Fellowes Powershred® 74C Cross-Cut Shredder Manuel utilisateur
POWERSHRED 74C ® Please read these instructions before use. Do not discard: keep for future reference. Veuillez lire ces instructions avant d’utiliser l’appareil. Ne pas jeter : conserver afin de consulter les directives ultérieurement, en cas de besoin. Lea estas instrucciones antes del uso. No las deseche: consérvelas como referencia futura. Please read these instructions before use. Do not discard: keep for future reference. Veuillez lire ces instructions avant d’utiliser l’appareil. Ne pas jeter : conserver afin de consulter les directives ultérieurement, en cas de besoin. Lea estas instrucciones antes del uso. No las deseche: consérvelas como referencia futura. Quality Office Products Since 1917 ENGLISH Model 74C A. F. G. B. KEY C. D. E. I. A. Shredder head E. Pull-out bin I. Control switch and LEDs B. See safety instructions F. Disconnect power switch R 1. Reverse C. Paper entry 1. OFF O 2. OFF D. Window 2. ON I 3. Auto-On (green) G. CD/Credit Card Safety Flap 4. Paper jam (red) H. Safety lock (inside) 5. Door Open (red) 6. Overheat (red) 7. Safety lock (yellow) CAPABILITIES Will shred: Paper, credit cards, staples, paper clips, CD/DVDs and junk mail. Will not shred: Adhesive labels, continuous form paper, transparencies, newspaper, cardboard, laminates, file folders, X-rays or plastic other than noted above Paper shred size: Cross-Cut ................................................................5/32 in. x 1-1/2 in. (3.9mm x 38mm) Maximum: Sheets per pass ........................................................................................................... 14* Cards/CDs per pass ......................................................................................................... 1 Paper width...................................................................................................9 in./229mm * 20lb., 8.5 inches x11 inches (75g) paper at 120v, 60 Hz, 4.0Amps; heavier paper, humidity or other than rated voltage may reduce capacity. Recommended daily usage rates: 500 sheets; 10 cards; 10 CDs. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS — Read Before Using! UÊ ii«Ê>Ü>ÞÊvÀÊV `ÀiÊ>`Ê«iÌðÊii«Ê >`ÃÊ>Ü>ÞÊvÀÊ«>«iÀÊ entry. Always set to off or unplug when not in use. UÊ ii«ÊvÀi}ÊLiVÌÃÊqÊ}ÛiÃ]ÊiÜiÀÞ]ÊVÌ }]Ê >À]ÊiÌV°ÊqÊ>Ü>Þ from shredder openings. If object enters top opening, switch to Reverse (R) to back out object. UÊ Never use aerosol products, petroleum based lubricants or other flammable products on or near shredder. Do not use canned air on shredder. UÊ ÊÌÊÕÃiÊvÊ`>>}i`ÊÀÊ`iviVÌÛi°ÊÊÌÊ`Ã>ÃÃiLiÊà Ài``iÀ°Ê Do not place near or over heat source or water. UÊ "«iÀ>Ì]Ê>Ìi>Vi]Ê>`ÊÃiÀÛViÊÀiµÕÀiiÌÃÊ>ÀiÊVÛiÀi`ÊÊ the instruction manual. Read the