Yamaha Clavinova CLP-725 Mode d'emploi
CLP-725 Quick Operation Guide While holding down the applicable button, press one of the highlighted keys shown below to select a Demo Song or set a parameter. 1 Song playback Demo Songs Quick Play Song Data Loaded from the Computer 50 Preset Songs (50 Classical Music Masterpieces) Song number 10th Song 8th Song 9th Song 6th Song 7th Song 4th Song 5th Song 3rd Song 1st Song 2nd Song 50 49 47 48 45 46 43 44 42 40 41 38 39 37 35 36 33 34 31 32 30 28 29 26 27 25 23 24 22 21 19 18 20 16 17 14 15 13 12 9 11 10 7 8 6 4 5 3 1 Strings 2 Jazz Organ Vibraphone Pipe Organ Harpsichord DX E.Piano Pop Grand Off CFX Grand On Bösendorfer Stage E.Piano $ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ $%C0'()*$%C1'()*$%C2'()*$%C3'()*$%C4'()*$%C5'()*$%C6'( )*$%C7 * 50 Preset Songs (50 Classical Music Masterpieces) Song number / Song name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Salut d’amour op.12 From the New World Sicilienne Clair de lune Jupiter (The Planets) Menuett (Eine kleine Nachtmusik K.525) Menuett G dur Marcia alla Turca Piano Concerto No.1 op.11 2nd mov. The Nutcracker Medley Prelude (Wohltemperierte Klavier I No.1) Menuett G dur BWV Anh.114 Piano Sonate No.15 K.545 1st mov. Turkish March Piano Sonate op.13 “Pathétique” 2nd mov. Für Elise Piano Sonate op.27-2 “Mondschein” 1st mov. Impromptu op.90-2 Frühlingslied op.62-6 Fantaisie-Impromptu Binaural Sampling/ Stereophonic Optimizer Voice settings Voices Reverb Types Reverb Depth VRM Grand Expression Modeling Duo type 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Etude op.10-3 “Chanson de l’adieu” Etude op.10-12 “Revolutionary” Valse op.64-1 “Petit chien” Nocturne op.9-2 Nocturne KK4a-16/BI 49 [Posth.] Träumerei Barcarolle La prière d’une Vierge Liebesträume No.3 Blumenlied Volume Balance (Dual/Duo mode) Octave Shift (Dual/Duo mode) Humoresque Arietta Tango (España) The Entertainer Maple Leaf Rag La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin Arabesque No.1 Cakewalk Je te veux Gymnopédies No.1 Touch Sensitivity Soft Fixed Hard +1 (Voice 1) Medium 0 (Voice 1) −1 (Voice 1) +1 (Voice 2) −1 (Voice 2) 0 (Voice 2) Default setting 1 step up 1 step down Balanced Separated Dynamic Static On Off Off 1 step up On Default setting 1 step down Off Club Concert Hall Chamber Recital Hall Strings Jazz Organ Vibraphone Pipe Organ Harpsichord DX E.Piano Pop Grand Bösendorfer Stage E.Piano $ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ CFX Grand 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Canon D dur Air On the G String Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Piano Sonate op.31-2 “Tempest” 3rd mov. Ode to Joy Wiegenlied op.98-2 Grande Valse Brillante Polonaise op.53 “Héroïque” La Campanella $%C0'()*$%C1'()*$%C2'()*$%C3'()*$%C4'()*$%C5'()*$%C6'( )*$%C7 CLP-725 Quick Operation Guide 3 Metronome settings Voice confirmation of current Tempo value Metronome Volume Tempo (Metronome, Songs, etc.) Metronome Beat To increase the value by 1: 4 6 To decrease the value by 1: 5 0 3 2 Default tempo 10 steps up 10 steps down 9 0 7 8 6 4 5 2 3 1 1 step up 1 step down Default volume $ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ $%C0'()*$%C1'()*$%C2'()*$%C3'()*$%C4'()*$%C5 4 Other settings Operation Confirmation Sounds Local Control Voice confirmation of firmware version Tuning Auto Power Off MIDI Transmit Channel Transpose IAC Depth MIDI Receive Channel Control Change Program Change Audio Loopback Speaker On/Off Song Playback Channel ALL Ch 1+2 On Normal Off On Off On/Off On/Off ALL On/Off Ch 1+2 Ch 1 1 step down 1 step up Ch 1 Off 1 step up 1 step down +6 +5 +4 +3 +1 0 (normal pitch) +2 −2 −1 −4 −3 −5 1 step up −6 Default setting On 1 step down Off 440.0 Hz Enable Disable On Off 442.0 Hz $ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ&ᅊ'ᅊ)ᅊ*ᅊ$ᅊ $%C0'()*$%C1'()*$%C2'()*$%C3'()*$%C4'()*$%C5'()*$%C6'( )*$%C7 5 6 Tuning settings While holding down the [DEMO/SONG] and [PIANO/VOICE] buttons, press the [+R], [−L] or both buttons as shown below to fine-tune the pitch of your instrument. To tune up (in about 0.2 Hz steps): To tune down (in about 0.2 Hz steps): Default pitch: 440.0 Hz Duo setting While holding down the [PIANO/VOICE] button, simultaneously press the [+R] and [−L] buttons to turn Duo on or off. To turn Duo on or off: Manual Development Group © 2020 Yamaha Corporation Published 02/2020 MWMA*.*- **A0 VCR9720 EN ">

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