 71 70 70 71 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 78 78 78 78 5 5 6 7 8 16 17 18 17 18 0 22 17 19 25 16 19 0 20 20 18 21 16 0 23 21 24 16 0 19 20 16 0 0 0 0 75 16 75 75 22 25 75 17 75 73 74 23 0 0 75 0 75 75 76 76 77 76 21 24 16 17 0 0 Effect Parameter List / Liste der Effektparameter / Liste ○ ○ ○ des paramètres d’effets / Lista de parámetros de efectos If a table has no LSB number specified, the table applies for any LSB numbers. Parameters marked with a ● in the Control column can be controlled from an AC1 (assignable controller 1) etc. However, this is valid only for a Variation effect (when selected for Insertion). MSB = 7 MSB = 1 MSB = 2 MSB = 3 MSB = 4 No. No. Parameter Display Value See Table 1 Reverb Time 0.3 – 30.0s 0 – 69 table#4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Diffusion Initial Delay HPF Cutoff LPF Cutoff 0 – 10 0.1mS – 99.3mS Thru – 8.0kHz 1.0k – Thru 0 – 10 0 – 63 0 – 52 34 – 60 table#5 table#3 table#3 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W – D=W – D<W63 1 – 127 11 12 13 14 15 16 Rev Delay Density Er/Rev Balance 0.1mS – 99.3mS 0 – 4 (rev, var) E63>R – E=R – E<R63 0 – 63 0–4 1 – 127 Feedback Level -63 – +63 1 – 127 Control ● table#5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parameter 1 – 3550 1 – 127 1 – 3550 1 – 127 1 – 10 1 – 3550 1 – 3550 0 – 127 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W – D=W – D<W63 1 – 127 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 No. No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parameter Display Value Lch Delay Rch Delay Cch Delay Feedback Delay Feedback Level Cch Level High Damp 0.1 – 715.0ms 0.1 – 715.0ms 0.1 – 715.0ms 0.1 – 715.0ms -63 – +63 0 – 127 0.1 – 1.0 1 – 7150 1 – 7150 1 – 7150 1 – 7150 1 – 127 0 – 127 1 – 10 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W – D=W – D<W63 1 – 127 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 See Table Control ● table#3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parameter 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parameter Lch Delay Rch Delay Feedback Delay 1 Feedback Delay 2 Feedback Level High Damp Display 0.1 – 715.0ms 0.1 – 715.0ms 0.1 – 715.0ms 0.1 – 715.0ms -63 – +63 0.1 – 1.0 Value Control ● table#3 table#3 D63>W – D=W – D<W63 1 – 127 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 Value 0.1 – 355.0ms 0.1 – 355.0ms -63 – +63 L, R, L&R 0.1 – 1.0 1 – 3550 1 – 3550 1 – 127 0–2 1 – 10 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W – D=W – D<W63 1 – 127 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 See Table Control ● table#3 table#3 MSB = 9 See Table Control 1 – 7150 1 – 7150 1 – 7150 1 – 7150 1 – 127 1 – 10 Dry/Wet Balance Display L→R Delay R→L Delay Feedback Level Input Select High Damp No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 See Table table#3 MSB = 6 No. Value 0.1 – 355.0ms -63 – +63 0.1 – 355.0ms -63 – +63 0.1 – 1.0 0.1 – 355.0ms 0.1 – 355.0ms 0 – 127 MSB = 8 MSB = 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Display Lch Delay1 Lch Feedback Level Rch Delay1 Rch Feedback Level High Damp Lch Delay2 Rch Delay2 Delay2 Level ● table#3 Parameter Display Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Type Room Size Diffusion Initial Delay Feedback Level HPF Cutoff LPF Cutoff S-H, L-H, Rdm, Rvs, Plt, Spr 0.1 – 7.0 0 – 10 0.1mS – 200.0mS -63 – +63 Thru – 8.0kHz 1.0k – Thru 0–5 0 – 44 0 – 10 0 – 127 1 – 127 0 – 52 34 – 60 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W – D=W – D<W63 1 – 127 11 12 13 14 15 16 Liveness Density High Damp 0 – 10 0–3 0.1 – 1.0 0 – 10 0–3 1 – 10 See Table Control table#6 table#5 table#3 table#3 ● table#3 CVP-202 25 Effect Parameter List / Liste der Effektparameter / Liste des paramètres d’effets / MSB = 65 MSB = 66 MSB = 10 MSB = 11 No. Parameter Display TypeA, TypeB 0.1 – 7.0 0 – 10 0.1mS – 200.0mS -63 – +63 Thru – 8.0kHz 1.0k – Thru Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Type Room Size Diffusion Initial Delay Feedback Level HPF Cutoff LPF Cutoff 0–1 0 – 44 0 – 10 0 – 127 1 – 127 0 – 52 34 – 60 Dry/Wet Balance D63>W – D=W – D<W63 1 – 127 11 12 13 14 15 16 Liveness Density High Damp 0 – 10 0–3 0.1 – 1.0 0 – 10 0–3 1 – 10 See Table Control No. LFO Frequency LFO Depth Feedback Level Delay Offset 0.00Hz – 39.7Hz 0 – 127 -63 – +63 0.0mS – 50mS 0 – 127 0 – 127 1 – 127 0 – 127 table#1 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet Balance 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB D63>W – D=W – D<W63 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 1 – 127 table#3 ● 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 EQ Mid Frequency (*5) EQ Mid Gain (*5) EQ Mid Width (*5) 100Hz – 10.0kHz -12 – +12dB 1.0 – 12.0 14 – 54 52 – 76 10 – 120 table#3 Input Mode mono/stereo 0–1 table#6 table#5 table#3 table#3 MSB = 16 MSB = 17 MSB = 18 MSB = 19 No. Parameter Display Value See Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reverb Time Diffusion Initial Delay HPF Cutoff LPF Cutoff Width Heigt Depth Wall Vary Dry/Wet Balance 0.3 – 30.0s 0 – 10 0.1mS – 99.3mS Thru – 8.0kHz 1.0k – Thru 0.5 – 10.2m 0.5 – 20.2m 0.5 – 30.2m 0 – 30 D63>W – D=W – D<W63 0 – 69 0 – 10 0 – 63 0 – 52 34 – 60 0 – 37 0 – 73 0 – 104 0 – 30 1 – 127 table#4 11 12 13 14 15 16 Rev Delay 0.1mS – 99.3mS 0 – 63 table#5 Control table#5 table#3 table#3 table#8 table#8 table#8 ● 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 No. Parameter Delay Time Feedback Level HPF Cutoff LPF Cutoff Dry/Wet Balance 11 12 13 14 15 16 26 Value See Table Control table#2 table#3 ● Parameter Display Value See Table LFO Frequency LFO Depth Feedback Level Delay Offset 0.00Hz – 39.7Hz 0 – 127 -63 – +63 0.0mS – 50mS 0 – 127 0 – 127 1 – 127 0 – 127 table#1 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet Balance 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB D63>W – D=W – D<W63 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 1 – 127 table#3 LFO Phase Difference -180 – +180deg (resolution=3deg.) 4 – 124 Control table#2 table#3 ● MSB = 68 MSB = 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Display MSB = 67 No. No. Parameter CVP-202 Display 0.1mS – 400.0mS -63 – +63 Thru – 8.0kHz 1.0k – Thru D63>W – D=W – D<W63 Value 0 – 127 1 – 127 0 – 52 34 – 60 1 – 127 See Table Control table#7 table#3 table#3 ● 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parameter Display Value See Table LFO Frequency LFO Depth Delay Offset 0.00Hz – 39.7Hz 0 – 127 0.0mS – 50mS 0 – 127 0 – 127 0 – 127 table#1 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet Balance 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB