ESAB PROTIG 315 INVERTER Manuel utilisateur
Programmerbar TIG-svetsutrust- ning Programmable Ti welding eq ment Programmierbare G-SchweiBausrüstung Equipement de soudage ПС р Bruksanvisning och reservdelsfórtackning Instruction manual and spare parts list Betriebsanweisung und Ersatzteilverzeichnis Manuel d'instructions et liste de pieces détachées 442 446-001 9312 INNEHALLSFORTECKNING TEKNISK BESKRIVNING INSTALLATION DRIFT UNDERHALL RESERVDELSFORTECKNING MATTSKISS SCHEMA RESERVDELSFORTECKNING LIST OF CONTENTS TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION OPERATION MAINTENANCE SPARE PARTS LIST DIMENSION DRAWING DIAGRAM SPARE PARTS LIST a - = = в о фо в и HF 4 & в к А Ноа в к он U un + + # 4 4 + Ww а & вк вин н.в & Е Е и Ее Е FE 1 U я п от + + + = +: ¥ gf Fr + I N + == « +» =: + + нок о кок ок ок ок он он ов ох обо ® = т о т в в т а ко Раде .. 14 21 24 25 70 54 55 WARTUNG INHALTVERZEICHNIS TECHNISCHE BESCHREIBUNG INSTALLATION BETRIEB ERSATZTEILVERZEICHNIS MASSBILD SCHALTPLAN ERSATZTEILVERZEICHNIS SOMMAIRE DESCRIPTION TECHNIQUE INSTALLATION MISE EN MARCHE ENTRETIEN SCHEMA LISTE DE PIECES DETACHEES Ratt till Andring av specifikationer utan avisering forbehatles Rights reserved to aller specifications without notice Anderungen vorbehalten Sous réserve de modifications sans avis préalable APA2-11A 940114 - 2 aaa 50 + я и и ян ® о от от о # & + EI и E и и яч т о т *%* = & gf Е и о Е u LISTE DE PIECES DETACHEES COTES D'ENCOMBREMENT .. Seite 26 34 37 38 54 55 . 70 Page . 39 46 49 50 ‚ 70 ‚ 54 55 ‚ 70 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The PRO-TIG 315 INVERTER is a computerized TIG welding machine, with facilities for programming welding sequences, storing welding programs and transferring them between similar items of equipment. It is intended for use with the PRB/PRC/PRD/PRE/PRG/PRI tube welding tools and the MTC20/MEI20 wire feed units, or with the POA/PIA/POB tubeplate welding tools or TIG A25 welding system. It can also be used together with TIG hand torches. It complies with all requirements of IEC 974 standards. TECHNICAL DATA Programmable TIG-welding equipment Permissible load {DC) for welding power source Duty cycle% Current (A) Voltage (V) Permissible load (DC) for welding tool Operating range (DC) Maximum open-circuit voltage No-load power consumption Ambient temperature: during transport during welding Relative atmospheric humidity: up to 50% up to 90%, only during storage Temperature ciass Enclosure type Efficiency and power factor Mains voltage fluctuation No. of program sectors Memory capacity Battery backup 100 60 35 200 250 315 18 20 23 see sep. instructions 5 - 315 À 67 V 500 - 600 W -25°C - + 55°C -10°С - +40°С а! + 40°С at + 20°C F (155°C) IP 23 AF See on page 51 Less than 2 A variation in welding current for 10% vari- ation in mains suppiy voltage 1-999 approx. 150 programs 2 years - 44 - apaîdtea 940114 A TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The PROTIG 315 INVERTER consists of, see picture on this page Control unit (front), see picture on page 16 . Power unit with high-frequency unit . Electronic unit, see picture on page 19 Cooling unit . Programming unit, see picture on page 20 Rear panel, see picture on page 17 SOTA WN = = apafdp03 - 45 - apañdiea 240114 A TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Welding equipment (at the front on the machine) contains: See picture on this page | 1 Switch (K6.1) (Dr SEN for mains voltage (0 and TIG) [3 — © 2 Indicating lamp (white) (K38.1) indicates Power On/Off 7 — _ И 3 Indicating lamp (white) (K38.3) y indicates Cooling unit On/Off ( о 4 Switch (K6.2) ==> == V — for cooling unit On/Off € › с | © 3 5 Central connection (IK97) = == > providing gas and current con- ¢ ; —— 4 nections for the welding cable - to a hand torch 19 — © © | (©) 5 6 Socket, 15-pole, "RECORDER (A36) for connection to a recording | ——e 6 printer 7 7 37-pole ”COMMUNICATION” ter- 10 —— e | a———|4 minal (A38) for connection to a personal computer or to EPSON JT В HX-20. The ESAB data base PROfile comes with the delivery = es Ss Q on flexible disks and can be in- = = stalled in a fully IBM-compatible PC (386 or better). The old EPSON HX-20 can also be connected. IMPORTANT! Neither the PC nor the EPSON HX-20 should be connected to the PROTIG while welding is going on. apa2dpid 8 Snap-on coupling for cooling water IN 9 Snap-on coupling for cooling water OUT 10 Socket, 32-pole, "PROGRAMMING UNIT” (A35) for connection to the programming unit 11 Light-emitting diode (green) (A 42) indicates control power ON 12 Terminal (K13) for connecting welding cabies - to TIG welding tool + to workpiece 13 Light-emitting diode (yellow) (K38.2) for indication of overvoltage and/or high temperature. 14 Remote control hand torch - 16 - apaîdfiea 940114 À TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION N.B. When welding with a tool without watercooling, use the water return coupling 442 811-880 (enclosed in the package) in order to make the water circulate. Rear panel of the welding equipment contains: see picture on this page © © : O AO | — -— —©& ¿mu GQ — © © PDO G- hb ——® wr es @- © | ë e © о © F223 55 o 5 O ano VOLTAGE O S 4 —i—6 юг в G+ ны ® F © apazdp0S 1 Socket, 6-pole, "ROBOT" (A49) for connection of robot. Also suitable for use as an emergency stop control connection, see on page 55 2 Socket, 7-pole, “PRB” (A47) for connection of PRB/PRC/PRE/PRG/PRI tube welding tool 3 Socket, 24-pole, “PIA/POA/MTC20/ME120" (A48) for connection of POA/PIA/POB tubepiate welding tool or MTC 20/ME! 20 wire feed unit and (if used) PRC/PRD/PRE/PRI/A25 tube weiding tool 4 Hose connection “ROOT GAS” for root gas OUT Socket, 2-pole, "ARC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT” (K82) for measurement of the arc voltage at the welding head. 6 Hose connection "ROOT GAS” for root gas IN 7 Hose connection "WELD GAS” for weld gas IN 8 Hose connection "START GAS” for start gas IN sn - 47 - apaîdiea 940114 À TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The power unit contains (item No. as shown on diagram): See on page 58 K52 K53 K21.1-6 K11 K8 K70.1 K77.1, 77.2 K1 K2.1 K2.2 K91.1,91.2 K12 K18 K31.1, 31.2 K11 K50.1-5 K28.1-2 K28.3 K69.1 apaZdiea 940114 A Control transformer for electronic equipment in the welding power source Control transformer for electronic equipment in the control unit Contro! circuit fuses Terminal block for mains connection Contactor with 42 V 50Hz/48V 