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Rockwell 3663602706748 V10017 Before you start ' These instructions are for your safety. Read the instructions before using the appliance, and retain them for future reference. ; Please dispose all plastic bags carefully and keep it away from children. ; Check the part and make sure you have all of the parts listed. If not, contact your local B&Q store who will be able to help you. ; Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the contents & before starting check all holes are clear of any paint residue. ; When you are ready to start, make sure that you have plenty of space and a clean dry area for assembly. ; Important - Whilst every care is taken in the manufacture of this product, care must be taken during assembly in case sharp edges are present. Safety warning ; Do not use the barbecue in a confined and/or habitable space e.g. houses, tents, caravans, motor homes, boats. Danger of carbon monoxide poisoning fatality. ; WARNING - OUTDOOR USE ONLY, barbecues should not be used in any enclosed space or inside/under a gazebo or similar outdoor structures due to CARBON MONOXIDE and FIRE HAZARDS. ; Use this barbecue only on a stable, flat plane. ; Always stand your barbecue on a firm surface away from wooden fences or overhanging trees. ; Do not use within 1m of any flammable structure or under any combustible surface. ; WARNING - Do not use spirit or petrol for lighting or relighting! Use only firelighters complying to EN 1860-3! ; WARNING - This barbecue will become very hot, do not move it during operation. ; DO NOT leave a lit barbecue unattended. ; WARNING - Keep children and pets away. ; Do not cook before the fuel has a coating of ash. ; The barbecue shall be heated up and the fuel kept red hot for at least 30 mins prior to the first cooking on the barbecue. ; Be careful when handling metal parts of a lit barbecue as there are likely to become hot. ; Ensure that the barbecue has cooled down completely before removing charcoal ash. ; Flare-ups can occur if hot fat drips onto lit charcoal. Keep a fine water sprayer at hand to extinguish any small flare-ups, otherwise use baking powder or salt to extinguish. ; Use sand to extinguisher charcoal when you have finished cooking. ; To prolong the life of your barbecue grill do not leave it outside unprotected, use a suitable barbecue cover when not in use. ; (For models with lid and air vent) - Only use the tool bar supplied to open or close the air vent lid. ; (For models incorporated with a side handle) - The side handle is used for moving the barbecue only. DO NOT use or touch this handle when the barbecue is hot or in use. ; Do not store flammable materials near this barbecue. ; Do not use aerosols near this barbecue. ; Modification of the barbecue may be dangerous, is not permitted, and will nullify any warranty. ; Failure to follow the instructions in this manual could result in serious injury or property damage. ; Do not use indoors! Food cooking information ; Please read and follow this advice when cooking on your grill. ; ALWAYS wash your hands before or after handling uncooked meat and before eating. ; ALWAYS keep raw meat away from cooked meat and other foods. ; Before cooking ensure barbecue grill surfaces and tools are clean and free of old food residues. ; DO NOT use the same utensils to handle cooked and uncooked foods. ; Ensure all meat is cooked thoroughly before eating. ; CAUTION - eating raw or under cooked meat can cause food poisoning (e.g. bacteria strains such