D63>W – D=W – D<W63 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 1 – 127 table#3 Control table#2 table#3 ● Lista de parámetros de efectos ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ MSB = 72, LSB = 0, 16, 17, 18 MSB = 69, LSB = 0, 16, 17 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter Display Value See Table LFO Frequency LFO Depth 0.00Hz – 39.7Hz 0 – 127 0 – 127 0 – 127 table#1 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet Balance 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB D63>W – D=W – D<W63 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 1 – 127 table#3 Control No. ● 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LFO Frequency LFO Depth Phase Shift Offset Feedback Level 0.00Hz – 39.7Hz 0 – 127 0 – 127 -63 – +63 0 – 127 0 – 127 0 – 127 1 – 127 table#1 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet Balance 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB D63>W – D=W – D<W63 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 1 – 127 table#3 11 12 13 14 15 16 Stage 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 6 – 10 table#3 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parameter Display Value See Table LFO Frequency AM Depth PM Depth 0.00Hz – 39.7Hz 0 – 127 0 – 127 0 – 127 0 – 127 0 – 127 table#1 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 table#3 LFO Phase Difference Input Mode -180 – +180deg (resolution=3deg.) mono/stereo Control No. ● 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 table#3 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 – 124 0–1 MSB = 71 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Display Value See Table Control table#3 ● MSB = 72, LSB = 8 MSB = 70 No. Parameter Parameter Display Value See Table LFO Frequency L/R Depth F/R Depth PAN Direction 0.00Hz – 39.7Hz 0 – 127 0 – 127 L R, L R, L R, Lturn, Rturn, L/R 0 – 127 0 – 127 0 – 127 0–5 table#1 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 table#3 table#3 Control ● Parameter Display Value See Table LFO Frequency LFO Depth Phase Shift Offset Feedback Level 0.00Hz – 39.7Hz 0 – 127 0 – 127 -63 – +63 0 – 127 0 – 127 0 – 127 1 – 127 table#1 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet Balance 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB D63>W – D=W – D<W63 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 1 – 127 table#3 Stage 3, 4, 5 3–5 LFO Phase Difference -180deg – +180deg (resolution=3deg.) 4 – 124 Control table#3 ● MSB = 73, LSB = 0 MSB = 74 No. Parameter Display Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Drive EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain LPF Cutoff Output Level 0 – 127 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 1.0k – Thru 0 – 127 0 – 127 4 – 40 52 – 76 34 – 60 0 – 127 EQ Mid Frequency EQ Mid Gain EQ Mid Width Dry/Wet Balance 100Hz – 10.0kHz -12 – +12dB 1.0 – 12.0 D63>W – D=W – D<W63 14 – 54 52 – 76 10 – 120 1 – 127 11 12 13 14 15 16 Edge (Clip Curve) 0 (mild) – 127 (sharp) 0 – 127 See Table Control ● table#3 table#3 table#3 CVP-202 27 Effect Parameter List / Liste der Effektparameter / Liste des paramètres d’effets / Lista de parámetros de efectos MSB = 78, LSB = 0, 16, 19, 20 MSB = 75 No. Parameter Display 0 – 127 Off, Stack, Combo, Tube 1.0k – Thru 0 – 127 Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Drive AMP Type LPF Cutoff Output Level Dry/Wet Balance D63>W – D=W – D<W63 1 – 127 11 12 13 14 15 16 Edge (Clip Curve) 0 (mild) – 127 (sharp) 0 – 127 0 – 127 0–3 34 – 60 0 – 127 See Table Control No. ● 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 table#3 Parameter EQ Low Gain EQ Mid Frequency EQ Mid Gain EQ Mid Width EQ High Gain EQ Low Frequency EQ High Frequency Input Mode Display -12 – +12dB 100Hz – 10.0kHz -12 – +12dB 1.0 – 12.0 -12 – +12dB 50Hz – 2.0kHz 500Hz – 16.0kHz mono/stereo Value 52 – 76 14 – 54 52 – 76 10 – 120 52 – 76 8 – 40 28 – 58 See Table Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 See Table table#1 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet Balance 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB D63>W – D=W – D<W63 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 1 – 127 table#3 No. Parameter Display table#3 table#3 table#3 11 12 13 14 15 16 0–1 Parameter 10 Dry/Wet Balance only affects insertion type effects. Parameter EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 11 12 13 14 15 16 28 Value 0 – 127 0 – 127 0 – 127 10 – 120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MSB = 77 No. Display 0.00Hz – 39.7Hz 0 – 127 0 – 127 1.0 – 12.0 Control ● table#3 MSB = 64 No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parameter LFO Frequency LFO Depth Cutoff Frequency Offset Resonance 11 12 13 14 15 16 MSB = 76 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ CVP-202 Display 32Hz – 2.0kHz -12 – +12dB 500Hz – 16.0kHz -12 – +12dB Value 4 – 40 52 – 76 28 – 58 52 – 76 See Table table#3 table#3 Control Value See Table Control Effect Data Assign Table / Effektdaten-Zuordnungstabelle○/ ○ Tableau d’assignation des données d’effets / Tabla de asignación de datos para efectos Table#1 LFO Frequency Table#3 EQ Frequency Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.13 0.17 0.21 0.25 0.29 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.46 0.51 0.55 0.59 0.63 0.67 0.72 0.76 0.80 0.84 0.88 0.93 0.97 1.01 1.05 1.09 1.14 1.18 1.22 1.26 1.30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 1.35 1.39 1.43 1.47 1.51 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.77 1.81 1.85 1.89 1.94 1.98 2.02 2.06 2.10 2.15 2.19 2.23 2.27 2.31 2.36 2.40 2.44 2.48 2.52 2.57 2.61 2.65 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 2.69 2.78 2.86 2.94 3.03 3.11 3.20 3.28 3.37 3.45 3.53 3.62 3.70 3.87 4.04 4.21 4.37 4.54 4.71 4.88 5.05 5.22 5.38 5.55 5.72 6.06 6.39 6.73 7.07 7.40 7.74 8.08 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 8.41 8.75 9.08 9.42 9.76 10.1 10.8 11.4 12.1 12.8 13.5 14.1 14.8 15.5 16.2 16.8 17.5 18.2 19.5 20.9 22.2 23.6 24.9 26.2 27.6 28.9 30.3 31.6 33.0 34.3 37.0 39.7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Table#2 Modulation Delay Offset Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value 0 0.0 32 3.2 64 6.4 96 9.6 1 0.1 33 3.3 65 6.5 97 9.7 2 0.2 34 3.4 66 6.6 98 9.8 3 0.3 35 3.5 67 6.7 99 9.9 4 0.4 36 3.6 68 6.8 100 10.0 5 0.5 37 3.7 69 6.9 101 11.1 6 0.6 38 3.8 70 7.0 102 12.2 7 0.7 39 3.9 71 7.1 103 13.3 8 0.8 40 4.0 72 7.2 104 14.4 9 0.9 41 4.1 73 7.3 105 15.5 10 1.0 42 4.2 74 7.4 106 17.1 11 1.1 43 4.3 75 7.5 107 18.6 12 1.2 44 4.4 76 7.6 108 20.2 13 1.3 45 4.5 77 7.7 109 21.8 14 1.4 46 