60 Hz coil Electronic unit (circuit board) for control and regulation functions. Filter unit Transformer (weld circuit) Welding diode Free-wheel diode Transistor unit Inductor for reduced ripple voltage. Shunt ¢ Provides a voltage feedback signal proportional to welding current. e This signal is used by the control gear to maintain the welding current at the preset value. e The control gear also compensates for variations in welding current resulting from supply voltage variations. Thermal switch (overload protection) Protects the equipment against overheating resulting from over- load or failed/impaired cooling. It resets automatically when the components have cooled. Terminal block for mains voltage connection adjustments on page 22 Terminal block Fan, single-phase, for cooling of transistor unit Fan, singie-phase, for cooling the water in the water cooling unit. Suppressor unit (circuit board) for protection against voltage transients. - 18 - TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The electronic unit (circuit board rack) contains: See picture on this page (item numbers as shown on diagram) PTE CT = Li ОТ | © © A я a 147 Е ol lo elli E : о 9 o à lo — e Ne Li F0 apaïdp02 AM Counter board (circuit board) e Monitors the process together with the CPU board. ¢ Provides timing functions for welding, pulse and slope- up/down functions. ¢ Interfaces the keyboard and display to the computer. A03 CPU board with RWM 16 k byte and EPROM (circuit board) stores welding programs processes and implements instructions A06 1/0 board (circuit board) controls all activities and functions when welding A07 Connection board (circuit board) A08 Motor board (circuit board) for weaving motion A09 Motor board (circuit board) for wire feed motor control A10 Motor board (circuit board) for rotation motor control. Note that motor boards A08 - A10 are identical AIN Motor board (circuit board) for arc length control A12 Current reference board (circuit board) A13 Relay board (circuit board) with relays for opening and closing solenoid valves and start function A14 Backplane (circuit board) A16 Front RF! suppression board (circuit board) -19 - apaîdiea 940114 À TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION A17 A18 A21 E03 E09 E10 apaîdiea 940114 À Rear RFI suppression board (circuit board) Filter card for measurement of the arc voltage. Power supply unit Programming unit, see picture on this page and programming manual 442 446-005 for setting and programming welding parameters. e The numerical keys are used for setting values, e The parameter keys are used for selection of current (ampères), time (seconds) or speed (cm/min). Programmed values and units are shown on the display fl EEES Mee UN ro fe] [ee] 7 el EE) (DEE) FT Ele AN ри рн —ol EL : [ER SEM = El || = Л F x К. x N E x x e fi + apaëdp01 Hx-20 programmable microcomputer, portable, with printer and cassette tape unit. This unit complements the internal memory in the welding unit. Welding programs can be transferred to or from the electronic unit. Programs transferred (copied) from the welding program memory in the electronic unit remain available in the electronic unit. When transferring programs from the weiding pro- gram memory in the electronic unit, the original program always remains in the welding program library on CPU board A03. EPSON HX-20 was available up to Dec. 31 1993. It has now been replaced by the PROfile data base (see below), but EPSON can stili be con- nected to recent versions of PROTIG 315. PROfile data base is intended for storing and transmitting welding programs between PROTIG 315 and a fully IBM-compatible per- sonal computer. The communication between the PC and the PROTIG is serial. The connection is done between the 37-pole ”COMMUNICATION” terminal on the PROTIG and the 25-pole seria! port on the PC. In case the PC has a 9-pole serial port the adapter that comes with the delivery shall be used. IMPORTANT! Neither the PC nor the EPSON HX-20 should he con- nected to the PROTIG while welding is going on. - 20 - INSTALLATION INSTALLATION PROTIG 315 INVERTER is connected for 380 Y /400 Y as standard. The data plate showing the manufacturing serial number and connection in- structions is attached to the rear panel of the welding equipment. e © © » a © e 6 * 6 * e % Y — a MTC 20 wire feed unit, see instruction manual 154 432-007 MEI 20 wire feed unit, see instruction manual 441 457-001 PRB 3-20 tube welding tool, see instruction manual 154 432-009 PRB 18-220 tube welding tool, see instruction manual 154 432-005 PRC 18-220 tube welding tool, see instruction manual 333 596-001 PRD tube welding tool, see instruction manyai 333 807-001 PRE tube welding tool, see instruction manual 333 835-001 PRG tube welding tool, see instruction manual 441 813-001 PRI tube welding tool, see instruction manual 442 302-001 POA/PIA tubeplate welding tool, see instruction manual 332 414-010 POB tubeplate welding tool, see instruction manual 334 771-001 Automatic TIG welding machine A25, see instruction manual 441 916-001 Block diagram see Fig on page 55 For dimensions see Fig on page 54 Select a suitable position for installation of the PROTIG 315 INVERTER so that: e There is unobstructed circulation of cooling air through the ventilation openings. e Dust and metal particles cannot collect on it. e Moist air and corrosive fumes are not likely to be drawn in by the cooling fans. Check that the cooling unit tank contains coolant. Coolant: 50% water and 50% ethylene glycol. Fit chassis (if used) as shown in Fig on page 52 . Check that the equipment is connected far the correct mains supply and that the correct fuse rating is fitted. Recommended fuse sizes and conductor areas are as specified in Swedish standards. If other countries have different requirements, these must be fol- lowed Mains voltage Cable area Fuse 50 Hz 220V 4 mmé 25 A 380 V 2,5 20 415 2,5 20 500 2,5 20 The mains cable which is connected to the equipment is rated for mains sup- plies of 400 V or higher. If the equipment is connected to a 220 V supply, or it a longer mains cable is required, a coarser cable should be fitted. - 21... apa?diea 940114 A INSTALLATION 7 Connect PROTIG 315 INVERTER to a 3-phase supply, and make off the earth connection in accordance with regulations. The earth connection must be made to the bolt marked with the earth symbol in front of the mains terminal connection block K411. See the terminal connection arrangements for various supply voltages on this page and on the inside the of right-hand side cover. 