Hawke Mil Pro (10x) Manuel utilisateur
MIL PRO (10×) OVERVIEW Accurate mil spacing on 10× magnification. With half Mil spaced markings extending out to 10 Mil of holdover, the Mil Pro (10×) is a versatile reticle that provides aim points no matter how extreme the distance. All reticle measurements are Mil spaced and offer 1 Mil, 0.5 Mil and 0.25 Mil brackets for range finding. Every second Mil spacing on the lower section is numbered to ensure quick and easy acquisition of target and ease of reference. Each cross has a see-through gap, allowing an unobstructed view of the target. The thick outer posts are hollowed to ensure they can be seen at all magnifications, without blocking out too much of the view. 2 SUBTENSIONS MIL-MIL SETUP When on 10× magnification, the Mil spaced reticle and 1⁄10 MRAD turrets make for easy point of aim adjustment. Every 10 clicks on the turret will measure exactly 1 Mil spacing on the reticle, also known as 1 MRAD. IMPERIAL 1 MRAD = 1yd @ 1000yds, or 3.6in @ 100yds. At different ranges this MRAD gap will change: 50yds = 1.8in, 100yds = 3.6in, 200yds = 7.2in, 300yds = 10.8in. 3 METRIC 1 MRAD = 1m @ 1000m, or 10cm @ 100m. At different ranges this MRAD gap will change: 50m = 5cm, 100m = 10cm, 200m = 20cm, 300m = 30cm. ÜBERSICHT Genauer Mil-Abstand bei 10facher Vergrößerung. Mit Markierungen im Halb-Mil-Abstand bis zu 10 Mil Haltepunkten nach oben ist das Mil Pro (10×) ein vielseitiges Absehen, das selbst unter extremsten Bedingungen Zielpunkte bietet. Alle Absehenmaße haben Mil-Abstand sowie 1 Mil, 0,5 Mil und 0,25 Mil Markierungen zur Entfernungsmessung. Jeder zweite Mil-Abstand im unteren Abschnitt ist nummeriert, um eine rasche und einfache Zielerfassung mit guter Übersichtlichkeit zu gewährleisten. 4 Jedes Kreuz ist durchsichtig und erlaubt somit einen ungehinderten Blick auf das Ziel. Die dicken äußeren Linien sind Hohllinien, damit sie bei allen Vergrößerungen sichtbar sind, ohne die Sicht zu behindern. ABDECKUNGEN MIL-MIL-SETUP Bei 10× Vergrößerung ist die Justierung der Trefferlage dank Mil-Absehen und 1⁄10 MRAD Türme besonders leicht. Zehn Einstellschritte des Turms entsprechen exakt dem Abstand von 1 Mil (1 MRAD) im Absehen. 5 ZÖLLIG 1 MRAD = 1 yd bei 1000 yds, oder 3,6 in bei 100 yds. Für unterschiedliche Entfernungen ändern sich diese MRAD-Lücke: 50 yds = 1,8 in, 100 yds = 3,6 in, 200 yds = 7,2 in, 300 yds = 10,8 in. METRISCH 1 MRAD = 1m bei 1000m, oder 10cm bei 100m Für unterschiedliche Entfernungen ändern sich diese MRAD-Lücke: 50 m = 5cm, 100 m = 10cm, 200 m = 20cm, 300 m = 30cm. PRÉSENTATION GENÉRALE Espacement précis en mil avec un grossissement 10×. Avec un marquage espacé tous les demi Mil s’étendant jusqu’à 10 Mil de correction en hauteur, le réticule Mil Pro (10×) est un réticule polyvalent fournissant des points de visée, même pour des distances extrêmes. 6 Les mesures du réticule sont espacées tous les Mil, et elles offrent des segments 1 Mil, 0,5 Mil et 0,25 Mil pour la télémesure. Toutes les seconde, l’espacement Mil sur la section inférieure est numéroté afin d’assurer l’acquisition rapide et facile de la cible et pour faciliter la référence. Chaque croix comporte un intervalle transparent, donnant un champ de vision non-obstrué sur la cible. Les montants extérieurs épais sont creux pour être visibles avec tous les grossissements, sans trop bloquer le champ de vision. SUBTENSIONS CONFIGURATION MIL-MIL En grossissement 10×, le réticule à repères espacés d’un Mil et les tourelles 1⁄10 MRAD facilitent 7 l’ajustement du point de visée. 10 clics sur la tourelle correspondent exactement à un décalage d’un Mil sur le réticule, également connu sous l’appellation 1 MRAD. IMPERIAL (Unités anglo-saxonnes) 1 MRAD = 1yd @ 1000yds, ou 3.6in @ 100yds. À des distances différentes, cet intervalle MRAD variera. 50yds = 1.8in, 100yds = 3.6in, 200yds = 7.2in, 300yds = 10.8in. METRIC (Unités métriques) 1 MRAD = 1m @ 1000 m, ou 10 cm @ 100 m À des distances différentes, cet intervalle MRAD variera. 