Lego 7693 ETX Alien Strike Manuel utilisateur
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I,FPFFTFF'FITITT] Stuur op naar Telefoonnummer LEGO® Club Parents signature Bit tise dun parent Postbus 40252 Unterschrift Erziehungsberechtigterr Handtekening ouders 3504 AB Utrecht The Erdlish version of the magazine can only be mailed to addresses inthe LE, Canada, de UK, and Republic of reland. Club membership iz valid for 2 years and inclides free copies of the LEGO Magazine. in the US and Canacia please allows un to E weeks for delivery of your hret magazine. By signing this form you consent the LEGO Club ta use your child's data for LEGO mailirge The data wil only be used for LEGO mailings ard will not be sold ered or otherwise disclosed to any company cutside the LEGO Compar except for disclosure to companies acting as our agents to help us provide services requested by the child This coupon good for one free membership per person, group or organization (phétocopies not accepreecli La version francaise du magazine petit étre postés Uniguement au Canada. 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