Gebrauchsanleitung · Instructions for use Istruzioni d‘uso Mode d‘emploi · Gebruikshandleiding · Instrucciones de uso Art.-Nr. / Item no. / Codize / Réf. / Art. nr. / Código # 80889 Stand: / Status: / Versione: / Mise à jour: / Stand: / Estado al: 09 / 2019 LED Control Connector Verbindungskabel für Nano Lux LED 18 W auf Ocean Lux LED Controller Connecting Cable for Nano Lux LED 18 W to the Ocean Lux LED Controller Cavo di collegamento per Nano Lux LED 18 W su Ocean Lux LED Controller Câble de connexion du Nano Lux LED 18 W au Ocean Lux LED Controller Verbindingskabel voor Nano Lux LED 18 W naar Ocean Lux LED Controller Cable para conectar Nano Lux LED de 18 W con el Ocean Lux LED Controller Dohse Aquaristik GmbH & Co. KG · Otto-Hahn-Str. 9 · 53501 Gelsdorf · Germany LED Control Connector Verbindungskabel für Nano Lux LED 18 W auf Ocean Lux LED Controller. Mit dem LED Control Connector lässt sich die Nano Lux LED 18 W einfach mit dem Nano Ocean Lux LED Controller verbinden. So lassen sich in wenigen Schritten naturnahe Tageslicht- und Mondphasen simulieren. LED Control Connector Connecting cable for Nano Lux LED 18 W to the Ocean Lux LED Controller. The LED Control Connector makes it easy to connect the Nano Lux LED 18 W to the Nano Ocean Lux LED Controller. This allows natural daylight and moon phases to be simulated in just a few steps. LED Control Connector Cavo di collegamento per Nano Lux LED 18 W su Ocean Lux LED Controller. Attraverso il LED Control Connector si può collegare con facilità la Nano Lux LED 18 W con il Nano Ocean Lux LED Controller. In questo modo, in pochi passaggi è possibile simulare le fasi solari e lunari naturali. LED Control Connector Câble de connexion du Nano Lux LED 18 W au Ocean Lux LED Controller. Le LED Control Connector permet de raccorder facilement le Nano Lux LED 18 W au Nano Ocean Lux LED Controller. Des simulations d‘éclairage diurne naturel et des phases lunaires peuvent être ainsi simulées en quelques étapes seulement. LED Control Connector Verbindingskabel voor Nano Lux LED 18 W naar Ocean Lux LED Controller. Met de LED Control Connector kan de Nano Lux LED 18 W eenvoudig met de Nano Ocean Lux LED Controller worden verbonden. Zo kunnen in slechts een paar stappen natuurgetrouwe daglicht- en maanfases worden gesimuleerd. LED Control Connector Cable para conectar Nano Lux LED de 18 W con el Ocean Lux LED Controller. Con el LED Control Connector puede conectarse el Nano Lux LED de 18 W de forma sencilla con el Nano Ocean Lux LED Controller. Así se pueden simular en pocos pasos de forma natural las fases de luz diurna y lunares. 2 Dohse Aquaristik GmbH & Co. KG · Otto-Hahn-Str. 9 · 53501 Gelsdorf · Germany 1. 1. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. Ocean Lux LED Controller Nano Lux LED 18 W LED Control Connector Power supply for Nano Lux LED 20 W 2. 4. Tel.: +49 (0) 22 25 - 94 15 0 · · 3 Dohse Aquaristik GmbH & Co. KG Otto-Hahn-Str. 9 · 53501 Gelsdorf · Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 22 25 - 94 15 0 · Fax: +49 (0) 22 25 - 94 64 94 · Art.-Nr. / Item no. # 80889 ">

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