as E.coli). ; To reduce the risk of under cooked meat cut open to ensure it is cooked all the way through internally. ; CAUTION - if meat has been cooked sufficiently the meat juices should be clear in colour and there should be no traces of pink/red juices or meat colouring. ; Pre-cooking of larger meat of joints is recommended before finally cooking on your barbecue. ; After cooking on your barbecue always clean the grill cooking surfaces and utensils. Manufacturer: Kingfisher International Products Limited, 3 Sheldon Square, London, W2 6PX, United Kingdom Distributor: B&Q plc, Chandlers Ford, Hants, SO53 3LE United Kingdom www.diy.com SFD Limited, Trade House, Mead Avenue, Yeovil, BA22 8RT, United Kingdom Avant de commencer A ' Ces instructions sont pour votre sécurité. Lisez-les attentivement avant utilisation et conservez-les pour référence ultérieure. ; Les sacs plastique peuvent être dangereux pour les enfants. Afin d’éviter tout risque de suffocation, ne laissez pas ce sac à la portée des enfants. ; Veuillez lire attentivement les instructions de sécurité avant d’utiliser votre barbecue. ; Assurez-vous que toutes les pièces répertoriées ciavant sont présentes. ; Important : malgré tout le soin apporté à la fabrication de ce produit, manipulez-le avec précaution car certaines arêtes peuvent être coupantes. Sécurité ; Ne pas utiliser le barbecue dans un espace confiné et/ou habitable par exemple des maisons, tentes, caravanes, camping-cars, bateaux. Risque de décès par empoisonnement au monoxyde de carbone. ; ATTENTION ! Ne pas utiliser dans des locaux fermés! ; ATTENTION ! Ne pas utiliser d’alcool, d’essence ou tout autre liquide analogue pour allumer ou réactiver le barbecue. ; ATTENTION ! Ce barbecue va devenir très chaud. Ne pas le déplacer pendant son utilisation. ; Avant de commencer la cuisson, attendre qu’une couche de cendres recouvre le combustible. ; NE JAMAIS laisser un barbecue allumé sans surveillance. ; ATTENTION ! Ne pas laisser le barbecue à la portée des enfants et des animaux domestiques. ; La poignée latérale sur le châssis ne doit servir qu’à déplacer le barbecue. NE JAMAIS utiliser ou toucher cette poignée quand le barbecue est chaud ou en cours d’utilisation. ; Ne pas utiliser d’aérosols à proximité du barbecue. ; Toute modification du barbecue peut être dangereuse, n’est pas autorisée et annulera la garantie. ; Le non respect des instructions de ce manuel peut entraîner de graves blessures ou dégâts matériels. ; À monter soi-même ! Fabricant: Kingfisher International Products Limited, 3 Sheldon Square, London, W2 6PX, United Kingdom Distributeur: Castorama France C.S. 50101 Templemars 59637 Wattignies CEDEX www.castorama.fr BRICO DÉPÔT 30-32 rue de la Tourelle 91310 Longpont-sur-Orge France www.bricodepot.com 5RFNZHOO 9 3UHSHUDWLRQ ɉɨɞɝɨɬɨɜɤɚ 3UHSDUDomR 3UpSDUDWLRQ 3UHJăWLUH +D]ÕUOÕN 3U]\JRWRZDQLH 3UHSDUDFLyQ 3URGXFWGHVFULSWLRQ Ɉɩɢɫɚɧɢɟɩɪɨɞɭɤɬɚ 'HVFULomRGRSURGXWR 'HVFULSWLRQGXSURGXLW 'HVFULHUHDSURGXVXOXL hUQ$oÕNODPDVÕ 2SLVSURGXNWX 'HVFULSFLyQGHOSURGXFWR $VVHPEO\ ɋɛɨɪɤɚ 0RQWDJHP $VVHPEODJH $VDPEODUH 0RQWDM 0RQWDĪ 0RQWDMH 8Ī\WNRZDQLH 8WLOL]DomR ɂɫɩɨɥɶɡɨɜɚɧɢɟ .XOODQÕP 8VH 8WLOL]DUH 8WLOLVDWLRQ 8VR &DUH PDLQWHQDQFH 3LHOĊJQDFMD NRQVHUZDFMD ÌQJULMLUHúLvQWUHĠLQHUH &XLGDGRVHPDQXWHQomR (QWUHWLHQHWPDLQWHQDQFH ɍɯɨɞɢɨɛɫɥɭɠɢɜɚɧɢɟ &XLGDGR\PDQWHQLPLHQWR %DNÕP ,03257$173OHDVHUHDG FDUHIXOO\WKHVHSDUDWHVDIHW\ JXLGHEHIRUHXVH ,03257$17/LUH DWWHQWLYHPHQWOHJXLGH GHVpFXULWpVpSDUpDYDQW XWLOLVDWLRQ :$ĩ1(3U]HGXĪ\FLHP SURV]ĊGRNáDGQLH 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