416Y- Easy 3a8B/489V 488Y 238V Ч БВУ 70 BV A4BY apazdpi3 Pass the mains cable through the rear panel of the cooling unit. ® Connect the PROTECTIVE CONDUCTOR. See picture on this page. e apazdp20 Cooling unit Welding rectifier and + terminals, 8. Connect the welding current supply and return cables to the see on page 15. Ensure that the cables are properly secured to their terminals. When using extra long welding cables it may be necessary to use heavier e 9 the voltage drop. section cables in order to reduce s supply to the hose connections. 9, Connect the shielding ga RB/PRC/PRE/PRG/PRI tube welding tool to the 7-pole socket A47 marked “PRB” on the rear of the welding equipment, see on page 1/7. 10. Connect the P „22 - apaîdiea 940114 À INSTALLATION 11. Connect the MTC 20/MEI 20 wire feed unit, the PRC/PRD/PRE/PR! tube welding too! or the POA/PIA/POB tubeplate welding tool, to the 24-pole socket A 48 marked “PIA, POA, MTC 20, ME! 20” on the rear of the welding equipment, see on page 17. 12. Connect the programming unit to socket A 35, marked "PROGRAMMING UNIT” on the front of the equipment, see on page 16. - 23 - apa2diea 940114 A OPERATION OPERATION i See the OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS section in the relevant instructions for the welding tool in use. 2. Set the required welding data and program the equipment as described in the PROTIG 315 INVERTER programming manual, ordering no. 442 446-005, Welding e Check that cables, welding tool and return cable. are connected properly. e Check that a correctly ground electrode is fitted to the welding tool. e Set the gas flow rate, 5 - 10 litres/minute (argon 99,95). 9 Set the power switch to position 1. e Set the switch for the cooling unit to position 1. e Check that the air flow is not restricted. © Set all welding parameters as described in the instructions in the programming manual. - 24 - apa2diea 940114 A MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE IMPORTANT...It should be noted that all servicing should be carried out by ESAB AUTHORISED SERVICE TECHNICIANS. 1. Cleaning ¢ Remove dust as necessary by blowing clean with compressed air at re- duced pressure. 2. Battery replacement on the CPU board (A 03). The battery has a life of about 2500 hours. Remove the left side panel of the weiding equipment. Locate the CPU board A 03. This is the second board from the left in the rack. Remove it from the rack. ® Place the board, component side up, on an electrically insulating base. ¢ Remove the insulating sleeve from the battery connection that is not soldered in position. e Solder the battery connection to the connection point. ® Refit the board in the rack NOTE. It is very important to fit connectors the right way round and in their original place. * Check that all circuit boards are properly pushed home in the rack. ¢ Refit the side panel. Ordering Spare parts Spare parts are ordered through the nearest ESAB dealer. See the last page of this brochure. When ordering spare parts always state: 1. The machine model -PROTIG 315 INVERTER 2. The machine number 3. The denomination as given in the spare parts lists 4. The ordering number as given in the spare parts list This makes it easier to process your order and ensures a correct delivery. FRROR MESSAGES See programming manual ordering number 442 446-005, “Error messages”. Error messages are generated by the system for/in connection with: ¢ Incorrect programming e Exceeding current limits for the welding head and/or tachometer signals for the wire feed units. e (as and arc status indications. . 25. apa2dlea 940114 A Statisk karakteristik Static characteristics Statische Kennlinie Caractéristiques statiques Un М 100 BD 50 | 40 20 ox, 5 100 1150 e200 250 300 35016 Normerad belastningsspánning Normalised load voltage Normierte Belastungsspannung Cees Tension de charge normalisée her HEN À Verkningsgrad/Effektfaktor Efficiency/Power factor Wirkungsgrad und Leistungsfaktor Rendement et facteur puissance Up n vi À 90 1,0 40 0,0 — 30 06 20 04 Ю 02 | 0 50 100 8 200 20 300 3502 Normerad belastningsspánning Normalised load voltage Normierte Belastungsspannung ee... Tension de charge normalisée nn „50 - apa2alta 940114 A spaîdpié apa?dpi7 Monteringsanvisning - Assembly instruction - Bauanleitung - Instruc- tion de montage Vagn Trolley Wagen Chariot \ LT | / > 3 5 ARR — | | | * | apa2alía 940114 A Monteringsanvisning - Assembly instruction - Bauanleitung - Instruc- tion de montage Manóverláda Control box Bedienungskasten Coffret de commande 0000 0000 DUDO 000 CNEL DUDO 000 Ш [Г О00 —]—]] li 4 — OL шт fm nH 4 mf wma + mm 4 GE т тж 8 AA apazap0? apaîalta 840114 А - Máttskiss - Dimension drawing - Wiassbild - Cotes d'encombrement ol | | eo 7 7 642 Е a | = = y \ y TIE у apaîmpôl Vikt (exklusive vagn): 133 kg Weight (excl. trolley): 133 kg Gewicht(ohne Wagen): 133 kg Poids (sans chariot): 133 kg . 53. ара2т11а 940114 А Schema - Diagram - Schaltplan - Schema PROTIG 315 INVERTER Blockschema Block diagram Blockschaltbild Schéma synoptique 3 GP? 3 FOSO 43 NB A РА POR AS MTATASDIOS — ASre ТАСНОМЕТЕВ € ТАДОМАТМЫСЕМОТОЙ, VAE FEED MOTOR AMATIE { FRY ‹ FED TACHOMEIER § ) STRAINS < CLEFENT . ‚ LMT IDA ANIDSREBLERADTOR ANCANE { ARC LENOTH REG, HOFOR ARMATURE PEDO MOTOR AMIE YT WEAVE MOTOR TACHOMETER . HEMMALSSE { HOME POSITION START { ANGE PRE AFMAITLRE A ТАСНОЧЕТЕН - SCHEMA JE . HSH BAGSPRMNIG PATUTTAU AS VOLTAGE apazefia 940114 А © РК) - 54 - “ ode en 5, + A - La + A > GABINO mi Jo > ROOTGASVALVE aloinkiajala da > WELDGASVALVE 111211! 1117 > STARTDASVALYE BEdNRDBINDAD FOUT TS ga 7E {ir ACL7AN q y oO A. 1A 184” & WATER + m "Tale CRB ov “AN na E AA > TRAVA В > НАЗ > TRANS м © | B17 F———% TRAVTAGHA H = -Bz6 ed TRAVTACHS > ВАНО) & WREA 04 \ 73 WREB oy © ФАР }-----® 26V Ей b #813 $ WRETACHA F 3 i B16 > WTA E y T , NA? > WAELM u AB J $ ARCA y AB A Г AC w. ; Ав 7) —& WEAVA x = AS 2 * WEAVE Y- > -B5 4 WEAVTACHA Bif 1-——e WEAVIAO BH LE ; ne & POWERFAL K - — HELL — —é NOE 6 START J 3 2 ih A pg — — © ———6 410 pk rea 6 AT BAKRE AYSTORNEESHORT B53) à КОРОВ ; MELE, REARIT-SUFRRESSON CARS — Bas $———6 HEWEECT £) A > << De 87 4 € 1 ALS 35 64 wir iro Big, » TRAVEHA Ta М da > с a ment ge of A TE TERRORT E dd Je FLTERCNAD | # DF) ———§ ARCY- = a A= Ha fa - { Bi o E] | EZ EG1 STYRUTRUSTNNG „не CONTROL UNT I | _ on = ne * =X 535 5 iD - TS & ар = J 8 {F4 CF24 . ¿O Г E02 STROMKALLA — POWER SOURCE K70.1 apa2ep07 Schema - Diagram - Schaltplan - Schema PROTIG 315 INVERTER A21 MATNNOSENHE T SUPPLY UNT mo ALAS ATT ADERÄKSEKORT Io РРР а OOLNTER CAPO E > TE mias e - 3 (3 4 BAND Qu EL 4° A 5011 18: 4 -5 5 4 {À 6% "5 21 dl AS CA ‚8 $- Fe | ce y 9 3 € о D 10] dee B 4 8 ul CH + we y aio 12 Ue CU 8 13° P 134 N CN - 147 14 4 Je a 15 15 + <D dd 35% —.. — F16 6 © 5 7 17 Re ‚М 189 18 + те CT 197 18 <C 6 LE 203 [20 Kó ur 21 CA Ре E 227 22 Ye Y | 234. 