4.6 78 7.8 110 23.3 15 1.5 47 4.7 79 7.9 111 24.9 16 1.6 48 4.8 80 8.0 112 26.5 17 1.7 49 4.9 81 8.1 113 28.0 18 1.8 50 5.0 82 8.2 114 29.6 19 1.9 51 5.1 83 8.3 115 31.2 20 2.0 52 5.2 84 8.4 116 32.8 21 2.1 53 5.3 85 8.5 117 34.3 22 2.2 54 5.4 86 8.6 118 35.9 23 2.3 55 5.5 87 8.7 119 37.5 24 2.4 56 5.6 88 8.8 120 39.0 25 2.5 57 5.7 89 8.9 121 40.6 26 2.6 58 5.8 90 9.0 122 42.2 27 2.7 59 5.9 91 9.1 123 43.7 28 2.8 60 6.0 92 9.2 124 45.3 29 2.9 61 6.1 93 9.3 125 46.9 30 3.0 62 6.2 94 9.4 126 48.4 31 3.1 63 6.3 95 9.5 127 50.0 Value THRU(0) 22 25 28 32 36 40 45 50 56 63 70 80 90 100 110 125 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450 500 560 630 700 Table#5 Delay Time (200.0ms) Data Value 32 800 33 900 34 1.0k 35 1.1k 36 1.2k 37 1.4k 38 1.6k 39 1.8k 40 2.0k 41 2.2k 42 2.5k 43 2.8k 44 3.2k 45 3.6k 46 4.0k 47 4.5k 48 5.0k 49 5.6k 50 6.3k 51 7.0k 52 8.0k 53 9.0k 54 10.0k 55 11.0k 56 12.0k 57 14.0k 58 16.0k 59 18.0k 60 THRU(20.0k) Table#4 Reverb Time Data Value Data Value Data Value 0 0.3 32 3.5 64 17.0 1 0.4 33 3.6 65 18.0 2 0.5 34 3.7 66 19.0 3 0.6 35 3.8 67 20.0 4 0.7 36 3.9 68 25.0 5 0.8 37 4.0 69 30.0 6 0.9 38 4.1 7 1.0 39 4.2 8 1.1 40 4.3 9 1.2 41 4.4 10 1.3 42 4.5 11 1.4 43 4.6 12 1.5 44 4.7 13 1.6 45 4.8 14 1.7 46 4.9 15 1.8 47 5.0 16 1.9 48 5.5 17 2.0 49 6.0 18 2.1 50 6.5 19 2.2 51 7.0 20 2.3 52 7.5 21 2.4 53 8.0 22 2.5 54 8.5 23 2.6 55 9.0 24 2.7 56 9.5 25 2.8 57 10.0 26 2.9 58 11.0 27 3.0 59 12.0 28 3.1 60 13.0 29 3.2 61 14.0 30 3.3 62 15.0 31 3.4 63 16.0 Table#7 Delay Time (400.0ms) Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0.1 1.7 3.2 4.8 6.4 8.0 9.5 11.1 12.7 14.3 15.8 17.4 19.0 20.6 22.1 23.7 25.3 26.9 28.4 30.0 31.6 33.2 34.7 36.3 37.9 39.5 41.0 42.6 44.2 45.7 47.3 48.9 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 50.5 52.0 53.6 55.2 56.8 58.3 59.9 61.5 63.1 64.6 66.2 67.8 69.4 70.9 72.5 74.1 75.7 77.2 78.8 80.4 81.9 83.5 85.1 86.7 88.2 89.8 91.4 93.0 94.5 96.1 97.7 99.3 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 100.8 102.4 104.0 105.6 107.1 108.7 110.3 111.9 113.4 115.0 116.6 118.2 119.7 121.3 122.9 124.4 126.0 127.6 129.2 130.7 132.3 133.9 135.5 137.0 138.6 140.2 141.8 143.3 144.9 146.5 148.1 149.6 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 151.2 152.8 154.4 155.9 157.5 159.1 160.6 162.2 163.8 165.4 166.9 168.5 170.1 171.7 173.2 174.8 176.4 178.0 179.5 181.1 182.7 184.3 185.8 187.4 189.0 190.6 192.1 193.7 195.3 196.9 198.4 200.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0.1 3.2 6.4 9.5 12.7 15.8 19.0 22.1 25.3 28.4 31.6 34.7 37.9 41.0 44.2 47.3 50.5 53.6 56.8 59.9 63.1 66.2 69.4 72.5 75.7 78.8 82.0 85.1 88.3 91.4 94.6 97.7 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 100.9 104.0 107.2 110.3 113.5 116.6 119.8 122.9 126.1 129.2 132.4 135.5 138.6 141.8 144.9 148.1 151.2 154.4 157.5 160.7 163.8 167.0 170.1 173.3 176.4 179.6 182.7 185.9 189.0 192.2 195.3 198.5 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 201.6 204.8 207.9 211.1 214.2 217.4 220.5 223.7 226.8 230.0 233.1 236.3 239.4 242.6 245.7 248.9 252.0 255.2 258.3 261.5 264.6 267.7 270.9 274.0 277.2 280.3 283.5 286.6 289.8 292.9 296.1 299.2 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 302.4 305.5 308.7 311.8 315.0 318.1 321.3 324.4 327.6 330.7 333.9 337.0 340.2 343.3 346.5 349.6 352.8 355.9 359.1 362.2 365.4 368.5 371.7 374.8 378.0 381.1 384.3 387.4 390.6 393.7 396.9 400.0 Table#6 Room Size Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value 0 0.1 32 5.1 64 10.1 96 15.1 1 0.3 33 5.3 65 10.3 97 15.3 2 0.4 34 5.4 66 10.4 98 15.5 3 0.6 35 5.6 67 10.6 99 15.6 4 0.7 36 5.7 68 10.8 100 15.8 5 0.9 37 5.9 69 10.9 101 15.9 6 1.0 38 6.1 70 11.1 102 16.1 7 1.2 39 6.2 71 11.2 103 16.2 8 1.4 40 6.4 72 11.4 104 16.4 9 1.5 41 6.5 73 11.5 105 16.6 10 1.7 42 6.7 74 11.7 106 16.7 11 1.8 43 6.8 75 11.9 107 16.9 12 2.0 44 7.0 76 12.0 108 17.0 13 2.1 45 7.2 77 12.2 109 17.2 14 2.3 46 7.3 78 12.3 110 17.3 15 2.5 47 7.5 79 12.5 111 17.5 16 2.6 48 7.6 80 12.6 112 17.6 17 2.8 49 7.8 81 12.8 113 17.8 18 2.9 50 7.9 82 12.9 114 18.0 19 3.1 51 8.1 83 13.1 115 18.1 20 3.2 52 8.2 84 13.3 116 18.3 21 3.4 53 8.4 85 13.4 117 18.4 22 3.5 54 8.6 86 13.6 118 18.6 23 3.7 55 8.7 87 13.7 119 18.7 24 3.9 56 8.9 88 13.9 120 18.9 25 4.0 57 9.0 89 14.0 121 19.1 26 4.2 58 9.2 90 14.2 122 19.2 27 4.3 59 9.3 91 14.4 123 19.4 28 4.5 60 9.5 92 14.5 124 19.5 29 4.6 61 9.7 93 14.7 125 19.7 30 4.8 62 9.8 94 14.8 126 19.8 31 5.0 63 10.0 95 15.0 127 20.0 Table#8 Reverb Width; Depth; Height Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value 0 0.5 32 8.8 64 17.6 96 27.5 1 0.8 33 9.1 65 17.9 97 27.8 2 1.0 34 9.4 66 18.2 98 28.1 3 1.3 35 9.6 67 18.5 99 28.5 4 1.5 36 9.9 68 18.8 100 28.8 5 1.8 37 10.2 69 19.1 101 29.2 6 2.0 38 10.4 70 19.4 102 29.5 7 2.3 39 10.7 71 19.7 103 29.9 8 2.6 40 11.0 72 20.0 104 30.2 9 2.8 41 11.2 73 20.2 10 3.1 42 11.5 74 20.5 11 3.3 43 11.8 75 20.8 12 3.6 44 12.1 76 21.1 13 3.9 45 12.3 77 21.4 14 4.1 46 12.6 78 21.7 15 4.4 47 12.9 79 22.0 16 4.6 48 13.1 80 22.4 17 4.9 49 13.4 81 22.7 18 5.2 50 13.7 82 23.0 19 5.4 51 14.0 83 23.3 20 5.7 52 14.2 84 23.6 21 5.9 53 14.5 85 23.9 22 6.2 54 14.8 86 24.2 23 6.5 55 15.1 87 24.5 24 6.7 56 15.4 88 24.9 25 7.0 57 15.6 89 25.2 26 7.2 58 15.9 90 25.5 27 7.5 59 16.2 91 25.8 28 7.8 60 16.5 92 26.1 29 8.0 61 16.8 93 26.5 30 8.3 62 17.1 94 26.8 31 8.6 63 17.3 95 27.1 CVP-202 29 ○ YAMAHA [ Clavinova ] MIDI Implementation Chart Model CVP-202 Transmitted Date:01-NOV-2002 Version : 1.00 Recognized Remarks Function ... Basic Channel Default Changed 1 - 16 1 - 16 Mode Default Messages Altered 3 x ************** *1 1 - 16 1 - 16 *2 Memorized 3 3,4 (m=1) x *3 Note 0 - 127 Number : True voice ************** 0 - 127 0 - 127 Velocity Note ON Note OFF o 9nH,v=1-127 x 9nH,v=0 o 9nH,v=1-127 x After Touch x x x o o o 0-24 semi Key's Ch's Pitch Bend Control change 0,32 1 5 7,10,11 6,38 64,66,67 65 71-74 84 91,93,94 96,97 98,99 100,101 o x x o o o x x o o x x o *4 *4 *4 o o o o o o o o o o o o o Bank Select Modulation Portamento Time Data Entry Portamento Sound Controller Portamento Cntrl Effect Depth RPN Inc,Dec NRPN LSB,MSB RPN LSB,MSB Prog Change : True # o 0 - 127 ************** o System Exclusive o o : Song Pos. Common : Song Sel. : Tune x x x x x x System :Clock o Real Time :Commands o o o Aux o(120,126,127) o(121) o(122) o(123-125) o x :All Sound Off :Reset All Cntrls :Local ON/OFF :All Notes OFF Mes- :Active Sense sages:Reset x x x x o x 0 - 127 Notes: Mode 1 : OMNI ON, POLY Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY 30 CVP-202 Mode 2 : OMNI ON, MONO Mode 4 : OMNI OFF, MONO o : Yes x : No ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Notes: *1: The send channel for the RIGHT1, RIGHT2, and LEFT parts can be set using the Send Channel (Keyboard) function. The transmission of accompaniment, harmony, and song data can be turned on or off using the Send Channel (Accompaniment/Harmony) and Song Transmission functions. *2: Messages received on the channel set by the Remote Keyboard function are handled as operations performed directly on the keyboard or panel. Only the following messages are received on this channel: • Note On/Off (A-1...C7) • Control Changes Bank Select MSB/LSB (RIGHT1 part) Modulation Data Entry MSB (when PITCH BEND SENS. is set by RPN LSB/ MSB) Volume Expression Sustain Sostenuto Soft Pedal Data Increment/Decrement (when PITCH BEND SENS. is set by RPN LSB/MSB) RPN LSB/MSB (PITCH BEND SENS. only) All Note Off • Program Change (RIGHT1 part) • Pitch Bend *3: “m” is always treated as “1” regardless of its value. *4: Transmitted when ACMP&RHY or HARMONY setting of Send Channel (Accompaniment/Harmony) function is on. Remarques : *1 : Le canal d’émission pour les parties RIGHT1, RIGHT2, et LEFT peut être configuré à l’aide de la fonction Send Channel (Keyboard). La transmission des données d’accompagnement, d’harmonie et de morceau peut être activée ou désactivée à l’aide des fonctions Send Channel (Accompaniment/Harmony) et Song Transmission. *2 : Les messages reçus sur le canal configuré à l’aide de la fonction Remote Keyboard sont traités comme des opérations réalisées directement sur le clavier ou le panneau. Seuls les messages suivants sont reçus sur ce canal : • Note On/Off (A-1...C7) • Control Changes Bank Select MSB/LSB (partie RIGHT1) Modulation Data Entry MSB (si PITCH BEND SENS. est défini à l’aide de RPN LSB/MSB) Volume Expression Sustain Sostenuto Soft Pedal Data Increment/Decrement (si PITCH BEND SENS. est défini à l’aide de RPN LSB/MSB) RPN LSB/MSB (PITCH BEND SENS. uniquement) All Note Off • Program Change (partie RIGHT1) • Pitch Bend *3 : “m” équivaut toujours à “1” quelle que soit sa valeur. *4 : Transmis(e) si le paramètre ACMP&RHY ou HARMONY de la fonction Send Channel (Accompaniment/Harmony) est activé. Hinweise: *1: Der Sendekanal für die Parts RIGHT1, RIGHT2 und LEFT läßt sich über die Funktion Sendekanal (Keyboard) einstellen. Die Übertragung von Begleitungs-, Harmonie- und Songdaten kann mit den Funktionen Sendekanal (Begleitung/Harmonie) und Song-Übertragung ein- bzw. ausgeschaltet werden. *2: Meldungen, die an dem Kanal empfangen werden, der von der Remote Keyboard-Funktion eingestellt wurde, werden als direkt auf dem Keyboard oder Steuerpult ausgeführte Bedienoperationen angesehen. Nur die nachfolgend genannten Meldungen werden auf diesem Kanal empfangen: • Noten Ein/Aus (A-1...C7) • SteuerungsänderungsBank. Wählen Sie MSB/LSB (Part RIGHT1) Modulation Dateneintrag MSB (sofern die Option PITCH BEND SENS. (Tonlagenabtastung) von RPN LSB/MSB) eingestellt wurde VOLUME (LAUTSTÄRKE) Expression (Ausdruck) Sustain Sostenuto Soft Pedal Datenerhöhung/-erniedrigung (sofern die Option PITCH BEND SENS. (Tonlagenabtastung) von RPN LSB/MSB eingestellt wurde) RPN LSB/MSB (nur PITCH BEND SENS., TONLAGENABTASTUNG) Alle Noten ausgeschaltet • Programmänderung (Part RIGHT1) • Pitch Bend (Tonlage) *3: “m” wird stets als “1” behandelt, unabhängig von dessen Wert. *4: Wird übertragen, wenn die ACMP&RHY- oder HARMONIE-Einstellung der Funktion Sendekanal (Begleitung/Harmonie) aktiviert ist. Notas: *1: El canal de envío para las partes RIGHT1, RIGHT2 y LEFT puede ajustarse utilizando la función Send Channel (teclado). La transmisión del acompañamiento de la armonía y de los datos de canción se pueden activar o desactivar utilizando las funciones Send Channel (Accompaniment/Harmony) y Song Transmission. *2: Los mensajes recibidos en el canal ajustado por la función Remote Keyboard se consideran como operaciones realizadas directamente en el teclado o el panel. Sólo los mensajes siguientes se reciben en este canal: • Note On/Off (A-1...C7) • Control Changes Bank Select MSB/LSB (parte RIGHT1) Modulation Data Entry MSB (cuando PITCH BEND SENS. se ajusta con RPN LSB/ MSB) Volume Expression Sustain Sostenuto Soft Pedal Data Increment/Decrement (cuando PITCH BEND SENS. se ajusta con RPN LSB/MSB) RPN LSB/MSB (sólo PITCH BEND SENS.) All Note Off • Program Change (parte RIGHT1) • Pitch Bend *3: “m” siempre se considera como “1” independientemente de su valor. *4: Transmitido cuando los ajustes ACMP&RHY o HARMONY de la función Send Channel (Accompaniment/Harmony) está activada. CVP-202 31 1 A B • Bundled pedal cord inside • Gebündeltes Pedalkabel • Cordon de pédalier enroulé à l’intérieur • Cable de pedales enrollado en el interior C D • AC power cord • Netzkabel • Cordon d’alimentation • Cable de alimentación de CA • Cord holders x2 • Kabelhalter x2 • Serre-câble x2 • Soportes de cable x 2 Assembly Zusammenbau ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ CAUTION • Be careful not to confuse parts, and be sure to install all parts in the correct direction. Please assemble in accordance with the sequence given below. • Assembly should be carried out by at least two persons. • Be sure to use the correct screw size, as indicated above. Use of incorrect screws can cause damage. • Be sure to tighten up all screws upon completing assembly of each unit. • To disassemble, reverse the assembly sequence given below. Z Open the box and remove all the parts. Remove all parts from the box. Confirm that all parts shown in the illustration above are provided. X Attach the side panels (D) to the pedal box (C). Before installing the pedal box, untie and straighten out the bundled cord attached to the bottom of the pedal box. Don’t discard the vinyl tie, you’ll need it later in step B. Place the pedal box on top of the brackets attached to the side panels (D), and attach using the four 6 x 20 millimeter round-head screws 1 — two screws on each side. Make sure the pedals extend in the same direction as the side panel feet. 32 CVP-202 VORSICHT • Achten Sie darauf, die Teile nicht zu verwechseln, und installieren Sie alle Teile in der richtigen Ausrichtung. Gehen Sie beim Zusammenbau bitte in der angegebenen Reihenfolge vor. • Die Montage sollte von mindestens zwei Personen vorgenommen werden. • Achten Sie darauf, die richtige Schraubengröße zu verwenden, wie es oben gezeigt ist. Die Verwendung der falschen Schrauben kann zu Schäden führen. • Achten Sie während der Montage darauf, bei jedem Arbeitsgang alle Schrauben festzuziehen. • Für die Demontage muß die angegebene Reihenfolge umgekehrt befolgt werden. Z Öffnen Sie den