AOWEREX T500 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (412) 925-7272 Phase Control SCR Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 40-80 Amperes (63-125 RMS) 1600 Volts K DIA. HOLE Г H DIA. HOLE —— CATHODE POTENTIAL RED WHITE —— MARKING 1.055 / 26.80 MM ACROSS FLATS 500-20 UNF - 2A THD. CASE NUMBER T50 STRIKE DISTANCE = .44 INCH / 11.2 MM MIN. NOMINAL DIMENSIONS CREEPAGE DISTANCE = .44 INCH / 11.2 MM MIN, SYM. | A В С D E a G H J K INCHES || .81 .34 .98 1.58 89 | 6.12 48 | .266 | 7.44 | .146 MM || 20.6 | 86 | 24.9 | 40.1 | 22.6 | 155.4 | 12.2 | 6.76 | 189.0 | 3.7! ALL DIMENSIONS ARE REFERENCE T500, TO-94 (Outline Drawing) Also Available with Flag Lead, TO-83 Package Ordering Information: Select the complete part number you desire from the following table: Voltage * Current Turn-off Gate Current Leads VORM & VRRM | Ir(av) tq lar Type (Volts) Code (A) Code | (usec) Code | (mA) Code | Case Code T500 700 07 40 40 100 0 100 5 |TO-94 AQ 800 08 (Typ.) 150 4 900 09 ** 1000 10 80 80 TO-83 AB 1100 11 1200 12 1300 13 1400 14 1500 15 1600 16 * For 600V and Below, see T510 w+ For Lower IgT Consult Factory Example: Type T500 rated at 80A average with Voy = 1600V, IgT = 150MA, and standard flexible lead, order as: Type Voltage Current Turn-off Gate Current Leads T|5/0 0 1 | 6 8 | 0 0 4 А | @ T500 Phase Control SCR 40-80 Amperes (63-125 RMS), 1600 Volts Features: Center Fired, di/namic Gate All Diffused Design Low VTM Compression Bonded Encapsulation Low Thermal Impedance High Surge Current Capability HUHN dada Low Gate Current Applications: [] Phase control [] Motor Control [} Power Supplies P-29 ZOWEREX P-30 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (412) 925-7272 Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 T500 Phase Control SCR 40-80 Amperes (63-125 RMS), 1600 Volts Absolute Maximum Ratings Characteristics Symbol T500 _ 40 T500_ _80 Units RMS Forward Current (rms) 63 125 Amperes Average Forward Current T(av) 40 80 Amperes One-half Cycle Surge Current ITSM 1200 1800 Amperes 3 Cycle Surge Current ITSM 950 1300 Amperes 10 Cycle Surge Current ITSM 800 1170 Amperes Minimum Rate of Rise of On-State Current (Non-repetitive) di/dt 800 800 Amperes/us 12t (for Fusing), > 8.3 milliseconds 124 6000 13500 A2sec Peak Gate Power Dissipation PGM 16 16 Watts Average Gate Power Dissipation PG(av) 3 3 Watts Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to +150 -40 to +150 °C Operating Temperature Ti -40 to +125 -40 to +125 °C Mounting Torque 130 130 17-16 ZOWEREX Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (412) 925-7272 Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 T500 Phase Control SCR 40-80 Amperes (63-125 RMS), 1600 Volts Electrical and Thermal Characteristics Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions T6500 __40 T500__80 Units Current - Conducting State Maximums Forward Voltage Drop VTM Tj = 25°C, It) = 500A 3.7 2.2 Volts Voltage - Blocking State Maximums Rep. Peak Forward Blocking Voltage (Rated Limit) VoRM 1600 1600 Volts Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage (Rated Limit) VRRM 1600 1600 Volts Non-Rep. Trans. Peak Rev. Voltage (Rated Limit) VRSM tos 5.0 msec 1800 1800 Volts Forward Leakage Current IDRM Tj = 125°C, VDRM = Rated 10 10 mA Reverse Leakage Current IRRM T; = 125°C, VRRM = Rated 10 10 mA Switching Typical Turn-off Time tq IT = SOA, dir/dt = 5 A/usec, 100 100 usec reapplied dv/dt = 20V/usec linear to 0.8 VORM: Ti = 125°C Typical Turn-on Time ton IT = 100A, Vp = 100V 4 4 usec Minimum Critical dv/dt Exponential to Vprm dv/dt T;=125°C 300 300 V/usec Thermal Maximum Resistance, Junction to Case Re(j-c) 0.28 0.28 °C/Watt Maximum Resistance, Case to Sink (Lubricated) = Re(c-s) 0.12 0.12 °C/Watt Gate - Maximum Parameters Gate Current to Trigger IGT Ti = 25°C, Vp = 12V (See Ordering Information) mA Gate Voltage to Trigger VGT Ti = 25°C, Vp = 12V 3 3 Volts Non-Triggering Gate Voltage VGDM T = 125°C, VDRM = Rated 0.15 0.15 Volts Peak Forward Gate Current IGTM 4 4 Amperes Peak Reverse Gate Voltage VGRM 5 5 Volts P-31 NE 48 di ¿6 “La "ne e Arde - 2° "+ A a Q `* : » E ; * 5 = 5 E E 3 8 o o © | = E 0 = - & Oo o Е vs v ® te Ss a u 5 5 , o v € eu E ® > = 6 5 a > 2 2 - Е 2 a ® — e РЕК N e AY : 5 N à © а : = 5 € is \ $ e E! : E = |} | Bes ; 3 < e. : . 