50 m = 5 cm, 100 m = 10 cm, 200 m = 20 cm, 300 m = 30 cm. 8 RESUMEN Espaciado de milirradiantes preciso con aumento de 10×. Con marcas espaciadas cada medio Milirradián, que llegan hasta los 10 Milirradianes desde el punto de compensación, la Mil Pro (10×) es una retícula versátil que ofrece puntos de mira para las distancias más extremas. Todas las mediciones de la retícula están espaciadas a un Milirradián y ofrecen horquillas de telemetría a 1 Milirradián, a 0,5 Milirradián y a 0,25 Milirradiantes. Uno de cada dos espaciados de Milirradianes de la parte inferior están numerado para garantizar una adquisición de objetivo fácil y rápida y una referencia sencilla. 9 Todos los cruces cuentan con un espacio que permite ver lo que hay detrás, lo que garantiza una visión del objetivo sin obstrucciones. Los postes exteriores gruesos son huecos para garantizar que se puedan ver con todos los aumentos, sin bloquear en exceso la vista. COBERTURA CONFIGURACIÓN MIL-MIL Las retículas espaciadas en Milirradianes y las torretas 1⁄10 MRAD ofrecen un ajusto sencillo del punto de mira. 10 clics de la torreta equivalen exactamente a un espaciado de 1 Milirradián en la retícula, también conocido como 1 MRAD. Dado que se trata de un sistema de primer plano focal, esto es aplicable a cualquier aumento. 10 SISTEMA IMPERIAL Con un nivel de aumento de 10×, la retícula con intervalos de un Mil y las torretas de 1⁄10 MRAD contribuyen a facilitar el ajuste del punto de mira. 10 clics en la torreta equivalen exactamente a un intervalo de 1 Mil en la retícula, una unidad de medida también conocida como 1 MRAD. SISTEMA MÉTRICO 1 MRAD = 1m a 1000m, o 10cm a 100m. Estos espaciados MRAD van cambiando según el rango: 50 m = 5cm, 100 m = 10cm, 200 m = 20cm, 300 m = 30cm. 11 INTRODUZIONE Precisa spaziatura in mil con ingrandimento 10×. Con metà dei contrassegni Mil spaziati che si estendono a 10 Mil in brandeggio, il reticolo Mil Pro (10×) risulta altamente versatile e fornisce punti di mira anche alle distanze più estreme. Tutte le misurazioni del reticolo utilizzano la spaziatura in Mil e offrono contrassegni di 1 Mil, 0,5 Mil e 0,25 Mil per il calcolo delle distanze. La sezione inferiore mostra un numero ogni due spaziature in Mil, per un’acquisizione rapida e semplice del bersaglio e per facile riferimento. Ogni crocino presenta uno spazio trasparente, per non bloccare la visuale del bersaglio. Le spesse radici esterne sono cave, per risultare visibili a tutti gli ingrandimenti senza bloccare eccessivamente la visuale. 12 SOTTOTENSIONI IMPOSTAZIONE MIL/MIL Con un ingrandimento 10×, il reticolo spaziato in Mil e le torrette 1⁄10 MRAD, facilitano la regolazione del punto di mira. 10 scatti sulla torretta equivalgono esattamente a una spaziatura di 1 Mil sul reticolo, chiamata anche 1 MRAD. SISTEMA IMPERIALE BRITANNICO 1 MRAD = 1 iarda a 1000 iarde, o 3,6 pollici a 100 iarde. A distanze diverse, questo spazio MRAD cambierà: 50 iarde = 1,8 pollici, 100 iarde = 3,6 pollici, 200 iarde = 7,2 pollici, 300 iarde = 10,8 pollici. 13 SISTEMA METRICO DECIMALE 1 MRAD = 1m a 1000m, o 10cm a 100m. A distanze diverse, questo spazio MRAD cambierà: 50 m = 5cm, 100 m = 10cm, 200 m = 20cm, 300 m = 30cm. 14 Correct on 10× magnification 15 2 1 MRAD 0.5 MRAD 2 0.75 MRAD 0.25 MRAD Correct on 10× magnification 1 MRAD 0.25 MRAD 0.75 MRAD 2 0.5 MRAD 0.5 MRAD 0.25 MRAD 16 Correct on 10× magnification 0.25 MRAD 0.75 MRAD 2 0.5 MRAD 4 17 1 MRAD 2 2 MRAD below center 4 Correct on 10× magnification 8 1 MRAD 1 MRAD 10 10 MRAD below center 0.75 MRAD 18 .223 REM CENTERFIRE Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 3240fps2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.2135 Zero Range: 100yds 4 100yds 290yds 395yds 2 475yds 540yds4 595yds 6 645yds 685yds 8 725yds 760yds 10 19 795yds .223 REM CENTERFIRE 220yds Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 988m/s 2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.2135 Zero Range: 100m 345yds 440yds 510yds 4 570yds 270m 365m 2 440m 500m4 550m 620yds 6 6 670yds 590m 630m 710yds 8 8 745yds 780yds 100m 665m 700m 10 10 730m 205m 320m 405m 470m 525m 570m 6 610m 650m 8 685m 715m 10 .243 WIN CENTERFIRE Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 