Karton und nehmen Sie alle Teile heraus. Vergewissern Sie sich, daß alle in der obigen Abbildung aufgeführten Teile vollzählig vorhanden sind. X Befestigen Sie die Seitenwände (D) am Pedalkasten (C). Bevor Sie den Pedalkasten montieren, nehmen Sie zunächst das gebündelte Kabel aus dem Pedalkasten, entfernen den Kabelbinder und ziehen das Kabel dann gerade aus. Werfen Sie den Kabelbinder nicht wg, er wird in Schritt B wieder gebraucht. Setzen Sie den Pedalkasten auf die Winkelbleche der beiden Seitenwänden (D), und schrauben Sie ihn dann mit den vier Halbrundschrauben (6 x 20 mm) 1 fest (jeweils zwei Schrauben links und rechts). Achten Sie dabei darauf, daß die Pedale in dieselbe Richtung weisen wie die vorspringenden Teile der Füße. • 6 x 20 mm round-head screws • 6 x 20 mm Halbrundschrauben • Vis à tête ronde de 6 x 20 mm • Tornillos de cabeza redonda de 6 x 20 mm x4 1 x4 1 x4 1 • 4 x 12 mm round-head screws • 4 x 12 mm Halbrundschrauben • Vis à tête ronde de 4 x 12 mm • Tornillos de cabeza redonda de 4 x 12 mm x2 2 x2 2 x2 2 2 • 6 x 20 mm round-head screws 1 • 6 x 20 mm Halbrundschrauben 1 • Vis à tête ronde de 6 x 20 mm 1 • Tornillos de cabeza redonda de 6 x 20 mm 1 x4 1 x2 2 • 4 x 20 mm tapping screws • 4 x 20 mm Schneidschrauben • Vis auto-taraudeuses 4 x 20 mm • Tornillos de autoenrosque de 4 x 20 mm x4 3 x4 3 x4 3 • 6 x 16 mm flat-head screws • 6 x 16 mm Senkschrauben • Vis à tête plate de 6 x 16 mm • Tornillos de cabeza plana de 6 x 16 mm x4 4 x4 4 x4 4 x4 3 C x4 4 Montage Montaje ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ PRECAUTION • Veiller à ne pas mélanger les pièces et à les installer dans le sens correct. Veuillez assembler l’instrument dans l’ordre indiqué cidessous. • La présence de deux personnes minimum est nécessaire pour procéder au montage. • Toujours utiliser des vis aux dimensions correctes, comme indiqué cidessus. I’utilisation de vis aux dimensions incorrectes pourrait en effet endommager l’instrument. • Resserrer convenablement toutes les vis après le montage de chaque élément. • Pour démonter le Clavinova, inverser l’ordre des indications données ci-dessous. Z Ouvrez le carton et retirez toutes les pièces Videz le carton de son contenu. Vérifiez que toutes les pièces indiquées sur l’illustration sont bien fournies. X Fixez les panneaux latéraux (D) au pédalier (C) Avant de poser le pédalier, détacher le cordon de la partie inférieure du pédalier et le dérouler. Ne jetez pas l’attache en vinyle, vous la réutiliserez ultérieurement à l’étape B. Placez le pédalier sur les ferrures fixées aux panneaux latéraux (D) et fixez-le à l’aide des quatre vis à tête ronde de 6 x 20 millimètres 1: deux vis de chaque côté. Veillez à ce que les pédales soient dirigées dans le même sens que les supports inférieurs. CUIDADO • Observe cuidado para no confundir las piezas, y asegúrese de montar todas ellas en el sentido correcto. Proceda al montaje en el orden indicado a continuación. • El montaje deberá realizarse al menos por dos personas. • Procure utilizar los tornillos del tamaño adecuado, según se indica arriba. El empleo de tornillos inadecuados puede ocasionar daños en el instrumento. • Asegúrese de apretar bien todos los tornillos después de montar cada unidad. • Para desmontar las unidades, invierta la secuencia de montaje facilitada a continuación. Z Abra la caja y extraiga todas las partes. Extraiga todas las partes de la caja. Confirme que no falte ninguna de las partes mostradas en la ilustración. X Acople los paneles laterales (D) en la caja de pedales (C). Antes de instalar la caja de pedales, desate y enderezca el cable plegado unido a la parte inferior de la caja de pedales. No tire la abrazadera de vinilo, porque la necesitará en el paso B de más adelante. Ponga la caja de pedales en la parte superior de las ménsulas acopladas a los paneles laterales (D), y acople empleando los cuatro tornillos de cabeza redonda de 6 x 20 mm 1; dos tornillos en cada lado. Asegúrese de que el pedal se extiende en la misma dirección que la pata. CVP-202 33 3 • 4 x 12 mm round-head screws 2 • 4 x 12 mm Halbrundschrauben 2 • Vis à tête ronde de 4 x 12 mm 2 • Tornillos de cabeza redonda de 4 x 12 mm 2 4 15 cm D A 15 cm D B • 4 x 20 mm tapping screws 3 • 4 x 20 mm Schneidschrauben 3 • Vis auto-taraudeuses 4 x 20 mm 3 • Tornillos de autoenrosque de 4 x 20 mm 3 C Attach the rear panel (B). With the rear panel slightly angled as shown in the illustration, lower it onto the feet’s protruding edge at the rear of the pedal box. Then, while eliminating any gaps between the rear and side panels, secure the top of the rear panel to the side panel brackets using two 4 x 12 mm round-head screws 2. Finally, secure the bottom of the rear panel to the pedal box using four 4 x 20 mm tapping screws 3. V Install the main unit (A). Place the main unit (A) on the side panels (D) with the screws on its bottom panel (toward the rear of the main unit) just behind the grooves in the brackets located at the top of the side panels. Then slide the main unit forward until it stops. WATCH YOUR FINGERS WHEN DOING THIS!! Align the holes on the bottom panel of the main unit with the holes in the brackets on the side panels (also center the main unit to produce equal clearance on the left and right sides, as shown in the illustration), then screw in and securely tighten the four 6 x 16 millimeter flat-head screws 4. CAUTION • Do not hold the keyboard in any position other than the position shown in the above illustration. • Fingers can become pinched between the main unit and the rear or side panels, be extra careful so as not to drop the main unit. B Connect the pedal cord. The pedal cord from the pedal box must be plugged into the PEDAL connector on the rear of the main unit. Once connected, attach the cord holders to the rear panel as shown, then clip the cord into the holders. 