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Pep 3... o o Vaid x ea x da > ; Aa saves «< В+ Фет + Tow > » : = + rt + © de * FE „= мы Q e ay м t + “ - ; E La o geo E + + ; и ra A + я dx ; 1° 23 3 : - = #1 + > 2 Cr $ JE ; : - Cl : EEE 3 € . > . of ied ej es . st ть + va ekg tow o oF gti +. - : ‘ * * 1 qe Na ao fp pe $ roches 0e me + dpa a! ot ; © “is > $: cb A и H E * - + ™ e. a. : 3 Beben + A N ; a à FR ; rs * ‘ += + ..p{ + | я ; a > и > ; fal tada 2 . i a . избы фо). Lada bh. .. + L - “dd - ; ret i : | : ! Fy =. ty ad es al ! . e. e... he y y - a eed : - ' + i € x - 7 4 à 4 j € » * , + У.“ > i i "4 Y } bode т + ; > A 440° de 20 + ; + + ; Average Forward Current, Amperes Maximum Case Temperature VS. Forward Current Maximum Case Temperature VS. Forward Current i OLE 0 0 2 8 120 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (412) 925-7272 130 120 10 - 00 90 80 Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 pra bike Ae я > ow 4 - ; . bi how be e. > al A A à a , - NO 4 4 1 Má id à ; Е + — : A ‘+ a . Ё += E ECO deso Ll N . + - « pu N A AAA ES y > Creu de © TE PTE * * » “et = Pr ; “1 ; ; E a perrera : , bc. ©. ; - a p : > a aC lar @ A 4: > » = < à - -@ a - + DE ee - - 7 “ie j о big a ч O tara . | 7 X 4 . E Re TS: on * . а > > ti E ie wn wn dat N fo ms 5 ; —- «€. + . то КРАЕ TS 87 A - © sre es ed + < Era + - . . ; Dodd y ; ) L Qu pre SV Ea hehe a mapeo + et Corre > à sota A ame 07 o ' pp + jrpinios + Rul те VIH ARR A Be Ste pe a ape ow +. © UC TOTS 2 t ` 1 TE «ф . Cee „4 ot 4 bd à « + Le pb Let eh sa 0 ati. Й N . — Феб зоо нон кн фа. К > -. Фо герое фен Вне ток фев a Ray © неф. o - f pit : 3 mis se ow ве фо ro = x Pa sed pa ind =} i ” ; Oo = «© ii 4 + $dom on , 5 vk aq ob - + . pa : Ter a + me fet e = 3 +... x ~ Nr a EA Y Yi . Deen Seh acht bd fot ee pigs bs bee ew ra» ne rai + ura dio these! .. Ta 1 DT rd тет qi Dr. „Fir: pea ‘ O Y ws. Kb ve be ipa oi Li! à; tie deed 1 creer AA estra tad ; тео ; : ! ; 0 L ; . : te : à + 2 pd Pi ba Ra ied ee po this shen) Pee. eh "E + es ara it RUE Pd, ET, RD, Lge ci i ih e D ‘ ip seid Less hga ct”: реж. . . + ++ bono. pide the « qei 444 ; i x Do „3 + > : : : w Q ba РВВ ВЕ вл уф вере de eta pe i Pad A. >» NETO 7 a] : As Da EA TR “a e. - . . : . - DE efipibiiado hicpia iio dedito rea: Do веет то ОВ тай Q < ahd Rr det dems me a eo dea E Bm Sd a. + - o ’ YE по $4! > ? + ; x . : Pa о © 3 <, 1600 Volts Jo 'SinIVIedusa | ese Jo 'TINIBIOdUEA; eE Average Forward Current, Amperes Average Forward Current, Amperes P-32 ZOWNEREX Powerex, Inc., Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (412) 925-7272 Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 T500 Phase Control SCR 40-80 Amperes (63-125 RMS), 1600 Volts Maximum Case Temperature VS. Forward Current Maximum Power Dissipation VS. Forward Current 130 °C - 110 Case T 5 Maximum Power Dissipation, Watts 0 - + о о 20 40 во 80 о 20 40 60 80 Average Forward Current, Amperes Average Forward Current, Amperes Maximum Case Temperature VS. Forward Current Maximum Power Dissipstion Vs. Forward Current ERE ER Re = suit TF E: po—200 118 рее ea FRET EL Sri 250 El on TEST “iZ 9 FERRE Mt ra » rehire ths $ aaa 105 ma poe EE ba ; 200 Eu IE rado $ FELIPE 5 " FEE E” i Ё ‚78 3 3 50 0 0. 20 40 | 0 120 140 160 о 20 60 8 | 120 Average Forward Current, Amperes | oo ; — Average Forward Current, Amperes P-33 Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 Powerex, Inc., Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697 (412) 925-7272 T500 Phase Control SCR 40-80 Amperes (63-125 RMS), 1600 Volts Transient Thermal Impedance VS. Time Maximum Forward Voltage VS. Forward Current EE 4% E L&E e. 4 - 8 =]: — E UT. . == = TTY Cee Жен A U. т 2 . = x= La E . - - at - LE = —— - - — - TENE bei = ew nes — > mo. o e = т Lo. - a mme ar E - . E po - ; -— Aa . . «фо ост - T - - . ‘| : O тт a E a fou pin — ee “ o] $ Pon E | De mm mem em ko енот Зент с; ” ce bw 1310 1 seca — ее : aras EZ +. = ` no +4 — - © a — —— X la fpr. ra ~~ = . - - - *.— ¥ ——— ça = —- — Ja enn + Pose ps ew ЧИ -— > +. - - $ ._— a... a mim Ween [RY 22 - 01 Time... Seconds 8 $ 2 8. nem/5. 49 87 ‘6887 0} VONdUNM зоиврейш ¡RUE 5K 10K 50 100 200 500 1K 2K CE À 10 20 Forward Current. Irm.Peak Amperes 2 1 O - m N - o SHOA “Lado. eBeyoA p»emvos wnwineW P-34 ">

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