2960fps2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.3691 Zero Range: 100yds 4 100yds 295yds 415yds 2 520yds 605yds4 680yds 6 750yds 810yds 8 865yds 920yds 10 965yds .243 WIN CENTERFIRE 220yds Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 902m/s 2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.3691 Zero Range: 100m 360yds 470yds 565yds 4 645yds 270m 380m 2 475m 555m4 625m 720yds 6 6 780yds 685m 740m 840yds 8 8 895yds 940yds 100m 795m 840m 10 10 885m 200m 330m 430m 515m 590m 655m 6 715m 770m 8 815m 860m 10 20 .308 WIN CENTERFIRE Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 2820fps2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.3208 Zero Range: 100yds 4 100yds 270yds 375yds 2 465yds 540yds4 610yds 6 665yds 720yds 8 770yds 815yds 10 21 855yds .308 WIN CENTERFIRE 205yds Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 860m/s 2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.3208 Zero Range: 100m 325yds 430yds 505yds 4 575yds 350m 2 430m 495m4 555m 640yds 6 6 695yds 610m 660m 745yds 8 8 795yds 835yds 100m 250m 705m 745m 10 10 780m 190m 300m 390m 465m 530m 585m 6 635m 680m 8 725m 765m 10 .17 HMR RIMFIRE 100yds Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 2550fps2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.1251 Zero Range: 100yds 4 195yds 250yds 2 295yds 330yds4 360yds 6 390yds 415yds 8 440yds 465yds 10 490yds .17 HMR RIMFIRE 155yds Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 777m/s 2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.1251 Zero Range: 100m 225yds 275yds 310yds 4 345yds 180m 230m 2 270m 300m4 330m 380yds 6 6 405yds 360m 380m 430yds 8 8 455yds 475yds 100m 405m 425m 10 10 445m 145m 205m 250m 285m 315m 345m 6 370m 395m 8 415m 435m 10 22 .22 LR HV RIMFIRE 50yds Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 1260fps2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.1300 Zero Range: 50yds 4 85yds 115yds 2 140yds 160yds4 180yds 6 200yds 220yds 8 240yds 255yds 10 23 275yds .22 LR HV RIMFIRE 70yds Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 384m/s 2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.1300 Zero Range: 50m 100yds 125yds 150yds 4 170yds 105m 2 130m 150m4 170m 190yds 6 6 210yds 185m 205m 230yds 8 8 250yds 265yds 50m 80m 220m 235m 10 10 255m 70m 95m 120m 140m 160m 175m 6 195m 210m 8 230m 245m 10 .22 LR SUB RIMFIRE Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 1057fps2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.1300 Zero Range: 50yds 4 50yds 80yds 100yds 2 120yds 140yds4 160yds 6 180yds 195yds 8 210yds 230yds 10 245yds .22 LR SUB RIMFIRE 65yds Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 322m/s 2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.1300 Zero Range: 50m 90yds 110yds 130yds 4 150yds 75m 95m 2 115m 130m4 150m 170yds 6 6 190yds 165m 180m 205yds 8 8 220yds 235yds 50m 195m 210m 10 10 225m 65m 85m 105m 125m 140m 160m 6 175m 190m 8 205m 220m 10 24 .22 AIRGUN (12ft/lb) Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 560fps 2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.0183 Zero Range: 25yds 4 25yds 33yds 40yds 2 45yds 50yds4 54yds 6 59yds 63yds 8 67yds 70yds 10 25 74yds .22 AIRGUN (16 Joules) 30yds Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 171m/s 2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.0183 Zero Range: 30m 37yds 42yds 47yds 4 52yds 35m 40m 2 45m 49m 4 53m 57yds 6 6 61yds 57m 60m 66yds 8 8 69yds 72yds 30m 64m 67m 10 10 70m 33m 38m 43m 47m 51m 55m 6 59m 62m 8 66m 69m 10 .177 AIRGUN (12ft/lb) Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 786fps 2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.0193 Zero Range: 30yds 4 30yds 45yds 55yds 2 64yds 72yds4 79yds 6 86yds 92yds 8 98yds 103yds 10 109yds .177 AIRGUN (16 Joules) 39yds Magnification: 10× Muzzle Velocity: 240m/s 2 Ballistic Coefficient: 0.0193 Zero Range: 25m 50yds 60yds 68yds 4 75yds 50m 2 58m 65m 4 71m 83yds 6 6 89yds 78m 83m 95yds 8 8 101yds 106yds 25m 40m 89m 94m 10 10 99m 34m 45m 54m 61m 68m 75m 6 81m 86m 8 92m 97m 10 26 VISION ACCOMPLISHED www.hawkeoptics.com Born in the UK ">

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