34 CVP-202 • Be sure to place your hands at least 15 centimeters from either end of the main unit when positioning it. • Mindestens 15 cm innen unter die Tastatureinheit greifen. • Placez bien vos mains à 15 cm au moins des extrémités du clavier, lors de sa mise en place. • Asegúrese de colocar las manos por lo menos a 15 centímetros desde los extremos de la unidad principal cuando la sitúe. C Montieren Sie die Rückwand (B). Setzen Sie die Rückwand leicht abgewinkelt, wie in der Abbildung gezeigt, hinter dem Pedalkasten auf die hervorspringenden Teile der Füße auf. Schrauben Sie dann die Rückwand oben mit zwei 4 x 12 mm Halbrundschrauben 2 so an den Seitenwänden fest, daß kein Spiel zwischen Rückwand und Seitenwänden verbleibt. Schrauben Sie die Rückwand abschließend noch mit vier 4 x 20 mm Schneidschrauben 3 an den Pedalkasten. V Montieren Sie die Tastatureinheit (A). Setzen Sie die Tastatureinheit (A) so auf den fertigen Ständer, daß die beiden Schrauben an ihrer Unterseite hinter den Winkelblechen mit Führungsschlitz an der Hinterseite des Ständers zu liegen kommen. Schieben Sie die Tastatureinheit dann bis zum Anschlag in die Schlitze. KLEMMEN SIE IHRE FINGER DABEI NICHT EIN!! Richten Sie die Schraubenbohrungen an der Unterseite der Tastatureinheit mit den Bohrungen der Winkelbleche aus (achten Sie auch darauf, daß sie mittig auf dem Ständer steht, wie in der Abbildung gezeigt). Schrauben Sie die Tastatureinheit dann mit den vier 6 x 16 mm Senkschrauben 4 am Ständer fest. VORSICHT • Halten Sie die Tastatureinheit nur wie in der obigen Abbildung! • Achten Sie darauf, daß Sie Ihre Finger nicht zwischen Tastatureinheit und den Seitenwänden bzw. der Rückwand einklemmen — die Tastatureinheit könnte dadurch zu Fall kommen! B Schließen Sie das Pedalkabel an. Das vom Pedalkasten kommende Kabel muß in die PEDAL-Buchse an der Rückwand der Haupteinheit gesteckt werden. Befestigen Sie dann die Kabelhalter an der Rückwand wie in der Abbildung gezeigt, und klemmen Sie das Kabel in diese Halter. 5 • 6 x 16 mm flat-head screws 4 • 6 x 16 mm Senkschrauben 4 • Vis à tête plate de 6 x 16 mm 4 • Tornillos de cabeza plana de 6 x 16 mm 4 A D C Fixez le panneau arrière (B) En inclinant légèrement en angle le panneau arrière, comme mentionné sur l’illustration, abaissez-le sur le rebord des pieds, à l’arrière du pédalier. Puis, tout en éliminant les espaces entre les panneaux arrière et latéraux, fixez le haut du panneau arrière sur les supports des panneaux latéraux à l’aide de deux vis à tête ronde 4 x 12 mm 2. Et finalement, fixez le bas du panneau arrière au pédalier avec quatre vis auto-taraudeuses 4 x 20 mm 3. V Posez le clavier (A) Placez le clavier sur les panneaux latéraux (D), avec les vis de son panneau inférieur (situées vers l’arrière du clavier) placées immédiatement derrière les rainures des ferrures situées à la partie supérieure des panneaux latéraux (D), puis faites glisser le clavier vers l’avant jusqu’à ce qu’il vienne en butée. FAITES ATTENTION A VOS DOIGTS EN EXECUTANT CETTE OPERATION!! Alignez les trous du panneau inférieur du clavier sur les trous des ferrures des panneaux latéraux (centrez également le clavier de manière à avoir un jeu identique de chaque côté) puis posez et serrez à fond les quatre vis à tête plate de 6 x 16 millimètres 4. PRECAUTION • Ne tenez pas le clavier d’une autre manière que celle indiquée sur l’illustration ci-dessus. • Attention car vous risquez de vous faire pincer les doigts entre le clavier et les panneaux arrière ou latéraux de sorte que vous devez veiller à ne pas faire tomber le clavier. B Raccordez le cordon du pédalier Le câble qui sort du pédalier doit être branché sur le connecteur PEDAL (PEDALE) à l’arrière du clavier. Une fois raccordé, fixez les serre-fils sur le panneau arrière, comme indiqué, puis faites passer le câble dans les serrefils. • Cord holder • Kabelhalter • Serre-câble • Soporte del cable • Use the vinyl tie that was removed from the bundled pedal cord in step X to tie up any slack in the pedal cord. • Nehmen Sie überlanges Kabel mit dem in Schritt X entfernten Kabelbinder auf. • Utilisez l’attache en vinyle qui a été enlevée du cordon de pédalier à l’étape X pour attacher le fil excédentaire du cordon de pédalier. • Emplee la abrazadera de vinilo que se sacó del cale plegado de los pedales en el paso X para fijar el cable de pedales sobrante. C Monte el panel trasero (B). Con el panel trasero un poco inclinado en ángulo como se muestra en la ilustración, bájelo al borde saliente de las patas de la parte posterior de la caja de pedales. Entonces, mientras elimina los huelgos entre los paneles trasero y lateral, fije la parte superior del panel trasero a las ménsulas de panel lateral usando dos tornillos de cabeza redonda de 4 x 12 mm 2. Finalmente, fije la parte inferior del panel trasero a la caja de pedales usando cuatro tornillos de autoenrosque de 4 x 20 mm 3. V Instale la unidad principal (A). Coloque la unidad principal en los paneles laterales (D) con los tornillos de su panel inferior (hacia la parte posterior de la unidad principal) justo detrás de las ranuras de la ménsula ubicada en la parte superior de los paneles laterales (D), después deslice el teclado hacia adelante hasta que se pare. ¡TENGA CUIDADO CON SUS DEDOS MIENTRAS LO HACE! Alinee los orificios del panel inferior de la unidad principal con los orificios de las ménsulas de los paneles laterales (también centre la unidad principal para producir una holgura igual en los lados derecho e izquierdo, como se muestra en la ilustración), después enrosque y apriete bien los cuatro tornillos de cabeza plana de 6 x 16 mm 4. CUIDADO • No sostenga el teclado en ninguna posición que no sea la posición mostrada en la ilustración de arriba. • Podría pillarse los dedos ente la unidad principal y los paneles traseros o laterales, por lo que deberá tener mucho cuidado que no se caiga la unidad principal. B Conecte el cable de los pedales. El cable de los pedales procedente de la caja de pedales debe conectarse al conector PEDAL (pedales) situado en la parte posterior de la unidad principal. Una vez conectado, coloque los soportes de cable en el panel trasero de la manera mostrada en la figura y enganche el cable en los soportes. CVP-202 35 6 7 C 220 240 110 127 • A voltage selector is provided in some areas. • Spannungswähler (nur in bestimmten Verkaufsgebieten) • Un sélecteur de tension est prévu pour certaines régions • El selector de tensión está provisto para ciertos destinos. N Voltage Selector Before connecting the AC power cord, check the setting of the voltage selector which is provided in some areas. To set the selector for 110V, 127V, 220V or 240V main voltages, use a “minus” screwdriver to rotate the selector dial so that the correct voltage for your region appears next to the pointer on the panel. The voltage selector is set at 240V when the unit is initially shipped. After the proper voltage has been selected, slide the AC power cord over the rear panel and connect the cord to the AC INLET, then connect the other end of the cord to an AC wall outlet. A plug adaptor may be also provided in some areas to match the pin configuration of the AC wall outlets in your area. CAUTION • An improper voltage setting can cause serious damage to the CVP202 or result in improper operation. M Set the adjuster. For