20. Pompe de circulation - le groupe de relèvement de retour. LOHBERGER LOBO H2O
Wilo Yonos PARA: Technical data
20. Pompe de circulation - le groupe de relèvement de retour
Contact information
Nominal width of connection
25 threading 1 1/2“
Pump housing length
130 mm length
Customer Control Interface
Red Knob for:
- Delta-P variable
- Air venting
- Delta-P constant
Yonos PARA RS 25 /6 - RKA M 130
Pump housing
RS Inline cast iron circulator
Max height at 0 flow
6 Equivalent TEC/6
M Connector middle
Fig. 1
If you need further information, please contact your local Wilo representatives or visit our website www.wilo.com
Sales & Marketing Director
T: +33 2 48 81 62 74 vincent.fleurier@wilointec.com
Key Account Manager
T : +33 2 48 81 62 85 pierre.bequet@wilointec.com
Robert CARRE
Key Account Manager France & Spain
T: +33 2 48 81 62 72 robert.carre@wilointec.com
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T: +39 335 762 6181 dario.frazza@wilointec.com
Key Account Manager Germany
T: +49 172 352 3933 thomas.merscheim@wilo.com
Wilo Yonos PARA and the ErP directive Wilo Yonos PARA: Red Knob & PWM versions Applications and product benefits
T: +33 2 48 81 62 25 gilles.moulin@wilointec.com
The market for glandless circulation pumps will be significantly changed by new European guidelines. In the
Wilo Yonos PARA and the ErP directive
The directive (2009/125/EC), which came into force in
2009, focuses on what are referred to as energy-related
Yonos PARA: Red Knob
Wilo Yonos PARA: Red Knob & PWM versions
Wilo Yonos PARA: Red Knob & PWM versions
Wilo Yonos PARA: Red Knob & PWM versions
Δ Pv
The market for glandless circulation pumps will be
The market for glandless circulation pumps will be
The market for glandless circulation pumps will be significantly changed by new European guidelines. In the next few years «energy guzzlers» will be systematically banned from the market in the EU 27 by the ErP directive.
2009, focuses on what are referred to as energy-related products, including also all glandless circulation pumps.
Today, in many EU countries, exclusively circulation pumps without speed control have been used to date.
However, these have an enormous energy consumption.
In contrast, considerable potential savings and
Efficiency pumps due to their particularly low electricity consumption. According to the European Commission, the time of the third implementation level in 2020. This of glandless pumps to be saved throughout Europe by the time of the third implementation level in 2020. This
Therefore you should think already today about High
Efficiency pumps for upcoming projects. After all you are
Therefore you should think already today about High
Efficiency pumps for upcoming projects. After all you are
Get ready for High Efficiency with the Yonos PARA
Get ready for High Efficiency with the Yonos PARA circulation pumps.
Red Knob for
Δ-P variable,
Yonos PARA: Red Knob
Red Knob for
Δ-P variable,
Minimum speed,
Minimum speed,
Red Knob for
Δ-P variable,
Δ-P variable,
Air venting,
Red Knob for
Δ-P variable,
Air venting,
Red Knob for
Δ-P variable,
Air venting, la pompe
Δ Pv
Δ Pc
Constant speed
Fig. 2
Δ Pc
Δ Pv
Δ Pc
Δ Pc
Réglage recommandé pour
Constant speed
Fig. 3
Heating, solar (ST) & geothermal (GT) applications
Sales Manager UK
Applications and product benefits
“Best-in-class” High Efficiency pump of the market
Applications and product benefits
Applications and product benefits
Heating, solar (ST) & geothermal (GT) applications
Heating, solar (ST) & geothermal (GT) applications
Unique LED user interface
T: +33 2 48 81 62 62
“Best-in-class” High Efficiency pump of the market
Inrush current peak less than 3A
Self-protecting modes
Designed for optimised integration
Water temperature range: -10°C to 110°C
Ambient temperature range: 0°C to 70°C
Self controlled pump (Red Knob) or externally controlled (PWM signal) controlled (PWM signal)
Stand-by consumption less than 1W
Stand-by consumption less than 1W
Wide range of hydraulics
Wide range of hydraulics
Wide range of cast iron and composite housings
Wide range of cast iron and composite housings
Yonos PARA: PWM version
EEI = Energy Efficiency Index in accordance with the ordinance (EC) 641/2009 of the
EU Commission (determined by comparing the various power consumptions of a load profile with an average reference pump).
Wilo Yonos PARA:
The new standard in High Efficiency
Division Circulators
HVAC OEM Competence Centre
EEI = Energy Efficiency Index in accordance with the ordinance (EC) 641/2009 of the
EU Commission (determined by comparing the various power consumptions of a load
EEI = Energy Efficiency Index in accordance with the ordinance (EC) 641/2009 of the
EEI = Energy Efficiency Index in accordance with the ordinance (EC) 641/2009 of the
EU Commission (determined by comparing the various power consumptions of a load

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