entire instruction manual before operating shredders. UÊ / ÃÊà Ài``iÀÊ >ÃÊ>ÊÃViVÌÊ*ÜiÀÊ-ÜÌV Ê­®ÊÌ >ÌÊÕÃÌÊLiÊÊÌ iÊ" Ê­®Ê position to operate shredder. In case of emergency, move switch to OFF (O) «ÃÌ°Ê/ ÃÊ>VÌÊÜÊÃÌ«Êà Ài``iÀÊi`>ÌiÞ°Ê UÊ Û`ÊÌÕV }ÊiÝ«Ãi`ÊVÕÌÌ}ÊL>`iÃÊÕ`iÀÊà Ài``iÀÊ i>`° UÊ ÊÌÊ«ÕÌÊvÀi}ÊLiVÌÃÊÊ«>«iÀÊiÌÀÞ° UÊ - Ài``iÀÊÕÃÌÊLiÊ«Õ}}i`ÊÌÊ>Ê«À«iÀÞÊ}ÀÕ`i`ÊÜ>ÊÕÌiÌÊÀÊÃViÌÊvÊ Ì iÊÛÌ>}iÊ>`Ê>«iÀ>}iÊ`iÃ}>Ìi`ÊÊÌ iÊ>Li°Ê/ iÊ}ÀÕ`i`ÊÕÌiÌÊÀÊ ÃViÌÊÕÃÌÊLiÊÃÌ>i`Êi>ÀÊÌ iÊiµÕ«iÌÊ>`Êi>ÃÞÊ>VViÃÃLi°ÊiÀ}ÞÊ converters, transformers, or extension cords should not be used with this product. UÊ ,Ê<,ÊqÊÊ "/Êà Ài`Ê}ÀiiÌ}ÊV>À`ÃÊÜÌ ÊÃÕ`ÊV «ÃÊÀÊL>ÌÌiÀið UÊ For indoor use only. 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Continuous operation beyond 10-12-minutes will trigger 20-minute cool down period. 2 4 3 6 5 7 or Plug in and put disconnect power switch in ON (I) position Set to Auto-On (I) Feed into paper entry and release /Êà Ài`Ê ÃÊÀÊVÀi`ÌÊ Hold card/CD at edge cards, rotate safety flap in CD flap into place Feed into center of entry and release Set to Off (O) TROUBLESHOOTING A. Safety lock: Make sure safety lock is in unlock position B. Paper jam: Either press Reverse (R) and remove paper or follow Jam Buster instructions below C. Overheat: Wait 20 minutes for motor to cool down A B C D D. Door open: Make sure bin is pushed in Paper jam: Set to Off (O) and empty bin. Replace bin and follow the procedures below. 1 2 Press and hold Reverse (R) 4 3 Set to Off (O) If unable to remove paper, alternate slowly back and forth between Auto-On (I) and Reverse (R) Gently pull uncut paper from paper entry. 6 5 Gently pull uncut paper from paper entry. BASIC PRODUCT MAINTENANCE OILING SHREDDER ÊVÀÃÃVÕÌÊà Ài``iÀÃÊÀiµÕÀiÊÊvÀÊ«i>Ê performance. If not oiled, a machine may experience diminished sheet capacity, intrusive noise when shredding and could ultimately ÃÌ«ÊÀÕ}°Ê/Ê>Û`ÊÌ iÃiÊ«ÀLiÃ]ÊÜiÊ recommend you oil your shredder each time you empty your waste bin. FOLLOW OILING PROCEDURE BELOW AND REPEAT TWICE 1 3 2 Set to Off (O) *Apply oil across entry Set to Reverse (R) 2-3 seconds *Only use a non-aerosol vegetable oil in long nozzle container such as Fellowes 35250 LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY Limited Warranty: Fellowes, Inc. (“Fellowes”) warrants the parts of the machine to be free of defects in material and workmanship and provides service and support for 1 year from the date of purchase by the original consumer. Fellowes warrants the cutting blades of the machine to be free from defects in material and workmanship for 5 years from the date of purchase by the original consumer. If any part is found to be defective during the warranty period, your sole and exclusive remedy will be repair ÀÊÀi«>ViiÌ]Ê>ÌÊiÜiýʫÌÊ>`ÊiÝ«iÃi]ÊvÊÌ iÊ`iviVÌÛiÊ«>ÀÌ°Ê/ ÃÊÜ>ÀÀ>ÌÞÊ`iÃÊÌÊ>««ÞÊÊ cases of abuse, mishandling, failure to comply with product usage standards, shredder operation using an improper power supply (other than listed on the label), or unauthorized repair. Fellowes reserves the right to charge the consumers for any additional costs incurred by Fellowes to provide parts or services outside of the country where the shredder is initially sold by an authorized reseller. ANY IMPLIED 7,, /9]Ê 1 Ê //Ê "Ê , //9Ê ",Ê / --Ê ",Ê Ê *,/ 1,Ê *1,*"-]Ê -Ê ,9Ê/Ê Ê1,/" Ê/"Ê/Ê**,"*,/Ê7,, /9Ê*,"Ê-/Ê",/Ê"6°ÊÊÊ iÛiÌÊà >ÊiÜiÃÊLiÊ>LiÊvÀÊ>ÞÊVÃiµÕiÌ>ÊÀÊV`iÌ>Ê`>>}iÃÊ>ÌÌÀLÕÌ>LiÊÌÊÌ ÃÊ«À`ÕVÌ°Ê / ÃÊÜ>ÀÀ>ÌÞÊ}ÛiÃÊÞÕÊëiVvVÊi}>ÊÀ} ÌðÊ/ iÊ`ÕÀ>Ì]ÊÌiÀÃ]Ê>`ÊV`ÌÃÊvÊÌ ÃÊÜ>ÀÀ>ÌÞÊ>ÀiÊ Û>`ÊÜÀ`Ü`i]ÊiÝVi«ÌÊÜ iÀiÊ`vviÀiÌÊÌ>ÌÃ]ÊÀiÃÌÀVÌÃ]ÊÀÊV`ÌÃÊ>ÞÊLiÊÀiµÕÀi`ÊLÞÊV>Ê law. For more details or to obtain service under this warranty, please contact us or your dealer. 3 FRANÇAIS Modèle 74C A. F. G. B. TOUCHE C. I. D. FPO E. °Ê/kÌiÊ`jV µÕiÌiÕÃiÊÊ E. Contenant amovible I. Interrupteur et DEL B. Consultez les F. Sectionneur R 1. Inversion instructions de sécurité 1. ,,/ Ê "Ê Ó°Ê,,/ C. Entrée de papier 2. MARCHE Ê Ê Î°ÊÃiÊiÊ>ÀV iÊ>ÕÌ>̵ÕiÊ­ÛiÀÌi® °ÊikÌÀi G. CD/Carte de crédit Rabat 4. Blocage de papier (rouge) de sécurité 5. Porte ouverte (rouge) H. Verrouillage de sécurité 6. Surchauffe (rouge) (intérieur) 7. Verrouillage de sécurité (jaune) CAPACITÉS Déchiquette : papier, cartes de crédit, agrafes, trombones, CD/DVD et courrier-déchet. Ne déchiquette pas :ÊÊj̵ÕiÌÌiÃÊ>` jÃÛiÃ]Ê«>«iÀÊ`iÊvÀÕ>ÀiÊVÌÕ]Ê>VjÌ>ÌiÃ]Ê ÕÀ>ÕÝ]ÊV>ÀÌ]ÊÃÌÀ>ÌvjÃ]Ê`ÃÃiÀÃ]ÊÀ>`}À>« iÃÊÕÊ«>Ã̵ÕiÊ>ÕÌÀiʵÕiÊViʵÕÊiÃÌÊ`µÕjÊ plus haut. Taille de déchiquetage du papier : Coupe croisée .....................................................5/32 po. x 1-1/2 po. (3,9 mm x 38 mm) Maximum : Feuilles par passage .................................................................................................... 14* Cartes par passage .......................................................................................................... 1 Largeur d'entrée de papier ........................................................................9 po. (229 mm) * papier de 75 g (20 lb) mesurant 21,59 x 27,94 cm (8,5 x 11 po), à 120 V, 60 Hz, 4,0 A; un papier «ÕÃÊÕÀ`]ʽ Õ`ÌjÊiÌÊÕiÊÌiÃÊ>ÕÌÀiʵÕiÊ>ÊÌiÃÊ>iÊ«iÕÛiÌÊÀj`ÕÀiÊ>ÊV>«>VÌj°Ê/>ÕÝÊ ÀiV>`jÊ`½ÕÌÃ>ÌʵÕÌ`iiÊ\ÊxääÊDÊ£äÊ«>ÃÃ>}iÃÊ`iÊ«>«iÀÆÊ£äÊV>ÀÌiÃÆÊ£äÊ Ã° AVERTISSEMENT : IMPORTANTES INSTRUCTIONS DE SÉCURITÉ — À lire avant d’utiliser ! UÊ >À`iâÊ ÀÃÊ`iÊ>Ê«ÀÌjiÊ`iÃÊiv>ÌÃÊiÌÊ`iÃÊ>>ÕÝÊ`iÃ̵ÕiðÊ>À`iâÊiÃÊ >ÃÊj}jiÃÊ`iÊ¿iÌÀjiÊ`ÕÊ«>«iÀ°Ê,j}iâÊÌÕÕÀÃʽ>««>ÀiÊDÊ¿>ÀÀkÌÊÕÊ `jLÀ>V iâiÊÀõսʽiÃÌÊ«>ÃÊÕÌÃj° UÊ iÌÌiÊ`jV µÕiÌiÕÃiÊiÃÌÊ`ÌjiÊ`¿ÕÊÃiVÌiÕÀÊ­®ÊµÕÊ`ÌÊkÌÀiÊiÊ«ÃÌÊ MARCHE (I) pour pouvoir fonctionner. 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