stability, an adjuster is provided on the bottom of the pedal box (C). Rotate the adjuster until it comes in firm contact with the floor surface. The adjuster ensures stable pedal operation and facilitates pedal effect control. If the adjuster is not in firm contact with the floor surface, distorted sound may result. ■ After completing the assembly, please check the following. • Are there any parts left over? ➔ Review the assembly procedure and correct any errors. • Is the Clavinova clear of doors and other movable fixtures? ➔ Move the Clavinova to an appropriate location. • Does the Clavinova make a rattling noise when you shake it? ➔ Tighten all screws. • Does the pedal box rattle or give way when you step on the pedals? ➔ Turn the adjuster so that it is set firmly against the floor. • Are the pedal and power cords inserted securely into the sockets? ➔ Check the connection. • If the main unit creaks or is otherwise unsteady when you play on the keyboard, refer to the assembly diagrams and retighten all screws. 36 CVP-202 N Den Spannungswähler einstellen. Bevor Sie nun das Netzkabel anschließen, müssen Sie den Spannungswähler (falls vorhanden) auf die örtliche Netzspannung einstellen. Zum Verstellen drehen Sie den Spannungswähler mit einem Schlitzschraubendreher, bis der richtige Spannungswert (110, 127, 220 oder 240) an der Pfeilmarkierung steht. Bei der Auslieferung werden alle Instrumente mit Spannungswähler auf “240” voreingestellt. Wenn Sie die geeignete Spannung ausgewählt haben, führen Sie das Netzkabel über die Rückwand und stecken ein Ende des Netzkabels in die Gerätebuchse AC INLET (Wechselstrom-Anschluß) und das andere Ende in eine Wandsteckdose. Einigen Geräten ist ein Adapter zum Anschließen an Wandsteckdosen mit einer anderen Anschlußbelegung beigepackt. VORSICHT • Ein falsch eingestellter Spannungswähler kann zur Beschädigung des CVP-202 führen oder zu einem unsachgemäßen Betrieb. M Justieren Sie schließlich noch den Höhenversteller. Zur Stabilisierung ist an der Unterseite des Pedalkastens (C) ein Höhenversteller vorgesehen. Schrauben Sie den Höhenversteller heraus, bis er fest auf dem Fußboden steht. Der Höhenversteller sorgt für stabile Pedalbetätigung und ermöglicht eine präzise Regelung des Betätigungshubs. Wenn er nicht fest auf dem Boden steht, können beim Treten der Pedale Klangverzerrungen auftreten. ■ Wenn der Zusammenbau beendet ist, prüfen Sie bitte folgende Dinge: • Sind Teile übrig geblieben? ➔ Gehen Sie den Vorgang des Zusammenbaus noch einmal durch und korrigieren Sie eventuelle Fehler. • Befindet sich das Clavinova weit genug von Türen und anderen beweglichen Vorrichtungen entfernt? ➔ Bewegen Sie das Clavinova an einen entsprechend sicheren Ort. • Macht das Clavinova Klappergeräusche, wenn Sie es schütteln? ➔ Ziehen Sie alle Schrauben fest. • Klappert der Pedalkasten oder gibt er nach, wenn Sie das Pedal treten? ➔ Drehen Sie den Höhenversteller, bis er fest auf dem Fußboden steht. • Sind Pedal-und Netzkabel richtig an den Buchsen angeschlossen? ➔ Prüfen Sie die Verbindung. • Wenn die Tastatureinheit knarrt oder beim Spielen wackelt, betrachten Sie die Abbildungen und ziehen Sie alle Schrauben noch einmal nach. VORSICHT • Fassen Sie zum Umstellen des Instruments nach dem Zusammenbau stets unter das Gehäuse; heben Sie es NIEMALS am oberen Teil oder an der Tastaturabdeckung. Bei Nichtbeachtung dieses Punkts kann das Instrument beschädigt und im Extremfall eine Verletzung hervorgerufen werden. PRECAUTION • Pour déplacer l’instrument après le montage, toujours tenir l’instrument par la surface inférieure, JAMAIS par le dessus ou le couvercle. Une mauvaise manipulation peut provoquer des dommages ou des blessures. CUIDADO CAUTION • When moving the instrument after assembly, always hold the lower surface of the main unit, NEVER the top portion or keyboard cover. Improper handling can result in damage to the instrument or personal injury. N Sélecteur de tension Avant de connecter le cordon d’alimentation, vérifiez le réglage du sélecteur de tension qui est prévu pour certaines régions. Pour régler le sélecteur sur 110 V, 127 V, 220 V ou 240 V, utilisez un tournevis à lame plate pour tourner le cadran du sélecteur afin de mettre l’indication correspondant à la tension de votre région vis à vis du repère triangulaire situé sur le panneau. Le sélecteur de tension est réglé sur 240 V au départ d’usine. Après avoir sélectionné la tension qui convient, faites glisser le câble d’alimentation de CA par dessus le panneau arrière et branchez-le dans l’AC INLET (prise de CA), puis branchez l’autre extrémité dans une prise murale de CA. Vous pouvez également dans certains cas avoir recours à un adaptateur de prise en fonction de la configuration des prises murales de CA de votre pays. • Cuando mueva el instrumento después del montaje, sujete siempre la unidad principal por su superficie inferior, NUNCA por la parte superior ni por la cubierta del teclado. La manipulación indebida puede causar daños al instrumento o lesiones al usuario. N Selector de tensión Antes de conectar el cable de alimentación de CA, compruebe el ajuste del selector de tensión que se incorpora para ciertos destinos. Para ajustar el selector a 110V, 127V, 220V ó 240V de la red de alimentación, emplee un destornillador de cabeza recta “-” para girar el selector de modo que la tensión correcta de su zona aparezca al lado del indicador del panel. El selector de tensión se ajusta a 240V cuando la unidad sale de fábrica. Cuando haya seleccionado la tensión correcta, deslice el cable de alimentación por encima del panel trasero y conéctelo a la toma AC INLET (entrada de CA); a continuación, conecte el otro extremo del cable a una toma de corriente. En algunos países también podrá suministrarse un adaptador de clavija para permitir su conexión a las tomas de corriente locales. PRECAUTION • Un mauvais réglage de la tension peut gravement endommager le CVP-202 ou entraîner des dysfonctionnements. M N’oubliez pas de régler la hauteur du pédalier Pour assurer la stabilité du pédalier (C), un dispositif de réglage a été prévu à sa partie inférieure. Tournez ce dispositif jusqu’à ce qu’il soit en contact ferme avec la surface du sol. Ce dispositif assure la stabilité du pédalier lors de son utilisation et facilite la commande au pied des effets. Si ce dispositif n’est pas en contact ferme avec le sol, il pourra se produire une distorsion du son. ■ Lorsque le montage est terminé, veuillez mener à bien les vérifications suivantes. • Reste-t-il des pièces non utilisées? ➔ Passer en revue la procédure de montage et corriger toute erreur éventuelle. • Le Clavinova est-il placé à l’écart des portes et de toute autre structure mobile? ➔ Déplacer le Clavinova vers un emplacement approprié. • Lorsque vous secouez quelque peu le Clavinova, entendez-vous un cliquetis? ➔ Serrer convenablement toutes les vis. • Le pédalier fait-il du bruit ou s’écarte-t-il lorsque vous appuyez sur les pédales? ➔ Tourner le stabilisateur de sorte que le Clavinova repose fermement sur le sol. • Les cordons des pédales et d’alimentation sont-ils bien enfoncés dans les prises? ➔ Vérifier toutes les connexions. • Si la partie principale de l’appareil craque ou est instable lorsque vous jouez sur le clavier, consulter les diagrammes de montage et resserrer toutes les vis. CUIDADO • Un ajuste incorrecto de la tensión podrá ocasionar daños graves al instrumento CVP-202 o provocar un funcionamiento defectuoso. M Asegúrese de ajustar el ajustador. Para la estabilidad del aparato, se proporciona un ajustador en la parte inferior de la caja de pedales (C). Gire el ajustador hasta que contacte firmemente con el suelo. El ajustador asegura una operación estable de los pedales y facilita el control del efecto de los pedales. Si el ajustador no contacta firmemente con el suelo, puede resultar en sonido distorsionado. ■ Cuando haya concluido el montaje, compruebe los siguientes puntos: • ¿Ha quedado alguna pieza sin instalar? ➔ Revise el procedimiento de montaje y corrija cualquier error que se haya podido cometer. • ¿Está el Clavinova alejado del recorrido de puertas y muebles? ➔ Traslade el Clavinova a una posición adecuada. • ¿Suena algún ruido de holgura cuando se mueve el Clavinova? ➔ Apriete con firmeza todos los tornillos. • ¿Vibra o cede la caja de pedales cuando se pisan los pedales? ➔ Gire el estabilizador hasta que apoye firmemente sobre el suelo. • ¿Están perfectamente insertados los cables de pedal y alimentación en los conectores? ➔ Revise las conexiones. • Si la unidad principal cruje o presenta algún signo de inestabilidad cuando se toca el teclado, consulte los esquemas de montajee y vuelva a apretar todos los tornillos. CVP-202 37 Specifications / Technische Daten /○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Spécifications / Especificationes KEYBOARD 88 keys (A–1 — C7) TONE GENERATOR AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) MAXIMUM SIMULTANEOUS POLYPHONY 64 VOICES Clavinova voices: 243 XG voices: 480 Drum Kits: 14 sets Voice Groups: PIANO&HARPSI., E.PIANO, ORGAN&ACCORDION, PERCUSSION, GUITAR, BASS, BRASS, WOOD WIND, STRINGS, CHOIR&PAD, SYNTH., XG Dual, Split EFFECTS Reverb: 23 types Chorus: 15 types Effect: 92 types ACCOMPANIMENT STYLES Rhythm Styles: 134 Pianist Styles: 36 Custom Styles: 4 Style Groups: POP&ROCK, POPBALLADS, DANCE, SWING&JAZZ, R&B, COUNTRY, LATIN, MARCH&WORLD, WALTZ, BALLROOM, PIANIST, DISK/CUSTOM Controls: Intro, Main A, Main B ,Main C, Main D, Auto-fill, Ending, Fade in/out, Synchro, Start/Stop, Tap, Metronome, Tempo –/+ AUTO ACCOMPANIMENT Music Database: 463 Single Finger, Multi Finger, Fingered1, Fingered2, Full Keyboard, Harmony, One Touch Setting, Chord Assist, Synchro Stop, Individual Part Volume Control (Mixer) REGISTRATION Bank A – E x 4 memory locations (20), Freeze SONG PLAY MODE Song Playback, Repeat, Volume control of individual Parts (Mixer) Controls: Song, Play/Stop, Rewind, Fast forward, Pause Guide Control: Easy Play, Next Note, Sound Repeat Lyric Display, Piano Roll Display, Keyboard Guide Lamps SONG RECORD MODE Quick Recording, Track Recording, Chord Sequence, Song Name, Track Edit, Initial Edit, Setup Memory LCD/CONTROLS 240 x 64 dot liquid crystal display, Contrast dial, Beat lamp, Function button, Mixer button, Page < > buttons, Direct Access button, LCD buttons, data dial, –/+ buttons, Exit button VOLUME CONTROLS Master volume, Acmp/Song volume DEMO/HELP 50 Demo Songs; 5 help languages (English, Japanese, German, French, Spanish) DISK DRIVE PEDAL CONTROLS 38 3.5-inch micro floppy disk drive RIGHT Damper CENTER Sostenuto LEFT Soft, Start/Stop, Harmony, Registration, Registration Freeze, Ending/rit, Break, Break Fill, Bass Hold, Fade In/Out, Effect Variation, Glide JACKS AND TERMINALS PHONES jacks x 2, AUX OUT jacks (L/L+R, R), AUX IN jacks (L/L+R, R), TO HOST terminal, MIDI terminals (IN, OUT, THRU) INPUT/OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS AUX OUT: Output Impedance: 600 Ω AUX IN: Input Impedance: 10 kΩ; Input Sensitivity: –10 dBm MAIN AMPLIFIERS 80W (40W x 2) SPEAKERS 16cm x 2, 5cm x 2 DIMENSIONS (W x D x H) Music rest down: 1394mm x 561mm x 845mm (54-7/8" x 22-1/16" x 33-1/4") Music rest up: 1394mm x 561mm x 1017mm (54-7/8" x 22-1/16" x 40-1/16") WEIGHT 56.0kg (123lbs., 7oz.) • Specifications and descriptions in this owner’s manual are for information purposes only. Yamaha Corp. reserves the right to change or modify products or specifications at any time without prior notice. Since specifications, equipment or options may not be the same in every locale, please check with your Yamaha dealer. • Die technischen Daten und Beschreibungen in dieser Bedienungsanleitung dienen nur der Information. Yamaha Corp. behält sich das Recht vor, Produkte oder deren technische Daten jederzeit ohne vorherige Ankündigung zu verändern oder zu modifizieren. Da die technischen Daten, das Gerät selbst oder Sonderzubehör nicht in jedem Land gleich sind, setzen Sie sich im Zweifel bitte mit Ihrem Yamaha-Händler in Verbindung. CVP-202 • Les caractéristiques techniques et les descriptions du mode d’emploi ne sont données que pour information. Yamaha Corp. se réserve le droit de changer ou modifier les produits et leurs caractéristiques techniques à tout moment sans aucun avis. Du fait que les caractéristiques techniques, les équipements et les options peuvent différer d’un pays à l’autre, adressez-vous au distributeur Yamaha le plus proche. • Las especificaciones y descripciones de este manual del propietario tienen sólo el propósito de servir como información. Yamaha Corp. se reserva el derecho a efectuar cambios o modificaciones en los productos o especificaciones en cualquier momento sin previo aviso. Puesto que las especificaciones, equipos u opciones pueden no ser las mismas en todos los mercados, solicite información a su distribuidor Yamaha. Clavinova Web site (English only) http://www.yamahaclavinova.com/ Yamaha Manual Library http://www2.yamaha.co.jp/manual/english/ M.D.G., Pro Audio & Digital Musical Instrument Division, Yamaha Corporation © 2003 Yamaha Corporation WA54890 3??PO???.?-01A0 Printed in Indonesia ">

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