Annexe B
Le multimètre utilise les messages suivants pour signaler un problème.
AC Line frequency too high
Invalid calibration step number
*TRG/GET received but was ignored
488.2 I/O deadlock
488.2 interrupted query
488.2 query after indefinite response
488.2 unterminated command
A fatal error occurred configuring the serial port
A fatal error occurred opening the serial port
AC Line frequency too low
Acknowledgement queue full
ACPOLE: all CAPDAC settings are too high
ACPOLE: all CAPDAC settings are too low
ACPOLE: no CAPDAC setting is close enough
Bad keyword
Bad parameter value
Cal reference value out of tolerance
Cal secured
CAL? only works if you are calibrating
Calibration Aborted
Calibration measurements out of tolerance
Calibration steps out of sequence
Mode d'emploi
CALibration:DATE not supported for the 8846A
Can't get 1V/10V DC linearization constants
CCO constant name is bad
Character string was more than 12 characters
Command not allowed in local
Command only allowed in RS-232/Ethernet
Could not open guard crossing port
Could not open measurement file on USB device
Could not open the ethernet port
Could not save configuration
Could not save MAC address
Could not save network configuration
Data stale
Error occurred reading characters from Ethernet port
Error occurred reading characters from GPIB controller
Error occurred sending characters to the GPIB controller
Error occurred when purging memory
Error opening GPIB Controller
Error setting GPIB Primary Address
Error setting the RTC/System date
Error setting the RTC/System time
Ethernet port not available in Fluke 45 emulation mode
Function/2nd func mismatch
Function/math mismatch
Function/range mismatch
Generic Execution Error
Got out of sequence packet
GPIB Command byte transfer error
GPIB File System Error
GPIB I/O operation aborted (time-out)
GPIB Interface Board has not been addressed properly
GPIB Invalid argument
GPIB No capability for operation
GPIB No present listening devices
GPIB Non-existent GPIB board
GPIB Routine not allowed during asynchronous I/O operation
GPIB Serial poll status byte lost
GPIB Specified GPIB Interface Board is Not Active Controller
GPIB Specified GPIB Interface Board is not System Controller
GPIB SRQ stuck in ON position
GPIB Table problem
Guard crossing link failed to start
Guard crossing restarted
Illegal Data value was entered
Illegal/Unknown NPLC Selection
Illegal/Unknown TRIGGER Selection
Incorrect packet size from inguard
Info packet rec'd; link not active
Inguard Calibration Constant write failed
Inguard not responding (recv)
Inguard not responding (send)
INITiate received but was ignored
Instrument configuration load failed
Instrument configuration store failed
Insufficient memory
Invalid dimensions in a channel list
Invalid parameter
Invalid parameter
Invalid response type from inguard
Invalid secure code
Invalid string data
Invalid suffix in command header
Line too long (greater than 350 characters)
Load reading from file failed
Lost sync with inguard
Math error during calibration
Measurement configuration load failed
Measurement configuration store failed
Measurement data lost
Missing or wrong number of parameters
No entry in list to retrieve
No error
No measurements taken during calibration
Not ACKing my packets
Numeric value is invalid
Numeric value is negative
Numeric value is real
Numeric value overflowed its storage
Overload at input during calibration
Oversize packet rec'd
Parameter is not a boolean type
Parameter is not a character type
Parameter is not a numeric type
Parameter is not an quoted string type
Parameter is not an unquoted string type
Parameter type detection error
Port value is out of range (1024 to 65535)
Present function is invalid for selected command
Quality indicator too low
RS-232 framing/parity/overrun error detected
Secondary function is not enabled
Secure code too long
Self Test Failed
Mode d'emploi
Serial buffer full
Someone forgot to call begin (cal)
Someone forgot to call begin (ICONF)
Someone forgot to call begin (MCONF)
Store reading to file failed
String size is beyond limit
Suffix Error. Wrong units for parameter
Syntax error
Time out while taking data
Timeout error during calibration
Timeout occurred while opening the ethernet port
Too many dimensions to be returned
Too many errors
Tried to set invalid state
Tried to set invalid state
Trigger Deadlock
Trigger ignored (just like 34401)
Unable to access storage memory
Unknown ACK byte
Unknown Calibration Constant
Unknown control byte
Unknown error %d
Unknown Function Selection
Unknown Range Selection
Unmatched bracket
Wizard password is invalid
Wrong ACK number
Wrong number configuration acknowledgement
Wrong type of parameter(s)

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