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TTT I Hy Hue E ¡en y y aig! | Ë eve | 3 ; apateûta „ БТ - араге11а 940920 A apazepl1 Schema - Diagram - Schaltplan - Schéma 341 043 А8- А10 EOLYINQO™ HLAIMASTI NG > o a HH Я MOJYDIONS NAD NAO ; RAO NADO ¡ ANDUHAS ESIIXS 4 T ! ,; Evy i LIN ANBHUND | == 29 92 SEM ı AZI E- i 1a I с 05 52 pT Sed {LEY = т a E J pet 4 E esul pu zn SEN] 80 y; Es + E Eo Az» EH LEY i +311 ea1] [201 = Ni 5F Re Alte 1 += + = Ру Aci All. „| EU Es TEE tee =} or ai * 26 by a , | HILIMS GMYMXDVO/OMVMBO: 1 N = ¿tE Ir E " | | AG AD | = A ! A T * av o SIN ey +62 Neu 50 vO е= 7 i | DE 1 E 2 seu mis pere “> t e 6297 | BE sa zen | Fey I A ; 1 > I { 1 ! 50 { 1 | / 1 | 1 | / = * : / 1 \ ! 1 ! I) * MSI4FIOIM | | / С Сун a noi - aan = : i 1 05H > бы i “12 I md I \ I El f 1 zi0M O "o Boia no | LT, oi ! ; | a i | 1 | 3 2D зо 2} I I ! t == || 298 == isa * ! | : . 210 | HD | f {pe | | Жо в : 18 i ë gy | \ Se i po + | har AD A LINDSID BONSYZSBE | > { HAC pas creme re et mam ; ouf he AD AZ + | ; ров еб Ed UE eo | —E zo a. ! „гы fo! 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W7 + E A AD Le и pa + | se e sy | ire “и na al ло “= 5 = I H a a A 0 PT N Soar 3 AA ny 7 | n - we #920 a" | у a ez 1551 & | TT т ТУ Ш | Loria = Y 5 wr a $ ти Mi 24 voue A 7 iii? A LAICA apazep03 - 62 - apaZelia 940929 А Schema - Diagram - Schaltplan - Schéma 341 795 A 17 WIREA WIREB TRAVA TRAYE 28. ЗВ. TRAY TACHA 2M, aC. AC 42Al 26. 36, dE, AC4ZA ZR. IF. 4F. WATER IA WIRETACHA E. START 2H. HOME RE. MTC20 E5C3S6: 2p, —- MTC20 WIREL IM 2T. ARCA 2. ARCH WE AVA WE AVE WE AVTACHA HOUSING XX XX TACHB WATERRET HTE20 DCIBRET STARTRET HOMERET — HTC20 WIREUMRET WIRE TACHB RUNROB! 4A NEWSECTI 4B, RETURN 4h. TRAVE HAI 40, apañeila 940929 A 3 5 RIARZA RBARIN 6 4 LL i i €, Lae) A — EM Ao sci | = A7 -C2 o Road ea oy $ ÁS +: C4 ! ov Вст | £2 Lay a e “Bi Tie + Les res {26 == Fo Lov sia + + 2027 == С10 Toy Lav ho E = 028 За СН Tov To A Ca OV R3 А? Pen ay A5 As i Ав RS AS ES 1 4 N > 812 Hh В y ne + " —. MN: cz 5 fi Bia oy A | ICI + oy “4 22 I HEXTSEC ps ov К if El DA 102 7 у: ov Wi poza ‚ 87 jrs вым Ql. } +1. F2 5 ро т Les {7 ” 103 Q | ta? - + 02. » о * [ro ui + 2 TS ‚ o ЗАСТ2 ЗАСТ! 1ЮС 12 i0CH 10AIB AC 4ZAl AL 42Af 7A25-6B27 (0C D:22H 10} SAIS START/STOP FAOI (ZH :3,2H 271 DC 36 + GACIA HCI93 HA(9 ac! ВСН BAIG 9C16 8C16 tOCIS 7027-6828 [002-22H:2) 6C729 (0C3-22H :31 +BY 6RO4 [2C7=2AH 7} apszep04 Schema - Diagram - Schaltplan - Schéma 481 739 A 18 RE | u 01 Ф-+ 7% . LK 02 6 Io - Fi A CK 2 СВЕ! Fo В ÓGND MTI | | | KRETSKORT 481739-880 | apagep05 - 64 - apaZeita 940929 А DZ 8 suce DT CLANES 123 AR vz2U 4 ai 523 HH NH) ÑT3 > MOTEA 220 4 IAS Бе0 XxX CADA LE 4 JA еб л OE ЭВ о эле YY Y x= бб лож 88 м NEON NES MENA HE T MB Schema - Diagram - Schaltplan - Schéma 481 676 Е 03 apazapl& - 65 - apagefia 940929 À Schema - Diagram - Schaltplan - Schema À 21 157 045-001 -15:3 061514 | -17:4 OV *124 A B E o } Ei e q EL. a os olfeco) ово со) Ко о) [5.00] 00006 0502 XD [Tg 0 o и oA) | о о | |9 © о o se o P6 5 Ph Pi. 9 (35, KI o- {BEA} Md ый > à > > o ? © fr ó 3 я o o $ a 4 a ; de o o 3 о o | o te 8 a a ó o o REL . o la & 0 ° a 6 © е 19 o o © 9 o HI} ojo J ‚ FIN e lo o 6 76)-0 de о ао 8 о > 6 (45 1 RE? RET о R15 * 12:4 K3/2 Matningsenhet Power supply unit Stromversorgungseinheit Groupe d'alimentation Trimpotentiometer P1-P8 Trimming potentiometer P1-P8 Trimmpotentiometer P1-P8 Potentiomètre d'appoint P1-P8 Pi Justering av +5 Y nivá Adjustment of +5 Y level Einstellung +5 V-Niveau Pour le réglage du niveau +5 Y P2 Justering av strômgräns (+5 V Adjustment of current limit (+5 V) Einstellung Stromgrenze (+5 V) Pour le réglage de la limite de courant (+5 V) P3 Justering av +12 V nivä Adjustment of +12 V ievel Einstellung + 12 V-Niveau Pour le réglage du niveau +12 V P4 Justering av -12 V niva Adjustment of -12 Y level Einstellung -12 V-Niveau Pour le réglage du niveau -12 V apa?etta 940929 À ара?ер 14 P5 Justering av + 15 V nivä Adjustment of +15 V level Einstellung + 15 V-Niveau Pour le réglage du niveau +15 V PO Justering av -15 V nivá Adjustment of -15 Y level Einstellung -15 V-Niveau Pour le réglage du niveau -15 V P7 Justering av +8 V (óvervakning av +5, + 1-12 V) Adjustment of +8 V setting {monitoring +5 and +/-12 V supplies) Einstellung +8 V (überwachung von +5 und +/-12 V) Pour le réglage de +8 V (surveillance de +5 V, +/-12 V) Pa Justering av +8 V (ôvervakning av + 7-15 \} Adjustment of +38 Y setting (monitoring + 7-15 Y supplies) Einstellung +8 Y (úberwachung +/-15 \ Pour le réglage de +8 (surveillance de +/7-15 V) - 66 - Reservdeisfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pièces détachées Reservdelsforteckning Spare parts list Ersatzteilverzeichnis Liste de piéces détachées ningsnummer end, reservdelsforteckningen. Reservdelar bestidlls genom nármaste ESAB-representant, se sista sidan. Vid be- stálining v.v. uppge typ och lillverkningsnummer saml bensmningar och bestáll- Spare parts are lo be ordered Ihrough the nearest ESAB agency as per the fist on lhe back of lhe cover. Kindly Indicate type of unl, serlal number, denominalions, and ordering numbers acc. lo the spare paris list zeichnungen und Bestelinummern It, Ersafztellverzeichnis an. Die Ersatzteile kônnen bel der nichsten ESAB-Verfiretung bestellt werden, siehe tetzte Selle. Bitte geben Sie Typenbezeichnung und HerstelInummer sowle Be- Au dos de la brochure, vous trouverez l'adresse du représentant ESAB le plus pro- che. Priere du Jul adresser votre commande, aprés avolr pris le soin de mentionner le type et le numéro de série de Munité alnsi que le numéro de commande et la désignation conformément à fa iiste de pièces détachées. apaîsiia 940929 À Pos nr |Ant Best nr Anm Нет no j Qty Ordering no. Remarks Pos. Nr.jAnz 1|B3Bestelinr. Benämning Denomination | Bezeichnung Désignation |Anm. No. de |Qté No. de Remarquel réf. commande 442 079-880 |TiG-svetsut- TIG welding Programmier- |Equipement de rustning equipment bare WIG- soudage TIG