HUTCHINSON FLEXONIC Manuel utilisateur
- Compact drive - Reduced vibration due to damping effect - Increased effective power transmission - Reduced noise level - Uniform tension across belt width COST SAVINGS - Self tensioning - no need for tensioning devices - Reduced maintenance cost due to : mp No take Up re-ensioning required m=) increased belt life - Quick and simple to fit in the field emp Fixed center distances between pulleys md Lses standard Poly Y ®, rofile pulleys = Increased life of transmission components wp [amping effect reduces shock loading an bearings Washing Machines / Industrial Blowers / Compress ls Balt [eet Tala tell FE Tel {la T=1- 0 [RACE [T= SFE EEE Air Conditioning Units / Generators / Lawn and garden SoH AI COTA IFES © Agricultural Machinery / Concrete Cutting Saws / Vacuum Cleaners / Chansaws SR MSE EIS aE nl ishers / Miter Saws / and many mare... HUTCHINSON La i Er i i Oro i i i к я i i a + } и E E eE EN ' " 5 ! ! E к E i E i i alr] dr i i N т — E НЮ Fan TECHNICAL DATA -longation from 2 to 10 % Detension (a) rd EROTITLE Rr FIERONIC F3 Fil hea 2.3 MM, 2.5 mm 2.0 mm” 4.4 mm, 3.5 mm H mm IEA le НО mss 16 mm BL m/s FET ATS Er 0.0042 ka/m/rib U.008 kg/m rib Le Ad 20 to 30 N/rib/span 40 to 50 N/rib/span ae [а о = HUTCHINSON TRAN POLY Y * SERV SISSI ICE Рае ВИ 4.7 mm 45 mm 95 m/s 0.020 kg/m; rio 70 to 90 N/rib/span Rue des Martyrs - BP 423 - 37304 Joué-lès-Tours Cedex - France - Tel : + 33 2 47 48 36 99 - Fax ; + 33 2 47 48 38 34 E-mail : hind insane ransmission, com pra Ea srl 1 [En rghl in chem Ey FIN Mir Husa RF TLC: Pire oniracias à OTE ">

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