programmer- [programmable |Schweiss- programmable bar ausristung i 1 442 137-880 ¡Programme- Programming |Programmier- ¡Unité de pro- ringsenhet unit einheit grammation 2 Effektenhet Power unit Leistungsein- |Unité de puis- heit sance 3 Bakstycke Rear panel Hinterseile Section arrière 4 Frontpiät Front panel Frontplatie Plaque frontale 5 Elektronikenhet (Electronic unit |Elektronikein- [Unité heit électronique 6 1 466 600-880 |Vagn, extra till- j Trolley, optio- |Untergesteil, Chariot, équip. behôr nal equipment |Sonderzubehór |en option 7 1 369 398-882 |Kylaggregat Cooling unit Kühlaggregat ¡Groupe refrigerant 8 1 443 345-001 ¡PROfile PROfile PROfile PROfile - 68 - Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pièces détachées apa?spl0 - 69 - зра25 11а 940929 А Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzelchnis - Liste de pièces détachées Pos nr [Ant Best nr Anm Hem no. Qty Ordering no. Remarks Pos, Nr.iAnz 1Bestelinr. Benämning Denomination | Bezeichnung Désignation ¡Anm. No. de |Qté No. de Remarque réf. commande 1 1 442 088-001 |Sidolucka Side cover Seitenluke Porte latérale ¡Right 2 1 366 295-004 |Elkopplare Switch Schalter interrupteur 16.1 1 192 576-004 |Signallampa Indicating lamp {Meldeleuchte |Lampe témoin |K38.1, 42 v DC 4 1 192 576-006 {Signallampa Indicating tamp |Meldeleuchte {Lampe témoin | КЗЗ.З, 220V 5 1 1366 295-006 |Elkopplare Switch Schalter Interrupteur K6.2 6 2 19367 258-880 |Uttag (svels- ¡Socket (wel- Steckdose Prise (courant |K97 strom) ding current) — ¡(Schweisstrom) ¡de soudage) 7 1 157 443-880 ¡Bandkabeldon |Twin feeder Bandkabelein- jConnecteur A36 unit heit cáble-ruban 7 193 103-401 |Bygelläs Ciamp locking Bigelverschlusd Verrou de bride 8 1 334 505-881 ¡Bandkabeldon |Twin feeder Bandkabelein- ¡Connecteur A38 unit heit cable-ruban 8 193 103-401 |Bygeliás Clamp locking Bügelverschlusg Verrou de bride 9 1 366 532-001 ¡Snabbkoppling |Snap-on coup- |Schnelikupp- Raccord rapide ling lung 10 1 366 532-001 |Snabbkoppling {Snap-on coup- {Schnellkupp- Raccord rapide ling lung 11 1 193 484-006 |Ulttag Socket Anschiuss Prise A35 i2 1 193 005-002 |Lysdiod LED Leuchtdiode Diode lumine- |[A42 scenie 13 2 1156 868-880 ¡Uttag (svets- |Sockel (wel- Steckdose Prise {courant iK 13 strom} ding current) (Schweisstrom} |de soudage) 14 i 442 092-880 |Frontpiát Front panel Frontptatie Plaque frontale 15 1 442 089-001 |Sidoiucka Side cover Seiten!uke Porte latérale [Left 16 1 193 666-032 |Lysdiod LED Leuchidiode Diode lumine- }K38.2 scente 17 368 557-002 |Handtag Handle Griff Poignée 18 1 1442 074-001 jinkopplingsan- {Connection in- jAnschlussan- {Instruction de vishing struction weisung connexion 19 i 442 453-001 |Hallare Holder Halterung Support 20 1 5385 009-02 |Hylsuttag Sieeve socket ¡Buchsensteck- {Prise femelle dose apa2siia 240029 A - 70 - Reservdelsfórteckning » Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pièces détachées 7 | > = 6 5 D 14 E | y 5 © O © Б 7 | O | yo! 3 |, © ® _ 9 == о 10 apaëspt1 71 - apa?sita 940929 À Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pièces détachées Pos nr {Ant Best nr Anin Item no Qty Ordering no. Remarks Pos. Nr.jAnz ¡Bestellnr, Benamning Denomination | Bezeichnung Désignation jAnm, No. de |Qté No. de Remarque réf. commande 1 1 1369 384-001 |Lyitôgla Lifting eye boit }Hebeôse Oeïilet de iev- age 2 369 033-001 {Tätningsbuss- ¡Sealing sleeve |Dichtungshúlse |Douille ning d'étanchéité 3 1 442 229-001 (Märkskylt Rating plate Erdungsbiech [Plague signalétique 4 Г 442 097-001 |ВаКкге plat Rear panel Rickteil Plaque arriere 5 1 332 966-880 {Stiftpropp Pin plug Stiftstecker Fiche mâle А49 6 1 332 762-880 {Stifipropp Pin plug Stiftstecker Fiche male A47 7 1 155 207-002 |Lock Cover plate Deckblech Couvercie 7 1 193 026-001 ¡Uttag Socket Anschluss Prise A48 8 1 441 285-002 ¡Uttag Socket Anschluss Prise K82 10 1 369 383-001 |Lyftögla Lifting eye bolt ¡Hehebse Ocillet de tev- age apaîsiia 940929 À - 72 - Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pièces détachées i 3 Ö ОВ 0 О) = == - = . 4 ® ® © © 5 © > A (à- 6 © o Y" ®- O bre (®- 7 8 -— O au © WIM (3 € © оо) Co CD C—O (CCT (CLT CCT CCT C2 ES Cd ETS a CL) LUD т) CS) TS C—O Cy Cr GT «QT ST CT) e CTY e с) с) O с) с) e CD 3 5 © © J | apa?spt2 - 73 - apa2siia 940922 A Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pièces détachées Pos nr |Ant Best nr Anm item noi Qty Ordering no. Remarks Pos. Nr.jAnz |Bestellnr. Benämning Denomination | Bezeichnung Désignation ¡Anm. No, de |Qté No. de Remarquej ref. commande 2 1 481 672-886 [ikretskort PC-board Platine Circuit imprimé |K70.1 3 2 15679 0601-32 |Säkring Fuse Sicherung Fusible 1A 4 2 15679 0901-11 |Säkring Fuse Sicherung Fusible 2A 5 5 1193 701-001 {Sakringshallare |Fuse holder Sicherungs- Porte-fusible K 21.1-3 halter 6 2 1369 033-001 |Tätningsbuss- [Sealing ting Dichtungsring |Bague ning d'étanchéité 7 2 1408 594-04 |Genomfóring {Grommet Durchführung {Traversée 8 1 367 437-001 {Varningsskylt Caution board |Warnschild Panneau de danger 9 1 368 622-001 [Lock Cover Deckel Couvercle 192 526-002 |Tätningslist Sealing strip Abdichtuna Joint d'étanchéité 10 1 468 477-001 ¡Fástskiva Mounting plate {Montageplatte |Plaque de fixa- tion 11 1 193 586-101 |Automatsák- Circuit breaker |Sicherungsau- |Fusible auto- [5 A ring tomat matique 12 1 369 378-001 |Skitiepiät intermediate |Zwischenplatte {Plaque plate interméd. 15 369 396-001 ¡Manóvertrans- ¡Control trans- ¡Steuertrafo Transformateur ¡400 V formator former de commande 10 1 1481 413-880 |Kretskort PC-board Platine Circuit imprimé | K96 17 1 191 409-033 ¡Isolerbricka Insulating was- |Isolierscheibe | Rondelle iso- her lante 18 1 366 575-001 | Galler Grating Gitter Grille 19 2 1321 220-002 |Genomforing {Grommet Durchführung {Traversée 20 i 193 045-003 Plint Connection Klemmieiste Plaque à bor- block nes 22 1 193 661-110 ¡Kondensalor Capacitor Kondensator Condensateur 23 1 366 694-001 |Stomledare Electric con- Stromieiter Conducteur ductor électrique 24 2 1193 316-008 {Likriktarbrygga [Rectifier bridge | Gleichrichter Pont redres- brücke seur 25 1 1368 639-001 |Isolerplatia Insulting plate |isolierpiatte Plaque isoiante 26 1 1442 099-880 ¡Botienplát Base plate Grundblech Plaque de base 27 1 369 382-001 ¡Fáste Mount Befestigung Fixation 28 367 258-880 |Centralansiut- ¡Central con- Zentralan Connexion cen- |TIG hing nection schluss trale 29 1 369 381-001 |Gälplät Gill plate Schlitzblech Plaque à bran- chies 30 1 442 137-880 |Mandverlada [Control device |Steuerkasten [Coffret de réglage 53 i 5679 001-15 {Sakring Fuse Sicherung Fusible 54 1 1442 244-881 |Ledningsstam [Cable stem Leitungsstamm | Tronc de {nat} {mains) (Netz) cables réseau 1 442 281-881 ¡Ledningssats [Cable set Kabelsatz Jeu de câbles 1 193 045-006 |Kopplingsplint |Connection Klemmbrett Plague à bor- |7-pol block nes 1 193 356-201 {Kontaktor Contactor Schütz Connecteur 1 193 260-150 |Kontaktdon Contact device ¡Stromrohr Connecteur 2-pol 1 193 260-155 |Kontakidon Contact device ¡Stromrohr Connecteur 7-pol 1 192 784-006 jHylspropp Sleeve plug Buchsen- Fiche femelte |4-pol stecker 2 1192 784-012 |Hylspropp Sleeve plug Buchsen- Fiche femelle }9-pol stecker 190 209-113 [Siang Hose Schlauch Tuyau 55 1 442 454-001 |Skydd Protection Abdeckung Protection apa?sila 940929 А - 74 - Reservdelsforteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pièces détachées 53 67 8 - 75 - apañsl ia 940928 À Reservdelsforteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pieces détachées apaZsita 940929 A Pos nr |Ant Best nr Anm Item no.| Qty Ordering no. Remarks Pos, Nr.jAnz |Bestelinr. Bendmning Denomination | Bezeichnung Désignation [Anm. No. de iQté No, de Remarquel réf. commande 56 i 191 094-142 {Motstand Resistor Widerstand Résistance 57 1 367 268-002 |HF-don HF device HF-Vorrichtung [Dispositif HF 58 1 468 774-880 |Likriktarfilter Rectifier filter ¡Gleichrichter Filtre redres- filter seur 59 3 192 579-111 |Motständ Resistor Widerstand Résistance 60 1 468 773-001 |Fáste Mount Befestigung Fixation G1 1 468 775-001 [Isolation Insulation isolation Isolation - 76 - Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pièces détachées + 6 7 8 Ри, Ч чорный, Ко слоем OT 26 30 57 54 29 28 27 26 ара25016 - 77 - apaîsiia 940929 A Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pieces détachées Pos nr |Ant Best nr Anm Нет no; Qty Ordering no. Remarks Pos. Nr.iAnz {Bestellnr, Benámning Denomination | Bezeichnung Désignation 1Anm, No. de |Qté No, de Remarquel réf, commande 31 2 1365 539-001 |Fiakt Fan Gebläse Ventilateur 32 1 442 020-001 {Rackhylia Board Rack Konsolle Console bracket 33 4 192 927-192 Distans Spacer Zwischenstück {Entretoise 34 1 190 943-101 |Flatstiftshylsa {Flat pin sleeve ¡Flachstifthúlse |Douilie à fiches plates 35 1 369 387-001 Ilsoterhuv insulating Isolierhaube Capot isolant cover 36 1 369 973-880 |Effektenhet, Power unit, Krafteinheit, Unité de puis- komplett complete komplett sance, complète 37 1 1442 246-880 |HF-enhet HF-unit HF-Einheit Unité HF 38 1 368 633-701 |Táckbricka Washer Ahbdeckscheibe |Rondelle de re- couvrement 39 2 1320 805-880 Il Kondensator Capacitor Kondensator Condensateur 41 i 190 468-201 {Profillist Profile moul- Profilstreifen Joint profilé ding 43 3 1192 230-109 |Blindpropp Plug Stópsel! Bouchon 44 1 191 409-031 |Isolerbricka Insulating was- |Isolierscheibe |Rondelle iso- her lante 45 1 442 244-880 {Ledningsstam [Cable stem Leitungsstamm {Tronc de (MAN) (MAN) (MAN) cábles (MAN) 46 1 193 298-101 | Kontaktor- Contactor rail i¡Kontaktor- Rail de contac- skena schiene teur 47 1 1369 972-001 {isolation insulation Isolation Isolation 48 1 |368 640-001 |Isolerplatta Insulating plate |isolierplatte Plaque isolante 49 f 366 598-880 |Natansluining, tMains connec- |Netzanschluss, | Raccordement komplett tion, complete |komplett au réseau, complet 50 1 369 388-001 {isolerplatta insulating plate |Isolierplatte Plague isolante 51 1 192 244-102 {Magnetventit [Solenoid valve |Magnetventil ¡Electrovanne 1 1319 529-001 |Varninasskyit [Caution board {Warnschild Panneau de danger 52 1 319 471-001 | Filisatstrafo Supplementary |Zusatztrafo Transformateur | K53 transformer auxiliaire 442 244-880 |Ledningsstam |Cable stem Leitungsstainm Tronc de (MAN) (MAN) (MAN) câbies (MAN) 1 442 281-880 |Ledningssats [Cable set Kabelsatz Jeu de câbles i 192 753-003 {Kopplingsptint {Connection Klemmbrett Plaque à bor- [|3-pol block nes 1 193 260-150 jKontakidon Contact device iStromrohr Connecteur 2-pol 1 193 260-157 |Kontaktdon Contact device |Stromrohr Connecteur 9-ро! 1 192 784-002 {Ну!зргорр Sleeve plug Buchsen- Fiche femelle |2-pol stecker 2 192 784-014 ¡Hyispropp Sleeve plug Buchsen- Fiche femelle 112-pol stecker 4 192 784-012 |Hylspropp Sleeve plug Buchsen- Fiche femelle {9-pol stecker 1 193 045-007 {Plint Connection Klemmbrett Plaque à bor- |8-pol block nes ! 193 260-153 |Kontaktdon Contact device ¡Stromrohr Connecteur i 193 260-159 |Kontaktdon Contact device |Stromrohr Connecteur 11-pol 1 193 260-152 iKontaktdon Contact device {Stromrohr Connecteur À-pol 1 192 753-003 |Kopplingsplint | Connection Klemmbrett Plaque & bor- {3-pol block nes 1 192 784-005 |Stifipropp Pin plug Stiftstecker Fiche mâle 4-pol i 193 208-001 |Sladdsákrings- ¡Cable fuse hol- | Kabelsiche- Câble de porle- hallare der rungshalter fusible ара25 11а 940929 А - 78 - Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list » Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pieces détachées 50 51 31 32 33 52 34 35 36 38 37 39 - 79 - apazsita 940929 A Reservdelsférteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de piéces détachées apa?siia 840929 A Pos nr |Ant Best nr Anm Нет no. Qty Ordering no. Remarks Pos. Nr.iAnz |Bestelinr. Benámning Denomination | Bezeichnung Désignation {Anm. No. de |Qté |Мо. Че Remarquel ref. commande 1 5679 001-06 | Finsákring Fuse Sicherung Fusible 1 5385 009-02 |Hylsuttag Sleeve socket |Buchsensteck- {Prise femelle {2-pol dose 1 192 883-044 [Kondensator Capacitor Kondensator {Condensateur 1 442 580-004 |Drossel-induc- [Choking coil Drossel Bobine de self {500 uH tance 1 |442 561-001 |Staddsäkrings- {Cable fuse hol- |Kabelsiche- Câble de porte- hallare der rungshalter fusible 56 368 858-001 |Fästsockel Mounting base |Sockel Báti de fixation 57 2 |0409 536-01 |Buntband Bundle strap Búndelband Bande de fai- sceau 58 1 369 389-891 iLedningssats [Cable set Kabelsatz Jeu de cábles - 80 - Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de piéces détachées 50 51 —=————— | = 31 32 33 52 34 35 36 38 37 39 . 81 - Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de piéces détachées apa2sita 9409728 A Pos nr {Ant Best nr Anm Нет no.| Qty Ordering no. Remarks Pos. Nr.|Anz |Bestellnr. Benämning Denomination { Bezeichnung Désignation tAnm, No. de (Qté No. de Remarque] réf. commande 1 i 1442 191-880 |Kortrack Rack Träger Baie de cartes 2 1 341 323-884 |Främre avstôr- {Front suppres- {Vordere Ent- Carte suppres- {A 16 ningskort sor board stôrunasplatine { seur avant 3 ! 157 360-001 |Korthäliare PC-board hoi- |Platinenhalter |Porte-carte der 7 1 341 795-882 |Bakre avstór- ¡Rear suppres- ¡Hintere Ent- Carte suppres- (A 17 ningskort sor board storungspliatine [seur arriére 11 1 157 045-001 |Matningsenhet |Power supply |Versorgungs- |Groupe À 21 unit einheil d'alimentation 13 1 442 132-880 |Monteringsplat {Mounting plate {Montageplatte (Plaque de montage 16 { 1341 079-880 ¡Ráknekor! Counter board |Rechnerplatine |Carte de traite- |A 01 ment 17 1 481 150-882 ¡CPU-kort CPU-board CPU-Platine Carte CPU À 03 18 i 341 809-882 |i/O-kort 1/0 board 1/O-Platine Carte VO A 06 19 1 341 161-880 |Adapterkort Adapter board ¡Anpassplatine ¡Carte d'adaptation 20 3 1341 046-880 ¡Motorkort Motor board Motorplatine Carte com- A 08-10 mande moteur 21 1 341 938-880 |Motorkort Motor board Motorplatine Carte com- A 11 {AVC) (AVC) mande moteur 22 1 1341 087-882 |Strómreferens {Current refe- |Stromreferenz- |Carte À 12 kort rence board platine référence de courant 23 1 1481 381-880 IRel8kort Relay board Relaiskarte Carte de relais ¡A 13 24 1 341 169-880 ¡Frontkort Front board Frontpiatine Carte frontale 25 1 1332 812-880 |Ljusdiod LED Leuchtdiode Diode lumine- scente 27 1 334 505-881 {Bandkabel Twin feeder Bandkabel Cáble-ruban 28 1 157 443-880 |Bandkabel Twin feeder Bandkabel Cable-ruban COUNTER PCB 29 192 911-108 [Ror Pipe Rohr Tube 30 191 765-105 |Rôrkoppling Pipe coupling |Rohranschiuss [Raccord de tube 31 193 633-001 |Förskruvning Fittina Verschraubung | Raccord 32 1 481 739-880 |Kretskort PC-board Platine Circuit imprimé - 82 - Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pièces détachées 12 11 10 7 e |) 2 17 14 7 a 13 Е Г, e 12 Y 32 16 | | WL 7] © 29 | A À lo ©, | io 060708 109 fo Y 149/68 ES LND » 17182419 20 21 2223 1 apazspû3 apa@siia 940925 À Reservdelsforteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pieces détachées 2ра25 11а 940929 A Pos nr |Ant Best nr Anm item noi Qty —|Ordering no. Remarks Pos. Nr.|Anz ¡Bestelinr, Benämning Denomination | Bezeichnung Désignation [Anm. No. de |Qté No, de Remarque ref. commande 369 973-880 {Effektenhet, Power unit, Leistungsein- [Unité de puis- komplett complete heit, komplett |sance, complete 1 2 1366 692-884 |Effektenhet Power unit Leistungsein- Unité de pulis- heit sance 2 2 1466 601-001 jKyipiat Cooling plate |Kühlblech Plaque réfrigérante 3 2 1466 896-880 |Filter Filter Filter Filtre 4 1 13608 835-001 |Fästplät Mounting plate {Montageplatte {Plaque de fixa- tion 5 1 366 046-881 |Shunt Shunt Messwider- Shunt K 18 stand 6 4 193 144-016 |Kontaktbricka Contact washer |Kontakischeibe |Rondelle de contact 7 4 1320 759-003 |Diod Diode Diode Diode K 2.1 8 1 369 389-889 lLedningssats ¡Cable set Leitungssatz Jeu de cables - 84 - Reservdelstórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pieces détachées 5 4,3 Do ED apa2spo - 85 - apaîs1ia 946929 À Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de piéces détachées Pos nr |Ant Best hr Anm Item no. Qty Ordering no. Remarks Pos. Nr.iAnz |Besteilnr. Benämning Denomination | Bezelchnune Désignation (Aum. No, de ;Qté No. de Remarquel réf. commande 366 598-880 [Nätanslutning, [Mains connec- |Netzanschiuss, |Raccordement komplett tion, complete |komplett au réseau, compl. 1 i 481 158-880 ¡Kretskort (av- ¡Suppressor Entstórungspla- | Carte de supp- stórning) board tine ression 2 1 162 781-002 |Plint Connection Kiemmleiste Plaque à bor- block nes 3 2 1193 127-297 ¡Skruv Screw Schraube Vis 4 i 320 760-001 ¡Skylt Sign Schild Plaque indicat- rice 5 1 366 580-880 |Fästplät Mounting plate |Montageplalie |Piaque de fixa- tion G 2 193 189-370 |Skruv Screw Schraube Vis 7 1 2643 004-04 ¡Bricka Washer Scheibe Rondelle 8 1 2151 000-18 |Bricka BRB Washer BRB Scheibe BRB Rondelle BRB 9 1 191 445-101 |Symbol, Earth symbol = |Erdzeichen Symbole de skyddsjord terre apaZsita 940929 А - 86 - Reservdeisforteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de piéces détachées CN FF FAT МИ vant apa?sp02 - 87 - apaZstta 240928 A Reservdelsférteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzelchnis - Liste de pièces détachées apaîsiia 940929 А Pos nr |Ant Best nr Anm Item no.{Qty Ordering no, Remarks Pos. Nr.jAnz |Bestelinr, Bendmning Denomination | Bezeichnung Désignation |¡Anm. No. de |Qté No, de Remarquel réf. commande 369 398-882 |Kylaggregat, Cooling unit, Küblaggregat, |Groupe komplett complete kompiett refrigérant, complet 1 i 368 568-001 ¡Vattenintag Water inlet Wassereiniauf [Arrivée de l’eau 2 1 369 241-001 |Lock Lid Deckel Couvercie 3 1 466 898-001 {Distans Spacer Einsatzstück Douilie d’entretoise 4 { 1369 374-001 iBottenplát Base plate Grundplatte {Plaque de base 5 10 |190 484-003 |Slangklämma |Hose clamp Schlauch- Crampon kiemme 6 1 467 865-001 {Vattentank Water tank Wasserbehäl- {Réservoir ter d’eau 7 1 369 233-001 |Pump Pump Pumpe Pompe 8 4 1369 234-001 {Fästbygel Mounting Befestigimgs- ¡Bride de fixa- ciamp Боде! tion 9 2 1369 235-001 |Vridjärn Wringing pole |Dreheisen Fer tournant 10 i 369 239-881 ¡Fiaktplar Fan plate Ventilatorplatte {Plaque de ven- tilateur 41 1 368 556-001 |Kylare Cooler Kühier Réfrigérant 12 1 369 979-001 |Frontplát Front panel Frontplatte Plaque frontaie 13 4 1320 029-001 jJordningbleck |¡Earthing strip ¡Erdungsblech (Tole de terre 15 191 954-101 |Slang Hose Schlauch Tuyau 0,5 m 16 321 930-001 |Gummistang Rubber hose Gummi- Tuyau en ca- 1,0 т schlauch outchouc 17 À 1319 455-002 |Gummifot Rubber foot Gummifuss Pied en caout- chouc 18 1 366 598-881 |Nátanslutning, {Mains connec- {Netzanschluss, |Raccordement komplett tion, complete ¡komplett au réseau, complet 19 1 1442 195-001 |Bakre plat Rear panei Rückbiech Plaque arrière 20 192 525-002 iTätningslist Sealing strip Dichtung Joint 0,842 m d'étanchéité 21 3 1192 230-110 |Blindpropp Blind plug Blindstopfen Obturateur 22 2 1146 106-001 |Slangnippel Hose nipple Schlauchnippel |Raccord de tu- yau 23 2 |366 532-001 ¡Snabbkoppling |Snap-on coup- ¡Schnelikupp- Raccord rapide ling lung 24 2 19366 521-001 |Vattenansiul- IWater connec- |Wasser- Raccordement ning tion anschluf d'eau 25 1 369 392-001 |Tackplát Cover piate Deckbiech Plaque de re- couvrement 26 1 442 071-001 ¡Spartransfor- |Auto-transfor- ¡Spartransfor- |¡Transformateur ¡K3 mator mer mator à autocom- mande 27 1 319 529-001 {Varningsskylt ¡Caution board ¡Warnschild Panneau de danger 28 1 369 391-887 |Ledningsstam |Cable stem Leitungsstamm | Tronc de cables - 88 - Reservdelsforteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatztellverzeichnis - Liste de piéces détachées 12 1110 98 6 5 3 U U 20 19 13 7 4 1817 21 26 15 16 - 89 - ара25 11а 940929 À Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pièces détachées apa2siia 940929 A Pos nr ¡Ant Best nr Anm Item no jQty Ordering no. Remarks Pos. Nr.jAnz |¡Bestellnr. Benämning Denomination | Bezeichnung Désignation jAnm. No. de |Qté No. de Remarque] ref. commande 442 137-880 iMantverlada, {Control box, Steuerkasten, {Coffret de kompiett complete kompiett réglage, comp- let 1 1 442 133-001 {Profil Casing Geháuse Enveloppe 2 1 1481 676-880 |Kretskort PC board Platine Circuit imprime 3 i 442 136-001 ¡Gavel, hdger Side pañel, Endstück, Pièce de bout, right rechts droite â 1 369 130-001 (Gavel, vänster {Side panel, left |Endstück, links |Pièce de bout, gauche 5 1 442 134-001 |Fonster Display window | Glas Vitre 6 22 ¡442 135-001 |Lysdiodskydd {LED cover Leuchtdioden |Couverture abdeckung pour diode lu- minescente 7 1 442 095-880 |Tryckknappar ¡Set of push- Druckknopfsatz {Jeu de bout- butions ons-poussoirs 9 2 1369 135-001 ¡Gummistód Rubber support | Gummistútze |Support en ca- outchouc 10 1 442 241-880 |Bygel Clamp Bügel Bride 11 4 12121 107-20 iSkruv Screw Schraube Vis 12 A |2151 000-11 [Bricka Washer Scheibe Rondelle 15 1 2121 088-36 jSkruv Screw Schraube Vis Máx8 12 4 [2195 014-06 |Bricka Washer Scheibe Rondelle 17 1 1447 239-880 |Kabeisats Cable set Kabelsatz Jeu de cables 18 1 193 368-001 {Elkopplare Key switch Schitissel Interrupteur à (пуске!) schalter clé 19 1 193 307-105 !Förskruvning — |Fitting Verschraubung |Raccord - 90 - Reservdelsfórteckning - Spare parts list - Ersatzteilverzeichnis - Liste de pièces détachées N а fos NN =, IAN JIN Й he] Ч \ DINA Г N N % - £ TX Хе o a Zi 6t 8h L bd Ss apaZspid - 91 - apa?sila 940929 А Group H.Q. International directory of subsidiary and associated companies. Agency network, by countries, Group Headquarters SWEDEN Esab AB Gothenburg Tel: +46-31-50 99 00 Fax: +46-31-50 92 61 ESAB International AB Gothenburg Tel: + 46-31-50 90 00 Fax: +46-31-50 93 60 Nordic Countries Esab Sverige AB Gothenburg Tel: +46-31-50 95 00 Fax: + 46-31-50 92 22 DENMARK ESAB A/S Kopenhavn-Valby Tel: +45-36-30 01 41 Fax: -+45-36-30 40 03 FINLAND Esab Oy Helsinki Tel: ++ 358-0-547 761 Fax: +359-0-547 77 70 NORWAY AS Esab Larvik Tel: +47-33-12 10 00 Fax: +47-33-11 52 03 Europe excl. Nordic Countries AUSTRIA Esab Ges.m.b.H Vienna-Liesing Tel; +43-222-88 25 #1 Fax; +43-222-88 25 11 85 BELGIUM S.A, Esab N.V. Brussels Tel: +32-2-726 84 00 Fax: +32-2-726 86 05 CZECH REPUBLIC ESAB s.r.o, Tel: +42-2-5436 907 Рах; + 42-2-6436 908 FRANCE Esab France S.A, Cergy Pontoise Cedex Tel; +33-1-30 75 55 00 Fax: +33-1-30 32 13 94 GERMANY Esab GmbH Solingen Tel: +49-212-298 0 Fax: -+49-212-208 277 ESAB-Hancock GmbH Tel: +49-6039-400 Fax: +49-6039-40 301 KEBE-Ersatzteile GmbH Rosbach Tel; +49-6007-500 Fax: +49-6007-1216 A” ESAB AEN” GREAT BRITAIN ESAB Automation Ltd Andover Tel: +44-264-33 22 33 Fax: -+44-284-33 20 74 Esab Group (UK) Ltd Waltham Cross Tel: + 44-992-76 85 15 Fax: + 44-992-71 58 03 HUNGARY ESAB Kit Budapest Tel: +36-1-181 39 79 Fax: + 36-1-166 90 84 ITALY Esab Saldatura S.p.A. Мезего (Mi) Tel: +39-2-97 96 81 Fax: +39-2-97 89 140 THE NETHERLANDS Esab Nederland В.М. Utrecht Tel: +31-30-48 59 22 Fax: + 31-30-48 53 40 PORTUGAL ESAB Lda Lisbon Codex Tel: + 351-1-859 1527 Fax: +351-4-859 1277 SLOVAKIA ESAB Slovakia s.r.o. Bratislava Tel: +42-7-28 87 41 SPAIN Esab Ibérica S.A, Alcobendas (Madrid) Tel: + 34-1-661 55 80 Fax: +34-1-661 23 13 SWITZERLAND ESAB AG Dietikon Tel: +41-1-741 25 25 Fax: +41-1-740 30 55 North and South America BRAZIL ESAB S.A. Belo Horizonte-MG Tel: +55-31-333 43 33 Fax: +55-31-333 50 00 CANADA Esab Group Canada. Missisagua, Ontario Tel; +1-416-670 02 20 Fax: +1-416-670 34 75 USA ‘Equipment/Automation US-Fiorence Tel: + 1-803-669 44 11 Fax: +1-803-664 42 58 Esab AB Esab Welding Equipment AB Box 8004 S-695 81 LAXA 5-402 77 GOTEBORG SWEDEN SWEDEN Phone +46 584 810 00 Phone +46 31 50 90 09 Tgm esablax Tgm esabsales Telex 73108 esab s Telex 73108 esab s Far East AUSTRALIA ESAB Australia Pty Ltd Ermington Tel: +61-2-647 1232 Fax: +61-2-748 1685 INDONESIA | P.T. Karya Yasantara Cakti Jakarta Tel: +62-21-489 33 45 Fax: +62-21-489 34 73 P.T. Esabindo Pratama Jakarta Tel; +62-21-450 01 88 Fax: + 62-21-4714 11 22 MALAYSIA ESAS (Malaysia) Snd Bhd Petaling Jaya Tel: +60-3-756 03 81 Fax: +60-3-756 00 42 SINGAPORE ESAB Singapore PTE Ltd Singapore Tel: +65-881-43 22 Fax: +65-861-31 95 THAILAND ESAB (Thaliand) Ltd Bangkok Tel: +65-2-393 6062 Fax: +66-2-399 3978 UAE, ESAB Middie East Dubai Tel: + 971-4-52 05 00 Fax: +971-4-52 41 65 Associated companies INDIA ESAB India Lid Tel: +91-22-76 92 797 Fax: +91-22-76 92 479 NORWAY TTS International AS Tel: +47-56-30 08 60 Fax: +47-56-30 14 50 SPAIN Hissol Hispano Suecla de Soldatura S.A, Tel: + 34-1-661 55 80 Fax: +34-1-661 59 99 SWEDEN Gas Control Equipment AB Tel: +46-40-18 81 00 Fax: +46-40-29 07 91 Representative offices ALGERIA ESAB Bureau de Liaison Tel: +213-2-666 871 Fax: +213-2-683 290 BULGARIA ESTESA Tel: -+359-2-463 422 Fax: +359-2-463 052 CHINA ESAB Representative Office Tel: +86-1-501 2113 Fax: +86-1-501 2115 EGYPT ESAB Egypt Tel: +20-2-392 40 39 Fax: +20-2-393 32 13 HONGKONG ESAB Far East Tel: + 852-889 2182 Fax: + 852-889 0747 IRAN ESAB International AB Tel: + 98-21-88 21 325 Fax: +98-21-88 38 240 POLAND ESAB ' Przedstawiclelstwo w Polsce Tel: + 48-22-26 53 69 Fax: + 48-22-26 43 84 ROMANIA ESAB Representative Office Tel: +401 619 36 46 RUSSIA-CIS ESAB Representative Office Tel; +7-95-246 8906 Fax: +7-502-220 3134 SLOVENIA ESAB Representalive Office Telffax: + 386 61 137 33 88 Agents EUROPE Cyprus, Greece, Maita AFRICA Angola, Cameron, Ethiopia, Gaton, Ghana, Kenya, Israel, Liberia, Morocco, Mocambique, Nigería, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzanta, Togo, Tunisla, Zambia, Zimbabwe ASIA Bahrain, Hongkong, Japan, Jordanla, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, New Gulnea, Oman, Pakistan, The Philippines, Quatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Taiwan, Turkey, Vietnam, Yemen LATIN AMERICA Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Equador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad, Uruguay, Venezuela Member of The Esab Group 841020 ">

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